HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 09-06-83MIN~S OF A REGUI_N~ ~ETING OF THE CIl~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 15, 1983 I. CALL TO OR~ER PLEDGE OF ~LLE~IkBCE X#VOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoesterey at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Alle- giance was led by Councilman Edgar, and the Invocation was given by Mayor Hoesterey. II. ROLL CAll III. SPECIAL PRE~NTATXONS 1. Councilpersons Present: Council persons Absent: Others Present: ® Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Frank H. Greinke Donald J. Saltarelli None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, CityManager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Community Development Dir. Royleen A. White, Director of Community and Administrative Services Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Captain N. Williams, Police Department Approximately 65 in the audience PROCLARATION - LAW :E]I:ORCEMENT EXPLORER POST 811 Mayor Hoesterey read and presented a proclamation commending Law Enforcement Explorer Post 811 for their many community services. Captain Williams introduced explorer members present, who expressed thanks to Council. 84 7TH CONSECUTIYE PEDES-rRIAN SAFE-FY CITATION BY AUTOI"K)BILE ~UB OF SOIFilERN CAI_IFOIUIIA Gene Shaw, District Manager of the Santa Aha Office, presented Mayor Hoesterey with the seventh consecutive Pedestrian Safety Citation for 1982, and congratulated Tustin on its achievement. IV. PUBLZC CONCERNS 1. ~IFORNIAN APARlllEI(~S CONDOMINIUM COliVERSION Linda Williams, 14914 Newport Avenue #K, Californian Apartments, presented a petition signed by 90 residents with photographs, and reported on conditions in the complex which are a result of the condominium conversion work in progress. Ms. Williams provided results of a survey conducted by the tenant committee. Mayor Hoesterey thanked Ms. Williams for her information, and stated that the City Attorney has advised that it would be inappropriate for the City Council to comment at this time since there may be necessary legal action. 43 2. REQUES-r FOR CtlRI~ DECOI~TIONS IN DOWNTOWN AREA Walter Fl aherty, downtown merchant, requested decorations for the 1983 Christmas season. The City Manager indicated staff would investigate and report back to Council. 89 3. WINi)~R GARDENS CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION Marsha Hill, 1651 Mitchell #C-3, also reported on conditions in the apartment complex due to the condominium conversion project and submitted petitions and photographs. Mayor Hoesterey noted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 8-15-83 that this condominium conversion is under the same management as the Californian Apartments and reiterated his comments relative to the inappropriateness of Council discussion of the matter, and he encouraged residents to maintain contact with Community Development Department staff. 4.t 4. RCOUSTICS IN COUNCIL ~E~ Helen Edgar complained of acoustics in the Council Chambers and requested that speakers be placed in the rear corners of the Chambers for the benefit of those Sitting in the back rows. 39 5. ~IFORIIIAIi AI~A~ll~EI(~S COIIDOI~INIUM CONYE~IOIi James Shannon, 14922 Newport Avenue, requested information on action the City plans to take to rectify the matter. The Com- munity Development Director stated that City staff, together -with the Orange County Health and Fire Departments, has inspected the Windsor Gardens and Californian Apartments condo- minium conversion projects. At the Californian Apartments, rather extensive violation notices have been issued to the prop- erty owner by each governmental agency. He added that the recommendations will basically provide the property owner 30 days in which to make substantial corrections, after which a public hearing will be held which residents can attend, and staff ~ll have a public report indicating whether the viola- tions have been corrected. If not corrected, legal action will most likely follow. Mr. Shannon expressed satisfaction ~th this information and indicated he would maintain contact with the Community Development Director. The Director continued that to date staff has been unable to make extensive inspections at Windsor Gardens and requested a contact.person, to which Ms. Marsha Hill agreed to be the repre- sentative for coordinating unit inspections. John Cagnon, 14938 #S Newport Avenue, had further questions, to which the Community Development Director responded. ~ 6. CABLE TELEVI$IOll IN llJSlI# Steve Markl, 14902 Bridgeport, Tustin Meadows Board of Direc- tors, presented a list of concerns pertaining to installation of cable television services in Tustin Meadows. Communicom repre- sentatives responded to Mr. Markl's concerns, and a discussion period followed. Bruce Miller, 14631 Danborough, relayed his experience with pedestal installation on his property and staff's resolution of his problem. C. W. Chuck Young, 340 West Main Street, complained that he still does not have cable television service after nine months of waiting. Councilman Greinke indicated he would look into the matter. Following a discussion period, it was Council consensus to allow Communicom to commence pedestal installation at the 94 locations v/here approval has been obtained, and direct Communicom to con- tinue negotiations with the six remaining property owners for approval, and report back to Council on September 6, 1983, for final Council action. S3 7. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF CONSENT CALENOAR ITEH !10. 3 Steve Markl requested a two-week continuance of Consent Calendar Item No. 3, to which staff agreed. 8. CLAIM N0.'82-5 Pearl Murray, 185 Pacific Street, spoke briefly regarding the City's claim against her mother's estate. Mayor Hoesterey interjected that the matter is under review. 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, B-15-83 ¥. CO~TI#UED PUBLIC IEJ~RI#G 1. APPEAL OF USE PERMIT 83-12 - HOME .FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN The Community Development Director presented the staff report as contained in the inter-eom dated .August 15, 1983, prepared by the Community Development Department. Mayor Hoesterey opened the continued public hearing at 8:30 p.m. The following spoke in favor of Use Permit 83-12: Doug Oanielson, Danielson Design Group, project architect Arthur E. Bartlett, Larwin Square Ltd. General Partner Frank Melard, Pet Mart owner (located behind proposed building) Helen Edgar complained of insufficient parking, hazardous traf- fic conditions, and lack of night lighting in Larwin Square. There being no other speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. The Community Development Director made a brief slide presentar tion. Council discussion followed. Councilmen Edgar and Greinke spoke in opposition to Use Permit 83-12 on the basis of inadequate parki rig. Councilman Saltarelli spoke in favor of Use Permit 83-12, noting that the parking standards meet City Code. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy expressed concern over tack of City stan- dards which* set aside a percentage of space for parking instead of a given number, and requested staff to look into same to resolve parking problems and halt the "restriping game" for com- pact stalls. She continued that she cannot support Use Permit 83-12 based on inadequate parking and aesthetics. 'She encour- aged the applicant to submit another proposal where a building would not be constructed in front of existing structures. Mayor Hoesterey stated that he could not support an additional facility in the center without first correcting the existing parking problems and traffic hazards. Councilman Greinke stated he would favor assisting the center owners by allowing removal of the play yard to be replaced with parking stalls. Doug Danielson and Arthur Bartlett offered rebuttal arguments in favor of Use Permit 83-12. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to deny Use Permit 83-12. The motion was amended with approval of the maker and second, to deny Use Permit 83-12, to waive permit fees should the applicant submit a new proposal within a year, and to approve elimination of the tot lot. Councilman Saltarelli again spoke in favor of Use Permit 83-12. The amended motion carried 4-1, Saltarelli opposed. 81 VI. CALE~AR Item 3 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Saltarelli. It was then moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to approve the remain- der of the Consent Calendar. CarriedS-O. 1. APPROVAL OF NI#UTES - August 1, 1983 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $98,120.96 APPROVAL OF I)F~DS in the amount of $105,660.10 50 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 8-15-83 Consent Calendar Item No. 3 - City Facility Policy: The Director of community ano Aam~nls:rac~ve Services responded to Council concerns. Councilman Greinke questioned the existing facility fee schedule. Lengthy Council/staff discussion followed. Council concurred that non-resident non-profit group (Group 4) fees be comparable to resident private (Group 3) fees. Mayor Hoesterey requested that staff report back on how many groups who use facili- ties on a regular basis will be affected by same. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to continue the follow- ing to September 6, 1983: 3. ClI~ FACILITI~ POLICY a) Institute a Park Reservation Fee to offset processing costs for permits and reservations; b) Institute an Outdoor Sound Amplification Permit to offset processing costs for permits; c) Institute an Alcoholic Beverage Permit Fee for outdoor areas and require clean-up deposits; and d) Require that groups and individuals serving alcohol provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance for $500,000 Com- bined Single Limit of Liability (CSL) or purchase an Orange County Cities Risk Management Agency (OCCRMA) Liability Policy through the City. Carried 5-0. 41 VII. OROINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None VIII. ORDI- #AIICES FOR ADOPTION 1.' SECOND UNITS IN E-4 & R-3 RESIDENTIAL ZONES - ORDINANCE NO. 892 It was moved b~ Saltarelii, seconded by Greinke, that Ordinance No. 892 have second reading by title only. Carried 5-0..Fol- lowing reading of title by the City Clerk, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 892 be passed and adopted as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 892 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 83-2 TO THE ZON- ING ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SECOND RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN THE E-4 AND R-3 DISTRICTS AND ESTABLISHING CRITERIA Roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None IX. NEll BUSINESS X. REPORTS 1. AUTHORIZATION TO FILL VACANT CUSTODIAN POSITION - PUBLIC WORKS DEPART~NT As recommended in the lnter-com dated August 10, 1983, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to authorize replacement of one Custodian position within the Maintenance Division. Motion carried 5-0. 79 PLANNING COPl~ISSIO# ACTIONS - AU6UST 8, 1983 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to ratify the Plan- ning Commission Action Agenda of August 8, 1983. Carried 5-0. COI~ILIMITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PROJECT S~ATUS The Departmental Status Report dated Augdst 8, 1983, prepared by the Director of Community Development was received and filed by unanimous informal consent. 81 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 8-15-83 3. BULLET TRAIN The City Manager presented an oral update report and stated that staff will provide Council with a comprehensive report in the near. future. 101 XI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a Closed Session legal matters. GI)J~'FITI for discussion of Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy reported Council concurred that funds be same. graffiti in Peppertree Park. budgeted for maintenance of Councilman Greinke requested staff contact the City of Carson for information on the chemical they use for graffiti removal, and he reported fresh graffiti in Pinetree Park. 3. OCTOBER 3 REGULAR ~ETZNG ~SCHEDULEO TO OCTOBER S It was moved b~ Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, to resche~ule the October 3 meeting to Wednesday, October 5, 1983,.due to atten- dance by several Councilmembers at the California League of Cities meeting. Carried 5-0. 38 4. EXCESSIVE TRUCK ~IC ON W/U. IIIF~ ME#UE Councilman Edgar reported excessive truck traffic on Walnut Avenue. The City Manager stated staff is investigating the mat- ter and will report back to Council on same. 5. SEIIA~ BILL 14:) - REllOYAL Or IION-CONFOR)IlIIG BUSI#ESS SI~ CoUncilman Greinke stated he is opposed t~ the City's opposition of SB 142-Ellis which would require cash compensation for remo- val of any non-conforming business signs within City limits. The City Manager stated that staff will present the bill, including all proposed amendments, for Council review and formal position on the matter at the September 6, 1983, meeting. 61 6. rJ)NGRE~TION B'NAI IS~JiEL BI#GO PEPJ4IT Mayor Hoesterey requested that. the letter dated August 9, 1983, from Michael I. Schneider, Executive Vice President, Congrega- tion B'Nail Israel, pertaining to transfer of their bingo permit be agendized for the September 6, lg83, meeting. Council con- curred. 31 XlI. RECESS - REDEVELOP~#T AGENCY CLOSED SESSION o AO~OURIa~ENT At 10:13 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters; thence adjourn to a meeting on August 22, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. for ordinance introduction authorizing execution of a lease of facilities by Tustin Water Corporation to the City of Tustin, and thence to the next Adjourned Regular meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Carried. MAYOR CITY CLERK MI#U1TS OF AN ADJOURNED 14EETING OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJS~TIN, C/~.IFOR#IA AUGU~ 22, 19B3 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was ca~led to order by Maybr Pro Ten )~ennedy at 7:01 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room, 300 Centennial Way. II. ROLL CALL III. NEW BUST#ESS Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Ten Richard B. Edgar Frank H. Greinke (Arrived 7:03) Donald J. Saltarelli (Departed 7:35) Ronald B.~ Hoesterey, Mayor James G. Rourke, City Atty. (Arrived 7:05) William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Ronald Nault, Finance Director Approximately 5 in the audience 1. ELECTION OF LEg ~LLER TO CITY OF TUSTI# WATER CORPORATION RESOLtffIO# NO. 83-50 --A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING THE ELECTION OF LEN MILLER AS A MEMBER AND DIRECTOR OF CITY OF TUSTIN WATER CORPORATION It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to adopt Resolu- tion'No. 83-58. Carried 3-0, Hoesterey and Greinke absent. 107 Councilman Greinke arrived at 7:03 p.m. LEASEBACK BETWEEN CITY OF TUSTI# AND TUSTIM WATER CORPORATIOM William A. Huston, City Manager, gave a simplified summary of the Official Statement. Ed Long, Mudge, Rose consultant, explained the various docu- ments. The first document was Ordinance No. 893 which is a leaseback with the Tustin Water Corporation. When the bonds are terminated the lease is also terminated and the Tustin Water Corporation will cease to exist. ORDIBAMCE NO. 893 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin'APPROVING THE ACT OF ENTERING INTO A PUBLIC LEASEBACK BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND CITY OF TUSTIN WATER CORPORATION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER A LEASE EVIDENCING THE SAME It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 893 have first reading by title only. Carried 4-0, Hoesterey absent. Following the reading of the title of Ordinance No. 893 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 893 be introduced. Carried 4-0, Hoesterey absent. 107 3. APPROVAL OF FTNANCING PLA# OF CITY OF TUSTIM WATER CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. 83-59 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING THE FINANCING PLAN OF, AND CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS TAKEN BY, CITY OF TUSTIN WATER CORPORATION, AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO EXECUTE CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE FINANCING PLAN It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to adopt Resolu- ti.on-No. 83-59. Carried 4-0, Hoesterey absent. 107 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 8-22-83 4. APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT AND COUNSELS It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Greinke, to appoint Bartle Wells Associates as Financing Consultant; Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon and Rourke & Woodruff as Co-Bond Counsel; and Rourke & Woodruff as Counsel to the Corporation. Motion carried 4-0, Hoesterey absent. 45 83-27 107 Councilman Saltarelli left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. IV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. PLAQUE Ill I~MORY OF RUTH C. POE, FORt4ER CITY CLERK It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to place a bronze plaque on the City Hall site dedicating a Magnolia Tree in the area of the flags to the memory of Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk from 1960 - 1980. Carried 3-0, Hoesterey and Saltarelli absent. 39 2. SPONSORSHIP OF OlILDCARE ADVOCATE PROGRAM Councilwoman Kennedy requested the City Council sponsor in the amount of $50.00 the Childcare Advocate program at Stevens Square in September. Council concurred. 89 3. AB 1235 (FRAZEE) Council concurred to support AB 1235 (Frazee) that will ensure that no local government is subject to reverse bailout. This measure will suspend the deflator. 61 4. STATE TRABSPORTATIO# ~EETIllG Ill SACRAI~i'O Councilman Greinke reported that the September 1, 1983, State Transportation Committee meeting of the League of California, Cities has been moved from Los Angeles to Sacramento and there will be a resolution on the Bullet Train on the agenda. He felt it important that we have a representative at the meeting. Greinke and Edgar volunteered to go. Council concurred. 101 V. AOJOURN~llT It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn at 8:46 p.m. to the next regular meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 1983. Carried. MAYOR PRO TEM CI'iY CLERK