HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 07 27 1'02
1953, AT 7:35 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Arthur O. Park, Frank
E. Bacon, Jr., and Wintford L. Tadlock.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M.
Minutes of the meeting of July13 were read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a Bul-
letin from the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Orange
County announcing their next monthly membership banquet
to be held at Sam's Seafood Spa on Tuesday evening, July
28. Also a reply from the State Board of Equalization
acknowledging receipt of a protest from the Tustin City
Council relating to the issuance of an Alcoholic Beverage
Licenses as applied for by Charles Mitchell, 165 "D" St.,
Tustin, stating that notice will be given of the date,
time and place of hearing.
Counciiman Tadlock stated that he had contacted both
Building Inspector Broomell and Dudley Kiser and that
they heve agreed to work together relative to future in-
spections to the end that Mr. Kiser may become familiar
with the details of Building, Plumbing and Electrical
CITY GRADER Street Comissioner Park presented a check from Hardy
ORDERED & Harper in the amount of $77.00 in payment of eleven
SOLD TO hours rent of the City's Motor Grader at $7.00 per hour.
HARDY & He also presented a letter from Hardy & Harper offering
HARPER to purchase the Grader at a price of One thousand Fifty
($1050) Dollars. On motion of Councilman Park, seconded
by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried, it was decided
to accept the above offer and sell the Grader to Hardy
& Harper at the price offered.
BROOMELL George A. Broomell was present and presented an affi-
REQUESTS davit in support of h~s request f~ tax relief relative
REDUCED to his property at 440 South Pacific Street, to the City
ASSESSMENT Council now sitting as a Board of Equalization, which
was read to the Council by Mayor Humeston. Mr. Broomell
submitted cost figures and outlined his reasons for re-
questing a reduction in assessed valuation. City Attorney
Nisson stated that Mr. Broomell's request should be sup-
ported by facts as to the valuation of his property in
relation to the valuations placed on other comparable
properties within the City. Mr. Broomell requested that
a thorough investigation of all the facts be made and
stated that he would endeavor to justify his request
for a reduction in assessment to the best of his ability.
Councilman Park moved to continue the Council's sitting
as a Board of Equalization to and including August 10,
1953, Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion duly car-
RUBOTTOM William A. Rubottom was present and presented his letter
RESIGNS of resignation from the Tustin Police Department which
FROM was read to the Council and ordered filed on motion of
POLICE DEPT. Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilmm Bacon and
H. Louis Hanson, of Hanson & Peterson, Auditors, present-
ed the Annual Report of City Finances for the fiscal year
1952-1953 and discussed the same with the Council.
On Minute Order of Councilman Tadlock the City Clerk was
instructed to request Mr. W. S. Leinberger, City Treas-
urer, to be present at the Council meeting of August 10.
Mrs. Ruth Pickinstein, of 440 "D" Street, was present
and requested permission to engage in Palmistry, Card
Reading and Fortune Telling at the above address. Upon
motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Tad-
lock and carried, the Clerk was authorized to issue her
a Business License for this purpose at the rate of $5.00
per day.
City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 344 en-
titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Tustin Fixing and Determining the Amount of Money Nec-
essary to be Raised by Taxation Upon the Taxable Prop-
erty Within the City of Tustin and Revenue to Carry On
the Various Departments of Said City for the Fiscal Year
1953-1954" which was read by title only on motion of
Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Bacon and
RESOLUTION On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
NO 344 Park and duly carried, Resolution No. 344 was adopted.
Engineer McBride presented a letter which was read to
the Council by Mayor Humeston certifying to completion
of Hardy & Harper's contract for grading and paving "B"
Street, from Main to Sixth Street, and recommended that
the work be accepted.
RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 345 en-
NO. 345 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City
ADOPTED of Tustin Accepting and Approving the Improvement of
"B" Street, from Main Street to Sixth Street, Project
No. 19, and Ordering Payment therefor" which was read
by title only and adopted on motion of Councilman Park,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
Councilman Bacon reported that the Tustin Elementary
School District has caused to be removed and has paid
for the removal of the limb of a sycamore tree that fell
on the school grounds. This action was taken due to the
fact that said tree was almost entirely on school prop-
erty. He also reported that a large sycamore tree im-
mediately West of the above mentioned tree which is
entirely on City property and in a dangerous condition
and that the California Tree Service has offered to
top, shape and cut off a large limb for $100.00. Also
that the California Tree Service will remove six wal-
nut trees on the East side of "B" Street, North of
Second Street, for $144.00. On motion of Councilman
Bacon, seconded by Councilman Park and duly carried,
Councilman Bacon was authorized to arrange with the
California Tree Service to do this work at the above
quoted prices.
The City Clerk was authorized to obtain three estim-
ates for printing the entire text of Ordinance No. 71,
to award same to the lowest bidder and to have the
work completed, upon motion of Councilman Park, sec-
onded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried.
PURCHASE OF Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Coun-
24 FOLDING cilman Park and carried, Police Chief Johansen was
CHAIRS authorized to purchase 24 Metal Folding Chairs at
AUTHORIZED $3.50 each as per sample chair shown to the Council
Chief Johansen was requested to secure a sample cushion
for possible use in the eight chairs used at the Coun-
cil Table.
PITTSENBARGER Letters from Police Commissioner Kidd and Police Chief
HIRED AS Johansen relative to the proposed hiring of Ernest Pitts-
POLICE enbarger as a Tustin Police Officer at a starting sal-
OFFICER ary of $280.00 per month were presented and were read
aloud by the Clerk. Councilman Bacon moved not to ac-
cept the recommendations as contained in the above let-
ters. There was no second. Councilman Park moved that
Mr. Kidd's letter recommending the hiring of Mr. Pitts-
enbarger be filed. There was no second. Councilman Tad-
lock moved that Police Chief Jobarisen be authorized to
hire Ernest Pittsehbarger at a starting salary of $280.00
per month, Councilman Park seconded the motion which was
duly carried. Councilman Bacon voting No.
Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
man Park and carried, the City Clerk was authorized to
hire a Janitor for the City Hall Building. Councilman
Bacon voted No.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded
by Councilman Park and carried.
The Tustin News $ 4.00
Stein's Stationery Store 3.92
W. S. Leinberger 15.25
Seaside Oil Co. 42.94
Klein-Line Corporation 23.01
Clerk's Petty Cash Fund 28.03
Brandon Manufacturing Co. 10.69
Max Hiebet 15.44
Leon Humphrey 11.84
Kenneth Jones 10.72
Tustin Fire Department 76.04
Hardy & Harper 3146.21
Hardy & Harper 371.80
Or. Co. Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. 350.00
TOTAL $4109.89
Councilman Park moved to adjourn. Councilman Bacon sec-
onded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
Samuel C. Penington
City Clerk