HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1&2 83/84 BUDGET 10-17-83DATE: SUBJECT: October 11, [983 PUBLIC HEARINGS NOS. 1 and 2 10-17-83 Inter-Corn BILL HUSTON,.CITY MANAGER RON NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR 83/84 PROPOSED BUDGET INFORbtATION Based on Council's request for additional information concerning the proposed 1983-84 fiscal year budget, the following information has been compiled: BUDGET OVERVIEW RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO PROPOSED 1983-84 BUDGET Proposed 1983-84 expenditures for all funds = $21,953,056 (revised from preliminary draft budget total of $22,395,190). General Fund expenditures of $9,259,558 (revised from preliminary draft budget total of $9,474,878) are 2.7% move than 1982-83. General Fund expenditures less increases in fire and trash contracts are 3.1% less than 1982-83~ Proposed General Fund budget provides for 3.71 employees per 1,000 population. This is the lowest number per 1,000 population since 1977-78 and fewer than in 1973-74, 1974-75 and 1975-76. Since 1973-74, population has increased 49% and street miles have increased by 37%. Three General fund positions (Police Officer, Police Clerk and Maintenance Worker) will be vacant until January 1984. * Traffic Engineer position to be eliminated and replaced with contract service at estimated savings of 50%. The following details ~he staff's recommended changes to the proposed Budget submitted to Council back in May. This information is basically the same as the presentation you made to Council October 5th. GENEP~L FUND P, EVISIO#S: REVISED REVENUES/TP~ANSFERS * Reduce Sales Tax $ (346,500) * Eliminate Trash Fee (310,630) * Increase New Construction Tax 88,000 * Transfer Capital Improvement Fund 129,000 * Equipment Replacement Fund Debt to GF 151,000 Revised Estimate of Total Resources $9,311,349 /'"- GENERAL FUND CONT'I'NUED page 2 REVISED EXPENDITURES: * Capital Improvements to Revenue Sharing * Reduce Trash Collection Costs * Increase Election Costs * Computer Needs Assessment Revised Expenditures FUND BALANCE $ (201,300) (30,630) 1,610 15,000 $ 9,259,558 Fund/Balance 6-30-83 (audited) Fund Balance 6-30-84 (projected) Increase to Balance GAS TAX FUND REVISIONS: $ 2,438 257 2,490,048 51,791 * Reduce Moulton Parkway Project $ (18,500) * Reduce Ne~ort Avenue Extension Project (55,000) * Reduce Myford/Michelle Project (58,000) * Eliminate Red Hill/Barranca Signal (31,000) * Transfer From RDA Fund 97,600 ** (Reimbursement for traffic signals) Revised June 30, 1983 Balance 105,925 **Based on final project accounting of Irvine Blvd. street project and traffic signal at Irvine and Fashion Lane, completed after issuance of 82-83 audit report. REVENUE SHARING FUND REVISIONS: PROPOSED EXPENDITURES * Major Street Maintenance $ 257,000 * Pasadena Avenue Drain 15,000 * Santa Fe Catch Basin 14,600 * Police Communications Computer Equipment 30,000 * City Hall Improvements 10,000 * Red Hill/Walnut Signal 35,000 * Newport/Sycamore Signal 49,000 * Red Hill Storm Drain 237,000 $ 647,600 ITEMS REDUCED/ELIMINATED * Major Street Maintenance $ 35,000 * Median Paving 16,315 * General Fund Capital Outlay 19,281 * Bus Benches 4,400 * Police Space Needs 25,000 * City Computer Study 15,000 * Phone System Analysis 10,000 * City Hall Improvements 9,281 * City Traffic Study 41,000 $ 17b,2// PROJECTED JUNE 30, 1984 BALANCE $ 25,038 REQUESTS FROM OUTSIDE AGENCIES $ 71,300 TOWN ~NTER RDA R~ISIONS: REVISED EXPENDITURES/TRANSFERS * Transfer to Gas Tax Fund (signals) $ * Holt/Newport Conduit * Traffic Study FUND BALANCE June 30, 1983 (audited) Projected June 30, 1984 B~UTIFICATION FUND ~VISIONS: INCREASE EXPENDITURES TO INCLUDE MEDIAN PAVING $ 53,280 STATEgENT OF FUWD BALANC£S 6-30-84 page 3 (97,600) (20,500) (41,000) $ 5,180,091 5,072,838 The attached Schedule A projects fund balances through 6-30-84 based on the previously detailed revisions and breaks out separate funds for RDA debt service and water debt, .surcharge, funds. SLIII~Y OF REYEJJUES & EXPEIIDITURES 198:~-83 The attached Schedule B details the audited 1982-83 revenues and expenditures by fund. Schedule A STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES 6-30-84 AUDITED BALANCE ESTIMATED FUND 6-30-83 REVENUES TRANSFERS APPROPRIATIONS IN/(OUT) ESTIMATED BALANCE 6-30-84 General $ 2,438,257 $ 8,521,349 Revenue Sharing 289,638 383,000 Gas Tax 615,218 5,588,857 Park Development (15,084) -O- Sewer Trust (24,086) 500 Beautification 80,545 30,000 ~rk Bonds 271,541 72,912 Civic Ctr. Bonds 112,403 55,590 Town Center RDA Capital Projects 5,180,091 425,000 RDA Debt Service(3) 2,121,713 1,596,400 Water 97,355 3,483,000 Water Debt 323,500 897,000 Equipment 473,264 176,000 Health 177,790 343,263 Risk Management 512,321 234,260 Capital Improvement 104,117 24,883 $ 9,259,558 $ 790,000 $ 2,490,044) 647,600 -0- 25,038 6,015,750 (82,400)(1) 105,925 -0- -0- (15,084) -0- -0- (23,586) 75,280 (30,000) 5,265 110,700 -0- 233,753 67,375 -0- 100,618 839,700 (297,600)(2) 4,467,791 890,000 -0- 2,828,113 2,950,740 (100,000) 529,615 397,500 -0- 823,000 112,000 (151,000) 386,264 320,000 -0- 201,053 151,000 -0- 595,581 -0- (129,000) -0- TOTAL $12,758,583 $21,832,014 $21,837,203 $ -0- $12,753,394 (1) Net of $180,000 out to GF and $97,600 i~n from RDA (2) Transfer out to GF $200,000 and $97,600 out to GT. (3) In order to clearly state the RDA Fund Balances, the Debt Service Fund has been added. This fund has not been reflected in previous statements (see page 39 of Audited Financial Report). Schedule B S~Y OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 198~-1983 FUND BEG. BALANCE 7-1-82 ACTUAL REVENUES EXPEND'~TURES END BALANCE 6-30-83 General Revenue Sharing Gas Tax Park Development Sewer Trust Beautification Park Bonds Civic Ctr. Bonds Town Ctr. RDA "~Capital Projects ,,OA Debt Service Water Water Debt Equipment Health Risk Management Capital Improvement $ 2,790,088 292,624 621,512 61,750 (25,344) 87,452 279,381 117,539 891,141 -0- {253,568) 223,983 99,995 230,651 76,592 $ 8,252,214 372,647 1,160,014 8,700 1,258 45,885 106,423 65,579 7,772,583 2,778,489 3,235,863 419,250 366,541 390,515 526,657 27,525 $ 8,604,045 375,634 1,166,308 85,534 52,792 114,263 70,715 3,483,633 656,776 2,884,940 95,750 117,259 312,720 244,987 $ 2,438,257 289,637 615,218 (15,o84) (24,086) 80,545 271,541 112,403 5,180,091 2,121,713 97,355 323,500 473,265 177,790 512,321 104,117 TOTAL $ 5,493,796 $25,530,143 $18,265,356 $12,758,583 page 6 TUSTIN COI~UNITY REDEVELOP#ENT AGENCY The cash balance of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency as of 6-30-83 was $ 5,286,649 The unappropriated reserve, fund balance, of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency as of 6-30-83 was $ 5,180,091 (See page 42 of 82/83 Audit Report) The accounting for the funds held by the fiscal agent of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency are detailed in the Debt Service Fund. (See page 39 of 82/83 Audit Report.) The cash balance of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund as of 6-30-83 was $ 2,054,531 Interest earned on monies held by fiscal agent during 82/83 were $ 181,724 According to Health & Safety Code requirements, tax increment received by Redevelopment Agencies is to be transferred directly to the fiscal agent to be used for required debt service. These funds are accounted for in the Agency's books within a separate fund known as the Debt Service Fund. The existing RDA fund has been renamed the TCRDA Capital Projects Fund. You will see this referenced throughout the 82/83 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This fund is used exclusively-for the accounting of the operating and capital improvement expenditures of the Agency. There are only three sources of new revenue available to the Capital Projects Fund; new bond proceeds; interest earned On investments of idle cash of the fund; and the transfer of resources not needed by the fiscal agent to satisfy the obligations to the bond holders as spelled out in the indenture. We are estimating interest income to the capital projects fund of $425,000 for fiscal 84. Based on the 1982 Series A RDA bonds indenture, we must supply the fiscal agent a certified letter prepared by an independent auditor stating what amounts are to be considered surplus and subject to transfer to the Capital Projects Fund, and, that these funds are needed to enable the Agency to carry out its program. There is a question in our Auditor's mind regarding the Agencies need in light of the current balance in the Capital Project Fund. We may want to postpone any request of this nature until such time that we have sufficiently committed the existing resources, satisfied the three year arbitrage requirement and have incurrd additional debt through the use of General Fund short term loans for additional RDA projects. page 7 TUSTIN COIICUNI'rY P. EDEYELOPNENT AGF. IICY EIMllU~EMF. NT TO GEli[~JU. RIND Fa Ai)MINISTRATIV[ EXPE~ES The following details the incurred expenses, by department, of the General Fund not directly charged to the Redevelopment Agency for fiscal 82-83: OEBT DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT 102 City Clerk 78 $ 4,021 103 City Attorney 312 4,745 201 Administration 310 15,639 202 Finance 416 46,292 203 Administrative Services 156 15,693 301 Planning 390 39,013 302 Building 150 10,688 40 Public works Administration 159 16,419 $ 152,510 WATER BOND CAStl FLOWS Attached are several graphs depicting the cash receipts and cash disbursements of the water fund from November, 1980 through June of 1984. The graph of 82/83 and 83/84 are shown net of the surcharge. The current cash situation in the water fund can directly be traced back to the first eight months that the system was under the control of the City. Keep in mind that the rates were not adjusted until July of 1981 and that there were significant long term liability payments made from current revenues. The graph of cash transactions for 80-81 illustrates the activity during this period. The following details the significant disbursements made from the then existing revenue stream: December 1980 $ 52,000 26,000 . Bond Interest Property Taxes January 1981 76,377 Accrued Pump Tax March 52,000 86,800 Bond Interest Cash to Bond Holders April 300,000 Maturing Bonds June 48,000 131,000 Bond Interest Developer Advances page 8 Tustin Water Works would have had to issue new debt in order to meet their obligations for bond redemption and developer reimbursements. In essence, we did the same thing by borrowing cash from the General Fund to cover the cash flow needs of the water fund. At this time, the water fund owes the General fund $713,600 broken out as follows: Cash Transfer from general fund Interest on borrowed cash 81-82 Interest on borrowed cash 82-83 Administrative expenses 82-83 $ 534,300 63,200 53,800 62,300 1983 NON-PROFIT CORPORATION LEASE REVEgUE BONDS The only impact on the water fund resulting from the recently issued non-profit corporationn lease revenue bonds is the reimbursement to the City addressed in the Official Statement as $300,000. Based on the most recent accounting of issuance costs, the balance of the bond proceeds available for reimbursement to the City is approximately $200,000. The Council can reduce the water funds liability to the General Fund by only this amount, or they can reimburse the full $300,000 by using part of the cash balance of the water debt service fund. DEBT SERVICE SURCHARGE Based on concerns raised by Council regarding a separate accounting of the resources derived from the Debt Service Surcharge, a separate fund will be created for this puprose. In order to be able to respond in a reasonable manner to questions that may be raised involving these funds, I would not propose to utilize surcharge balance to supply cash flow for the water enterprise fund. Idle cash in the surcharge fund will be investd at the highest rates possible and interest income will be included with other resources to satisfy debt service and lease obligations. Due to the limitations of our utility billing system we do not have the ability to use the computer to break out cash receipts into surcharges, demand charges, etc. It would take a considerable amount of program modification to incorporate this task into the system. It would also take considerably longer to post daily cash receipts if the various changes were broken out separately. page 9 A manual calculation of surcharge revenue is required using the following methodology: METER NET SEmi-ANNUAL SUR-CHARGE SIZE llETERS SURCHARGE REVENUE 5/8" 9,968 $ 15.00 $ 149,520 1" 2,487 37.50 93,263 1 1/2" 192 75.00 14,400 2" 235 120.00 28,200 3" 23 225.00 5,175 4'~ 13 375.00 4,875 6" -0- 750.00 -0- $ 295,453 10,318 Multiple Units x $1,200 Semi Annual 123,816 TOTAL ALLOCATED TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 82/83 $ 419,249 I believe that all issues raised by the Council at the October 5th meeting have been addressed. An~ additional questions can be answered at the meeting October 17th. RN:dmt ~n · CD (.n 0 urt CD ~ 0 t.n 0 CD 0 CD 0 CD CD 0 -. CD CD CD r $28,000 . ~lllllllllllll $218,ooo $249,500 ~ Illllllllllll. $195,ooo $142,.500 Illllllllll $z83,5oo Illll $171,ooo t~ k~ CD Illlllllll[ $173,ooo $133,000 lllll $212,5oo $305,000 $348,412 $335,547 $423,500 $598,000 Illlllllllllllll. $~,ooo $zo7,5oo ···············11···1 $282,000 $73 , 500 ~111111111111111111111153o~,5oo. $376,000 1··1·1·111111111111·11! $324,ooo $240,000 $521,000 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $174,500 llllll/llllll $19o,5oo $136,500 -Illll······· $19o,5oo $177,500 ~.~lllllllllll, $18~,5oo $275,500 $287,000 $392,000 $197,000 $415,500 o I 0 0 c~ c~ $225,500 ~'lllllllll'llllllllllll $33o,219 $235,000 ~lllllllllllllllllllll.$3os,soo $271,445 ~111111[ $132,112 .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml, $231,500 $334,000 III1~1.1 $295,000 $245,000 $644,000 $132,500 $170,500 $250,000 $259,ooo 1111 $212,000 '~~. $152,000 $360,000 $396,43'3 $239,000 $383,500 $249,000 0 (7 n. I I 0 0 llllllllllllllllllll. $33s,ooo $288,000 ~ ~' $144,000 c: ~o $411,500 ~ IIIIIIllillllllllllllllllll $364,000 $245,000 $181,000 $260,000 $265,000 $381,000 IBBBBBBBBBB . $23i, 000 $161,000 $296,500 $420,000