15, 1952, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent E. Humeston, William I. Miller,
Frank E. Bacon, Jr., J. Roy Teter and
William H. Gray.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston
at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the meeting of September 2nd and of the
Special Meeting of September 6th were read and ap-
proved after a correction was made in the Minutes
of September 6th whreeby the salary of Chief of Po-
lice Elmer Jobarisen was corrected to read $375.00
per month during a three month probationery period
instead of $275.00 per month.
ATTORNEY NISSON Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including
AUTHORIZED TO an invitation from Mayor Butler of San Diego to par-
ATTEND CONVEN- ticipate in the 54th Annual Convention of the League
TION AT SAN of California Cities to be held in the city October
DIEGO 12th to 15th inclusive. On motion of Councilman Teter,
seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried, City
Attorney Nisson was authorized to represent the City
of Tustin with expenses paid by the City.
A notice from the Orange County League of Cities re-
garding a general meeting to be held at the Laguna
Hotel on Thursday evening, September 25th, was read
by Mayor Humeston.
Mr. Walter Brooks, of the General Neon Sign Co., was
present and requested permission to erect a 10 ft x
17 ft Neon Sign advertising the Bel Air Motel on the
Motel property. Mr. Brooks was referred to Building
Inspector Broomell for structural approval.
Councilman Miller stated that a curb relative to the
Alley in the rear of the Francis Apartments will be
put in about the middle of next week.
On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
Teter and duly carried, City Engineer McBride was
authorized to proceed with the concrete approach rel-
ative to the above mentioned alley, subject to the
inspection and approval of Engineer McBride.
RESOLUTION NO. Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 317 entitled
317 ADOPTED "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tus-
tin Accepting Deed from Dean Wilson Francis and Daphne
June Francis for Right of Way for Public Alley." On
motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and carried, Resolution No. 317 was read by
title only and was then adopted on motion of Council-
man Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly
GLENN V. SISSEL Pollce Chief Johansen recommended that Extra Police
EMPLOYED AS Officer Glenn V. Sissel be employed as a regular of-
REGULAR POLICE ficer and that Extra Police Officer Gordon H. Gallup
OFFICER be employed as a regular Extra Officer.
OFFICER SISSEL On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
TO BE PAID Gray and carried, it was ordered that Police Officer
X280.00 PER Sissel be paid a salary of X280.00 per month begin-
P,iONTH ping September 15th.
J. A.
BY 10
SpSKELL~S On motion
HOURS the wages
NTH hours mor
of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
and duly carried, it was agreed to increase
of J. A. Haskell on a basis of ten (10)
9 per month at his present basic rate of pay
September 15th.
Councilman Gray suggested that the Council find some-
~~ one to replace him as local Civil Defense Commander
as soon as possible.
Councilman Miller issued a Minute Order authorizi ng
approval of a request when received from the Tele-
phone Co. in regard to trimming certain avacado trees
on "B" Street, between P:4ain and Sixth Streets, speci-
fying that the work must be done by an experienced
tree trimmer under the direct supervision of Engineer
-'ONE NE~J FORD Councilman Bacon reported that one of the new Ford
POLICE CAR Police Cars as ordered has been delivered and that
"DELIVERED the second new Ford car is now in possession of the
dealer and will be delivered in t he near future.
BILLS Councilman Miller moved to pay the following bills,
Councilman Gray seconded the motion. L4otion carried.
A bill in the amount of X42.00 from the California
Tree Service was ordered held until approved for pay-
ment by City Engineer McBride.
~--- Les Johnson, Union Oil Dealer, ~ 2.80
'~ Safe-T-Gal Sign & Decal Co., 8.02
~_ PQotorola Inc., 560.84
McCoy Motor Co. 612.9
Dave L. Styring 18.
Orange County Blueprint Shop .78
seaside oil co. .113.69
Miller-Bryant-Pierce 6.18
Departmeatof Employment 4.70
Tustin Auto Parts .78
Tustin Hardware Co. 3.65
Knipper's Rentals 12. 0
Belcher & Schacht 21.62
Tustin Garage 25.76
Tustin News 33.99
Carson & Golding 27.02
Associated Chambers of Commerce 10.00
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Utilities (Fire Hall) 2.69
TOTAL ~1, 11. 9
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman
Gray, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried.
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