1953, AT 7:35 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Jerome C. Kidd, Frank
E. Bacon, Jr., Arthur O. Park and Wintford
L. Tadlock.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:35
P. M.
Minutes of the previous meetingwere read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the American Legion
requesting permission to erect a temporary structure for
the purpose of selling fireworks at Third and "D" Streets,
from June 28 through July 4, 1953. The letter stated that
a 25,000/50,000 Public Liability Policy and a 5,000 Prop-
erty Damage Insurance Policy covering the above activities
will be forwarded to City Attorney Nisson. On motion of
Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly
carried, permission was granted subject to the approval
of the Police Chief and Fire Chief and suitable insurance.
Mr. Walter Rawlings, Manager of the Tustin Water Works,
was present and described in detail the present and anti-
cipated problems of the Water Company, which include sev-
eral new subdivisions, present low water pressure partly
due to small size pipe lines and other interesting oper-
ating details. The matter of low water pressure at certain
Fire Hydrants was also discussed.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from Building Inspector
George A. Broomell in which he states that due to certain
changes in his business affairs it may be necessary for
him to resign from his duties on short notice. The matter
of a possible successor to Mr. Broomell was discussed at
A letter from Mayor Seabridge, of Huntington Beach, was
presented, inviting Mayor Humeston and Council Members to
participate in the 4th of July parade to be held in that
City. The possibility of participation was discussed but
nothing definite was decided at this time.
RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 341 entitled
NO. 341 "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin
ADOPTED Fixing and Determining the Time and Place of Official
Meetings of the City Council of the City of Tustin, and
Repealing all Resolutions and Prior Actions of the City
Council in Conflict Herewith" which was adopted on motion
of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Park and
duly carried.
Mayor Humeston called attention to the necessity of prep-
aration of a budget for the fiscal year 1953-1954. Coun-
cil members agreed to present estimates at the next meet-
Councilman Park introduced a map showing the proposed re-
moval of trees, curbing and paving of portions of Myrtle
Avenue, Pasadena Avenue and Second Street, which was
viewed and discussed by the Council.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 342 was presented by Attormey Nisson en-
NO. 342 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
ADOPTED Tustin Approving Plans and Specifications for the Im-
provement of Portions of Certain Public Streets, as fol-
lows; Myrtle Street Between Center Line of Main Street
to Thirty feet North of the North Line of Second Street,
Pasadena Avenue Between Center Line of Main Street to
Thirty feet North of the North Line of Second Street and
Second Street Between Pasadena Avenue and Myrtle Street"
which was adopted on motion of Councilman Park, seconded
by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
EMPLOYMENT Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
OF DEL Kidd and duly carried, City Engineer McBride was author-
BROOMELL ized to employ Del Broomell during the summer months at
AUTHORIZED $1.75 per hour. He also was authorized to purchase two
Saw Horses, one Drawer and one Slab Door for Drawing
Board to be set up in the Council Chamber.
Upon motion of Councilman Park, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and carried, Engineer McBride was authorized to pro-
ceed with the preliminary work concerning the removal of
trees and of culvert extensions in preparation for the
paving of portions of Myrtle, Pasadena and Second Streets.
Councilman Tadlock mentioned the matter of householders
in the future providing proper containers for trash,
bottles, cans, etc., to be picked up by the City Truck,
also the cutting up of brush, limbs, etc., into proper
lengths for handling. This matter was referred to Street
Superintendent Johansen for correction.
Councilman Bacon informed the Council that it would be
necessary to appoint a member for the Tustin Planning
Commission to replace Max E. Sagraves resigned. No
action was taken at this time.
Police Commissioner Kidd presented a report of the Tus-
tin Police Department activities during the month of
May, 1953.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by
Councilman Park and carried.
Dennis Printers $ 3.52
Elmer Johansen (Expense Acct) 87.63
Electronic Supply Corporation 4.76
Orange County Blueprint Shop 3.11
Director Internal Revenue 288.98
J. L. McBride 39.75
J. L. McBride 329.25
Clinton A. McCullough 20.00
Roland W. Humeston 12.00
Edward W. Holltday 8.00
Boyd S. Delano 8.00
Ralph Van Buskirk 62.00
Jim Jett, M. D. 7.50
The Tustin News 49.18
Tustin Lumber Co. 1.36
George A. Broomell 36.00
Utilities (City Hall & Fire Hall) 45.55
Walt's Garage 106.46
A. N. Crain, M. D. 10.00
Safe-T-Gel Sign & Decal Co. 2.58
TOTAL $1,125.63
Councilman Kidd moved to adjourn, Councilman Tadlock
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk