HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1953 05 07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEET- ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1953, AT 7:10 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Wintford L. Tadlock, Arthur O. Park, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and Jerome C. Kidd. COUNCILMENI ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:10 P. M. By consent of Council reading of the Minutes of the meet- ing of May 4th was dispensed with until the meeting of May 18. City Engineer McBride was present and stated to the Coun- cil that the Sully-Miller Contracting Co. had submitted a low bid of $7,943.70, for the paving of Main Street, from California to "D" Street, and that Hardy & Harper had submitted a low bid of $4,682.25 for the paving of "B" Street, from Main to Sixth Street. Both of the above bids being lower than the City Engineer's estimate. MAIN STREET Upon motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman PAVING Park and duly carried, the contract for paving Main AWARDED TO Street, or Project 18, was awarded to the Sully-Miller SULLY-MILLER Contracting Co. The Mayor and City Clerk were author- COMPANY ized to sign a contract and return the bonds relative to the bids not accepted after the contract with Sully- Miller Company is signed. RESOLUTION Resolution No. 339 entitled Resolution Determining the NO. 339 Lowest Responsible Bidder for the Improvement of Main ADOPTED Street, Between California and "D" Street, (U. S. 101), Project No. 18, and Awarding Contract Therefor" was pre- sented by City Attormey Nisson and adopted on motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried. All members of the Council voting Aye. "B" STREET City Engineer McBride recommended that the contract for PAVING paving "B" Street, project 19, be awarded to Hardy & AWARDED TO Harper as the low bidder. Upon motion of Councilman Park, HARDY & HARPER seconded by.Councilman Kidd.and duly carried Hardy & Harper were awarded the Contract for paving "B" Street, between Main and Sixth Streets, and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign a contract for said im- provement. RESOLUTION Resoiution No. 340 entitled "Resolution Determining the NO. 340 Lowest Responsible Bidder for the Improvement of 'B' ADOPTED Street, from Main to Sixth Street, Project No. 19, and Awarding Contract. Therefore, was presented by Attorney ~_~ Nisson and Adopted on motion of Councilman Park, sec- onded by Councilman Kidd and duly Carried. IMPROVEMENT Councilman Park moved that Hardy & Harper be authorized FOR SIXTH to improve Sixth Street, from "B" to "C" Street, con- STREET sisting of grading 40 feet in width and laying a 20 foot strip of 2 inch Plant Mix surfacing to be paid for at unit prices quoted in their "B" Street contract, to au- thorize Engineer McBride to go ahead with the work. Seconded by Councilman Kidd the motion carried. EngineerMcBride also outlined to the Council the situ- ation relative to the trees and curbing on Pasadena Street. Councilman Kidd moved to adjourn. Councilman Park seconded the motion. Motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk