HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONDO CONVERSION 10-20-82OATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 20, 1982 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor & City Council Community Development Director Addendum - Status of Windsor Gardens Condominium Conversion On Firday, October 15 at 2:30 p.m., Ms. Betty Wagner called regarding the relocation status of ten units occupied by military personnel. Cai-State told her the occupants of three of the units were eligible for relocation benefits as no waivers were on file. This was confirmed by a call to Steve Price of Cai-State. The units, tenants and status are as follows: Unit Tenant(s) Status B-4 O'Neil Waiver A-1 Burns Eligible D-4 Little/Fox Waiver D-6 Orosco Waiver E-4 Anderson Waiver I-3 Kenne~ Eligible J-1 E. Thomas Eligible K-2 Rios Waiver N-4 Dover Waiver 0-3 Lisck Waiver Mr. Price informed us of the seven having signed waivers, two have given notice with one being a transfer. He also provided a breakdown of the thirteen vacancies which have occurred since commencement of construction. Six relocated because of the conversion, one bought a mobilehome, one bought a house, two moved because units were two small, one moved out of state, one was a military transfer and one a pay or quit notice. Other than a pay or quit notice, no tenants have been given an eviction notice. Ms. Wagner informed staff we mu receive letter communication from military personnel requesting relocation assistance, provided by Cai-State, regardless of waivers signed. Cai-State, via Mr. Price, indicated that such a precendent should not be set as the relocation plans for Windsor (70 units) and the California (296 units) are the same and, if applied to all tenants having signed waivers, would result in costs in the hundreds of thousands. Cai-State's position would be that such waivers should be contested legally by the tenants, if believed invalid, rather than by request to Council to modify the provisions of Ordinance 822 and the relocation plans. Especially in light of the fact that other conversions which are completed operated under the same procedures. INCOME PROPE..;Y- o PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - TAX SHELTERS STATE ASSOCIATES, INC. 23639 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD, SUITE 102 TORRANCE. CA90505 532-9100 373-9751 October 19, 1982 Michael W. Brotemarkle City of Tustin Community Development Dept. 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 RE: Windsor Gardens - 1651 Mitchell Deaa' Mike: I would like to take a minute to review some of the problems we've bad with the tenants at the Windsor Gardens. On August 2, 1982, we had a ground breaking ceremony. Two days later we established a security fence around the concrete parking structure in the rear of the project and we regraded the front parking lot. This increased the p~rking area from 22 cars to approximately 55 cars. We have contacted the local apartments and conmmrcial parking lots in an effort to get addi- tional spaces. We have also requested the traffic depaz-tment to release our side of Mitchell from the no parking zone. In order to maintain as much parking as possible, we divided our grading operations into two phases. The first phase consisted of demolishing 8 car- ports. During this phase of grading, attempts were made to keep the children out of the parking area where the grading trucks were driving. After numerous appeals failed, we fenced off the driveway area and provided gates into the center of the project for controlled access. Even while access was being provided tenants were tearing down the security fence. Shortly thereafter we fenced the entire parking area and started our second phase of grading and demolition. The tenants continued to tear down the security fences during this period. On September 16, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. a fire was deliberately started in one of the trash dumpsters. Two days later we hired a fire watch and security ~a~d. Ten days later, on September 26, 1982 at 7:30 p.m., the irrigation line on the east side of the project was kicked in shutting down the water system. Two days later, September 28th, someone broke into the construction area and turned on the fire hydrant at 7:00 in the evening. Page 2 October 19, 1982 A~in on September 30, 1982 at 6:30 p.m., someone broke into the con- struction area between the guard's rounds and took a rock and broke the water main. Ca& State has gone out of their way to provide a safe place to work and live. Wetve altered our construction schedule and sequence so as to provide the lease Amount of inconvenience for the tenants and hired a specialist, Steve Price, to work with them on their problems. Enclosed you will find copies of the w~tc~man's log. Should you have any questions on the above, please contact me. Very truly yours, Edward A. Brinck EA~:Js Enclosures J"TERNATtONAL CITY SECJJRIT"v TIME DATE /~'"' [ - ~ 2. OBSERVE ,7 P:'~FORT ~HO, ~HAT.,. WHEN., ~HERE.~ NHY REL I EVED BY ~A. Dr:E ,,'~___ ~E¥S ...... CLOCY ..... DATE i/HEN,, NHERE.~ WHY '"" RELIEVED ~E¥~ ..... ....~LOCY ..... INTERNATIONAL CITY $~CAJRI'TY TIME OBSERVE ,~ ;.~ORT WHO~ WHAT~ WHEN~ WHERE~ ~HY RELIEVE3 BY GN~URE INTERNATIONAk CITY SECURITY 2!3-430-75q8 '~ ~' v ~ 0G FROMm,' ~ ~TO 5'.BO~OFF I C~R do,s~/~ ~, ,~, DATE TIME OBSERVE ,~' ~::F.'FORT WHO~ WHAT~ WHEN~ WHERE~ WHY ~','3o o F-F O,,,,,-f ] . RELIEVED BY ~ADGE ~,~ JCEYS:. __ _..cLc~cY 213-430-75q8 D,,~I LY LOS F ROi',?J.>c/~TO5-'>~ ~ OFF I CER _ ACCOUNT ~'"/~'d~'"~ ~/cC~ C 71~7'-2020 DATE/~' .~"- TIFiE I / 7:.3 c, OBSERVE o., REPORT WHO., WHAT.. 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R EL~'-¢ '-S" -S INTERNATIONAL CITY SECJJRI'TY .213-430-7548 ~ !_LY LOG FROM~3OPTO$:3a,z}OFFICER ,J'oSe/oA/ ~, ~~ DATE/o- TIME OBSERVE ~; '~FORT WHO) WHAT). WHEN~ WHERE) WHY INTERNATIONAL. CITY 213-430-7548O), [ LY LOG FROM,5:3~ ProS:~o~OFFICER ~os~pL ~, TIME /~,'$0 SE~,IJR IITy DATE /o.-//- ~c ~ OBSERVE ,; ';~ORT WHO~ WHAT, WHEN~ WHERE~ WHY },'3b "7, RELI EVE~ BY J~ADGr,:_ f~_.. .KEYS ..... 213-430-7548 FROM_~O~.5~ ~l OFFICER '"TER~,TIONAL CITY SECURITY D,~_LLY LO~ ?14-827-2~ BADGE # DATE ]/9 TIME OBSERVE ~ REPORT WHO, WHAT~ WHEN~ WHERE, WHY RELIEVED BY YOUR SIGNATURE BADGE t~ ....... KEYS. J .... _(:.LOCK_./ I~ELI E~° S-'-~ i GNAI'URE .......... ,LT,'R,,ATtOr~,,_ CITY SECURITy' ~-.-,,-.~.7:,,o ~: ~ v FRo M~_:~TO 5".1o A OFFICER ACCOUNT ~t~Xo ~ 714-827-2020 BADGE DATE TIME OBSERVE & REPORT WHO, WHAT,'WHEN; WHERE, WHY RELIEVED BY /J,,O YOUR $1GNATURE BADGE t~ ...........KEYS. --I £LOCK_z~_ RELI E~'-S---~'i GNAI'URE .............. .!~'TE,t~!';ATIONAL LIP,' ,e, ECURiTy k'",J LV L,;2:.~