5, 1953, AT 7:30 P. M. AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Wm. I. Miller, Frank
E. Bacon, Jr., and Jerome C. Kidd.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Wintford L. Tadlock.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Kidd and duly carried, the City Clerk was authorized to
open the bids for the improvement of the West side of
Prospect Avenue, from Main to First Street. Bids were
opened by the Clerk, read to the Council and were then
discussed. Three bids were submitted as follows: R. J.
Noble Co., $4,771.70; M. H. Horst Co., $4,949.47; Sully-
Miller Co., $5,377.40; City Engineer's estimate, $5,592.15.
PROSPECT AVE. Councilman Miller moved to accept the bid of R. J. Noble
PAVING Co. as the lowest and best bid for the improvement of
AWARDED TO Prospect Avenue, between Main and First Streets, Pro-
R. J. NOBLE ject No. 20, and directed the City Clerk to return the
CO certified check for $1,000 submitted by Sully-Miller
Co. Notify Sully-Miller Co. and M. E. Horst Co. of the
result of the bidding after the R. J. Noble Co. has en-
tered into a contract to complete the work. This same
motion also authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign
the contract for the work to be done. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Bacon the motion duly carried.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from County Counsel
Joel P. Ogle in regard to the termination of the County's
lease on the Court Room, Justice of Peace and Constable's
offices in the City Hall on January 1, 1953.
A letter was presented from Hanson & Peterson, Auditors,
relative to the closing audit of the accounts of the Tus-
tin City Court.
City Engineer McBride requested and received permission
to move into the room now occupied by the Chief of Po-
lice as soon as same is vacated.
Chief of Police Johansen was granted permission to move
into the two rooms formerly occupied by Judge Allen and
Constable Logan as quarters for the Police Department.
On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Miller and duly carried, Lee Primrose was granted per-
mission, at his own expense, to remove a Walnut tree
on the South side of Second Street, just East of Arthur
M. Charleton's on the Shattuck property.
City Attorney Nisson was requested by the Council to
get a report from the new Municipal Court as to their
method of reporting on fines collected, bails and dis-
position of Tustin City cases.
Minutes of the adjourned meetings of December 22 and
December 23 were read and approved as read.
Mayor Hameston appointed Councilman Miller to look into
the purchase of a Council Table, 12 or 18 chairs, 1
small desk for Engineer McBride and 1 small desk for
the Police Squad room.
Council authorized Police Chief Johansen to purchase a
new flag for the City Hall.
LINDSAY AND Upon recommendation of the members of the Fire Depart-
CARSON ment and upon motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
APPOINTED Councilman Kidd and duly carried Ralph S. Lindsay was
FIRE CHIEF appointed Fire Chief and Harold Carson, Assistant Fire
AND ASST. Chief for the year 1953.
Council granted permission for the Orange County Water
District to hold an election in the Council Chambers of
the City Hall on February 3, 1953.
Upon motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried, City Engineer McBride was author-
ized to get quotations from Contractors for repair work
on the East 4 feet of the roadway of North "A" Street.
The City Clerk was instructed to secure price quotations
on the reproduction in phamplet form of the maps and
text of Zoning Ordinance No. 71.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and ordered
paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
man Bacon and duly carried.
The Tustin News $69.49
Director Internal Revenue 257.80
Herman Bress 3.00
B & M Siren Co. 6.50
Hill's Signal Service 3.00
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Orange County League of Cities 12.50
League of California Cities 75.00
Calif. State Firemen's Association 33.75
Tustin Fire Department 80.00
Judge R. P. Allen 25.50
Jim Jett, M. D. 5.00
Orange County Insurance Agency 25.74
Walt's Garage 20.93
Adams & Helm 5.19
J. L. McBride 52.25
Freeway Machine &Welding Shop 39.16
Carson & Golding 32.66
Tustln Garage . 12.85
Utilities (Fire Hall & City Hall) 104.47
Seaside Oil Company 111.35
George A. Broomell 66.00
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Miller,
seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk