1953, AT 7:40 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.,
Jerome C. Kidd and Wintford L. Tadlock,
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
City Attorney Nisson brought up the matter of approval
of the B. R. Gentry Annexation Agreement which was dis-
cussed by the Council as to certain wording therein.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and duly carried, Ordinance No. 88 entitled "An
Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, Accepting
and Approving B. R. Gentry Annexation to the City of
Tustin was presented for first reading by title only.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. 88
was approved.
The B. R. Gentry "Agreement Fixing Terms and Conditions
of Annexation to the City of Tustin" was again presented
and contents discussed. An addition, as follows: "And
that said use and business shall not be materially ex-
panded" was made to Paragraph 3 which was approved by
the Council and Mayor Humeston was directed to sign the
Agreement upon motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded
by Councilman Kidd and duly carried.
Councilman Tadlock moved that a memorandum stating the
approximate extent of the operations now being conduct-
ed on the Gentry property proposed to be annexed be at-
tached to the above mentioned Agreement and noted in
the Minutes. Seconded by Counciman Kidd the motion
COUNCILMAN Mayor Humeston presented the written resignation of
MILLER Councilman Wm. I. Miller, effective immediately, which
RESIGNS was read to the Council and accepted on motion of Coun-
cilman Bacon, seconded, by Councilman Kidd and duly car-
ried, with instructions that a letter of appreciation
of his services be forwarded to Mr. Miller.
Mayor Humeston directed that Street Superintendent
Johansen act in the place of the Street Commissioner
until a new member of the Council is appointed.
B. R. WOODILL Mayor Humeston announced that he had appointed B. R.
APPOINTED Woodill, of 10231 S. Woodland, Santa Ana, as Civil De-
COMMANDER fense Commander for Tustin effective at once. Upon mo-
CIVIL DEFENSE tion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
and duly carried, this appointment was approved.
City Attorney Nisson brought up the matter of the League
of California Cities report on the proposed Sales Tax
changes, also Senate Bill No. 1100, In regard to pro-
posed changes in distribution of Municipal court rev-
enue. Attorney Nisson, as instructed by unanimous ap-
proval of the Council to write a letter to the proper
officials requesting that there be no changes in the
Court Revenue distribution setup at this session of the
The matter of the overflowing cesspool at 110 Lockwood
Park Place was brought. up by Mayor Humeston and a mem-
orandum written to Mr, and Mrs. Laverne W, Nelson,
owners of the property, by City Attorney Nisson, relating
to the matter was read to the Council.
Councilman Tadlock moved that Attorney Nisson's report
relative to Mrs. Nelson's complaint regarding the depth
of the cesspooI be approved and that Council agreed that
Inspector Broomell had performed the inspection properly.
Seconded by Councilman Kidd the motion carried.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and duly, carried, City Engineer McBride was author-
ized to set grades for surfacing of the alley North of
Second Street, between "C" and "D" Streets, and to make
recommendations concerning the paying of same.
Mr. Arnold Posade was present and addressed the Council
in regard to the possibiIty of paving Second Street,
between "D" and Prospect Streets, Council instructed
Street Superintendent Johansen to secure a report from
the City Englneer on this matter.
City Attorney Nisson presented and read Resolution No.
335 entitled Resolution of the City Council of the City
of Tustin Adopting Budget and Approving Memorandum of
Agreement for Expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for
Major City Streets."
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 335 was adopted on motion of Councilman
NO, 335 Bacon, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried.
Resolution No. 336 entitled "Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Tustin Approving Plans and
Specificatlons for the Improvement of Main Street a
Major City Street between California Street and "D"
Street (U. S. 101), Project No. 18, and Approving Plans
and Specifications for the Improvement of "B" Street
a Major City Street, from Main Street to Sixth Street,
Project No. 19, and Authorizing and Directing the City
Clerk to Advertise for Bids was presented by Attorney
Nisson and read by title only upon motion of Councilman
Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 336 was adopted on motion of Councilman
NO. 336 Bacon, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
The City Clerk was Instructed to cause the "Notice In-
viting Sealed Proposals" as contained in Resolution No.
336 to be published in the Tustin News on April 10 and
17, 1953.
Councilman Tadlock informed the CounciI that there are
orange .trees on Myrtle Street that are on a direct line
with the curbing and suggested that the trees involved
be pulled out to make room for cars to pass. Engineer
McBride and Street Superintendent Johansen were In-
structed to check and make a recommendation relative to
paving Myrtle Street up to the curb.
The salary of S. C. Penington, as Clerk of the Planning
Commission, was increased from $65.00 to $75.00 per month
retroactive to April 1, 1953, upon motion of Councilman
Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and ordered
paid on motion of Councilman Kidd, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried.
Carson & Golding $11.35
Hill's Signal Service 21.56
John Dunn 21.00
Tustin Paint Store 19.14
Orange County Animal Shelter 2.00
J. L. McBride 120.00
J. L. McBride 118.20
Roland Humeston 48.00
Fred Preble 32.00
Ralph Van Buskirk 37.00
Evelyn Murphy . 17.00
For repairing South "D" Street, South
"C" Street, Sixth Street and East Main
Burr Stoker, Foreman, 34.08
A. N. horffer, Laborer, 20.16
Wallace Weber, Truck Driver, 14.48
Carl Ardiaz, Roller Man, 11.76
Alessic Mendez, Laborer, 10.08
Leon Humphrey, Roller Man, 11.76
Martin Hamilton, Truck Driver, 12.40
Joseph Harback, Laborer, 10.08
Director Internal Revenue 279.23
State Department of Employment 131.21
Grimes Electric Co. 23.54
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Jim Jett, M. D. 7.50
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 4.58
Tustin Hardware Co. 10.43
Tusttn Lumber Co. 8.70
Utilities (Fire Hall & City Hall) 80.37
Seaside Oil Company 62.46
Joe Mendez 320.00
Hanson & Peterson 100.00
The Tustin News 36.46
Miller-Bryant-Pierce 4.12
G. O. Bixler 25.00
James A. Musick, Sheriff, 2.00
Walt's Garage 79.61
George A. Broomell 132.00
TOTAL $1,887.65
Councilman Tadlock moved to adjourn. Councilman Kidd sec-
onded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk