HomeMy WebLinkAbout22 S.W. APPL. VENDOR 04-06-98DATE: April 1, 1998 NO. 22 4-6-98 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Willia~n A. Huston, City Manager Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director SELECTION OF FINANCIAL SOFTWARE APPLICATION VENDOR SUM/tARY:i Finance staff have"been reviewing nine proposals .to prOVide i~eW: finahc~al ":software-~.ito the. City';: :' We!:.. have had ~e~eral' in-house .'Sem&n~ratio~S ':tha~?"~-i'Wer~ii?~iatt~hded by representatives from variou~ departments we have'called_on the ~efe~hces: 'provided . b~ the Vend0~s, ~d:' have a~tended presentations at other locations. After.:considerable review and fact finding, we have selected Bi-Tech s0ftware,' inc.. as. the app!.icati0n of ~choice{ Iti.:i~' not the./.:'ie~st.: expensive, bun their..~xp~rience' in::.ilca%'ifornia, their'.:.commitment:.to providing th~ mo~t '~'~ to' dat'~:-:::, p~duct ,' ~d;: their;i::.i~:{'~to~.'i6f.:., c~ve~ti~g. IhfoComp:Qustomers..were~'-all competl~ing re~sonS ~0 select them as'our~.~isof~wareve~Or. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost to implement new financial software is approximately $575,000. RECOM~4ENDATION: Staff recommends the selection of the Bi-Tech Software, Inc. proposal to provide financial applica.tions software and maintenance to the City, including their recommendation of Data General Corporation to supply the hardware platform for the Bi-Tech software. The following actions should be taken: 1. Authorize the Finance ,Director to .sign the Software License and Support Agreement with Bi-Tech Software, Inc. and appropriate $150,000 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund .to cover the first installment under the Bi-Tech proposed payment schedule. Installments two and three will be included in the 1998-99 budget request. 2. Authorize the Finance Director to enter into a Purchase Agreement with Data General Corporation to acquire the hardware platform for the new software and appropriate $75,500 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund. 3. Appropriate $22,000 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to provide services to suppoYt the software conversion process. Additional conversion expenses will be included in the 1998-99 request. 4. Appropriate $38,000 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Water Enterprise Fund for Utility Billing software, training and maintenance. Additional costs for conversion expenses will be addressed in the 1998-99 budget request. .. 5. Appropriate $2,500 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance to upgrade the existing Vehicle Maintenance Software to operate in the new Windows environment. DISCUSSION: The City Council authorized staff to begin the process of developing a City-wide computer network system and replacing outdated financial software systems in early 1997. AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. was selected as a Consultant .to prepare a needs assessment, design the network system and prepare Requests for Proposal~ for the network project and financial applications. In November of 1997 we completed the sel'ection of the hardware and software vendors for the network buildout, and we are currently nearing the completion of that phase of the project. We are ready to make a software provider recommendation and proceed with the next phase of the system upgrade. In April of 1997 we sent out approximately forty-two Requests for Proposal to a very complete vendor list prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, and our own list of names collected from advertising, our vendor file, City staff contacts and recommendations gathered over the last two years. We received eight solid proposals that could provide all the systems requested and one proposal for Utility Billing only. The attached Application Proposal Cost Analysis was prepared by the City's Consultant. It includes not only a cost comparison but also an evaluation of the proposals for completeness. Our immediate concerns were Year 2000 Compliance, total integration of all financial transactions, ease of understanding and use, graphical user interface (GUi) versus text, stability of the company, California presence, and cost. -2- Our evaluation of the proposals did not focus exclusively on cost. we did schedule the first demonstrations with the vendors submitting the less expensive proposals, but it quickly became evident the lower cost applications were not going to meet our needs. The proposals ranged in cost from $224,775 to $548,413. The average cost was $335,973. Bi-Tech has modified their original proposal twice since last June. Just like our experience with the network workstation purchases, the cost tended to go down over time. The price of the proposal we are bringing to the City Council is $380,000. Bi-Tech notified us of their price changes without solicitation, while we were going through the evaluation process. No other vendor notified us of changes in their pricing since their original proposals.' I think it speaks well of Bi-Tech that they kept us informed of cost factors that were to our benefit. Cost becomes less of a factor when you consider the amortization of the initial licensing fee over time. Our intent is to utilize this new software for the next twenty years. That is the main reason we carefully reviewed the history of each vendor. We were looking for a good track record and a strong commitment to public sector applications. Converting financial sof~ware from one system to another is obviously very expensive and also very time consuming, taking up to 24 months or tonged. It is also very stressful on staff. At the same time the conversion is moving ahead you must still maintain your daily activity. That is the primary reason it is necessary for us'to hire temporary support staff. We are a small department and we cannot do both. The conversion process also impacts other departments. Reports may not be timely, the audit process may be extended~ the budget Process may be impaired, and the Finance department may be so focused on the conversion that they cannot be as responsive to their internal or external customers. For these reasons, the selection of new financial software should not be determined so much by price but by the potential for longevity. We are fully convinced that Bi-Tech will be around well into the future and are committed to maintaining their software at the current state of the art. During the review process we asked members of the Computer Standards Co~Hmittee to attend as many demonstrations as they cared to and'to give us their impressions. The primary concern that most non-Finance personnel expressed was the query and report writing capabilities of each system. New software systems are real time - the information is available to the user immediately. It does not take any additional action by the Finance Department to "update" the General Ledger and other expense or revenue reports. In order to take advantage of this feature, the end users, Department Managers, etc., must have access to the information and an easily understood method of report w~iting. Every user will and should have the ability to write whatever report they need to better manage their budgets. -3- Bi-Tech Software, Inc. was selected based on the following: Strong 'Financial Position Bi-Tech is a subsidiary of SunGard Company, a publicly traded software company with 1996 gross receipts of $670,309,000 from world-wide sales. Strong Presence in California Bi-Tech is located in Chico, California, and has been providing software to municipalities since 1981. They currently have 83 California installations, with 33 in Southern California including the Orange County Transportation Authority and the Cities of La Habra, Mission Viejo and Westminster. The City of Irvine has recently begun the conversion to Bi-Tech. They are currently Year 2000 Compliant. They are fully integrated and GUI. Ail the Bi-Tech screens look exactly like the new Microsoft products that we are in the process of installing. The transition from a Microsoft application to a Bi-Tech application will appear seamless to the user. · Their references are very positive. They have converted several InfoComp Cities. Tustin is currently running InfoComp financial software. This experience should help expedite the conversion process. Bi-Tech's market niche is only fund accounting. They have developed this software along guidelines created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. · They provide quarterly software updates. · They have very positive feedback from their user group meetings. · We received very positive input from the City employees who attended the Bi-Tech demonstration. The' total cost of the proposed package, including conversion, is $575,000 broken down as follows: Application License Fees Training / Conversion Expense Third Party Products Miscellaneous Services Hardware Costs $ 133,000 86,000 25,000 38,000. 68,000 Technical and Programming Support During Conversion $ 350,000 195,000 Annual Maintenance Expense 30,000 $ 575,000 -4- The recommended City Council action will allow us to begin the initial planning phase of this major conversion. We are on a very fast schedule in order to meet the 12-31-99 deadline that will trigger the Y2K (Year 2000) issues. While the schedule is aggressive, Bi-Tech and Finance staff feel that it is doable and are committed to completing the conversion on time. Finance Director RAN:ts Attachments RANT:Vendor98.Apr -5- OF FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES, PAYROLl J, AND UTILITY BILIJING APPLICATION PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL April 16, '1997 City of Tustin I. INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. OVERVIEW 1. BACKGROUND The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County at the intersection of the 5 and 55 freeways. Tustin covers over 11 square miles and adjoins the Cities of Orange, Santa Aaa, and Irvine. The City's Janum-y 1, 1996 population a~s 63,619. The City was founded in 1568 and incorporated in 1927. It is governed by a City Council and City Manager. The City is surrounded by mucli of Orange County's main industrial employment but is essentially a residential cordty. The City has an annual budget (1996) of.$34,995,Tg8. The City has a total of 245 employees and provides the following sen4ces to the community: · Public Safety (police) · Co.mmunity Services · Engineering Sen4ces · Planning Sen4ces · Public Works · General AdrninisU'afive S~rvices · Capital Improvements The City contracts for Fire Protection from the Orange County Fire Authority. Refuse and Animal Control are also contracted out The City funds several capital projects including the Town Center and South central Project areas, and low income housing of the Tustin Commun/ty Redevelopment Agency. In addition, the City m~n~ges the City of Tustin Water Corporation (incorporated in March, 1980). There are appro~4mately 13,500 metered accounts. The Orange County Banla-uptcy of December, 1994 had an Impact on the City. However, the City has received appro 'ximately 70% of funds held by the County as a result of the bankmptey. The balance of withheld funds will be distributed over the next 20 years, if they become available to the County., in accordance with the settlement agreement signed by the City. 2. ~ CITY'S COMPUTING RESOURCES: The City of T ustin computing resources consist of two small Novell Netware networks (City and Field Services with a mixture of networked and stand-alone PCs ranging from 286 to Pentium systems) and the prima~ host (HP3000). Financial and utility applications reside on ~he I-1~3000 and ale accessed by both terrainals and personal computers ~mning terminal emulation sofm~re. The networks are not currently interconnected; remote sites are able to access the HP host via dial-up phone lines. Ethernet IPX/SPX is the primary network protocol running on the networks. There are two primary servers connected together on the same network segment. Host connections are made through a separate cable run to the same set of wallplates in the City Hall building. Remote access to the host is accomplished via dial-up to several modems connected to the BP3000. Currently, each user that requires access to on-line services and the interact have a dedicated dial-up phone line installed at their desk and a modem installed on each syste~ Additional details on the computing environment can be found in Section IlL Request for Proposal Page I - 2 City of Tuslin 3. TIlE CITY'S VISION FOR THE FUTURE: Working to accomplish the City's mission - to provide its residents with quality and timely sen'ices to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible ways, the City is preparing to meet the new century with an expanded service level to its residents. Critical to the success of thnt mission is the availability Io the City's employees at all work sites of current and accurate business information. Ox,er the past five years, the City's computer-bused tools have undergone rapid growth and change. Planners, engineers, drafters, analysts, financial staff and operations field personnel increasingly depend on microcomputers to help them perform general office functions and design tasks, to nm business applications, analyze labor and cost information, develop budgets and more. The City has recognized the need to consolidate business information now created and maintained in multiple locations across the orga~iTation as well us upgrade aging applications and utilize new technologies. In addition, the City seeks to improve user access to current business informafion~ It intends to accomplish these goals through the purchase of an integrated suite of applications that will form the busis for the City's new business management information systems: · Financial · Human Resources · Payroll · Utility Billing To this end, the City hus undertaken to upgrade the core administrative bnsiness'systems and hardware. The City is in the process of acquiring and installing appro 'ximately 90 Intel-based desktop workstations for their ~aff They are also completing the build-out of their LAN to the remote locations thus providing connectivity at all City business offices, recreation centers, and maintenance facilities. Microsoft Office Suite is the standard office support product including WORD, Excel, PowerPoint, Mai[ and Access. Each workstation will be configured with a minimum of 16 MB RAM, multi- media package, and 1.2GB internal hard drives. These workstations will mn Windows 95. Respondents to this RFP must pfopose server/host hardware for their applications wkich musts be compatible with these workstation configurations. It is the City's desire to select and implement totally integrated systems providing a nser-friendly interface to the user and maxSmizing the City's investment in technology to position the City for the year 2000 and beyond. This Request for Proposal is the next step in the migration process. 4. OVERALL OBJECTIVES The new Financial application must meet the following objectives: · Provide accurate and up-to-date account information. · Meet all Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requirements for enterprise accounting, including interim and annual CAFR_ · Provide statutory and budgetary controls, and support auditing procedures. · Improve user ease-of-use, allowing local entry of data and specification and Production of ad-hoc reports. · Allow for and control the appropriation of funds for operations and projects based on City actions. Request for Proposal Page I - 3 City ofTusfin Be · Support budget versus actual reporting, including encumbrance accounting. · Support both modified cash and accrual basis accounting as determined by management · Provide on-line inquiry capabilities for timely retrieval of detailed (transaction) and summary information and reduced paper flow within and among departments. · .ability to prim information shown via on-line inquiry. The new Human Resources/Payroll application must meet the following objectives: · Provide accurate and up-to<late personnel information. · Provide a single point of data entry for all payroll benefits/deductions which results in the creation of payroll checks through fully-in~grated systems · . Improve user ease-of-use, allowing local entry of data and specification and production of ad-hoc ~'eports. SCOPE OF RFP The City of Tnstin (the City) is undertaking a major systems development project to upgrade its financial, utility billing, human resources, and payroll information systems. Over the past few months, City staff defined requirements for fully integrated information management systems which will integrate the core · business systems for Finance, and Payroll/Human Resources Systems. The major components of these s-3,stems are: General Ledger Accounts ReceivableJPayable · Contract Processing · Budget · FLxed Assets · Human Resources · Payroll Position Control · Benefits · Utility Billing In addition, the vender must include as part of their bid the specifications and cost of the host hardware for ' their applications as well as the cost and amount of implementation assistance recommended for the products and training of City staffon these applications. The requirements incorporate the City's primary information nee~ for the next several years. The City's desire is to purchase mainstream, packaged integrated software which best fi,lfills its requirements. This Request for Proposal (RFP) includes the list of the City's automation requirements. The list is set forth in the follo~Sng sections of this document: Section II - Vendor and Product Profile Section III - Technical Requirements S~---xion IV - Global System Requirements Section V - Application Area Functional Requirements This RFP requests proposals for packaged software, a host hardware platform, implementation, and training. Request for Proposal Page I - 4 CiD' of Tusfin INSTRUCTIONS AND RFP RESPONSE SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1. OVERVIEW This RFP document, including attachments, contains all necessary instructions that each vendor respondent should follow with cam. The vendor respondent must describe how its products meet the City's requirements by'submitting the documents specified in items (2) - (4) below. The absence of any requested documentation or information may result in the disqualification of the vendor. 2. COVER LETTER The proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter of the proposing firm's interest and qualifications for providing the required sendces signed by an individual authorized'to bind the proposing entity. The letter should provide the following company dam: · Official name and address. Indicate what type of entity, (e.g., corporation, company, joint venture, parmerskip, sole proprietorsh/p, combination,.6tc. If entity is ajoint venture, submit a current copy of the Joint Venture Agreement) · Federal Employer ID number. · Complete address for ma/led funds; name and address of person to receive notices who is authorized to make decisions or represent the company and in what capacity. · A detailed statement indicating whether vendor is totally or partially owned by another business organization or individual. Statement must indicate if firm is a sole proprietor doing business under a different name and, if so, vendor must,indicate sole proprietor name and the name firm is doing business under. · Vendor shall demonstrate the willingness and ability to submit proof of the required insurance as set forth in Item # 11 below. · A resume of each individual being proposed for this project, including subcontractors. The resume may include ~rojects accomplished while employed at current and/or previous firms. 3. REQUIREMENTS QUESTIONNAIRES (a) Vendor Profile, Technical Requirements and Global Requirements Detailed instructions are printed with the corresponding sections. The vendor must respond with information that is as complete as possible, attaching additional pages ff an explanation is required. (b) Application Requirements The City will leara about the functionality of your products by your responses to the application questions. Questions regarding requirements are prox4ded for the following functional areas and applications: · Fjnnnce · Utility Billing Human Resources to include Benefits Administration and Position Control Pasa'pll Detailed instructions are printed with the Applications Requirements Section (V). The vendor must respond with information that is as 9omplete as possible, attaching additional pages ff an explanation is required. At a minimum, the vendor must provide software for all the applications listed. A vendor with a solution for only a subset of the applications within a functional area will not be considered further. Vendors are encouraged to join together to bid the complete list of applications. For those interested, a list will be made available of all vendors receix4ng this RFP for purposes of making contacts for joint proposing. Request for Proposal Page I - 5 CiD' of Tustin ]n this do~-um:nL software applications arc organized imo thc functional ama deemed most likely Io possess them. Howm.er, siluations ma3' arise where thc vendor discovers that functions inquired about in one application actually reside in a different application supplied by the vendor. The vendor should respond to the questions where it is placed in the document, but nole in the response the application.or module where the function resides. ]PROPOSAL COST SUM3VL~RY The vendor should lira pr~ce(~)/'or e. ach o£the proposed pac~:ageg, including one-time and ongoing costs relaled to maintenance and sofiware support of the applications. The vendor should also include the cost for all-modifications and custom programming required, a6cording lo the responses to the requirements questionnaires. Please use the Cost Form at the end of this section lo prmEde cost information. The City asks that the prices bid ~aEth this proposal shall remain effective and subject acceptance by the City for lg0-days from the RFP due date... The vendor is requested to provide a cost summary for outright purchase of the applications (and maintenance) and also alternative financing options (i.e. leasing). DUE DATE, RETURN .4~DDRESS AND NUMBER OF COPIES The RFP response must be received and time stamped by the City's Finance Office prior to 4:00 p.m., June 9, 1997, at the address limed below. All RFP responses must be submitted in a s~led em,elope. ?ropomls received after this time and date will not be opened or considered for evaltmtion. Proposals should be submitted to: City of Tnsfin Ronald Nault 300 Centennial Way . Tustin. CA 92?80 Each vendor r~pondent m~t submit ten (10) copies of its RFP ~ufitten response, consisting of n ~ ne (9) copi~ and one (1) original and two (2) copies of the Excel spreadsheet The original copy must be clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and contain Original signatures. Responses submitted via FAX will not be accepted. Alt responses to the RFP must follow the format specified in items (2) - (4) above. All reoonses should be t)~=~/tten, concise, stra/ghfforward, and must fully address each requirement and question. Although not a substitute for complete written responses, additional material such as technical documents may be referenced in any response. This material should be included with the RFP response for additional information. Vendors arc solely responsible for ensuring that proposals are delivered on time. Delays caused by any deliver~- senfce, including the US Postal Sen,ice, will not be grounds for an ex-tension of the de~fline for receipt of proposals: Vendors received after the deadline will be returned unopened. This RiP does not under any circumstanms comm/t the City to pay any costs incurred by any vendor in the submission ora proposal, or in making any necessary studies or designs for the preparation thereof, or for procuring or contracting for the items to be furnished under the RFP. The vendor is responm'ble for all costs associated with a response to this RFP. Request for Proposal page I - 6 City of Tustin QUESTIONS Questions are to be submitted in ~ziting to the City of Tnstin at the same address listed above. There aSll be no bidder's conference. Only questions received in writing prior to May 1, 1997 will be answered. The City will isme a written response to all vendor respondent questions submitted prior to the deadline date. Each vendor will receive a complete list of all the questions submitted to the City. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure that the City is informed of the appropriate fax number for question response distribution. VENI)OR DEMONSTRATIONS Two types of vendor demonstrations are required. These demonstrations may be required for finalist vendors at the conclusion of the RFP -response evaluation. The first is an overview demonstration. Tiffs is to be held at the City for the City managers and evaluation team. The purpose of this demonstration is to provide an overview of the vendor company and the products proposed. ~ A second in-depth demonstration will be held for the finalist. These are to be held at the client site for the City evaluation team. This is to be a detailed system demonstration and should follow a format and agenda designated by the City. VENDOR SITE VISITS The City's stuff may desire to visit a customer reference site(s) which utilize a soft~'are · configuration similar to that proposed to the City. The City will be evaluating how well the installed system conforms to anra,ers provided in the proposal. REFERENCE CALLS The City staffwill be telephoning references provided by thc bid respondent. A series of questions will be asked the references in an attempt to evaluate vendor products and support performance. The City expects Proposals to provide the City with the following information: · . Name, tire and telephone number of an employee who is knowledgeable about the contract and who may be contacted by the City. · A list of all contracts of a comparable type and size that have been a~rded to the Vendor and subcontractors in the last three years. For each contract, please provide: Customer's name, address, phone number, and brief project description 10. SUBCONTRACTORS The vendor may nsc a subcontractor to provide some of the required products. However, the vendor assumes full responsibility and liability for the subcontractor's products. 11. SOFTWARE/ltARDWARE WARRANTIES Vendor supplied software for non-standard PC configurations, such as FAX and CD-ROM softa~re ~ill not be loaded on any system. It should be clearly understood by all vendors that the City of Tustin is not soliciting nor will it consider or accept the inclnsion of"special" PC softa~re programs, packaged and/or enhancements as a part of this RFP. Proposals which fail to conform to the PC software specifications identified will be considered 'non-responsive and immediately removed from consideratign. The successful vendor will be fully responsible for re-supplying all appropriate licenses, manuals and materials for each PC device, printer, and component bid. Ttfis includes, but is not limited to, adequate proof that MS~DOS and any other vendor-suPplied proprietary software is fully licensed and covered under the manufacturers ~m-ranty. Request for Proposal Page I - 7 City of Tusfin All harda~re components bid must be covered by a one (1) year full replacement warranty by the succesff-ul vendor. 12. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMt;NTS It is a requirement of the City that vendors shall submit proof or certificate of minimum general liability and automobile insurance of $1,000,000 and statuatory worker's compensation coverage. RIGItT OF REJECTION ~ No obligation, either ex-press or implied, exists on the part of the City to make an award or to pa)' any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of responses to this RFP. RFP response preparation or submission is solely the responsibility of the vendor. The City reserves the fight to reject or deny all proposal s atany time with no penalty and to waive immaterial defects and minor/rregularities in proposals. The City reserves the right to accept any portion of a proposal or all items proposed, or to cancel the RFP, or to accept proposals in whole or in part and to negotiate with one or more vendors for proposal clarification ormodificafion prior to awarding a contract. The City of Tustia reserves the fight to negotiate with any vendors as necessary to serve the best interests of the City and negotiate the final contract with the most respons~le vendors. Proposal must not be marked as confidential or proprietary. The City may refuse to consider a proposal so marked. All proposals will become the property of~he City of Tustin, California. Information in proposals will become public property and subject to disclosure laws. The City reserves the right to make use of any infomtion or ideas in the proposal. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The following timetable will govern key events in the RFP evaluation process: Event Date 1. RFP Issued 2. RFP Due at the City 3. Vendor Demonstrations weeks of 4. Reference Calls weeks of April 16, 1997 June 9, 1997 lune I6 and 23, 1997 June 10, 17, and 24, 1997 5. In-depth demo of finalist week of 6. Vendor Site ¥~xsit week of 7. Selection and Notification of Top Vendor City Council approval 9. Contract Negotiations with TOp Vendor week of June 23, 1997 June 30, 1997 July 2, 1997 July 7 1997 July 8, 1997 Request for Proposal Page I - 8 City of Tnstin me PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCEDURE The proposal will be evaluated against five major sets of criteria: 1. Functionality. The proposal will be evaluated on how well it meets the specific functional requirements set forth in Section V. Functionality will be evaluated for each functional area proposed. Integration. The proposal will be evaluated on how completely and searnlessly integration can be accomplished between the application pac 'kages and across functional areas and with the District's other support business systems (Business Licensing, etc.) Vendor & Product Profile. The vendor and product strength will be measured using the responses proxdded to the questions in Section II. Financial strength and market position are m,o key criteria. .. 4. Technical Environment. The proposal will be evaluated on how completely it meets the teclmieal criteria specified in Section III.. 5. Cost. The proposal responses to the cost questions in this section will be evaluated. While the dollar mount proposed for the packages is important, cost shall not be the sole crilerion used in selecting the successful respondent. A single evaluation of the Bidder Profile and Tecl'mical Environment will be made for each proposal. Based on the rexfiew of the proposal against the five sets of criteria, the City will select the top vendors. Through this ewaluation process, finalist vendors will be selected for additional evalnation. Further analysis ~dll be performed on the finalists, including: a detailed system demonstration following the City's designated format · a review of all system technical mad user documentation · telephone interviews and visits to customer reference sites utilizing a software configuration similar to that proposed · final discussions to answer outstanding questions Final selection of sucoessful respondents shall be based on the above criteria and on the evaluation of the respondent's ability to perform, in the event a contract to provide the proposed software packages is awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any or all respondents or to select the vendor respondents that are deemed most likely to fulfill the doctunented requirements. Following determination by the City, the apparent successful respondent will be notified Of the selection. Request for Proposal Page I - 9 Ci~. of Turn F. Cost Information Vendor Name: Vendor Address: Vendor Contact: Phone #: FAX Phone #: SOFTWARE COST SUIVlMARY: (Cost for all modules can be lumped into 1 row ff applicable) · Module: One-Time Price Price per Installation per Max. # of Costs Client Concurrent Users On-going Main~ Cost/yr. Estimated # of Hours for Implemen- tation Estimated Implementation Support Cost General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Purchasing Contract Processing Budget Fixed Assets Human Resources Position Control Benefits Pa3~oll UtilitY Billing Others (please speck%* other modules avaffable) Request for Proposal Page I - 10 Module: One-Time Price Price per InMdllation per Max. # of Costs Client Concurrent Users On-going MainL Cost~yr. Estimated # of Hours for Implemen- tation Cit7 of Tustin Estimated Implementation Support Cost TOTALS: HOST It,4,RDWA_RE COST SUMMARY: Host System One-Time Purchase Description Installation Price Costs Lease Cost/Mo. On-going Maint. Cost/yr. Estimated Implementation Support Cost TRAINING COSTS: Course Title/Topics Cost/Hour or Day (circle f) Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day HouffDay Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Cost/Hour Request for Proposal Page I - l I City of Tusfin CON SULTING/IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES: Level of Staff # Hours Cost/Hour or Day (circle l) Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day · Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day COST PROPOSAL SUMMARY: - Applications . One-Time Installation Costs PriCe por Client On-going M~intenance Cost/Yr. Host Hardware Training Consultant .Implementation TOTAL COST PROPOSED: Rate Total Implementation Services Co~-t Request for Proposal Page I - 12 The City of Tustin II - Vendor and Product Profile Information Please provide the City with responses to all of the following items. Answer all questions as indicated in the blank spaces provided. If necessary, reference and attach additional information. In cases where multiple levels of the questions are presented, please answer the higher level as an oyerall or general response and each area underneath as a specific or detailed response. A. General Information Company Name: Headquarters Address: Street: cit~: State: Zip Cod/: Person Completing Request for Proposal: Name: Title: Telephone: Fax #: Date Completed: __ Sales Representative to Contact for Further Information: Name: Title: Telephone: Year and Month Software Development Company was Founded: Request for Proposal Page II - 1 The City of Tustin VENDOR CLIENTS 1. The vendor must be a recognized provider of application packages in the marketplace. For the packages you are bidding to the City, please complete the following table: Product or Scm, ice Provided # Currently # of Total Sales # of Public Sector Sales Installed # Past Yr. Past 3 Yrs. Past Yr. Past 3 Yrs. The vendor is to make available to the City a complete list of clients for each of the services or products it is proposing. In addition; the City must be allowed to contact any client with appropriate involvement of the/,endor. This list should not be res/tiered to onlya selected few clients as it is to the vendor's advantage to provide as many as possible. Client Name Address Contact Name and Phone # Brief Description of Project Request for Proposal Page II - 2 Client Name Address Contact Name and Phone # The City of Tustin Brief Description of Project Ce NOTE: The vendor must allow the City to select a reference site(s,) to contact for references. 3. The vendor must allow the City to select a reference site(s) to visit with appropriate involvement of the vendor and the site(s). 4. The vendor must have public sector entities as clients; indicate the number of clients: 01. Total nation-wide. 02. Southern California. 03. Northern California. 5. What is the total number of installations under maintenance contracts? 6. What other software packages do you offer? Please list. 7. Is the vendor aware of any past, current or potential litigation with customers? 01. If so, does this litigation involve any of the software being bid? FINANCIAL INFO~TION 1. Provide the City with current fmancial statements and the following information: 01. What is the commencement date of the vendor's fiscal year? 02. What are the total company gross revenues? 03. What are the total company net revenues? 04. What is the total company net income (after tax)? 05. P, rhat are the total company assets? Request for Proposal Page II - 3 The City of Tustin 06. What are the total soft--'are sales for the previous fiscal year? 07. What are the total software sales for the current fiscal year? The vendor is to show financial stability over the last three years (if existed that long). 01. In what year was the company founded? 02. How many consecutive years was the company profitable? 03. What was the average rate of gr°wth over the last three years? 04. What percent of gross revenue is invested in R&D? 05. V~nat percent 0f~oss revenue is from application software packages? 06. What was average empl'oyee'turnover rate for t~e past three years? The vendor must have enough personnel to support the City. What are the number of full-time personnel in the following areas: 01. Total company? 02. Management? 03. Software development and maintenance? 04. Research and development? 05. sales? 06. Customer support? 07. Other? Please specify. The vendor must be committed to the application marketplace. Please indicate the percent of total revenues fi.om other lines of business: 01. None? 02. Hardware sales? 03. Custom software development? 04. Service bureau? 05. Consultin~systems integration? 06. Other. Please specify? SUPPORT AND TRAINING 1. Can the vendor provide the following support to the City: 01. On-site package installation? Request for Proposal Page II - 4 The Ciry of Tustin 02. On-site package "adaptation" (i.e., parameter setting) sessions with an account man~er or consultant? Hot-line phone support? Specify hours and days. 04. User groups? Can the vendor provide the following training to the City: 01. User training? 02. Technical training? 03. Tools training? 04. Implementation training? 05. Customized training per the City's request? How many of the vendor's technical and user support staff are located in the City's geographical area to support software? Please indicate city and state of the office which would provide support. Can the vendor provide training to the City staff?. 01. On-site at the City? 02. At the vendor location? Please indicate city and state of the office which would provide u-aining. Does a user ~oup exist for the vendor's products? If so, 01. How long has the group existed? 02. What are the names, addresses and telephone numbers of group officers regional and national)? 03. How many active corporate members are there? 04. How many active governmental members are there? 05. Please include schedules of recent meetings, attaching agenda% minutes and list ofresuking user-proposed enhancements. 06. What is the proposed schedule and agenda of your next meeting? 03. IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT 1. Does the vendor provide on-site installation support as part of the basic software purchase? If so, does installation support include: 01. Compiling and linking modules? 02. Testing installation with vendor-supplied test data? Request for Proposal Page II - 5 The City of Tustin 03. Routine setup and modification (i.e., changing default titles to company name on standard screens and reports)? Does the vendor recommend a conversion approach, checklist, loading sequence/dependencies, and data specifications7 Is on-site pre-installation Iraining in the following areas included as part of the basic purchase: 01. User and technical system installation? 02. System administration (i.e., tables, parameters, balancing and con~'ols)? 03. System technical training (i.e., on-line and batch processes, job stream, debugging and system tuning)? 04. System functions training (i.e., processes, dam entry and'ieport writing)? Does the vendor provide framework conversion programs which include edits, formats and UO routines for the package interface? Does the vendor provide programs and utilities to initialize, seek and load master files and datasets? ON-GOING DEVELOPMENT 1. Does the vendor maintain an ex~tensive research and development program and Constant enhancement of the system? Please describe. 2. Does the vendor participate actively in professional organizations in order to maintain current knowledge of practices inthe field? Please describe. 3. Does vendor closely monitor all legislative developments at the Federal, .State and Local levels and coordinate with regulatory agencies, to ensure that the product is maintained in current compliance? Please describe. 4. Provide a complete list of reported problems on the current release of the packages proposed, and scheduled fix dates. 5. Please 'describe the role of the user group in determining product development. 6. Has the software undergone a controls review performed by a public accounting firm? 01. ~vaich firm? 02. When? 7. Please describe your maintenance philosophy: 01. Past fi'equencies for "fixes"? 02. Past fi'equencies for functional enhancements? 03. Maintenance on demand (initiated by user)? Discuss costs. Request for Proposal Page II - 6 The City of Tustin 04. Published maintenance schedule? 05. Hom-4a of support (using PST)? 06. Problem lracking mechanism? 07. Anticipated response time for trouble? '08. Customer notification of reported/identified problems? 8. Does the system provide dial-up capabilities to receive product updates/releases? 9. Does the system provide upward compatibility with new versions of vendor software? 10. What are the vendor's.stress testing, change control and quality assurance procedures for: ·01. Fixes? 02. Functional enhancements? 03. Future releases? 11. Does the vendor modify the software to suit particular client requirements? If so, are these changes supported in future releases? VERSION CONTROL 1. The vendor must have appropriate version (i.e., new releases) control. 01. Are new versions released to clients all at the same time? 02. How many versions have been released since the first? 03. Is documentation provided with each new version? 04. 19 training available for the new version enhancements? 05. What is the number of versions currently supported? 06. What is the planned release date of next versions? 07. How long are old versions supported? 08. What was the average fi'equency of versions over the last two years? 09. On what platforms are versions first released? 10. Are notifications of system defects provided in an efficient and timely manner? How is this accomplished? 11. Is a mi~ration path to the new version, including technology changes (i.e., client/server), provided and how is this accomplished? 12. What is the strategic direction for future enhancements and new technology? Request for Proposal Page II - 7 City of Tust/n ' III. Technical Requirements The City's Computing Environment: The business computing environment within the City is in the process of trans!tioning from an HP3000 and IBM 286-356 architecture to a Client-server architectur~ with Pentium workstations and local servers. Significant focus and effort is being applied toward transitioning all mission~critieaJ business systems to the new technology as rapidly as possible. A complete transition of all business systems, however, is expected to take several years. In addition, the City is in the process of completing the build-out of its network to provide cormcctivity to all City locations. (tlfis is in the procurement process at this time for network build-out and acquisition of new workstations). It is anticipated that there may be legacy systems which are in the transition process of migrating lo the new environment th,at will require interfaces to the new applications. We have provided a list of the ex~sting technical em%onment of the various locations and they are illustrated on the diagram following the system descriptions. Please provide the City with responses to the following items. Answer all questions as indicated in the blank spaces provided. If necessazy, reference and attach additional information. In cases where multiple levels of thc questions are presented,, please answer the higher level as an overall or general response and each area underneath as a specific or detailed response. When responding to this RFP, please mark )'our response to each question (or bullet item) as follows: Request for Proposal Page ~I - 1 City of Tusfin Existing Host/Client-Server Environment: The existing host and network em4ronment consists of the following systems. Host Syslem Servers Backbone Network Subnet Network LAN Servers Business Work.qafions * HP3000 cpu: HP7980 o/s:MPE-XL, storage:(4)HP7937, backup:gtrack tape, i/o:(2)HP2345A terminal servers: 2566B line printer. 2564B line printer, · City Rail: AST cpu: 486/33, o/s:Netware 3.11 (100 user), storage:(2) 619MB SCSI mirrored, backup:streamer tape, network interface:Ethernet coax · City F/ail: AST cpu: 386/25, o/s:Netware 3.11 (I00 user), storage:(1) 200MB, (1)300MB, backup:streamer tape, network interface:Ethernet coax · Field Ser~Sces: AST cpu:286, o/s:Netware 2.2, storage:(1)220MB, backup:streamer tape, network interface:Ethernet-coax · Water Facility:none · Community Services Facilities:none · City ltalhTkin-net Ethernet to 2nd floor wiring closet · City ltalI:Thin-net Ethernet from Iq]? host to terminal servers in 2nd floor closet · Field Setn4ces: Thin~.et Ethernet on Vehicle Maintenance Network · Water Facility: none · Community Sera4ces Facilities: none · CiD' ltail: 10BaseT Ethernet to desktops from (7)10MBps hubs in ~4ring closet · Field Sen4ces:Ethernet coax from workstations to Vehicle Maintenance Server · Water Facility:none · Community Sen'ices Facilities:none · Novell 3.11 and Novell 2.2 · Print server and remote printing on.legacy 286 and 386 systems · Legacy Intel 286, 386, and 496 systems running DOS and Windows 3.x · Intel Penfium systems running Windows 95 · Microsoft Office, WordPerfect/DOS · Reflections terminal emulation software for local and remote host access (refer to applications chart for further information on client applications) Request for Proposal Page III - 2 City of Tustin Desired Technical Infrastructure The City is in the process of upgrading its technic, al infrastructure. Currently, under a separale Requesl for Proposal, a procurement is in progress to upgrade to the result in the follo~4ng teclmical infrastructure: Host System Servers Backbone Network Subnet NetWork LAN Servers Business Workstations · To be determined. Detailed in a separate RFP. · City Hall:Application server, File/Print server, Communication server, Internet gateway, Fax server · Field Services/Water:Application and File/Print server. Fax server · City Mall:Switched 100BaseTX from server/host to distribution point (2nd floo}) · Field SeD,ices/Water: 10/100MBps ethernet · Wide Area network:Multiple routers interconnected via Tq Frame Relay links, ISDN dial-up connections for Iow capacity remote sites · City Hall: 10/100BaseTX to desktops from 100MBps and 10/100MBps hubs with 100MBps uplinks to 100mbps m~itched port - Field Setwices:10/100MBps ethernet · Community Services Facilities: Peer to peer for remote sites with more than (I) PC. ISDN dial-up connections to City Hall commnnications server for remote node and remote control access. · Novell Netware 4.x (ND$) · Dedicated file/print server, network printers (i.e., Jeff)irect) and mulfiport print server modules. · Windows 95 · Microsoft Office 97 · Anti-virus softwaze · Appropriate emulation/access software for new host s3,stem Ce Data: Is the system capable of different data input methods such as pen-based computers, bar code readers, scanners, hand-held dex4ees, etc.? If so, please provide the following information about the various data input methods (attach additional sheets ff necessary): Product name application interfaces with Hardware Sofram'e (including version #) T.~e of interface Upload capability? · Download capability? · Does the product support data validation during entry? (For all data entry devices h.'sted above, please provide supporting product ifformation or brochures.) Request for Proposal Page III - 3 City of Tustin Dw 1. 2, 3. Functions: Is the s3'stem multi-tasking, multi-user (100 + users)? Does the system support NOVell network ~,stem? Does the system support Microsoft Windows 95? Ew Interfaces: Can the s3,stem be linked to other City functions: · Business Licenses · Cash Receipts Ga~ Boy Does the system have the capability lo communicate with other applications (Oracle, other databases and spreadsheets)? Request for Proposal Page HI - 4 IV - Global System Requirements City of Tustin Please prm4de the Cit3' with responses Io all of the followingitems. Answer all questions as indicated in the appropriate blank spaces provided, id'necessary, reference and attach additional information. In cases where multiple levels of the que~ons are presented, please answer the higher level as an overall or general response and each area underneath as a specific or detailed response. Response Code 'io 8 6 5 3 1 0 N/A Definition of Response Unqualified Yes - Meets the requirement Requirement is satisfied by utilizing the report x~ter Requirement may be satisfied by a user modification (screen painter, user field) Requirement can only be satisfied by a programming modification Feature will be provided in a future release (,provide date) This data cannot be provided (for proprietary information, etc.) No - Does not meet the requirement Not Applicable Am GENERAL ISSUES 1. Are the systems on-line and fully integrated ~4thin the functional areas being proposed? __ 2. Does the system provide the ability to completely user-define all organization or "company" parameters without changing the vendor's program source code? 3. Does the system use a data dictionary that is accessible during: ' 01. ~nput? 02. Inquiries? 03. Report Writing? 4. Is the data dictionary used across all applications within a functional area (i.e. one data dictionary for the all applications)? 5. Does' the system provide a means for archiving data? DATE AND TIME CONSIDERATIONS 1. Does the system provide a system-wide 52-week calendar, which can be updated on-lin~ by the user, for schedul/ng or processing? Request for Proposal Page IV - 1 City of Tustin 3.¸ Does the system handle the year 2000 and beyond in all processing and date math and calculations? Does the system allow effeclJve dates for transactions for both thc future and thc past: 01. Up to 84 months in advance? 02. Back to eighteen months in the past7 03. Across fiscal calendars7 Does the system allow all appropriate scheduled future tasks or activities to be viewed on-line without exiting from the current processing environment? TABLES 1. How many tables are standardly provided with the system? 2. What is the maxSmum numar of tables allowed in the system? 3. How does the system keep historical reCOrds of table updates: 4. Does the system have the ability to produce hard copy reports of all data on tables? 01. Cun'ent data? 02. Most recently changed data} 03. Historical data? 04.' Responsible person data? 5. Does the s3,stem utilize an on-line method of updating tables with appropriate editing? USER I. INTERFACEISSUES Are the s3~tems "user-friendly" (i.e., usLng tools such as menus, function keys, user definable screen patterns, icons, point and click, etc.)? Please describe how the system is "user-friendly". Are the systems adaptable to change and do th~, utilize tools such as: 01. Tables? 02. User definable codes? 03. User exits? Does the ss~¢m support an interface for report or screen information for electroaic distribution such as E-Mail? ' Please describe how this is accomplished. Request for Proposal Page IV - 2 City of Tustin Does the s3'stem provide a consistent user interface a4thin a functional area and utilize tools such 01. Consistent function keys? 02. Consistent screen naming functions? 03. Consistent navigation patterns? 04. Standard interface programs? 05. Consistent program names? Does the system have on-line help for all data elements and provide a user definable, context- scnsifive help feature for user-defined'elements? Does the s3,stem provide a "screen painting" function to: 01. Allow the user to design and define new screens on-line without modifying vendor source code? 02. Allow security over dements wben designing screens? .03. Allow editing criteria to be designed into user-defined screens? 04. Allew data elements to be defined which are accessible by all screens in the s3'stem? INPUT VALIDATION, BALANCING AND ERROR HANDLING CONTROLS 1. Is all data edited, beth on-line and in batch, for: 01. Field content (i.e., numeric, alpha, required entry, acceptable range)? 02. Validity (i.e., table look-up, data look-up)? 03. Relational edits (e.g., editing relationships between fields)? 2. Does the system allow for a si~ificant number of relational on-line entry edits to be user- defined? 3. Does the s-3'stem allow all errors to be corrected on-line with appropriate audit trails? 4. Does the ~,stem perform the complete editing of all data interactively at the point of entry? __ 5. Are all entry errors clearly identified and explained through descriptive messages to the user? _. 6. Does the ~,~em support the establishment and enforcement of multiple approval levels for various user-defined actions (e.g., require approvals of work orders)? 7. Does that system ensure that data and database files are properly backed up or archived for storage and retention purposes? Request for Proposal Page IV - 3 10. CiD' of Tustin Does the system ensure that adequale environmental and security controls are in place 1o minimize loss of data, dam storage devices, or data storage capacity? Does the system ensure that data and database files are protected from loss, destruction, or unauthorized modifications7 Does the system ensure that storage and retrieval procedures allow for maximum ease in use of files and programs and for reconstruction of files and indexes? FJ REPORTING 1. Does the system pro~ide one, easy to use, "English-like" language to develop customized reports completely on4ine? 2. Given appropriate security,, does the report writer: 01. Access all data ~Sthin all applications a5thin a functional area 02. Access data within any application? 03. Combine any data from any functional area or data base on the same report7 04. Access foreign flies (i.e., non-vendor application flies)? 05. Access or reference the data dictionmT? 06. Out-pm to primers, tapes, devices (i.e., plotters)? 07. Allow on-line viewing of report data ~Sthout haxSng to print a hard cop),? 3. Does the report ~a'iter have impertJex-port capabilities to: 01. An), other PC database products (i.e., Access)? 02. Word processor (i.e., Microsoft Word)? 03. ASCII file7 04. Spreadsheet (i.e., Excel)7 4. Does the report ~ter control sTstem performance (i.e., limiting the number of records a user can reacl/a~te during an on-line session, providing for a user abort capability)? 5. Does the system allow reports to be stored in user and group libraries to be used again and accessed for both ad-hoc and rourine report creation7 6. Does the report aa-iter prevent record locking of key tables when processing7 7. Does the system provide the capability for any combination of data to be accessed on any report subject to security access? Request for Proposal Page IV - 4 City of Tustin SECURITY 1. Does the system have full security controls over all system functions and dam through on-line tables? 2. Does the system secure files both in batch and on-line? 3. Are the following levels of security available: 01. Appllcation? 02. Screen? 03. Field within the data base? 4. Does the system provide or nm in an environment which provides the ability to limit access by: 01. User ID.7 02. User profiles or groups? $. Does the system provide date, time stamp, terrn~n~I identification and user identification for all changes and additions to information in a transaction log? 6. Does the s)~lem provide the ability to report on: 01. Accesses of and modifications to information? ' 02. Security breaches or attempte at security breaches? 03. Areas that have and have not established security? 04.SecuritY profile as established? 0L For individuals? 02. For user groups? 03. By location? 04. By organization? 7. Does the s3~em ensure audit trails by providing the logging of before anti after images of all on- line data additions, changes, and deletions? 8. Does the system provide the ability for each orga~iTation to have its own user identifications and passwords to restr/ct users to spec/fie orga~iT~ous? 9. Does the system provide on-I/ne maintenance of user security? 10. Does the s3~tem have the ability to 'clone'/copy security across individuals? 11. Does the ~tem havre the ability fbr security related programs to verify and restrict access to on- line data without embedded security logic, passwords in application programs? Request for Proposal Page IV - 5 City of Tustin H. DOCUMENTATION Does the system provide up-to-date user manuals which describe the procedures for entry of all transactions, electronic transfer to input data, for balancing and the use of reports and other outputs? Does the system provide manuals depicting the above requirements ~Titten specifically for the MIS support team? Does the system provide documentation for every product update/enhancement describing the following: 01. Program name? 02. Changes this enhancement will make to existing version? 03. Purpose of the enhancement/update? 04. Need for the enhancement/update? 05. Related functions/programs affected by the enhancement/update? 0& When old code will no longer be supported? 07. Projected date ofnex-t enhancement/update? 08. Previons enhancements/updates that must be im~talled prior to this enhancement/update?__ Does the system provide a detailed description of any balancing and controls which must be manually performed during normal systems operation? Does the system provide a list of user and system error code descriptions and definitions? Does the system provide checkpoint restart documentation and procedures? Does the system provide multiple copies of all documentation at the time of software acquisition? How many copies? Does the system provide license agreement to allow copying of documentation? Does the ~em provide on-line user documentation? Does the-system provide comprehensive tecknical system documentation that includes: 01. Program descriptions? 02. Screen definitions and descriptions? 03. Transaclion descriptions with I/O requirements? 04. Dataset/Dalabase definifons and record layouts? 05. Module, transaction and dataset cross reference lists? 06. Data element definitions? o 9. 10. Request for Proposal Page IV - 6 City of Tustin V. Application Requirements In order for the City to understand the features and capabilities of your product, we have prepared a list of business and fun~onal requirements we would like to know about. Please respond to the questions using the numbering system in the following chart.. Answer all questions as indicated in the appropriate blank spaces provided. If necessary, reference and attach additional information. Response Code 10 5 3 1 0 N/A Definition of Response Unqualified Yes - Meets the requirement Requirement is' satisfied by utilizing the report writer or may be satisfied by a user modification (screen painter, user field) Requirement can only be satisfied by a programming modification Feature will be progided in a future release (,provide date~ This data cannot be provided (for proprietary information, etc.) No - Does not meet the requirement Not Applicable Does 3'our application system have the ability to perform/track the following: A. FINANCE (general) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create a Chart of Accounts with 20 segments Inactivate a COA account Transfer charges from one COA account to another (mass transfer) Enter a yeax's budget for a department Display the budget vs. actual for a department Provide standard reports allowing for roll-up of the COA to departments Provide the ability to track amounts by projects within the COA GENERAL LEDGER 1. Post payroll to the GL 2. Post acquisition of an asset to the GL 3. Post depreciation of an asset to the GL Request for Proposal Page V - 1 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a budget-actual report Perform a month-end closing Make adjusting entry to reduce receivable posting Create a Balance Sheet Perform a year~end closing Post special journal entries Ci~'ofTustin C= ACCOUNTS PAYABLE I. Enter an invoice where the amount is the same as the PO 2. Enter an invoice where the amount is different from the amount on the PO 3. Pay an invoice 4. Make a partial payment against a PO 5. Set up a potty cash reimbursement 6. Set up a cash advance for an employee 7. Pay aa invoice within the payment terms - check accounting · 8. Reconcile checks cleared 9. Make a payment or partial pa)rodent to a blanket PO 10. Print checks D. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Set up journal entries to post billings to the GL Post a receix~able check received for full payment Post a receivable check received for a partial payment on a PO Create aging reports for outstanding receivables Et PURCHASING 1. Set up a new vendor 2. Create a requisition Request for Proposal Page V - 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. FIXED 1, 2. 3. 4, $, 6. ?. $. Create a purchase order 'Encumber the funds Receive the' materials Set up a blanket order Set up a commodity Create a change order Void a PO Post purchases of fixed assets received to the Fixed Asset module for tracing ASSETS Purchase (as pre~4ous process) a fixed asset Log the new asset into the F/xed Assets system Move the asset to a new location Depreciate the asset Retire the asset Take the asset temporarily out of service Utilize bar coding for asset number recognition Take ~n asset out of service temporarily for repairs, then place back in service Cie,.' of Turdn CONTRACTS 1. Set up a contract for consulting services with hourly limit 2. Set up a contract for consulting sen4ces with a dollar limit 3. Create a payable for a month's services Nm UTILITY BILLING 1. Process a minimum of 14,000 cUStomers in the utility billing system 2. Create a customer 3. Set up a customer with multiple properties Request for Proposal Pa.~ V 3 8. 9. 10. City of Turn Set up a customer with multiple properties and invoice all on one consolidated bill Downloaded into the utility billing sS'stem from a handzheld dm,ice Upload meter readings from the hand-held dm,ice to the utility billing system Process a utility billing cycle and produce customer bills Send utility billing receivables to post to the general ledger Process a payment ora utility bill Track the assets associated with a property (meter type, size, year installed, maintenance performed on the meter, etc.) HUMAN RESOURCES/PAYROLL 1. Provide tables to set up eligibility rules for establishing benefit prograras 2. Set up a mexlical insurance benefit program 3. Set up a complex life insurance benefit program, dependent care 4. Set up a dependent care insurance benefit program 5. Set up a minimum of 40 employee classifications 6. Set up salary tables (up to 50) with 5-10 steps per grade 7. Set up earning codes for which the eligibility applies 8. Set up an applicant 9. Process an applicant (test, intendew, physical, etc.) 10. Hire the applicant 11. Assign the employee to a job 12. Assign the employee to a bargaining unit 13. Set up the employee review date 14. Set up the employee for direct deposit of payroll check 15. Assign employee deductions (federal and state withholding,) 16. Set up employee voluntary deductions (credit union, United Wa3') 17. Assign employee beneficiaries/dependents 18. Assign a permanent employee to a temporary assignment Request for Proposal Page V - 4 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. City of Tustin Assign an employee to part time in two different positions Reassi~ and Employee to another DMsion Post changes to an Employee's beneficiaries, marilal status, address change PrOmote an Employee retroactively (show how the pay adjustments are processed for the prexSous pa)roll period) Give an employee a merit increase Give an employee a merit increase retroactively Assign an employee 1o a secondary position Remove the employee's secondary assignment Set up a garnishment of an employee's wages Set up a payable for the associated gamishmcr~t to make payment Mass change all positions in a department to another department Change an employee's position number ~ Promote an Employee Place thc cmployee on Leave with Benefits Place the employee on leave without benefits Suspend an employee Return an employee from leave Return a suspended employee - Assign an employee at a specific grade and step to a position of lower grade and/or step both as a temporary or permanent J. POSITION CONTROL 2. 3. 4. 5. Set up a budget for a department with authorized positions Set up a position Set up q.~lification rules for the position Set up a work schedule for the position Assign a position to a salary g~ad¢ and step Request for Proposal Page V - 5 Cip,., of Tustin Set up spexific rules for when difreren! types of overtime compensation apply/'or the position TIMEKEEPING 1. Enter weekly time data daily for the following types of earning codes: regular time, premium time, sick time, jury duty, faro/fy leave, overtime 2. Validate time accounting codes at time of entry L. PROCESS A PAYROLL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Receive time from the timekeeping module for payroll processing on a daily basis Process a payroll on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis Make adjustments to the payroll prior to issuance of the check Print/display the various payable registers Display accruals generated by the payroll run Make an adjustment to the pay rate for an employee's hours in the prex4ous payroll period __ Create a supplemental payroll check Display the time entered prior to nmning the payroll and make adjustments to t/me View the total employee accruals for leave, sick, and other types of accruals Create labor distribution reports indicating hours charged to projects ,a4ttdn departments__ Print pa)roll check~ Request for Proposal Page V - 6 EVALUATION PROCESS FOR FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES, PAYROLL, AND UTILITY BILLING APPLICATIONS June 11, 1997. r Evalap.doc Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting. Inc. 1 RFP EVALUATION PROCESS FOR APPLICATIONS The following SCHEDULE OF EVENTS lists the activities which will be completed as the evaluation of vendor responses. The following timetable (dates to be completed when we are closer to the RFP. release date) will govern key events: I. RFP Issued the week of 2. RFP Due at the City 3. Vendor Demonstrations weeks of 4~ Reference calls weeks of 5. In-depth demo of f-malist week of 6. 'Vendor Site Visit week of 7. Selection and Notification of Top Vendor 8. City Council approval 9. Contract Negotiations with Top Vendor week of Date April 16, 1997 June 9, 1997 June 16 and 23 June 10; 17, and 24, 1997 June 2.3, 1997 June .30, 1997 July 2, 1997 July 7, 1997 July 8, 1997 PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCEDURE Thc proposal will be evaluated against five major sets of criteria: Functionality. The proposal will be evaluated on how well it meets the specific functional requirements set forth in Section V. Functionality will be evaluated for each functional area proposed. Integration.. The proposal will be evaluated on how completely and sem'nlessly integration can be accomplished between the application packages and across functional areas and with the City's Other support business systems (Business Licensing ............ ). o Vendor & Product Profile. The vendor and product strength will be measured using the responses provided to the questions in Section II. Financial sla'ength and market position are two key criteria. Technical Environment. The proposal will be evaluated On how completely it meets the technical criteria specified in Section rlI. Evalap.doc Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 5. Cost. The proposal responses to the cost questions in this section will be evaluated. While the dollar amount proposed for the packages is important, cost shall not be the sole criterion used in selecting the succ. essful respondent. A single evaluation of the Bidder Profile and Technical Environment will be made for each proposal. There Will be two levels of product review: 1. Initial Review of the vendor's response to the RFP and overview demonstration to provide an overview of the vendor company and the products proposed. This review will review of the proposal against the five sets of criteria, the City will select the top vendors which appear to meet the City's requirements (maximum of 2 will make this cut-off). (scheduled activity In-depth Review where the top 2 vendors will be selected for additional evaluation. (scheduled activity #5) Further analysis will be performed on t~e finalists, including: · a detailed system demonStxafion following the City's designated format · 'a review of all system technical and user documentation · telephone interviews and/or visits to customer reference sites in the Los Angeles meU'opolitan area utilizing a software configuration similar to that proposed · final discussiong to answer outstanding questions Final selection of successful respondents shall be based on the above criteria and on the evaluation of the respondent's ability to perform, in the event a conu'act to provide the proposed software packages is awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any or all respondents or to select the vendor respondents that are deemed most likely to fulfill the documented requirements. Following determination by. the City, the apparent successful respondent will be notified of the selection.. Evalap.doc Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. Finance Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92580 FAX TRANSMITTAL (714) 573-3051 Date: To: June 9, 1997 Linda Van Dyka (916) 622-5983 AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. Ron Nault's office Se=retary (71~) 572-3350 Water BJlJin9 (714) 573-3075 FAX tr714) 832-0525 subject: APPLICATIONS RFP - PROPOSALS SUBMITTED ' BI-TECH SOFTWARE, INC. CORE BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES CREATIVE CO~EPUTER SOLUTIONS, iNC. EDEN SYSTEMS, INE. HTE, INC. : IDAHO COMPUTER SERVICES, iNc. NEW WORLD SYSTEMS, INC. PENTAMATION ENTERPRISES, INC. SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, INC. 'Chico, CA East Providence, RI Pteasanton/Fresno, CA Yakima, WA Lake Mary, FL Twin. Falls, ID Troy, MI Bethlehem, PA St. Louis, MO Vendors 1. Jun x ~ x~ xxxxxx x x · XX~4 x Xx XM X~XIX~XXM~ ~xxxxxxxxxxx ~&. ~ "i FRSM : UAMD,~ TAD/FAX PHON~ NO. : 9166m_259B5 Jun. 17 19S? e-C:O6.~M P6 ~ : U-ANDY'~_. TP, I)/FP-,.X .... P:,-LDN~ ND. : ~t5~'~3 3L.~. I7 19a7 ea:g.4,:~,~ P3 Application Proposal Review Vendor: 1. Proposed laase/l~urohase option on sw Impla,.rnentation 2. Lots of Calif. Cities es references, sbsble o. rganL-a~on · 3. Mc~v. ing to'NT platform, supports Windows .. 95. and Novell 4." Remote ec~cer~ provided through Telenet 5. Can downlna~d to hand-held devices 6. Workstations will support in NT environment when migration ocours Bi-Tach Software, inc.. Bi.Tach 1. Training time i$ excessive - believe this can b~ cut down to 1/3'the time - will this reduce the cost? Vendor: Systems Consultants, Inc. - SCI 1, Orasle-based pr~du~ 1. Server seams small? Check with RJ 3. Appears to have most functionality Vendor: New World Systems - Public Administration Software 4, Lease' of Host propose~ wl~lch would '1. unknown if NT will b'e a migration eliminate purchase of $96,000 2. All functions requested included Vendor: 1. Functions ell included forHR, P~yroll, end Financial plus soma others the City may went [o review, 2. Moving towards NT installation 3. Implementation support would ba included In.training of City staff ' 4. Best c.~st for the Installation (pending further information from others) Pent'marion Enterprises, Inc. - Pentamation Software 1. 16 ~on~urrent users may be small 2. Gasboy interface would cost extra ~reparecl by AEF System~ Consulting, In:. r--P~3M : L~99CE TA~D/FP.X PHE~ NO. : 9Z6~--~B] 3un. 17 1~7 DB:D4Pt9 F~ cci' AppliCation Proposal Review Vendor: 1. 2. 3. 4. Strengths Weaknesses Idaho Computer Services. Adminl300D. Moving to NT release - when? Covers al functions plus additional functions the City may want to use Nearly a.[{ functionality is running as standard with the system Has S. Cai local lnstallation~ (City of ' Fountain Vail~y, City of Santa Mt>nice, CJiy of Arcadia)' Vendor: · 1, Windows 95 suppoded via terminal emulation, not true GUI 2, No link ta E-mail for .messaging 3, Proposeg to USe a×ii:tJng Host HP3O00 which City wants to replace 4. Training r, ost listed but no itemized i}st of. what training would consist of CORE Business Technologies - CORE. 1. Only proposed for Ca. shiaring functio~ Vendori HTE -. 1, 2. 3~ 4. Local reference - City of Encinitam ~ 51 In S. Cai Good installed client base Supports.integration with Hand-held devices Interfaces with Oasboy 1. Cost is high- $50B,957 - vehdor did not factor in cost/clleht Into price (added · 400'B5 workstations) 2. Human Reaourcaa/Payro!l not included Vendor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creative Computer Solutions, Inc. Provided list of local current client 1. ref.ar~ncaa 'ReaSonaf~le co{it proposed Supports hand-held devices as Oasbcy ' interfacing Appears to meet functionality required for all areas Offers additional modules CIty may be interested in Does not appear to be a l~ase option for. Host; however purchase still m~kbs this proposal within the City's pricing Vendor." Eden System~, Inc. 1. Local references 2. Appears to have most functionality required Cost included esUmata for unidentified 3rd party host equipment Did not complete co~t sheet as requested so we cannot determine costs to compare with others; we should request they fill out cost sheet or eliminate from further Prepared by AEF Symiem~ Consulting .tn=. Hardware Information The core application code of IFAS is identical regardless of the hardware platform. For this reason support and update management of IFAS is not complicated significantly by supporting multiple platforms. BI-TECH analysts, trainers and accountants often do not know what hardware platform is in use when assisting a client. Listed alphabetically are the vendors which support the Integrated Fund Accounting System. .' Vendor . UNIX Platform' OI)eratincl System Electronic Media Bull Information Systems DPX/20 AIX 8mm Data General Aviion DG/UX QIC Hewlett-Packard HPg000 HP/UX 4mm Hewlett-Packard HP3000 MPE ' DATor6250 IBM RS/6000 AIX 8mm BI-TECH has a strong working relationship with all the hardware vendors listed. Your hardware configuration should include one or more server systems which will host IFAS, client systems which will be used by end users, and the supporting network for communication between the clients and the server(s). Recommended Host Server Configuration The server system(s) should be UNIX mini computer(s) configured with an ANSI C compiler, a high capacity tape drive,.a system printer, performance monitoring software, Ethernet and or FDDI network card(s), UNIX operating system, Console, UPS, disk space sized for the amount of historical data to be kept on-line, 40 megabytes of memory for the operating system, plus three (3) megabytes of memory for every concurrent user. Specific sizing estimates for the server(s) are predicated on the number of users and estimated transaction volumes. Please refer to the attached diagram for recommended configuration necessary to run client software. Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal. Page 1 City Of TUstin, CA- Hardware Configuration. '~'~.'General AV 3600R On~sit~Syste~ Console I UPS Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 3 Informix Product Overview Informix provides database application technology for open systems including: database servers, ~pplication~ development tools, end-user' access tools, and connectivity Solutions.' Oar products'are based on ANSI-stan'da~d strUctui'ed Query Language (SQL) and run on 'a 'variety' of major operating sy.s. tems' includ!ng UNIX, Windows, Windows NT~ Net Ware and Macintosh. ' . · Database Serve'm'~nd ConnectiVity Around the world, large organizations with either centralized or distributed database environments have selected Informix as th& 'database' Server on which to build their business. -Why Informix? _Because Informix delivers real-world performance you can · rely 0n;;i .our PoWerful database prodUcts based on an Open client/S~'rver' architecture, "contribute'. 'to. :' tl~e'~ suc~e~.s.' of-"~rpomtion-s?' and: goVernments.''worldwide, with 15rice/perf0rmance and r~liabilit~ that leads the industry'. ' Our :database:'s~w~r~' 0'ff~: ~a~abiliiie~' {h~i:alioW yo6 io' ru~, monitor and tune your applications around the clock, increase application efficien.cy through features such as stored procedures and triggerS; and protect the database-and the date it contains- utilizing disk mirroring and integrity constraints. Our database server and connectivity software also helps you integrate the mainframe into client/server environments, utilize transaction mon.!tors to help manage hundreds or even thousands of end users; and create imaging applications using binary large 'objects (BLOB's). Informix database' server technology has consistently prqven itseff capable of .addressing 'mainfram'e-calibe~ demands on open systems-accommodating .very large databases and large numbers Of .individual users' (clients)'Who need immediate response to'complex, and often resource-intensive queries. Informix's Dynamic Server Architecture is the only relational database management system which takes advantage of multiprocessing :hardware to perform table scans, sorts, joins, bulk loads and unloads, backup, and recovery in parallel. Informix'database 'servers cab'be accessed by a wide ~variety of front-end tools and applications through the open database connectivity standard (ODBC). Application Development Tools' We i~ow' ~e: issues ~aqihg infOrmatior~"~'stems'~(IS) pr~)fessional's and software developers today. L~Nea[..the top of the list: pressure ito increase programmer productivity-how do you keep cost'down while getting application "to market" quickly. In addition', wi[h all 'the hardware choices ~Vaiiable, it's key to be able to code applications once and deploy them many tim~, a~ross an"enterpnse 'network, regardless of the platform. .. :_- .- . That is just wha.t Informix delivers: greater, prodqctivity, without compromise. Our · app!ication.;developrnen~'[o'ol~I provide ~'.