16, 1953, AT 7:30 P- M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Jerome C. Kidd,
Frank E. Bacon, Jr., Wintford L. Tad-
lock and Wm. I. Miller.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented and read a statement from the
Santa Ana-Orange-Tustin Municipal Court wherein Tustin is
to receive the sum of Eight hundred Ninety-three Dollars and
Fifty cents ($893.50) as Revenue received by the Court for
the City of Tustin for the month of January, 1953. After dis-
cussion Council decided to have Police Chief Johansen submit
a breakdown as to the disposition of Tustin cases.
CENSUS Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a
letter from the Bureau of the Census which was read to the
Council, stating that arrangements will be made to conduct
a Tustin Census in the near future.
Also a letter from W. R. Nelson, Jr., Superintendent of
Tustin Elementary Schoots regarding diagonal parking in
front of the Primary-Building on Main Street and the parking
of cars too close to the corner to allow adequate vision.
After discussion by the Council Street Superintendent Johansen
was instructed to contact Mr. Nelson and G. O. Bixler, of the
School Board, designate the curbs to be marked and secure
their opinion on the possibilities of parallel parking.
POLICY The matter of Police Department Policy was brought up
FOR by Mayor Humeston and Council Members as well as several
POLICE others present were presented with typed copies of a "Policy
DEPT. Proposal for Police Department" which was read to the Coun-
cil and others present by the City Clerk. On motion of Coun-
cilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Kidd and duly carried,
it was agreed to act on this matter at this meeting. Council
discussed the matter among themselves and with others present
and certain minor changes in wording were suggested and made.
Councilman Miller moved that the "Proposal For Police Depart-
ment" as follows:
A. The Police Department be under the direct
managemen t of the Chief of Police.
1. Hiring and firing be with his recommenda-
tion and the concurrence of the Council,
the Council reserving the right to do both
in spite of or without his recommendation.
B. That the Chief's recommendation be made
through the Commissioner to the Council.
2. That the Chief be responsible for the de-
tail of running the office.
3. That complaints of members of the depart-
ment be presented to the Chief directly
and further if requested by any member,
through the Chief to the Commissioner,
and thence, if further requested, through
the Commissioner to the Council.
C. That any member of the department has the
right-to appeal to the Council as a body
at a regular meeting.
4. That control overoworking conditions and
jobs of personnel be directly in the hands
of the Chief, Such as working hours, shifts,
5. That the object of the Commissioner is to
represent the Council and to aid the Chief
in running his department efficiently and
harmoniously, taking part directly upon
request of the Chief, or upon demand of
urgent or unforseen conditions.
6. That this policy may be altered, clarified
or added to at anytime by the Council.
be adopted as the policy of the Council for the Police Depart-
ment. Councilman Kidd seconded the motion which was duly car-
ried. Councilman Bacon voting Nay when Mayor Humeston polled
the members.
POLICE Mayor Humeston brought up the matter of the Probation
CHIEF'S Period of Police Chief Johansen which was discussed at length
PROBATION by the Council and with others present. On motion of Coun-
cilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried,
the Probation Period of Police Chief Johansen was extended
for another thirty days, or until March 19, 1953.
In reply to certain statements by spectators present
Chief Johansen requested that another investigation be made
as to his character and qualifications.
Councilman Miller stated that he with City Attorney
Nisson and Colonel E. L. Creager heard an address by Dr.
Beeson at the Santa Ana High School on February 9 relative
to his experience with Civil Defense in England during
World War II.
The matter of worn parking space markings on East
Main Street as brought up by Mr. A. S. Hendricks was men-
tioned by Mayor Humeston. Councilman Miller suggested ar-
ranging for a demonstration of machine traffic marking in
the near future.
TABLE Council authorized the City Clerk to purchase an
FOR additional table to match those already in use in the Coun-
COUNCIL cil Chamber.
Mayor Humeston requested Police Chief Johansen to
have the City's Lawn Mower sharpened.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
man Tadlock and duly carried, City Clerk S. C. Penington
was designated as Deputy State Purchasing Agent to function
on behalf of the State in a state of extreme emergency.
Councilman Miller suggested that Councilman Bacon
examine and report on the condition of two trees located on
the South side of Second Street, between Tustin Avenue and
Pasadena, that are reported to be dead.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk
Councilman Kidd and duly carried.
Director of Internal Revenue $218.00
Knox Hardware Co. 7.16
Albert F. Thorman 32.00
Westover Printing 37.04
Carson & Golding 32.03
Santa Ana Register 24.50
Tustin Hardware Co. 4.10
Davis Stationers 24.54
Smith's Upholstery Shop 7.50
Joseph L. Root, M. D., 7.50
California Rock Co. 40.65
The Tustin News 121.04
Seaside Oil Co. 58.50
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Utilities (fire Hall) 9.79
George's Service 37.12
TOTAL $664.97
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Miller,
seconded by Councilman Tadlock and carried.