HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 SMOKE DETECTOR 10-17-83DATE: October 17, 1983 OLD BUSINESS No. 2 10-17-83 Inter-Corn THRU: FROH: S UBJ ECT: Honorable Mayor & City Council Members William Huston, City Manager Community Development Department Smoke Detector Compliance Enclosed for your information is the Smoke Detector Inspection Program from the County of Orange Fire Department. This exhibit includes the background of the program, the inspection program and the plan of action. As of September 12, 1983, ninety-three (93) complexes were in compliance with this program. Since there are approximately 355 complexes in the City, this figure represents 26% certified to be in compliance. At the City Council meeting on Monday, October 17, 1983, an updated report from the Fire Department will be available to the Council. Mary ~nn Associate Planner MAC:jh Encl. £XHIBIT 6 SMOKE DETECTOR INSPECTION PROGRAM Backqround Because of the potential for saving lives, the cities of Irvine, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Placentia, San Juan Capistrano, Tustin and Yorba Linde have adopted retroactive smoke detector ordinances applicable to residental properties. (Cypress is currently in process of adopting a similar ordinance.) Single family and duplex (R-3) must.install smoke detectors upon a change of ownership. However, multi-family units (apartments R-l's) are required to have smoke detectors installed within 6 months of adoption of the ordinance. Inspectt on Program Fire Suppression personnel conduct fire and life safety inspections of R-! occupancies approximately every 18 months. Inspection for compliance with the Smoke Detector Ordinance has now'been included as a part of the normal routine inspection program. Plan of Action 1. Training of field Fire Inspectors was completed May I6. Training of fire suppression personnel will be completed .by June A letter (see attachment'l} will be mailed tO orooerty owners, aooroximately June 1. It includes safety tips and where to locate smoke detectors. o Fire companies are also provided with a detailed inspection procedure (see attachment 2). Special attention has been given to privacy rights of occupants. 5. Field Inspectors will actively provide support and provide guidance for fire companies as the program proceeds. By January 1985 we expect to have gained compliance in all R-I occupancies. [nspectton for maintenance will continue as a normal part of our fire safety program. Attachment The valum of m~ M~c~ . a lift saving ~i ~ ~ roll fl~lts~ .by ~ ~1~ of ft~ Mi~s md tnJu~es i~ ~ in effect. i~m~ly by ~ p~H~ ~r in e~ ~t ~ in t howl, m~! o~ lo~ing ~ ~ed for sluing ~u~ses ~U In Our ~ ln~. ~u ;m ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~d by ~m Orm~ b~ty Fi~ ~t ~1~ ~ sm~ng lt~ ~d pm~ f~ ~ ~vm~ offt~, msu~ ~1t~ wi~ ,eue mvt~ ~e info~tton ;~vl~ ~ ~ mt~ ;l~. ~ll out If ~ m~ ~ lm~r ~ ~r of ~is p~, plme ratify ~ts offt~. Your ~rltim ts lgg~cii~ in our m~l ~ far ~e safe~ of 1tfe ~fully, Lir~ J. IColms