HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 06 22 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1953, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Wintford L. Tadlock, Arthur O. Park, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and Jerome C. Kidd. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30, P. M. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 1 were read and approved. BIDS OPENED Mayor Humeston called for the opening of four bids for FOR MYRTLE the improvement of Myrtle Street, Pasadena Avenue and ST., ETC., Second Street in the City of Tustin. Bids were opened IMPROVEMENT by the City Clerk and read to the Council. The total amounts of the seperate bids were as follows: M. E. Horst Company $13,483.00; Sully-Miller Contracting Company, $12,457.80; Hardy & Harper, $12,106.10; R. J. Noble Company, $11,578.20. Upon motion of councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried, the above bids were referred to City Engineer McBride for canvassing and a report. A group of Tustin residents were present and presented a petition objecting to the installation of sidewalks on the East side of Myrtle Street, East side of Pasa- dena Avenue and the South Side of Second Street, between Myrtle and Pasadena Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gould, Mrs. Swanson and C. K. Everett addressed the Council regarding their attitude in the matter. Mayor Humeston explained to those present that the City has a contract with the Builder, Mr. H. L. Bryan, Sr., and is legally obligated to install curbs and sidewalks and that the present objections are too late to be effective. City Engineer McBride produced plans for the project and pointed out the necessity for removal of certain trees now in the City's right-of-way. Concensus of opinion of the Council was that no action be taken contrary to present arrangements for the project. The petition was denied on motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Coun- cilman Park and duly carried. 15-MINUTE Correspondence was presented including a written re- PARKING quest from Adams & Helm for a green parking space to be SPACE FOR painted in front of their new quarters at 225 D Street. ADAMS & HELM Councilman Park moved to grant the request allowing a 15-minute green parking space for the length of one car if there is no objection from the State. Seconded by Councilman Kidd the motion carried. Engineer McBride presented a letter and statement rela- tive to completion of the improvement of Prospect Street, between Main and First Streets, Project 20, which was read to the Council, showing a total amount due the contractor, R. J. Noble Company, of $4,712.77. Mr. McBride recommended that said improvement work be ac- cepted. RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 343 en- NO. 343 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of ADOPTED Tustin Accepting and Approving the Improvement of Pros- pect Avenue, from Main Street to First Street, Project No. 20, and Ordering Payment Therefor" which was adopted on motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried. Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman Kidd and carried, City Attorney Nisson was authorized to prepare a Resolution designating Prospect Avenue as a Truck Route. The matter of an appointment to the Planning Commission to fill the place of Max E. Sagraves, resigned, was brought up and held over until a later meeting, Mayor Humeston mentioned the advisability of disposing of the City Grader. After discussion the matter was re- ferred to Councilman Park who agreed to try and find a buyer for same. The hamdling of the Clerk, s Petty Cash Fund was dis- cussed and Council agreed that any unusual hill be au- thorized by the Commissioner whose department is con- cerned. Council agreed to postpone the matter of the 1953-1954 Budget until the meeting of July I3th. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and ordered paid upon motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Coun- cilman Tadlock and duly carried. Orange County Blueprint Shop $ 10.08 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 Orange County Animal Shelter 1.00 Hill's Signal Service 19.39 Hanson & Peterson 100.00 Stein's Stationery Store 7.50 Carson & Golding 10.79 Tustin Fire Department 36.00 County Highway Department 162.74 Seaside Oil Company 121.33 Al Garthe 12.25 A. E. Fowler & Sons 375.00 Graham Gilmer, M, D. 7.50 The Tustin News 33.82 Tustin Garage 5.30 State Compensation Insurance Fund 10.72 Bales Office Equipment Co. 130.09 Utilities (Fire Hall) 3.12 J. L. McBride 79.05 C. A. McCullough 37.50 Roland W. Humeston 28.50 Edward Holliday 17.00 Evelyn Murphy 11.00 Shirley Wolfe 10.50 R. J. Noble Co. 2250.00 R. J. Noble Co. 1991.50 TOTAL 5475.62 Councilmmn Park requested permission to be absent from the State and from the meeting of July 13 which was granted on motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and carried. City Attorney Nisson inquired as to the Council's pleasure in the matter of requiring City Business Li- censes from two persons other than D. X. Martin re- ported to be leasing trailers in the Martin Trailer Court on West First Street. Council decreed that each Trailer Lessor must pay a regular license fee as pro- vided in Ordinance No. 87, Section 1041. The meeting was adjourned upon motten of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk