HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 S.B. 821 10-05-83; ,GENDA DATE: TO: SUBJECT: September 27, 1983 lo 5-8~ Inter-Corn William Huston, City Manager Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer S.B. 821 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Project Application Recommendation: That the Tus,tin City Council at their meeting of October 5, 1983, approve by adoption of a minute order, the application for S.B. 821 funds to construct a sidewalk along the southerly side of Nisson Road between 1000+ ft. easterly of Red Hill Ave. and 300+ ft. westerly of Browning Ave. as a part of-an overall project consisting of curl~and gutter, driveway aprons, street paving, streetlight conduit and street trees. Background: This project application is the F.Y. 1983-84 submittal for the S.B. 821 monies in the amount of $8,634.00. The City, over the past three years has utilized these funds to construct handicapped sidewalk ramps. At a recent meeting, the City Council expressed their concerns regarding the safety of the handicapped ramps and requested staff to provide them with some alternative projects. On September lgth, at their last meeting, the City Council selected a sidewalk construction project along the southerly side of Nisson Road between Red Hill and Browning Avenue. Discussion: The Nisson Road sidewalk project, will include additional improvements over and above the sidewalk improvements. These additional improvements will include the following: i. Curb and gutter 2. Driveway aprons 3. Asphaltic Concrete pavement 4. Street light conduit 5. Street trees The total cost of all of these improvements, including the sidewalk, is $49,234.00, of which $8,634.00 would be financed by S.B. 821 funds. This would require a balance of $40,600 to be budgeted by the City for the 1984-85 fiscal year. September 27, 1983 William Huston, City Manager S.B. 821 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Project Application Page 2 The attached application forms are for the the sidewalk construction along the southerly side of Nisson Road. These forms must be submitted to the Orange County Transportation Commission by no later than October 17, 1983. If the Council is desirous of submitting this application for sidewalk construction along Nisson Rd., it is requested that a City Council minute order be passed approving said project, and authorizing the submittal of the application for all funds available to the City of Tustin for fiscal year 1983-84. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer bh attch SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TDA BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CLAIM - ARTICLE 3 CHECKLIST OF ITEMS TO BE FILED FY ~.~ C1 aimant: The items City of Tusttn Date: October 7, 1983 checked below are enclosed in connection with the claim filed herein: X X X 3. X 4. X 5. X 6. e · Nontransit Claim Form See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package.... Financial Regortin$ Form See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package. Pending Project Schedule See instructions for completing Schedule B-3 in the instruction package. Project Information Form 'See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package. Governing Body Authorization Submit a certified copy of a resolution or minute order. TDA Guide, Section 1.4.2. See SCAG Project Map See TDA Guide Section 4.5. Other - O~tional Additional exhibits are enclosed as listed below: SCAG/TDA 3/82 SOUTHERN _IFORNIA ASSOCIATION' OF GOVERN .TS TDA NON-TRANSIT CLAIM FORM · ~ISCAL YEAR: CLAIMANT: COUNTY LTF: PURPOSE: (x) () 1983-84 City of Tustin Orange (Check one box only) Article 3, Puc Section 99224 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Article 8, Puc Section 99400a Local Streets and Roads ArticleiS, PUc'Section 99400a BicyFleland Pedestrian Facilities DETAIL OF REQUESTED ALLOCATION: 1. Payment from Unallocated Funds 2. Payment-from Fund:Reserved in; t'h~Lo~aq--TrankpOrta~4Ort~Fbnd 3. Total Allocation Requested CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available, and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the allocation'instructions.. 1. DATE APPROVED 2. SIGNED: DATE: October 7, 1983 PAYMENT RECIPIENT: City of Tustin (Claimant} 300 Centennial Way (Mailing Address) Tustin, CA 92680 · (City and Zip Code) Bob LeoenaecKer Director of Public Works/City Engineer (Attention-Name and Title) Bob Ledendecker (714) 544-8890 Contact person: Phone no. AMOUNT $8,634.00 $12.00 $8,646.00 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE~CLAIMANT'S CHIEF ADMINISTP. ATOR OR FINANCIAL OFFICER) (Signature) Loni Hambli,n, Finance Coordinator (Print Name and Title) CTC USE ONLY l. CLAIM NO. 2. DATE APPROVED FOR PAY~-NT FOR RESERq/E 3. ALLOCATION N~ER 4. BY: SCAG/TDA 3/82 SCAG USE ONLY z I I BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CLAIM Project Information Form FY 83-84 Claimant: City of Tustin 2. Project Name: Nisson Rd. Sidewalk Construction Project Type: Bicycle Facility (') Bike Lane (Class II) { ) Bike Path {Class I) ( ) Other (specify) Date: October 7, 1983 Pedestrian Facility ~ ) Sidewalk ( ) Handicapped sidewalk ramps ( } Other (specify) Project Location/Limits:South side of Nisson Rd. from lO00~ft, easterly of Red Hill Ave. to 300+ ft. westerly of Browning Ave. Project Budget: COSTS Preliminary Engineering and Design: Right-of-Way Acquisition: Construction: TOTAL PROJECT COST: REVENUE Transportation Development Act: Other City funds : TOTAL PROJECT REVENUES: 49,234. O0 $ 49,234.00 $ 8,634.00 40,600.00 $ 49,234.00 7. Estimated Starting Date (month/year): July, 1984 8. Estimated Co~letion Date (n~/year): September, 1984 9. Does project involve multiple governmental jurisdictions? Yes If yes, identify participating agencies. 10. Project Description (Use additional sheets ~s necessary.} No X Construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive aprons, street pavement along the southerly side of Nisson Road. Total sidewalk construction cost is estimated at $15,706.00. City will fund balance of project above TDA funds. SCAG/TDA 3/82