Dlr~¢~or of Ftr~ Set~tc~s L~g:Ol:jw Enc)osur~s (P~.ASE PRINT) OkY4ER ' S MAHE ~-.WNER~ S A~DRESS A~$ESSOR'$ PARCEL'NUt~E~ CERTIFY THAT STATE FIRE I4ARSHAL APPROVED SHOKE DETECTORS ARE PROPERLY XNSTALLF-O AND OPERAT[N6 THROUGHOUT APARTHENT ~U]LOING ADDRESS (NUI~ER, STREET, CITY) AS REaUIREO IY CODE, SIGNATURE DATE THE FOLLOWING I$ A LIST OF ITB~$ THAT WILL HELP YOU AND YOUR FIRE DEPARTIqE)IT DURI~aG AN E24ERGENCY: l. H~ke sur~ all addresses am clearly visible 2. Keep all fir~ hydrants on or a~ound your pre~y c]ea~ of shahs ~d v~s~b]e 3, Ensure vehtc]es ~ no~ b~ock ff~e ~anes. 4. Locate t~ash dts~sa~ d~ps~e~s amy f~ bul~d~ngS, e~naC~ng the possibility of a f~re spreading to your ~par~nt building during m d~pster firm. 5. ~v.e ~ur fi~ extinguishers se~ic~ annually. 5. ~ not block mccmss to electrical and natural ~ms Shut-offs. Attachment ~ng ~t~ne ~ns~cttm~ of ~1 Oc~ct~ ~ t~tm far ~1t~ ~t~ stoke 3. ~t g~wl shall NC ~r 4. ~a~t Nm~l, ~ tns~tng a ~ of ~ foll~ng m~s: B. Ve~f~ut~ by st~atu~ of ~ ~er or hts ~tt~ ~at S~tl ;I~ ~hal 7. ~ ~lfly of~l~r sflll~ use hts ~ud~t ~n ~ntng ~ n~r o~ ~tU ~ M ~ns~cted. B. ~n mdt~ stze ~lex~ (10-1~ ~ S~Uld ~ lnspec~d. ~ Yns~K~1ng of~fcer's tflt~t s~uld pmHrly tns~lled ~d ~t~ng ~ut ~ ~lex. 8. ~c~flt ~t~ ~t~ a~ ~c~d tfl ~ ~ctt~ fo1~r and att~t ~ tfls~c~ dlffe~t .d shall ~ i~lfl~ed v~ s~lw~l tflfo~ttofl (E~btt Z, 3) ~ asstst ~ butld~flg 11. ~t tns~c~r should e~litn ~ts s~l~til ~af~tt~ ~s~tt~ and c11rtfy any q~tt~s he 12. If ~ tns~r 4u ~t ~yst~lly lns~d ~c1~ shall sl~ a s~Wt slmlir ~ ~l ~le s~ tn It~ 2 ~ Exhibit 5, Tally SMt" ~d Jnc]~ ~ ~1 P~tt~ ~iu vtll p~vCM ~ pm~l n~r, ~'s n~, ~r's address ~d bust~ss (St~S) i~qS! for i11 of W W ~litnt R-1 oc~flclls 14. Zf ~1t~u has ~t ~ 8~1ts~ afar ~e se~d ~tns~cCtm, ~ tns~c~l~ ~ol~r SMOKE INSTALLATION CARE SHALL BE EXERCZSED TO ENSURE THAT THE INSTALL.AT[ON WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE OPERATING CHARATER/$TZCS OF THE DETECTOR, SMOKE DETECTORS SHOULD ~E LOCATED NOT CLOSER THAN 3 FEET FROM HEATING AND COOLING UN[TS TO ENSURE THAT THE AIR ISSUING FROM THE VENT WILL NOT BLOW THE SNOKE ANAY, A SMOKE ALARM SHALL BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE SLEEPING AREA AND'THE REST OF THE LIVING AREA, IN .DWELL/NG UN[TS WITH MORE.' .THAN ONE SLEEPING AREA, A $~3KE ALARM SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PROTECT EACH, EXAMI~.E OF PROPER MOUNTING FOI~ .-.~ SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE ]NSTALLE]:),~ TESTED,, AND I~INTA]NED ]N ACCORDANCE WI-TH THE REC01~IENDA'T[ONS OF THE MANUFACTURER, SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES County of Orange TO' FROM: SUBJECT: Mary Ann Mike Cate, Fire Marshal SMOKE DETECTOR COMPLIANCES DATE: October 17, 1983 DEPT/DIST: City of Tustin, Planning Dept. 0range County Fire Department Out of 355 units in your city, 106 have complied with the Smoke Detector Ordinance. This gives your city a 30% compliance figure, as of October 17, 1983. jw pc: Bob Schmahl, Deputy Chief Bob Hennessey, Assistant Chief