HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 10 13 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY , COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1953, AT 7:35 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humesten, W. L. Tadlock, Jerome C. Kidd and Arthur O. Park. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Frank E. Bacon, Jr., CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mayor Humeston announced that the first business to be taken up was the request to rezone Blocks "B" and "C" of Tustin City Tract, bounded by First Street, Second Street, Pacific Street and "A" Street. Bud Hannaford was present and stated that he was not present at the first hearing before the Planning Commission and he requested enlight- enment as to what constitutes a Public Hearing. He was answered by City Attorney Nisson and the matter was dis- cussed at length. Mayor Humeston read a letter from Mr. C. R. Browning opposing the requested change from R-1 (Single Family Dwelling Zone) to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling ZoneT. Mrs. Helene Nelson was present and stated that in her opinion the Planning Commission should be more lib- eral in the matter of rezoning and not chase business out of Tustin. Councilman Kidd proposed extending the C-1 (Local Commercial Zone) in the North portion of Block "C" to include all of Bud Hannafords property and leave the balance of the Block as R-l (Single Family Dwelling Zone). There was no reply to this proposal. REZONING Councilman Park moved to declare the Hearing closed. HEARING Seconded by Councilman Tadlock the motion duly carried. CLOSED Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a let- ter from Major General C. F. Schilt, Commanding El Toro Marine Base, in which he thanked Mayor Humeston for his assurance of cooperation of Tustin's Law Enforcement Agency relative to illegal flying, etc., by Marine Corps personel. Also a letter from the California Division of Highways in which they acknowledge receipt of a copy of Resolution No. 349 which embodies a request for a turn- off from the Santa Ana Freeway onto "D" Street and New- port Avenue in which they state that their construction plans have been completed and do not include a turn-off at this point as requested. Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and carried, this letter was acknowledged as received and ordered filed. The lack of a reply from the State Highway Department in regard to the City's letter requesting permission to erect two "School Caution" signs one block East and one block West of the crossing at First and "B" Streets was discussed and it was decided to wait for further develop- ments in the matter. Mayor Humeston mentioned the possibility of the City being represented at the meeting of the California League of Cities at San Francisco on October 19, 20 and 21. Councilman Tadlock stated that he may decide to attend. Councilman Kidd stated that he plans to go to Nevada on October 16 and will return about November 1st. Upon mo- tion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Park and carried, Councilman Kidd was granted permission to be absent from the State for two weeks beginning October 16th. Councilman Park stated that the County has made repairs, due to slippage, in the new paving at Sixth and "B" Sts. DELAY IN Councilman Park also stated that the delay in paving and PAVING in the improvement of Myrtle, Second and Pasadena Streets MYRTLE ST., is entirely due to the lack of receipt of new water pipe ETC. to be installed by the Tustin Water Works. City Attorney Nisson stated that he will write a letter to Mr. Ira E. Price, 535 W. Main St., Tustin, relative to the objection and complaints of other citizens regard- ing his keeping of bees on his premises and that he will request Mr. Price to remove the bees from the City. The City Clerk requested and was authorized to have the grass plots in front of the City HalI renovated at the proper time. The matter of the application for rezoning of Blocks "B" and "C", Tustin City Tract, was again brought up and dis- cussed by the Council members. Upon motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman Park and carried, City At- torney Nisson was authorized to prepare an Ordinance re- zoning parts of Block "C", of Tustin City Tract. BILLS Upon presentation of the following bills they were ap- proved and ordered paid upon motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman Park and carried. Director Internal Revenue $399.07 Calif. Department of Employment 128.15 A. N. Crain, M. D. 10.00 Tustin Food Center 1. 54 Orange County Highway Dept. 34.07 Hardy & Harper 217.59 Tustin Hardware Co. 6.17 Luther Miller 2.00 Seaside Oil Company 66.58 Carson & Golding 43.26 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 Walt ' s Garage 174.07 James A. Musick, Sheriff .60 Davis Stationers 4.47 Dudley C. Kiser 26.00 Associated Chambers of Commerce 10.00 Adams & Helm 81.05 Kleen-Line Corporation 17.52 Utilities (Fire Hall & City HAll) 70.90 Evelyn Murphy 10.00 The Tustin News 4.00 TOTAL $1,310.54 The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilmm Kidd, seconded by Councilman Park and duly carried. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor Samuel C. Penington City Clerk