4, 1952, AT 8:15 M., AT
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, J. Roy Teter, William
H. Gray and Frank E. Bacon,
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.
M., immediately following adjournment of the meeting
of the Tustin Planning Commission.
Minutes of the meeting of July 21st were read and ap-
Mayor Humeston presented correspondence which in-
cluded a copy of the Minutes of a Meeting of the Board
of Supervisors of OrangeOounty, dated July 22, 1952,
in which on motion of Supervisor Kiser, duly seconded
and unanimously carried, the request of the City of
Tustin to set and establish curb lines on First Street,
between Prospect Avenue on the West and Newport Avenue
on the East, at not less than 28 ft. from the center
line of First Street was granted and so ordered. Also
a note of appreciation from Earl Rowenhorst and J. A.
Haskell and family for flowers sent to the funeral of
Mrs. Earl Rowenhorst was read to the Council.
Mayor Humeston brought up the subject of Intoximeters
which had been discussed at a previous meeting for
the possible use of the Police Dept. City Attorney
Nisson stated that he understood that a representa-
tive of the Company, would if desired, appear at a
later meeting of the Council and explain the uses of
same in detail.
The matter of a Budget for the fiscal year 1952-53
was mentioned by Mayor Humeston and Attorney Nisson
suggested that the matter be taken up at the next
COUNCIL SITS Mayor Humeston announced that the Council now sits as
AS BOARD OF a Board of Equalization.
Mr. R. O. Folkner was present representing his father-
in-law Mr. D. X. Martin in t he matter of Mr. Martin's
claim that Assessment No. 352-A of the Tustin Tax Roll
is a duplicate of Assessment No. 351 which he paid and
that he should be refunded the sum of approxinimately
$50.00 by the City Council agreed to refund the amount
of the overcharge to Mr. Martin when City Attorney Nis-
son can find a legal method to do so.
No other person presented a claim to the Board of
Equalization at this time. On motion of Councilman
Teter, seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried,
it was agreed that the Board of Equalization continue
in session to and including the next meeting of August
18th, 1952.
Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Kingman were present and stated
that "B" Street, between First and Second Streets, is
very dark at night and requested that a Street Light
be placed there about in the middle of the block. On
motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried, it was agreed to refer the mat-
ter to the Street Department who in turn will contact
the Edison Company.
Councilman Gray stated that the overall plans of the
State Civil Defense Organization will require the train-
ing of personell in the near future and that due to the
demands of his own business he will not be able to carry
on as local Commander when that time comes.
Police Commissioner Bacon presented and read a report
of the activities of the Police Department during the
month of July, 1952.
Mr. Bacon stated that he had several applications for
the position of Chief of Police, also forthat of Patrol-
Mayor Humeston appointed Councilman J. Roy Teter as
Acting Superintendent of Streets during the absence of
Street Commissioner Miller and requested him to contact
City Engineer McBride relative to billing the State in
the amount of $50.00 for June Street Sweeping Fund.
Councilman Teter inquired of the Council as to whether
they wanted to include a new shed in the rear of the
City Hall at an approxinimate cost of $8,000 in the
new budget. Council discussed the matter but no deci-
sion was arrived at.
City Attorney Nisson reported in his efforts to col-
lect a Business License from the Carpenters Union Hall
at "C" and Main Streets and stated that he had a re-
port from their representative in Los Angeles who is
considering the matter.
The following bills were presented and ordered paid
on motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman
Gray and duly carried.
MacFarlane Electric $ 6.75
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 18.89
United Automotive Service 17.32
Seaside Oil Co. 89.70
White Stationery Co. 14.23
Stephens Roofing Co. 9.00
Collector Internal Revenue 350.30
J. L. McBride 233.55
Del Broomell 98.00
J. L. McBride 269.92
Del Broomell 266.00
L. M. Furgeson 95.00
Edward Holliday 25.60
George A. Broomell 54.00
Graham Gilmer, Jr., M. D. 15.00
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Orange County Insurance Agency 965.26
Munselle Supply Co. 4.14
Orange County Blueprint Shop 8.85
Division of Highways 55.44
Tustin Fire Dept. 35.00
Tustin Garage 21.86
California Tree Service 633.00
California Tree Service 541.00
Carson & Golding 59.95
John J. Swigart Co. 9.73
Utilities (Fire Hall & City Hall) 65.91
City Clerk's Petty Cash Fund 24.33
TOTAL $3,999.47
The meeting was adjournedI on motion of Councilman
Gray, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk