HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 11 09
9, 1953, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Jerome C. Kidd, W. L.
Tadlock and Arthur O. Park.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting te order at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a let-
ter from Willis H. Warner, Chairman of the Board of Super-
visors, inviting representatives of the City of Tustin
to attend a ground breaking ceremony at the site of the
new Healthy Department Building, 8th & Ross Streets, Santa
Ana, on November 16, 1953, at 10:00 A. M. Also a letter
from City Attorney Nisson requesting the City to purchase
two volumns Deerings Codes Streets and Highways, Annotated,
at a cost of $23.18, for the use of the City Attorney.
Also a letter from the California Division of Highways
in regard to a Public Hearing relative to the proposed
Freeway parallel to Tustin Avenue. Council authorized Mr.
Nisson to reply stating that the Public Hearing as pro-
posed by the County will be considered a hearing for the
City also and that the City of Tustin plans to be repre-
sented at this hearing. A communication from the League
of California Cities was presented which stated that
their membership dues have been increased from $75.00
to $90.00 per year.
DEERINGS Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
CODES TO Kidd and duly carried, the Clerk was authorized to pur-
BE PURCHASED chase the two volumns of Deerings Codes Streets and High-
ways as requested by City Attorney Nisson.
"SCHOOL The Clerk stated that upon authority of Councilman Kidd
CAUTION" a Purchase Order has been issued for two Winko-Matic
SIGNS TO "School Caution" signs to be installed on First Street,
BE PURCHASED East and West of "B" Street.
The matter of insufficient street lighting in some lo-
cations was discussed and Councilmen Park and Kidd
agreed to undertake a tour of inspection with Street
Superintendent Johansen at an early date.
The matter of lack of water pipe as required by the
Tustin Water Works which is delaying the improvement
of Myrtle, Pasadena and Second Streets was also dis-
cussed by the Council.
Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock and duly carried, City Engineer McBride was
authorized to sign and submit to the State Division of
Highways a Project Statement rebudgeting the $2100.00
balance in the Main Street Project 18, improvement, to
the Maintenance Fund.
Upon request of Tustin's Civil Defense Commander B. R.
Woodill, Mayor Humeston brought up the matter of an
Air Raid Siren and suggested that the present City
Hall Fire Siren could be regulated as such. Council
authorized Mr. Woodill to inquire into the cost of a
Siren approved by the Federal Government and to report
at the next meeting.
COLLINGE Councilman Park brought up the matter of Mr. E. B. Col-
ASSESSMENT linge protest in regard to the 1953-54 assessment of the
TO BE equipment located in his property at 200 South "D" St.,
ADJUSTED Tustin, and stated that the County has adjusted their
assessment on the above equipment from 9,020 to 6,760,
or a reduction of 2,260. Upon motion of Councilman Park,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and carried, Council au-
thorized a reduction in the City's assessment of
Collinge's equipment from 11,120 to 8,860 to conform to
the correction in the County Tax rolls with the stipu- -~
lation that after Mr. Collinge has paid his
taxes as billed that he be refunded the difference of
$20.34 caused by the error in valuation.
Councilman Park moved that City Engineer McBride be au-
thorized to sign a Work Order for the County to clean
out certain gutters and storm drains within the City
to be designated by Mr. McBride. Seconded by Councilman
Kidd the motion duly carried.
Engineer McBride informed the Council as to the size
and capacity of the lines of the proposed Tustin Sewer
System. He submitted a detailed map of the same which
was studied by the Council and stated that he would sub-
mit the complete cost figures within the near future.
Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and carried, Civil Defense Commander Woodill was
authorized to order 1000 copies of Air Raid Instructions
from the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., to be distributed in Tustin and vicinity.
Ordinance Ordinance No. 89 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordin-
No. 89 ance No. 71 (Sec. 5B)" was presented by City Attorney
Introduced Nisson and read by him to the Council in its entirety.
Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock and duly carried, the first reading of Ordin-
ance No. 89 was approved.
Police Commissioner Kidd stated that he would check
into a bill presented by the Tustin Texaco Service in
regard to their charges of $1.75 each for lubrication
and washing of the Police Cars. He also agreed to talk
with Police Chief Johansen in regard to purchases being
made without first obtaining approval and a Purchase
BILLS Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
man Park and carried, the following bills were examined
and ordered paid as approved.
The Tustin News 58.25
Seaside Oil Co. 119.70
Western Union Telegraph Co. .70
Orange County Blueprint Shop .78
Federal Reserve Bank of S. F. 299.21
John F. Wardlaw 7.16
State Compensation Ins. Fund 843.41
Dudley C. Kiser 22.00
First National Bank of Tustin 108.03
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
J. L. McBride 25.00
J. L. McBride 100.00
Carson & Golding 33.17
A. N. Crain, M.D. 10.00
Electronic Supply Corporation 10.83
Walt's Garage 96.12
George F. Cake Co. 27.40
Tustin Hardware Co. 5.77
Tustin Brake & Wheel Alignment 1.50
Bender Moss Co. 23.18
TOTAL $1,795.71
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Park,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
Samuel C. Penington
City Clerk