HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 SMOKE DETECTOR 11-07-83DATE: November 7, I983 OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 11-7-83 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor & City Council Members Community Development Department Smoke Detector Compliance Orange County Fire Marshal Mike Cate will be present at the City Council meeting to answer all questions the Council may have regarding the Smoke Detector Ordinance and status of compliance as of this date. Associate Planner MAC:ih ' ~Caunfy o~ Orange - TO' FROM: SUBJECT: Mary Ann Mike Cate, Fire Marshal. SMOKE DETECTOR COMPLIANCES DATE: October 17, 1983 City of Tustin, Planninq Dept. Orange County Fire Department Out of 355 units in your city, 106 have complied with the Smoke Detector Ordinance. This gives your city a 30% compliance figure, as of October 17, 1983. jw pc: Bob Schmahl, Deputy Chief Bob Hennessey, Assistant Chief THRU: SUBaECT: October ].7, !983 OLD BUSINESS No. 2 10-17-83 nter-Com Honorable Mayor & City Council Members William Huston, City Manager Community Development Department Smoke Detector Compliance Enclosed for your information is the Smoke Detector Inspection Program from the County of Orange Fire Department. This exhibit includes the background of the program, the inspection program and the plan of action. As of September 12, 1983, ninety-three (93) complexes were in con~liance with this program. Since there are approximately 355 complexes in-the City, this figure represents 26% certified to be in co~liance. At the City Council meeting on Monday, October 17, 1983, an updated report from the Fire Department will be available to the Council. Mary ~nn Chamberlain Associate Planner MAC:Jh Encl. E~IBIT 6 SMOKE DE'CECT13R INSPECTION PROGRAM 8ackqround Because of t~e potential fo~ saving lives, the cities of Ir~ine, La Los Alamttos, Placant~m, San Juan Cagist~sna, Tu~tin a~ Yoga Lin~ have adog~ ~t~active ~ke det~ o~tnancas a~li~ble ~ ~sidenUl p~e~es. (Cyp~s is cur~ntly in p~cass of a~gttng a si~lar o~t nance.) Single f~ly and du~l~ {R-3) ~t. tns~ll ~ka dat~ u~on a' ~a~e of ~ne~ig. H~ver, ~ltt-f~ly uni~ (aoa~n~ ~ have ~ke dat~ ins~ll~ width 6 ~n~s of m~tlon of o~t ~nca. Inspection Pire Suppression pe~onnel conduct fire mhd life safety tnsDections of occuOmnctas aOgroximtely every 18 ~nths. Inspection for compliance with the Samke Oetector Ordinmnce has new'been included ms m pmrt of the norml routine inspection pr~gt~. Pl an of Action Training of field Fire Inspectors was c~m~leted May 16. 2. Training of 'fire sup~rmss~on pers.onnel will be completed .by June 20. 3; A letter (see preachment'l) will be mailed tO o.ronerty owners, aooroximately dune 1. It includes safer7 tips and where to locate smoke detectors. Firm companies are also provtded with a detailed inspection procedure (see attachment Z). Special attention has been given to privacy rtght~ of occupants. 5. Field Inspectors will actively provide su~mrt and provide guidance for fire companies es the program proceeds. 8y January 1985 we ex~ect to have gained c,.,,,~liance in al'l R-! occupancies. Inspection for maintenance will continue as a normml part of our fire safetT program. Y~r ~m ls ~a~ ~n ~r m~i ~mm ~P ~ ~ of 11re md ~. Lirry J. Dlr~'~r m' Flm L~:~X:~ THE: FOLLOIIIN~ I$ A LIST OF IT~ THAT I~L]. gE::].P YOU AHD YOUR FIRE [}[PARTH~IT I)URING All su~ all addresses are c]urly vtstble ¢tre ~ydrenCs an or around ~aur pre~e~¥ shrubs nd visible ~$ure vehtcles do not I=1oc~ ftre lanes. Locate t.~ash dt$1~s~1 dum~s~r$ a~y ~-~m buildingS, el~nattng ~he posstb~llt..v ot' a ~re sl~read~ng .your ~4rmenC bu~dtng durtng· d~.a~ster Hiv.e ~our ~,~r, extinguishers servicnd annual~.y. Do not blocJ~ access C~ eleccr~c~l nnd shut-offs. -C t 11. ~ tnK~ ~id ~lafn ~tI IIli1 tnf~tlM.~ ~ ~11~ Ir or hit 13.' ))lie list the R-1 tn~ec~lQ~ on I s~ ')~It,~ S4fmty I~tm PW - ~ly SMOKE Dr: ~ t::C ~OR .--..c. INSTALLATION CARE SHALL SE EXERCISED TO' ENSURE THAT THE INSTALLATION WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE OPERATING C3'IARAT~RISTIC3 OF THE DETECTOR, S~IOKE 0ETE~'rORS SHOULD ~E LOCAT~O NOT CI.0SER THAN ~ FEET FRO~ NEAT]N~ AND COOLING UN]TS TO ENSURE ~AT ~E A~R [$SU[NG FRON VENT W]~ NOT ~LO~ ~E S~KE ANAY, A SNOKE ALARM SHALL ~E LOCATED laETWEEN THE SLE£P]NG AREA AND'THE REST OF THE LIVING AREA, ]N ,DWELLING UN[TS W~TH MORE.' .THAN ONE SLEEPING AREA~ A SP~OKE ALARM SHALL ~E PROVIDED TO PROTECT EACH. S~IOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED~ TESTED,, ANO HAINTAZNED IN ACCORDANCE WtTH THE RECOHMENDA-TION$ OF THE PtANUFACTURER, SMOKE DETI~rO~ SAVE