1953, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Wintford L. Tadlock,
Jerome C. Kidd, Wm. I. Miller and Frank
E. Bacon, Jr.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was absent but was
represented by his Secretary, Mrs. Bette
The meetingswas called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:30
Minutes of the meeting of March 2nd were read and approved
after it was noted in Paragraph 4 that a public hearing
was held in conjunction with the Council meeting of that
date in regard to the proposed annexation of three lots
on South Prospect Avenue belonging to B. R. Gentry. The
name of Councilmen Tadlock was added to those voting Nay
in killing the motion to refuse the B. R. Gentry annexa-
tion at that time.
Captain Humphrey, of the Lighter-Than-Air Station, was
present and stated that he had secured permission from
the Elementary School authorities to use the school ball
park and requested permission of the City to use the lights
on one evening each week. On motion of Councilman Miller,
seconded by Councilman Bacon and carried, permission to
use the lights was granted with the stipulation that the
City would not be responsible for the light bill.
Councilman Miller presented Resolution No. 332 ehtitled
"A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
California, Approving Plans and Specifications Submitted
by the Orange County Flood Control District, Covering
the Construction of the East Tustin Storm Drain - Unit
No. 2 - A Portion of Which lies Within the City of Tus-
tin." Resolution No. 332 was read by title only on mo-
tion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Kidd
and carried.
RESOLUTION On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilmen
NO. 332 Tadlock and duly carried, Resolution No. 332 was adopted.
A certified copy of Resolution No. 332 was presented to
Engineer Budd, of the Orange County Flood Control Dist-
rict, who was present.
Engineer C. Roy Browning was present and addressed the
Council in the interests of the Orange County Water
District relative to Senate Bill No. 91 regarding Water
Conservation. Mr. Browning requested the Council to
adopt a Resolution endorsing the Bill in principal.
. Councilmen Tadlock and Miller both stated that they
would prefer to have more time in which to study the mat-
ter, and if possible, to hear the arguments, if any,
against the Measure. On motion of Councilmen Miller,
seconded by Councilmen Kidd and duly carried, it was
agreed that City Attorney Nisson write a letter favor-
ing in principal passage of Senate Bill No. 91.
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern W. Nelson, of ll0 Lockwood Park
Place, were present and stated that they purchased the
above property from the Hugh Marshall Co. about one and
one-half years ago, that Joseph G. Burns was the Cess-
pool Contractor, that the Cesspool recently overflowed,
was pumped out and that seepage came to the surface within ten
days after being pumped out. Mrs. Nelson stated that the Cess-
pool should have been dug to the depth of seventeen feet, that
it was only eleven feet deep, that she considered Inspector
George A. Broomell responsible and demanded his immediate re-
moval as Plumbing Inspector. Councilman Miller suggested that
the matter be referred to City Attorney Nisson for checking.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the Orange County Health
Department which mentioned the possibility of the U. S. Navy
supplying electrical power from naval vessels anchored nearby
in order to operate local civilian hospitals and water and
sewage disposal systems in an emergency and in the event of a
continuance of the strike. A telegram from the Southern Calif-
ornia Edison Company regarding the strike was also presented.
The above were ordered filed on motion of Councilman Miller,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the State Public Util-
ities Commission relative to a hearing to be held on June 10,
1953, to consider the Southern California Edison Company's
application to increase electric rates. On motion of Council-
man Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and carried, the
above letter was ordered filed.
Mayor Humeston also presented a copy of the application of
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company relative to a pro-
posed increase in telephone rates. On motion of Councilman
Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried, it
was ordered that this communication be noted and filed.
An Agreement signed by B. R. Gentry relating to terms and
conditions of the proposed annexation of his three lots on
South Prospect Avenue to the City was presented, read and
discussed by the Council.
Ordinace No. 88 relating to the proposed Gentry annexation
was presented by Mrs. Trizinski for first reading and was
read in its entirety on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded
by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Tad-
lock and carried, the Gentry Annexation Agreement and Ordin-
ance in their present form were tabled until later in the
RESOLU- Resolution No. 333 entitled "A Resolution of the City Coun-
TION NO. cil of the City of Tustin Fixing and Determining the Salary
333 of the Chief of Police and Street Superintendent was pre- "
ADOPTED sented, read by title only and adopted on motion of Council-
man Kidd, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried.
Councilman Bacon did not vote.
The request of Mr. Phelps, of 183 North "C" Street, for re-
moval of a walnut tree in the parkway in front of his home
which he claims is infested with termites was referred to
Councilman Bacon.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Kidd
and duly carried, it was agreed to refer the matter of a
walnut tree located in the parkway in front of the home of
Marshall Burke, 340 W. Third Street, also a pepper tree in
the parkway on "A" Street adjacent to Mrs. Means property,
to Councilman Bacon with authority to act as may be necessary.
A proposal of Burt E. Taylor that the City's Garbage Truck
enter onto his property at 550-560 South "C" Street in order
to facilitate the collection of garbage from his several
Court units was referred to City Attorney Nisson.
On Minute Order of Councilman Miller, City Attorney Nisson
was requested to prepare a petition, to be circulated by Lyle
Adams, relative to deeding an alley between Second and
Third Streets, "D" to Prospect Streets, to the City of
Resolution No. 334 entitled "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Tustln Accepting Deed for Sewer
Right-of-way Dated March 16, 1953" was read by title only
on motion of Councilmm Miller, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock and duly carried.
RESOLUTION On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
NO. 334 Tadlock and carried, Resolution No. 334 was adopted.
Councilman Miller read a letter from Mr. Springer, of
the Orange County Road Department, relative to the pos-
sibility of a BY Pass Road between "B" and "D" Streets,
North of the Freeway. After discussion Council decided
there was probably no advantage to going into the mat-
ter further at this time.
Attention was called to City Engineer McBride's recom-
mendation that "D" Street, between Laguna Road and New-
port Avenue, be patched. On motion of Councilman Kidd,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly carried, Coun-
cilman Miller was authorized to have the street repaired
if the County refuses to do so.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and carried, it was ordered that a copy of the
Legal Opinion of City Attorney Nisson regarding Rev.
Frank Scott's desire to use a Sound Truck on Tustin
Streets be forwarded to Rev. Scott forthwith.
On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Miller and duly carried, the matter of the proposed
Gentry Agreement and Ordinance was reopened and was or-
dered tabled until the next meeting of the Council.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and ordered
paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
man Tadlock and carried.
Utilities $59.32
Transport Clearings 2.14
Orange County Blueprlnt Shop 12.50
Tustin Hardware Co. 18.52
The Lighthouse, Inc. 23.59
Tustin Texaco Service 16.36
Jim Jett, M.D. 7.50
Walt's Garage 71.15
Brandom Manufacturing Co. 9.28
Tustin Fire Department 112.00
O. C. Phillips 1.50
Frank Downey 1.50
Orange County League of Citles 3.50
George F. Cake Co. 6.18
Gene Boyd Ellis 5.00
Stein's Stationery Store 6.61
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. 100.00
Tustin Food Center 1.34
Carson & Golding 14.86
TOTAL $474.85
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Miller,
seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk