19, 1953, AT 7:35 P. M. AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Wintford L. Tadlock,
Wm. I. Miller, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and
Jerome C. Kidd.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:35
P. M.
Minutes of the meeting of January 5th were read and ap-
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the Orange County
Society for Crippled Children and Adults requesting permis-
sion to sell paper Easter Lilies on the streets of Tustin on
March 21, 1953. Permission was granted on motion of Council-
man Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried.
A letter was presented from the Delano, Calif., Chamber
of Commerce, also a prepared Resolution which they requested
the Tustin City Council to act upon in regard to eliminating
architectural expense in the future planning of school build-
ings. The letter was Handed to Councilman Tadlock for study
and a report at a later meeting.
A letter from Mrs. J. W. Means, of 345 WS. Main Street,
relative to damage she claims was sustained by a tree fal-
ling on her prcperty, was read by Mayor Humeston. The letter
was referred to the 0rangeCo. unt~ Insurance Agency on motion
of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and
GENTRY Mayor Humeston presented and read a petition of B. R.
PETITION FOR Gentry requesting annexation of his Lots 7, 9 and 11,
ANNEXATION in Block 42, on a map recorded in Miscellaneous Records
PRESENTED of Los Angeles County Book 13 at Page 81, to the City
of Tustin.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 329 entitled "A Resolution of the City
NO. 329 Council of the City of Tustin Describing Boundries of
ADOPTED B.R. Gentry's Petition for Annexation and Designating
Time and Place for Hearing of Protests by Property
Owners Included Within the Territorial Limits of the
Proposed Annexation" was presented, read by City At-
torney Nisson and discussed by the Council. On motion
of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Kidd and
duly carried, Resolution No. 329 was adopted.
RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson submitted an estimate of $451.31
NO. 330 as the total cost of a City Census. Councilman Miller
ADOPTED moved that Resolution No. 330 relating to a census be
adopted, Councilman Bacon seconded the motion which
was carried.
Bids from Dennis Printers and Lithographic Arts, Inc.,
of Santa Ana, for reproduction of Ordinance No. 71, includ-
ing text and maps, in phamplet form, were opened, discussed
and the matter referred to The Tustin News for suggestions
and a bid.
CHIEF Mayor Humeston brought up the matter of the probation
JOHANSEN period of Police Chief Johansen which was discussed by
PROBATION the Council at length. Councilman Miller moved that
a permanent appointment be made. There was no second.
Councilman Tadlock moved that the probationcry period
be extended for thirty days, or until February 19, 1953.
Councilman Kidd seconded the motion which was duly car-
ried. Council agreed to meet in an executive session to
establish a Police Department Policy. The discussion
was closed on motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by
Councilman Bacon and carried.
TADLOCK On motion 6f Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
APPOINTED Bacon and duly carried, Councilman Wintford L. Tadlock
ALTERNATE was appointed Alternate Director to Mayor Vincent L.
ON SANI- Humeston on County Sanitation District Board No. 7.
BOARD Council discussed the matter of Dog Tax Collection.
Councilman Bacon stated that he would work out a plan with
the Police Department for collection of same.
The report of Auditors Hanson & Peterson for the 4th
Quarter of 1952 was presented and studied by the Council. On
motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
and carried the report was received and filed.
Edward Cox, of the Tustin Food Store, and Glenn H.
Pyeatt, of the Tustin Drug Store, was present and protested
to the Council that the present wheel tax of $20.00 per year,
as specified in Ordinance No. 87, is in their opinion too
high. Council discussed the matter at length and decided
that the matter would be brought up again at a future meet-
Council discussed the present salary status of the
City Clerk. On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by
Councitman Kidd and duly carried, the total salary of the
Clerk was increased from $210.00 to $265.00 per month.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Councilman Bacon and carried:
State Department of Employment $131.33
United Supply Co. 306.64
Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Asso.
of Fire Chiefs (1953 dues) 8.00
Calif Fire Chief's Association 5.00
Tustin Hardware Co. 22.92
Orange County Animal Shelter 1.00
Tiernan's 23.44
Consolidated Rock Products Co. 6.22
Orange County Hiway Department 78.36
Harold Vesh 5.00
Stein's Stationery Store 4.66
Tustin Food Center .52
James Musick, Sheriff .40
Los Johnson, Union Oil Dealer 3.40
American Bitumals & Asphalt Co. 6.31
State Com~l~ensation Ins. Fund 133.60
Orange qounty Blueprint Shop 2.44
Seaside Oil Co. 47.58
Utilities (Fire Hall) 10.18
Keesee Tank & Pump Co. 11.08
TOTAL $808.08
Councilman Miller moved to adjourn, Councilman Tadlock
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk