HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 07 13 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1953, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Jerome C. Kidd, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and Wintford L. Tadlock. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Arthur O. Park CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr,, was present, The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:30 P. M. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Orville I. Northrup was present at this meeting of the Council as an interested spectator and was introduced to the members by Mayor Humeston. Mayor Humeston read a letter from Building Inspector George A. Broomell regarding the possibility of his resig- nation. Council discussed the matter of a possible succes- sor to that position and the name of Dudley Kiser was pre- sented. Councilman Tadlock agreed to contact both Mr. Broomell and Mr. Kiser and to report at the next meeting. COUNCIL Mayor Humeston presented a copy of an application by OPPOSES Charles Mitchell, as submitted by the State Board of Equal- MITCHELL ization, for an Off-Sale Beer and Wine License at 165 "D" LIQUOR Street. Mrs. C. E. Utt was present and read a prepared pro- test to the granting of this license. Upon motion of Coun- cilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly car- ried, Council went on record as opposing the granting of LICENSE this license on the basis that there are now several Off- APPLICATION Sale Licenses in effect in Tustin and that No. 165 "D" Street is within one and one-half blocks of the Elemen- tary School. Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the Orange County Builders Association in which it is requested that the Mayors of all incorporated cities in Orange County desig- nate the week of September 20 to September 26, 1953, as "National Home Week." Council discussed the request and decided that Mayor Humeston should use his own pleasure in the matter, after withdrawal of a motion made by Coun- cilman Tadlock and seconded by Councilman Bacon. The matter of appointing a successor to Max E. Sagraves, recently resigned from the Plannlng Commission was dis- cussed. Councilman Tadlock suggested that the matter be given further consideration and acted on at a later meeting. The matter of a possible sale of the City owned Grader, also the fact that Hardy & Hatper are now using the Grader on the Sixth Street paving project was discussed. Councilman Tadlock suggested that the matter be held over until the return of Street Commissioner Park. EFFIE Mayor Humeston submitted the matter of Mrs. Effie P. CHRISTENSEN Christensen, of 168 North "C" Street, who turned in a BILLED false fire alarm on June 28 which was discussed by the $25.00 FOR Council. Upon motion of Councilman Ktdd, seconded by FALSE FIRE Councilman Bacon and duly carried, it was agreed that ALARM the City bill Mrs. Christensen in the amount of $25.00 as the approximate cost of answering the run by the Fire Department. $4,547-67 City Engineer McBride presented $50.00 in cash and six COLLECTED checks totaling $4,547.57 from property owners bene- FOR BUNDY fitting by the construction of curbs and sidewalks in RESUBDIVISION the Bundy Resubdivision Tract as follows: Dream Homes, CURBS AND Inc., $3,228.57; Sydney Y. Gregory, $50.00; May Rose SIDEWALKS Borum and Sam Borum, $150.00; J. D. and Carolyn Campbell, $212.00; Neal C. McClintock, $707.00; Irene O. Preble, $150.00; A. L. Meinhold, $50.00. Upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried, the City Clerk was authorized to accept the above mentioned checks and to issue individual receipts for the same. PAVING Upon recommendation of City Engineer McBride the con- CONTRACT tract for the improvement of Pasadena, Myrtle and Second AWARDED TO Streets was awarded to the low bidder, R. J. Noble Co., R. J. NOBLE upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council- CO. man Bacon and carried. Mayor Humeston suggested that Tustin's Civil Defense Commander B. R. Woodill be requested to write letters informing the heads of the various Civil Defense Divis- ions that the Tustin organization is still active and that a meeting of the key personnel of the organization would perhaps be in order. Councilman Bacon reported that the limb of a sycamore tree has fallen and damaged the Elementary School fence. Mr. Bacon agreed to find someone to cut up and remove the limb. Councilman Bacon reported that he could obtain 100 Zon- ing Maps of Ordinance No. 71 at 10 cents each which was ap- proved by the Council. Upon motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried, it was agreed that a sufficient number of reprints of the entire text of Ordinance No. 71 be arranged for. Councilman Kidd requested permission to be absent from the State for six weeks, or until September 1, 1953, which was granted on motion of Councilman Bacon, sec- onded by Councilman Tadlock and carried. RANK OF Police Commissioner Kidd read a letter from Police POLICE Chief Johansen in which he requested that the position SERGEANT of Assistant Chief of Police be abolished and in its CREATED place the rank of Sergeant be created and that the Chief of Police be authorized to appoint a Sergeant from the present membership of the Department. Permis- sion to make the above change was granted on motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried. FIRE The matter of Insurance on the City Hall, Fire Hall and INSURANCE Shed in rear of the City Hall due to expire on July 23, ON BLDGS. 1953, was presented by Attorney Nisscon who recommended ORDERED that this insurance now placed with the Orange County RENEWED Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. be renewed for three years. This recommendation was approved upon motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried. BUDGET The Budget for the coming fiscal year was taken up, dis- AGREED cussed and agreed upon as follows: UPON Finance Department $12,380 Parks & Playgrounds 2,500 Fire Department 1,700 Police Department 16,700 Street Department 31,700 Capital Outlay 2,020 TOTAL $67,000 Upon motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Kidd and carried, City Attorney Nisson was authorized to prepare a Resolution regarding the above Budget and stipulate that the City shall raise the sum of $18,711.99 by taxation on real property, On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried, it was agreed that the Council will continue to sit as a Board of Equalization until July 27, 1953, inclusive, BILLS The following bills were presented, examined, approved and ordered paid on motion ef Councilman Tadlock, sec- onded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried. William H. Gray $ 9.00 Director Internal Revenue 297.47 social security (for certain employ) 132.71 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 Roy G. Davis Co. 60.72 Tustin Drug Store 6.74 Seaside Oil Company 66.47 Orange County League of Cities 12.50 Eltiste Co. 17.29 George A. Broomell 28.00 Tustin Brake & Wheel Alignment 61.51 Harry Holmes (Tustin Service) 13.42 Carson & Golding 18.61 Brandore Manufacturing Co. 21.64 Tustin Garage 5.00 AI's Lock & Key Shop 3.85 Graves & Howley 5.60 California Tree Service 76.50 Orange County Blueprint Shop 16.71 Stein's Stationery Store 1.18 Tustin Lumber Co. 22.40 Utilities (Fire Hall & City Hall) 129.35 Evelyn Murphy 6.00 Elmer Johansen 7.50 J. L. McBride 406.85 Walt's Garage 75.32 Hardy & Harper 1039.50 Hardy & Harper 207.30 Sully-Miller Co. 3835.08 Tustin Hardware Co. 13.48 Del Broomell 287.00 TOTAL $6,941.10 The meeting was adjourned upon motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor Samuel C. Penington City Clerk