HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1952 10 20
20, 1952, AT 7:35 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William I. Miller,
William H. Gray and J. Roy Teter.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.
Minutes of the meeting of October 6 were read and ap-
TWO WARRANT City Attorney Nisson presented and read Resolution No.
OFFICERS 321 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the
APPOINTED City of Tustin Authorizing the Employment of Warrant
Officers as Members of the Tustin Police Department,
Fixing the Compensation Thereof, Terms of Employment,
and Authorizing the Chief of Police to Execute a Con-
tract Embodying Said Terms with said Warrant Officers."
This Resolution was discussed by the Council and was
adopted on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Councilman Teter and duly carried.
Councilman Gray stated that he had arranged with Ele-
mentary School Superintendent W. R. Nelson, Jr., for
storage facilities for an undetermined amount of Civil
Defense supplies in the Grammar School facilities.
Attorney Nisson reported that Col. E. L. Creager has
COL. CREAGER stated that he is willing to take over as Civil De-
TO BECOME fense Commander for Tustin in the near future due to
COMMANDER the proposed resignation of Commander William H. Gray.
DEFENSE Police Chief Johansen presented a report of Police Ac-
tivities during the month of September which was pas-
sed around and read by the Council members.
Mayor Humeston mentioned the desirability of a Bicycle
Stand to be placed on the East side of the County Li-
brary. On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Coun-
cilman Teter and carried, it was ordered that Police
Chief Johansen have the stand made by the Tustin Black-
smith Shop.
Carl Focht and Cleo Stone were present and requested
permission to operate two street stands for the pur-
pose of selling Christmas Candles in order to raise
funds for the local Boy Scout Troop No. 33. Mr. Focht
stated that he already has permission from several
merchants to operate the stands in front of their
places of business. On motion of Councilman Gray,
seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried, per-
mission was granted as requested until Christmas.
Copies of the Quarterly Audit Report ending September
30th were presented by the City Clerk to the indiv-
idual Council members.
City Attorney Nisson reported on various phases of
the program of the Annual Convention of the League of
California Cities which he attended in San Diego last
Attorney Nisson and Council Members discussed at
length the preliminary draft of the proposed new
Ordinance regarding Curbs and Sidewalks. Council
members made several suggestions relative to items
proposed to be incorporated.
The matter of a City Census was mentioned by Mayor
Humeston. Councilman Miller suggested that a census
be delayed until after completion and occupancy of
the Bryan Subdivision.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilmanl Miller, seconded
by Councilman Gray and duly carried.
Hardy & Harper $220.80
Hardy & Harper 530.32
U. S. Post Office (500 Envelopes) 17.30
Tustin Auto Parts 12.05
A. O. Park 53.00
James A. Musick, Sheriff 2.20
McCoy Motor Co. 742.93
McCoy Motor Co. 144.64
The Tustin News 4.00
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. 61.55
Clerk's Petty Cash Fund 27.19
TOTAL $1,898.85
Mr. Arnold Posade was present and inquired about the
present status of the two Tustin Welcome Signs at
the North and South entrances of the City. Councilman
Miller was requested by the Council to check with Mr.
Greenwood regarding the present status of the signs
in view of the possibility of the City taking them
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman
Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried,
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk