NO. 7
At the May 16, 1983, city Council meeting, .the Council authorized
retaining the consultant firm of Austin & Associates to perform an
analysis of the City's existing street system in connection with the
Peters Canyon Specific Plan traffic analysis. Attached is the
City-Wide Traffic Study Agreement between the City of Tustin and
Austin & Associates.
Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the subject agreement.
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of
1983, by and between CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal co'~poration (herein-
after referred to as "City") and AUSTIN & ASSOCIATES and TERENCE W.
AUSTIN, 1441 East 17th Street, Suite B, Santa Ana, California 92701
(hereinafter referred to as "Traffic Consultant").
WHEREAS, City desires to employ a Traffic Consultant to furnish the
necessary traffic consultant services for the development and prepara-
tion of a Tustin City-Wide Traffic Study for the City of Tustin,
which shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Project" and
WHEREAS, Traffic Consultant has indicated his willingness to
furnish said consulting services to City; and
WHEREAS, Traffic Consultant has submitted to City a proposal
dated May 5, 1983, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit
A and is by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth
in full hereat (the "Proposal").
NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ
Traffic Consultant to provide traffic consulting services for the
Project, and City and Traffic Consultant, for the consideration
hereinafter set forth, agree as follows:
A. Scope of Traff.ic Consultant's Services
Traffic Consultant agrees to prepare and furnish to City,
following receipt of written authority to proceed, traffic consulting
services for the Project. These services shall include all of the.
services to be perfo=med in the manner described in the Proposal and
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Data Collection and Analysis
This will be carried out at the same time as the
corresponding task for the Peters Canyon Specific Plan. It will
involve the following activities in the area of the City not encompassed
by that analysis:
Define the circulation system to be included in the
analysis (e.g., arterial elements, major intersections,
b. ComP~.~e existing traffic data
c. Collect additional traffic data
d. Analyze existing conditions
e. Review current improvement program
f. Identify issues
g. Prepare background report
The ~ %y will be responsible for 'reparing land use data
that will depict th= current land use in the City on ~ qeographically defined base.
The product of this work task will be a background
report discussing the existing circulation system in the City,
identifying present day problems and establishing a data base for the
remainder.of'the City-wide traffic study.
2. Future Needs and Deficiencies
The analysis in this work task will focus on the short
term (five years) intermediate range (1995 and 2000) and long term ~
(post-2000) to identify the future needs and deficie.cies of the
City's arterial street system. The approach used will be similar to
that set out in the Peters Canyon proposal in which individual parts
of the street network will be related to the land use in each portion
of the City, and the surrounding County. This methodology enables
the increase in traffic at any particular location to be directly
related to changes in land use and to the corresponding changes in
trip generation.
To form a basis for the traffic projections, the land
use data base established in Task 1 will be uDdated by .~i. tyLt~refl-ect five
year growth plans and longer range growth plans as envisaged by the
City. This will in turn be used in the forecast procedure to develop
future traffic forecasts on the arterial street system. Deficiencies
will then be identified by carrying out a capacity analysis for the
major intersections. Use will be made of Traffic Consultant IVAC
microcomputer procedures to update the existing intersection turn
movements and calculate volume/capacity ratios for these future
The result of this task will be a City-wide description
of the future traffic volumes, the resulting arterial street needs
and deficiencies, and the relationship between future development
(within and outside the City) and future capacity needs.
3. Arterial Street Evaluation
In this task, the functional classification of the
arterial street system will be evaluated. Several criteria will be
established for reviewing the appropriateness of the classification
including existing volumes, future volumes and charactemistics of the
traffic (degree of local versus thru traffic, speeds, etc.) Based
on these criteria, a revised f~unctional classification system will
be developed, reviewed with City staff, and additions, deletions, o~
changes recommended accordingly.
4. Problem Area Analysis
The focus in this task will be on those intersections
or portions of the street system that are forecast to have future
deficiencies. The analysis will identify the types of improvements
that could be made and their potential effectiveness. Such solutions
will range from low cost management type schemes to the need for
comprehensive long range solutions such as the superstreet concept
being examined by the County.
5. Improvement Plan
This work task will produce an overall phased improvement
plan for the City's arterial street system~ It will indicate the
improvements needed over ~he next five (5) years and then the
improvements needed beyond that time (1995, 2000 and post-2000). It
will thus provide a resource document that can serve as an indicator
of when specific improvements will become necessary so that the City
can plan accordingly to place these in future transportation improvemen%-r
6. Signal Interconnect System
This final task will involve an evaluation of the
benefits to be obtained from extending the signal interconnect system
currently operating on four of the City's arterials. It will involve
a generalized analysis utilizing data collected in the previous tasks
to indicate the potential extent of such a system and the types of
system that may be appropriate. For example, a central computer-
controlled system will be one of the option, s examined.
cost trade-offs will be identified, advantages and
disadvantages discussed, and potential system types compared. The
objective will be to guide the City as to whether it should actively
pursue the development of an area-wide traffic signal system.
B. Time for Completion
It is hereby understood and mutually agreed that the time
for completion of the work to be performed by Traffic Consultant is
an essential condition of this Agreement. Traffic Consultant agrees.
that it shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work of this
Agreement according to reasonable schedules established by City for
the various items of work described in paragraph A. Traffic Consul-
tant shall not be accountable for delays in the prD~reSs, of its work
caused by any condition beyond its control and without the fault or
negligence of Traffic Consultant. Any delays shall not entitle
Traffic Consultant to any additional compensation under any circum-
stances, regardless of the party responsible for the delay.
C. Compensation
1. The compensation to be paid under this Agreement shall
be based on the fee schedules and estimates of time set forth below
in this paragraph and the charges to City shall be computed on the
actual time spent, but shall not exceed the estimated amounts set
forth below unless agreed to in writing, in advance, by City:
1. Data Collection & Analysis
2. Future Needs & Deficiencies
3. Arterial Street Evaluation
4. Problem Area Analysis
5. Improvement Plan
6. Signal Interconnect System
Principal (TWA)
JEF Engineering (JEF)
Data Analyst (MKF)
Senior Technical
80 20 100 40
60 10 120 40
20 30 20 20
40 60 0 4O
40 40 0 40
10 40 0 20
250 200 240 2O0
240 $
150 390
'30 260
20 110
0 140
0 120
0 7O
200 1090
Travel & Communications
ADT traffic counts (subcontract)
FEE (10% of Item A)
$ 3,480
3. Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed
itemization of all work performed, time spent, and the fees, costs
and charges accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to
fully apprise City thereof.
4. Traffic Consultant shallnot be entitled to any addi-
tional compensation by reason of delay, increase in the scope of
work, or any other reason, unless the same is expressly agreed to in
writing, in advance, by City.
D. Miscellaneous Provisions
1. City and Traffic Consultant further agree to the follow-
ing conditions:
City, by notifying Traffic Consultant in writing,
shall have the right to teLminate any or all of the
services and work covered by this Agreement at any
Traffic Consultant agrees that it shall proceed
immediately and diligently to perform the services
provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of
notice from City to proceed therewith.
The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall
extend to and be binding~upon and inure to the
benefit Of heirs, executors, administrators,
successors and assigns of the respective parties
Traffic Consultant shall perform the services
hereunder as an independent contractor and under no
circumstances or conditions shall Traffic Consultant
and/or any of his agents, servants or employees be
considered as an employee or agent of City.
Traffic Consultant shall peform all services required
under this Agreement in a careful, diligent and
professional manner and shall be responsible for
all errors and ommissions for services performed by
him under the terms of this Agreement, and shall
indemnify, defend and save harmless City for any
loss as a result thereof, including, but not limited
to, the cost of a legal defense.
Traffic Consultant shall carry and pay for such
compensation insurance as is necessary to fully
protect Traffic Consultant and his employees under
California Workers' Compensation Insurance and
Safety Laws, to relieve City from all responsibility
under said laws in connection with the performance
of this Agreement, and agrees upon the execution
of this Agreement to file with City a certificate
certifying to said protection.
Traffic ConSultant certifies that there shall be no
discrimination against any employee who is employed
in the work covered by this Agreement or against
any application for such employment because of
race, religion, color, sex, or national origin, and
such no~-discrimination shall include, but not be
limited to, the following: employment, upgrading,
demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment
advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or
other forms of compensation, and selection for
training, including apprenticeship.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties
on the day and year first above written.
municipal corporation
DKS:se:D~6/3/83 (LW)
City of*Tustin Traffic Study
: Submitted to:
City of TuStin
Department of Community Development
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Submitted by:
Austin & Associates
1441 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite B
Santa Aha, California 92701
May 5, 1983
'Austin & ssociates
1441 I~ast 1?th Street. Suite
Samoa Aha, CA 92701
Teleohone: (714) IB67~0491~
May 5, 1983
Mr. Ed Knight, Associate Planner
City of Tustin
Planning Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Mr. Knight:
Thank you for the Opportunity to present a scope of work for a Citywide
traffic study for the City of Tustin. As discussed last week with yourself and
Mr. Ledendecker, the services proposed here will expand on those set out in
our proposal for the Peters Canyon Specific Plan and will accomplish a traffic
study for the complete City. Two of the items in the enclosed scope involve
similar work tb that of the Peters Canyon study, but with an expanded area,
and additional items have then been added as discussed at our meeting.
To assist in certain aspects of the work scope, I propose to have
Mr. Joe Foust of JEF Ehgineering to join the consultan~ team as a
subconsultant. His experience in the area of intersection problem analysis and
signal interconnect should prove a valuable addition to our expertise for this
expanded study.
Preparing a Citywide study in conjunction with the Peters Canyon Specific
Plan analysis provides an ideal opportunity for the City to efficiently and
effectively accomplish a comprehensive traffic study that 'can assist in future
planning, and we look forward to assisting in this important endeavor.
V~ truly yours,
Tepee W. Austin
--Aust;in ,~, Asso¢iat;e~
City of Tustin Traffic Study
This proposal outlines proposed consultant services for expanding the
Traffic Analysis for the Peters Canyon Specific Plan to a Citywide traffic
study; It is intended to complement the services already presented in the
proposal sent to the City of Tustin by Austin & Associates on February 18,
1985, for the transportation element of the Peters Canyon Specific Plan.
The transportation Study being carried out for the Peters Canyon Specific
Plan area provides a unique opportunity' for the City of Tustin to extend that
analysis to the overall street system for the City. Data collected for the Peters
Canyon study-will already'- include a part of the city street system and with
additional effort, can be easily extended to encompass all the arterial streets in
the City. Similarly, the types'of analysis being carried out 'to examine existing
conditions and anticipated future needs can 'be effectively expanded in
geographic scope.
The scope of work set out here thereby extends the geographic area to be
analyzed and also adds additional work tasks that are pertinent to the Citywide
traffic analysis.
These can be summarized as follows:
1. Data Collection and Analysis (extension of Peters Canyon work effort)
2. Future Needs and Deficiencies (extension of Peters Canyon work effort)
3. Arterial Street Evaluation
4. Problem Area Analysis
5. Improvement Plan
6. Signal Interconnect System
Austin ~. Associates
Part o£ this additional work will involve an overall evaluation of the
existing functional classification of the City's arterial streets. From this it may
be pertinent to recommend changes to these classifications based on traffic
volumes and types of traffic that individual elements of this system will serve.
An identi£ication will also be made as to the potential for relieving present and
£uture capacity problems with transportation system management type
improvements (that is, improvements that do not involve major capital expense).
An extension o£ this work will then consist of assessing the potential benefits to
be obtained by extending the.existing signal interconnect faeillties into a larger
area ·
Hence, the expanded study will carry out similar analyses to those
required for the Peters Canyon area for the whole city plus provide additional
in£ormation that can be used by the City for future transportation iml~rovement
pro/tramming. The produc, t will be a comprehensive resource document which
will outline the existing performance o£ the arterial street system, recommend a
functional classification scheme, identify .future deficiencies, and present a
phased improvement program.
As with the Peters Canyon study, this study and the resulting
improvement program will be prepared within the context of regional long range
plans and specifically proposals such as the Foothill and Eastern Corridors.
Where approp, riate, contingency plans will be specified indicating how different
improvements and/or deficiencies may arise with the existence or non-existence
of these major regional facilities.
To carry out the extended study, the following six work tasks are
proposed. These will complement the three work tasks set out in the Peters
Canyon Transportation Analysis proposal.
- Austin ~ Associstes
].. Data Collection and Analysis
This will be carried out at the same time as the corresponding task £or the
Peters Canyon Specific Plan. It will involve the following activities in the area
o£ the City not encompassed by that ana]ysis:
a. Define the circulation system to be included in the analysis (e.g.,
arterial elements, major intersections, etc.')
b. Compile existing traffic data
c. Collect additional traffic data
d. Analyze existing conditions
e. Review current improvement program.
f. Identify issues
Prepare background report
Some of the necessary data are currently available from the City or other
sources such as Orange County EMA. Two areas where additional data
collection or data assembly are required are traffic counts and detailed land use
data. The former invol~,e peak hour turning movement and ADT .counts at
selected intersections within the City, and additional data collection work will be
required in this regard. The cost estimate presented here assumes that up to
30 intersections will have manual turning movement counts made as part of this
analysis effort. Also, machine counts will be made for up to 15 locations where
current ADT information is needed.
The land use data requires a detailed quantification of type of uses
aggregated into geographic areas. Source data are available from the City
Planning Department, but will need to be compiled in suitable form for use in
this analysis. It is assumed here that the City will be able to provide this
information in suitable form. Should that not be possible, it is estimated that
an additional 80-100 hours of technical/clerical time would be required by the
consultant in addition to the hours set out in this proposal.
- Aust, in& A~societ;es --
The product of this work task will be a background report discussing the
existing circulation system in the City, identifying present day problems 'and
establishing a data base for the remainder of the Citywide traffic study.
2. Future Needs and 'Deficiencies
Th~ analysis in this work task will focus on the short term (five years),
intermediate range (1995 and 2000) and long term (post-2000) to identify the
future needs and deficiencies of the City's arterial street system. The
approach used w/il be similar'to that set out in the Peters Canyon proposal in
which individual parts of the street network will be related to the land use in
each portion of the CitY, and the surrounding County. This methodology
enables the increase in traffic at any particular location to be directly related
to changes in land use and to the corresponding changes in trip generation.
To fo~-,~ ,a basis for-.the traffic projections, the land use data base
established in Task 1 will be updated to reflect five year growth plans and
longer range growth plans as envisaged by the City. This will in turn be used
in the forecast procedure to develop future traffic forecasts on the arterial
street system. Deficiencies w/~ then be identified by carrying out a capac/ty
analysis for the major interections. Use will be made of Austin & Associates
IVAC microcomputer procedures to update the existing intersection turn
movements and calculate voIume/capacity ratios for these future situations.
The result of this task will be a Citywide description of the future traffic
volumes, the resulting arterial street needs and deficiencies, and the
relationship between future development (within and outside the City) and
future capacity needs.
3. Arte~al Street Evaluation
In this task, the functional classification of the arterial street system will
be evaluated. Several criteria will be established for reviewing the
appropriateness of the classification including existing volumes, future volumes
-- Austin & AssociaTes --
and characteristics of the traffic (degree of local versus thru traffic, speeds,
etc). Based on these criteria, a revised functional classification system will be
developed, reviewed with City staff, and additions, deletions, or changes
recommended accordingly.
4. Problem Area Analysis
The focus in this task will be on those intersections or portions of the
street system that are forecast to have future deficiencies. The analysis will
identify the types of improvements that could be made and their potential
effectiveness. Such solutions will range from Iow cost management type schemes
to the need for comprehensive long range solutions such as the superstreet
concept being examined by the County.
It-special problems of a complex nature are identified during this analysis,
the nature of'the problem~ will be described and a set of steps outlined for
examining the problem in greater detail. Such situations could occur where
potential solutions involve more than low cost managmenet type improvements
and where alternative schemes therefore need to be examined in greater detail.
5. Improvement Plan
This work task will produce an overall phased improvement plan for the
City's ~a'terial street system. It will indicate the improvements needed over the
next five years and then the improvements needed beyond that time (1995, 2000
and post-2000). It will thus provide a resource document that can serve as an
indicator of when specific improvements will become necessary so that the City
can plan accordingly to place these in future transportation improvement
6. Signal Interconnect System
This final task will involve an evaluation of the benefits to be obtained
from extending the signal interconnect system currently operating on four of
the City's arterials. It will involve a generalized analysis utilizing data
collected in the previous tasks to indicate the potential extent of such a system
and the types of system that may be appropriate. For example, a central
computer,controlled system will be one of the options exam/ned.
Cost trade-offs will be identified, advantages and disadvantages discussed,
and potential system types compared.. The objective will be to guide the City
as to whether it should actively pursue the development o£ an areawide traffic
signal system.
The attached table provides a summary of staff consultant requirements
and associated costs for the additional work presented here. As noted in the
introductory letter, it is proposed that the consultant staff team for the Peters
Canyon Specific Plan propesal be augmented with Mr. Joe E. Foust, principal of
JEF En/fineerin~. Mr. Foust is an expert in the field of transportation system
management improvements and computerized si§hal systems. Qualifications and
experience for Mr. Foust are attached to this proposal.
-Austin & Associa:es-
~able 1
1. Data Collection & Analysis 80 20 100
2. Future Needs & Deficiencies 60 · 10 120
3. Arterial Street Evaluation 20 30 20
4. Problem Area Analysis . 40 60 0
5. Improvement Plan 40 40 0
6. Signal Interconnect System 10 40 0
TOT. AL 250 200 2~0
Principal (T~IA)
JEF Engineering (JEF)
Data Analyst (l~F)
Senior Technical
&O 1~O 390
40 30 260
20 20 l-t0
40 0 140
40 0 120'
20 0 70
200 200 1090
Hours Rate Cost
250 $50.00 $ 12,500
200 $50.00 10,000
2.~,0 $18.00 4,320
200 $22.00 4~400
20._~0 $18.00 3t600
Travel & Co~untcations
ADT traffic counts (subcontract)
C. FEE (10% of Item A)
$ 34,820
200 .
$ 3,480
Trait'lc & Transportation Consulting
601 iandlewood. La Habra, CA 90631
(714) 738-7139
Senior Traffic
and Transportation Engineer
B.S, Civil £nsineering, Purdue University, 1965
Masters De~ree, Transportation and Civil
£n~[neerir~, Purdue University, 1967
Civil Engineer, California No. 20258
Traffic Engineer, California No. 854
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Orange County Traffie Engineers Council, Chairman,
Hr. Foust has designed and directed the
preparation of plans for many traffic engineering
projects, including traffic signal installation.
He has also prepared studies and reports covering
a wide range of traffic engineering activities
such as lmpac~ studies of highway improvement.
impacts of proposed development, ~raffic
operations studies, channelization and signing
s~udies and speed sSudies~ He has developed plans
and specifications for several different
computerixed ~raffie con[tel systems, am ~ell as
performing ~raffie signal system s~udies.
In addition to traffic operations, Mr. Foust has
had considerable experience in parking and
lighting studies. This includes economic
feasibility, determination of best design concep~
and the influence on functional design of annual
maintenance and operational costs.
Formerly, Mr. Foust was head of the Traffic and
Transportation-Department of a large Los Angeles
metropolitan based firm. Before that Mr. Fous~
was the Head of the Transportation and Traffic
Engineering Division for the City of Santa Ana, a
position held for ove~ five years. ?riot to that
he 'held the position of Traffic Project
Hanager/Traffio Engineer for VTN Consulting
Engineers and CALTRANS. In these positions, he
developed experience in all aspects of traffic
engineering from design through and including
fiscal management. Such work included active
participation in the area of opera,lens, design,
transportation planning. Local/regional work
included active participation in the area of
operations, design, transportation planning, and
Con ~ ~
local/regional funding
recently~ Mr. Foust has been a member of the OCTD
Technical Advisory Commission (TAC) and chairman
of the Orange County Transportation Commis-~ion's
Currently, Mr. Foust is the City Traffic Engineer
for the City. of Rolling Hills £state~ on a
retainer basis.
Hr. Fount has considerable experience in
prepa~ation of traffic signal plans having
direotly designed or supervised over 200 new
installations and modifications. Typical signal
projects completed within the pas~ two years
City of Santa Ann - 8 signal
City of 6arden Grove - 3 signal
City of Costa M ess - ~ signal
City of Garden Grove - 3 signal
City of Santa Ana/CALTRAN$ - 1 signal
modification and I new installation
City of Irvine - 1 new signal
County of Orange - 1 new signal
City of Rolling Hills Estates - 1 signal
City of Rolling Hills Estates - contrao~
administration and inspection for It
signal modifications
City of Garden Grove - 2 ne~ signal
Mr. Foust has considerable experience in .
preparation of ~rafflc circulation and
transportation planning studies. These studies
involve TSM/Transl~ options, parking management.
residential traffic control and the use of the
M HT-~/$ATCAA model.
Examples of recently completed studies include:
1. Cerulean Area Residential Traffic
Control Study - City of Garden Grove
2. Blackmire Area Residential Traffic
Control Study - City of Garden Grove
Palm-Harbor Redevelopment Parking and
Clr=ulation Study - City of Garden Grove
Traffic Divepter "After" £valuation
~tud~ - City of Palm Springs
South Palm Canyon Cireula~ion Study -
Transportation Assessment Fee
Peninsula Cente~ Offiue Parkin~
Study - ¢l=y of Rolling Hills
Deep Valley Park~ns and
S~ud? - CiW of Roll~n& H~lls
Palos Yerde~ Parkin$ and
Study - City of Rancho Palos Ve~des
South Coast Plaza Area
S~ud~ - (Joint Effort) - OCT¢, OCTD,
Cit~ of Costa Hess and City of Santa Aaa
Santa Ana/Oranse Re~dent~al
Control Plan - Join~ study for ~he
Cities of San~a Aaa and
High Flow Arterial ¢oncep~
S~ud~ - O~anse County Transportation