HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 TRANS DEV ACT PGM 11-15-82A GENDA NO. 8 ////._,~/~,~, 11-15-82 DATE:NOVEMBER B, lntee-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT PROGRAM- APPROVAL OF PROJECT AND CLAIM FOR "PROGRAM" FUNDS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, at its meeting of November 15, 1982, adopt a Minute Order approving the construction of the handicapped ramps as outlined below and authorizing the City Engineer as designated contact person and also authorize the submittal of the application for all funds available to the City of Tustin for fiscal year 1982-83. BACKGROUND: As established by SB 821, 2% of each county's total local transportation fund is annually set aside to fund the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The City, in order to receive its share of said funds, must: 1. Approve said project 2. Approve the claim for said funds The City's fair share allocation is $9,486.00 and is proposed to be utilized to construct handicapped ramps at the following street intersection locations: 1. Red Hill and Mitchell 2. Red Hill and Nisson 3. Red Hill and San Juan 4. Red Hill and Lance 5. Red Hill and Bryan 6. Red Hill and Olwyn (4 each) (3 each) (3 each) (4 each) (4 each) (2 each) BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER db cc: City Clerk Finance Director SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERI~,-NTS TDA BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CLAIM - ARTICLE 3 CHECKLIST OF [TE~ TO BE FIL£D FY 1982-83 Claimant: City of Tustin Oate: November 10, 1982 The items checked below are enclosed in connection With the claim filed herein: X X X 3. X 4. x 5. Nontranstt Claim Form See instructions for c~leting the form in the instruction package. Financial Reportin~q Form See instructions for con~leting the form in the instruction package. Pendinq Project Schedule See instructions for completing Schedule 8-3 in the instruction package. Project Information Form See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package. Goveminq Bod~ Authorization Submit a certified copy of a resolution or minute order. See SCAG TDA Guide, Section 1.4.2. X 6. Project Map See IuA Guide Section 4.5. m Other - Optional Additional exhibits are enclosed as listed below: SCAG/TDA 3/82 F f~C, AL YEAR: CLAIMANT: COUNTY LTF: 1982 - 83 City of Tustin Orange PURPOSE: (Check one box only) ~[X) Article 3, Puc Section 99234 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities ( ) Article 8, Puc Section 99400a Local Streets and Roads ( ) Article 8, Puc Section gg400a Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities DETAIL OF REQUES~O ALLOCATION: 1. Pa~nnent from Unallocated Funds 2. P~yment from Fu~j-Re~erved in- th~ to~4-T~an~oor~-a~rf'OW- ~bnd DATE: November 10, 1982 PAYMENT ~ECIPIENT: City of Tustin (Claimant) 300 Centennial Way (MmilingAddress) Tustin, CA 92580 {City and Zip Code) Director of Public Works Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer [Attention-Name and Title) Bob Ledendecker (714) 544-8890 Contact person: Phone no. A UNr $9,486..00 -0- 3. Total Allocation R~quested CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available, and to the' provision that such monies will be used on)y in accordance with the all ocatiOw instructions. $9,486.00 AUTHORIZING SiGNATUR~CLAIMANT'S CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR OR FINANCIAL ~~~OFF CER) ~ / (Print Name and Title) CTC [J~ ONLY 1. DATE APPROVED 2. SIGNED: 1. CLAIM NO. 2. DATE APPROVED FOR PAYM~NI FOR RESE.~I/E 3. ALLOCAI'ION N~ER BY: SCAG/~A 3/82 SCAG USE ONLY Cl aimant: Project )lame: Project Type: Bicycle Facility (') Bike Lane (Class II) ( ) Bike Path (Class I) ( ) ot er (specify) BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITI£S CLAIM Pro..ct Info~nmtion Form FY ~982-83 Cit.v of Tus~in 2~ ~te: November ~0, ~982 Fiscal Year ~982-83 Handicapped Ramp Construction Program Pedestrian Facil ity ( ) Side~alk (X) Handicapped side~alk ramps ( ) Otl~e (specify) Project Location/Limits: Red Hill and Mitchell, Red Hill and Nisson, Red Hill and San Juan, Rea Hl ll eno Lance, Red Hl ll and Bryan, and Red Hlll and O1 wyn. Project Budget: COSTS Preliminary £ngtnee~tng and Design: Right-of-Way Acqut si tton: Construction: TOTAL PRO~£CT COST: 9,486.00 $ 9,486.00 REYENUE T~ansport~tion Development Act: Other : TOTAL PRO~ECT REVENUES: 9,486.00 9,486.00 7. Estimated Star'ting Date (nmnth/yeer): 8. Estimated Collation Date (m/year): 9. Does project involve multiple governmental ju~$dictions? If yes, identify participating agencies. 10. Project Description (Use additional sheets as necessary.} Within 90 days after receipt of (unds 30 days after start of construction. Yes No X SCAG/T~A 3/82 Red Hill and Mitchell (4 each) 2. Red Hill and Nisson (3 each) 3. Red Hill and San Juan (3 each} 4. Red Hill and Lance {i eachI 5. Red Hill and Bryan each 6. Red Hill and Olwyn each GOVERNMENT BODY AUTHORIZATION (COPY OF ADOPTED MINUTE ORDER) !