HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 3 REV SHARING 11-07-83AGEND Inter-Corn BATE October 27, 1983 $ UBJ ECT: Bill Huston, City Manager. Director of Community and Administrative Services STATUS REPORT: 83/84 REVENUE SHARING REQUESTS ~''~'' RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Council to allocate a lump sum of. revenue-sharing funds for non-profit groups. Once sum is determined, Council to adopt Resolution 83-91. 2, Amount is pleasure of the Council. Attached is the summary of applications received to date. The dollar values in bgldface type are 83/84 requests. The dollar values in parentheses are what was granted in 82/83. Total 83/84 requests to. date: Senior Citizens carry over: TOTAL REQUESTS $63,600. $71,300 As you are aware, the process established by the City Council in March 1983 allows applications to come in as late as fifteen days after the City budget is adopted. A copy of the policy which Council adopted is attached for information, in order that Council may review it. Once Council adopts the budget, a Revenue Sharing Review Committee will be established. The purpose of that Committee is to evaluate all applications and make a recommendation to Council regarding which agencies should be funded and to what amount. According to the established policy, Council should set aside a lump sum of revenue-sharing for non-profit organizations at its November 7 meeting. The projected June 30, 1984, balance in revenue sharing is $25,038. This would be an appropriate amount for Council to set aside for non-profit organizations; however, it is also possible that Council not allocate any money for outside groups. In today's tight fiscal situation, many City projects have been deleted from the budget (as much as $175,000). Council may wish to fund one or more of these projects rather than trying to divide $25,000 for outside groups. On the other hand, Council may wish to increase the $25,000 amount. In order to do that, however, Council must delete from the list of proposed projects, Tha~ list is also attached. RAW/kaw Attachments: 1. Completed Applications Summary 2. List of Proposed Projects and Deleted Projects 3. Revenue Sharing Criteria and Policy Resolution 83-91 COMPL£TED APPLICATIONS / 1983/84 REVENUE SHARING Carol K. Lind $10,000. ($8,000.) Director of Development ATSC, Assessment & Treatment Services Center 1981 Orchard Drive Santa Aha, CA 92707 Donna Core $4,0~. Coordinator Meals on Wheels 600 E. Washington Santa Aha, CA 92701 ($1,300.) Sister Marie Therese, O.D.N. Executive Director Lestennac Free Clinic 4122 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92669 $5,000. (N/A) Carol Hermanns, M.S. $14,000. (N/A) Executive Director COPES, Child or Parental Emergency Services, Inc. 17802 Irvine Blvd., Suite 235 Tustin, CA 92680 Elmer Hothus, Ph.D. $10,000. ($5,000.). Director of Development Christian Te~porar~ Housing Facility 704 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92667 Cliff Pol ston $6,000. Executive Director Boys C1 ub of Tustt n 580 West 6th Street Tustin, CA 92680 ($4,000.) John F. Yon Glahn Executive Director Family Service Association 17421 1trine Blvd. Tustin, CA 92680 (N/A) Shirley A. Cohen $3,000. Project Dirocter, ?LC Feedback Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 3098 Santa Ana, CA 92703 ($2,700.) Doris La Magna $5,000. ($2,500.) Administrator The Villa, Orange County W~men's Rehab,.Center, Inc. 910 N. French Santa Ana, CA 92701 GENERAL. F1JND CONTINUED REVISED EiPENDITURES: * Capital Improvements to Revenue sharing * Reduce Trash Collection Costs * Increase Election Costs * Computer Needs Assessment Revtsed ~xpendttures FUND BALANCE Fund/Balance 6-30-83 (audited) Fund Balance 6-30-84 (projected) Increase to Balance GAS TAX FUND REVISIONS: $ (201,300) (30,630) 1,610 15,000 $ 9,259,558 $ 2,438 257 2,490,048 51,791 * Reduce Moulton Parkway Project $ (18,500) * Reduce Newport Avenue Extension Project (55,000) * Reduce Myford/Michelle Project (5B,O00) * Eliminate Red Htll/Barranca Signal (31,000) * Transfer From RDA Fund 97,600 ** (Reimbursement for traffic signals) Revlsed ~une 30, 1983 Balance 105,9~5 **Based on final project accounting of Irvine Blvd. street project ~nd traffic signal at Irvine and Fashion Lane, completed after issuance of 82-82 audit ~port. _ REVENUE SRRRIli~ FI~ P--qlSIOIIS: PROPOSED EXPENDITURES * * * * * ITEMS * * * * * * * * * Major Street Maintenance Pasadena Avenue Drain Santa Fe Catch Basin Police Communications Computer Equipment City Ball Imp~gvements ~ ~ed NtllyWpjnut-Stgnal Newport/Sycm~O~l~l Red Hill Storm Drain REDUCED/ELIMINATED Major Street Maintenance Median Paving General Fund Capital Outlay Bus Benches Police Space Needs City Computer Study Phone System Analysis City Hall Improvements City Traffic Study 257,000 15,000 14,600 30,000 10,0005 6ooi 237,000 $47,600 $ 35,000 I6,315 19,281 4,400 25,000 15,000 10,000 9,281 41,000 DATE: March 15, 1983 Inter-Corn FROI4: SU~J ECT*: William A. Huston, City Manager Royleen A. White, Director of Community & Administrative Services REVENUE SHARING CRITERIA RECOMMENDATIONS 1.. Council to adopt attached policies and procedures regarding financial support for community non-profit organizations. 2. Pleasure of Council regarding establishment of citizens review committee~ BACKGROUND In 1982, Council received numerous requests for revenue sharing funding from community non-profit groups. Because the City had no established policy or procedure for these requests, it was often difficult for staff to research these applications. Staff was requested to formulate revenue sharing'policies and procedures in order to make the 1983 process fair and logical. The. attached policy, s~ggests the procedure, time ltn~, and criteria for the revenue sharing process as regards to community non-profit groups. It has been reviewed by the Community Services Director, Police Chief, and Finance Director; the process, time line, and criteria all meet general revenue sharing g~ideltnes as outlined by the federal government. Staff feels that this is an equitable process which would allow all groups to have an opportunity to present their need, and give the council the opportunity to make a fair decision regarding funding. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL A time table is established, in order that all groups have an equal opportunity to compete for funding; however, the City Council retains the right to not allocate money for comnunity groups if Council feels that city-initiated projects better serve the. public good. The application process can begin as early as March, before the proposed-use hearing; in keeping to federal guidelines., applications will be accepted until 15 days after the City's budget is adopted, usually sometime in June or July. Bo In addition to the proposed-use hearing before the Finance Director, the City Council would hold a public hearing as part of the budget process. in May or June. C. Once the application deadline is reached, no further applications would be accepted. Revenue Sharing Criteria Page Two II. Citizens Review Committee Staff suggests that a review committee be created in order to screen all applications. Staff anticipates that this committee be comprised of 5 to 7 ?usttn residents, selected by staff, Council or both. Staff feels that such a committee would be a great benefit to the Council, being a means to establish citizen input during the revenue sharing process. Staff definitely recommends that this committee be "ad hoc" and that it be created only for the purpose of the review and then disbanded. In the next budget' year, different citizens could be requested to serve on the committee, thus creating a wide spectrum of community .involvement. ~ While staff feels that with proper Council and staff guidance, the committee could be very efficient, whether or not to have a committee is strictly a Council decision. Should Council chose not to have a committee, staff would screen the 'applications for council review and nmke the recommendations. The policies and procedures were adapted from those used by several, o~her ~tttes in Orange Cqunty.' These citieshave ~had success; .staff feels they are equitable and reasonable. ' RAW:kew Attachment: Policy & Criteria PROPOSED COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this policy to define the priorities, methods and · procedures for the disbursement of available City of Tustin General Revenue Sharing Funds to community-based, non-profit organizations that actively enhance the quality of life for Tustin residents. POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Tustin to allocate General Revenue a~'~g Funds when available, once each year, to community non-profit organiza- tions on a priority basis, provided they meet the following requirements and guidelines. PROCEDURE: A. General mandatory guidelines for organizations. They must: Be a non-profit community organization committed to enhancing the quality of life for Tustin residents. 2. Serve Tustln residents, and provide documentation of such service. 3. Compete with other organizations for limited available funding. 4. Adhere to the policies an~-ordtnances of. the City of Tustin. Be registered with the-State of California as a non-profit community organization, or for new organizations, be registered at the time the grant is awarded. 6. Have a Board of Directors, whose meetings are open to the public. 7. Carry adequate public liability insurance naming the City of Tdstin as an additional insured as may be required by the City. 8. Provide the City of Tustin with a copy of current constitution/ bylaws and policy and procedures. 9. Not discriminate in employment or in clients served because of race, religion, sex, or national origin. 10. Demonstrate ability to generate financial and human resources from other sources. Be accountable for revenue and expenditures through standard book- keeping procedures. An annual audit at the agency's expense may be required, with the results available to the City of Tustin upon request. 12. Provide access to periodic on-site reviews by City staff (and/or the revenue-sharing review committee if desired) for purposes of monitoring the program. Proposed Council Policy Page Two ~ 13. Provide the'City with an interim six-month report and an end-of-the- year full financial accounting and narrative report. The interim or progress report shall be in writing, may be brief, but should include a detailed financial summary and program evaluation. These reports will be reviewed by :he City staff and City Council. Apply at the..specified time on the appropriate application form. Time Line March 1-- Applications available and application process begins. 2. March/April--Proposed-Use hearing (held by Finance Director). 3. May/June--City Council holds public revenue-sharing hearings as part of the budget process. June--City Council establishes revenue-sharing funding levels; these funding levels would be identified by project for City-coordinated projects, while revenue-sharing for non-profit community groups (if available) would be identified as a lump sum. 5..June/July--If money is aTlocated to non-profit groups, notify groups of the application deadline (fifteen days after budget adopted). If there are no funds available, advise the community. July--Deadline for submission of applications. Following deadline staff (and Committee if desired) will review and screen applica- tions. 7. August--Recommendation to City Council on organizations to be funded. 8. Mid-August--City Council makes final decision regarding funding levels. Categorical guidelines: Each year staff and the revenue sharing review committee will develop the recommendations for funding within the following categorical guidelines. These guidelines are not in order of priority. Crisis intervention and/or center: provides support to residential referral or other care facilities which are staffed with pro- fessionals or para-professionals for the purpose of dealing with crisis situations. Specifically, crises hemes provide individuals needing immediate assistance or counseling to solve an urgent problem, or for individuals requiring protective services that temporarily provide a shelter away from the family environment. Proposed Council Policy Page Three Youth services: Provides services to youth in such areas as counseling, emergency referrals, outreach, rehabilitation, and transportation. Senior Citizens: Provides support to the elderly by assisting them to participate in programs of meals, transportation, in-home supportive services, and the like. Physically handicapped/mentally disabled: Provide support to dis- abled persons by assisting them to gain access to programs and services vital to their well-being. 5. Children's day care: Provides ~upport to child care programs. Health and safety: Provides support to programs that include first aid, CPR training, water safety and other programs that relate to improving physical health. Youth serving agencies: Provides support for programs providing social development and informa) education programs for children and youth. P6rformtng and Fine arts~- PPovldes support for music, theatre, fine and visual arts; and tEose groups which offer programs of instruction, appreciation and exhibits to the public. Youth Athletic Organizations: Provides support to organizations providing opportunity for participation in organized athletics for children and youth. 10. Other services: Provides support for those services needed in the community which may not be described adequately within the context of the preceding definitions. D. Additional Funding Criteria RAW: k aw 3/15/83 Funding level will be the City's determination; this may not corellato with amount requested by non-profit agency. 2. FUnding will be allocated only to those organizations who can clearly show service to Tustin residents. 3. Funding granted in one year does not assure the applicant of any future funding. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 83-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING THE REVENUE SHARING FUND BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 1415h of the Tustin City Code, the City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Council a proposed Revenue Sharing Fund Budget for the 1983-84 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1983; and WHEREAS, Revenue Sharing funds in the amount of $383,000 are anticipated to be received during fiscal year 1982-84. NOW, THEREFORE, THE City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve, determine, and order that the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the revenue of the Revenue Sharing Fund along with carry-over reserves, for the purposes stated: 1. Major street maintenance $257,000 2. Pasadena Avenue drain 15,000 3. Santa Fe catch basin 14,600 4. Police Conmunications/computer equipment 30,000 5. City Hall improvements 10,000 6. Red Hill/Walnut signal 35,000 7. Newport/Sycamore signal 49,000 8. Red Hill storm drain 237,000 $647,600 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 7th day of November, 1983. ATTEST: Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk 28