~. compl.e, te': de~/elopment' environment so applications can be built ~ffectively~and int~lligehtly the fi{St time, and evolvedsmoothly over time and across the .enterpn.'se-. without the need to recode what already exists. Whether applications are character-based or graphical,' .whether they're on Windows, Motif, or Macintosh-informix has the right tools to' make them happent Finance, Human Resources, PaYroll, and Utility Billin'g APPlication Proposal Page 4 End-User Information Access Tools Another way Informix.imProves productivity is by enabling the IS department to provide the tools end users need to tap into corporate data. Our information access tools hide the complexities for the database, giving end users point;and-click access without the need to know database structures, SQL, or programming. At the same time, these tools ensure that control of data integrity and database resources is retained within the IS group. In short, Informix creates a win/win for IS departments and their end-user customers. Third Party Development Tools In addition to Informix development tools, Over 200 Informix InSync partners deliver a wide variety of tools that enhance and. expand the capabilities of the Infop'0ix application development environment in a number of categories-from analysis and design through Windows application development tools. For a complete listing of Informix InSync partners and products, please, request a catalog from your local sales office. Features of the Proposed Informix Relational Database System Multi-Tasking Informix provides'database access allowing simultaneous access to files atthe record and field level. The data base also allows concurrent processing of both batch and on- line jobs accessing the same data files and database. Other 'mPortant features for maintaining data consi.stency are locking procedures and process isolation. These security measures prevent other users from changing data that is currently being read or modified. Independence Informix supports both Termcap and Terminfo standard terminal drivers. Any manufacturer's terminal for which there is a Termcap or Terminfo terminal dr~ver will operate with Informix. Logging, Restart, and Recovery Logging: When an operation is unable to complete, the partially completed transaction must be removed from the database to maintain data consistency. To remove any partially completed transaction, OnLine maintains a historical record of all transactions in the logical logs and automatically uses these transactions records as a reference to restore the database to the point prior to the transaction. Restart and Recovery Anytime on-!ine~systems are unintentionally terminated-as by a power failure-onTline automatically initiates a fast recovery to return on-line to a state of consistency. All committed transactions are preserved 'and alt uncommitted transactions are rolled back to bring the system back on line in a consistent state without data loss. : Perfo,,~ance and Activity Statistics Finance, Human Resources, Payroll,' and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 5 Informix does support performance monitoring tools and activity statistics reporting. The "tbstat" monitoring utility reads shared-memory structures and provides statistics that are accurate at the instant that the command executes. The '~bstat" utility does not place any locks on shared memory so running the utility does not affect performance. Tiie utility is focused on offering system wide performance information as of a given ' point in time.- It is not specific to optimization for individual users.'' Administrative Tools OnLine provides tools'to get the best use of system resources. With these tools the on- line administrator can maintain high levels of performance and backup and recovery plans, bY. monitoring daily'activities and adjusting parameters as needed. The OnLine monitoring tools monitor utilization,' model report areaS/pages percent full, and optimize ' file placement and layout.. Informix dOeS not offer tracing of..database access chains or provide oPtimization-of schema o~ sub'schema definitions. · Relational Data Base Characteristics. InfOrmix provides multiple and concurrent users/applications different views of the database. Informix achieves this though the use of a "view". A "view" is a dynamic 'window into the database for users that either want specific 'information or for users for whom you want limited access to certain information. 'Wiews" are treated just like tables 'in the'sense that privileges may be granted and revoked for specific people depending on your particular situation. 'Access rules MUST be defined through the security system by user ID or class. Informix bases the secudty system on the user's, log-in ID. 'Data Dictionary Facility Informix supports an integrated data dictionary with all of its database engines. The terms "system catalogs" and "data dictionary" are used interchangeably; therefore, the. majodty of the system documentation refers to system catalogs. The catalogs (data dictionary) stores information about a specific database. In other words, each database created will have its own set of catalogs or data dictionary. The Informix catalogs/data dictionary stores information about tables, columns, indexes, security., synonyms, constraints, stored procedures, etc.. Data Import Facility Data import can be achieved by using some standard utilities provided with Informix products. Once you have a flat ASCII file, whether it came from an existing Informix database or not, tw° utilities are provided that will allow you to load (insert) the information into the database. The two utilities are LOAD and DBLOAD. The LOAD utility allows you to load (insert) into the database table variable length delineated records. The delimiters are used to separate the fields within the records and can be set to any recognizable character before the load command is issued. This is very useful especially if the data is coming from an existing database package. The DBLOAD utility will allow the user to load (insert) either vadable or fixed length delineated or non-d?lineated records. D.BLO,~D giv. e? the user the flexibility of picking Finance, Human Resources, payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 6 and choosing what data they want loaded from an exisdng fiat file. Because of the structure of DBLOAD, users can choose character by character what data they want inserted in a specific column. Data Access Ail data is available for read and update access through the DBMS and directly from Informix ESQL COBOL or Informix SQL 4GL End-User Query Facilities Informix products provide the capabilities of ad hoc quedes and ad hoc .reporting. Informix-SQL (I-SQL) is designed for ad hoc query and reporting for developers and end users. Ad hoc query can be accessed through I-SQL by choosing the "Query" option from the main product menu. This allows the user to execute ad hoc SQL statements directly. Through the use of the Informix~Perform screen, forms may be built 'or customized specifically for their environment with no coding. Finance, Human Resources, PaYroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 7 Cost Information Vendor Name: Vendor Address: BI-TECH Software Inc. 890 Fortress Street Chico, CA 95973 Vendor Contact: Phone #: FAX Phone #: Michael Beatty (916) 899-4322 (916) 891-5281 SOFTWARE COST SUMMARY: -. (Cost for all modules can be lumped into 1 row if applicable) Module: One-Time Price Price per On- Installafio per Max. ~ of going n COsts Client Concurrent Maint. Users Cost/yr. General Ledger 401000 1,600 Accounts 7,200 288 Receivable .- - 61,500 11,070 Accounts Payable 7,200 Purchasing · 9,324 Contract Processing - 5868 Budget -- 10,188 Fixed Assets · 5,'868 Human' Resources 15,660 Position Control - included 288 414 261 453 2'61 696 11,070 14,336 9,023 15,665 --9,023 24,078. Estimated Estimated # of Hours Implementa- for tion Support Implemen- Cost ' ration 5,600 22 days 19,600 1,008 10 Days 8,000 1,008 11 Days 8,800 1,450 .. 10 Days 8,000 913' 3 Days 2,400 1,585 4 Days 3,200 913 :-' 2Days 1,600 .2,436 16 Days 12,800 Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page1 Module: One-Time Installatio - n Costs Price Price per On_ per Max. # of · ' going Client .Concurrent Maint. Users Cost/yr. Estimated ... ~stimated # of Hours: Implementa- · for "-" tion Support implemen- Cost ' tation ' Benefits Pays'oil Utility Billing Insight (GUI) CCD Report writer TOTALS: Included 15,660 20,860 9,000 9,000 '155,828. 696 24,078 2,436 16 Days 2,600 20,860 3,129 21 Days 400 13,838 1.,400 NC 400 13,838 1,400 10 days 8,357 207,519 23,278 125 Days 12,800 '16,800 NC 8,000 102,000 HOST HARDWARE COST SUMMARY: Host System One-Time Purchas Description Installation e Price .' Costs Data General AVIION 3600R w/Cladion · Included '73,022 Lease Cost/Mo. On-going Maint. Cost/yr. 7,716 Estimated Implementation Support Cost Included TRAINING COSTS: Course TitieTT°pics Cost/Hour or Day · (circle T) Cost/Hour Accounts Payable 'Module Definition I Day $800· Accounts Payable Core Training 3 Days $2,400 Accounts Payable issues 2 Days $1,600 Accounts Payable Process Testing - ' 2 Days" $1,600 Accounts Payable Training Preparation 2 Days ..... $1,600 4 Lease Purchase option is shown Under the Cost Proposal Summary. Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing ApPlication Proposal Page 2 Accounts Payable Parallel Testing Accounts Payable Live Support Accounts Payable Post Live Consultation Accounts Receivable Module Definition Accounts Receivable Core Training Accounts Receivable Issues Accounts Receivabl~ Process Testing Accounts Receivable '[rainer Preparation Accounts Receivable Parallel Testing Accounts Receivable Live Support Accounts Receivable Post Live Consultation Contract Management Core Training Contract Management Issues Contract' Management Process Testing Fixed Assets General Ledger Introduction for" Government Clients General Ledger Consultation Budgets and Budget Modeling Budget Item Detail Recurrent Joumal Entries General Ledger Issues General Ledger Process Testing General Ledger Trainer Preparation. 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 1 Day 3 Days 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days -** 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 1 Day I Day 2 Days 2 Days 3i. Days 1 Day 2 Days '1 Day 2 Day 2 Days 2 Days $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $800'.. $2,400 ' $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 ..- $11600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $8OO $800 $1,600 $1,600 $2,400 $800 $1,600 .$800 $~,600 $1,600 $1,600 Finan'ce, Human Resources; Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page' 3 General Ledger RJE/Budget Model/Ad Hoc Trainer Preparation General Ledger Parallel Testing General Ledger Live Support General Ledger Post Live Consultation Fiscal Year End Processing Human Resource Core Training Human Resource Issues Human Resource Process Testing Human Resource Parallel Testing Human Resource Live Support Human Resource Post Live Support Nucleus and Security Core Training Nucleus Process Testing Person/Entity Module Definition Person/Entity Process Testing Payroll 4.6 to 6.0 Visit Number One Payroll 4.6.to 6.0 System Verification Payroll 4.6 to 6.0 Live Support Payroll/Human Resource/Position Budgeting Introduction Payroll Core Training Number One Payroll Core Training Number Tw Payroll Issues .... Payroll Process Testing ... Payroll Parallel Testing Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility 2 Days $1,600 2 Days 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days 9 Days' . 2 Days 3 Days .'.. 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 3"Day~ 2 Days 1 Day 1 Day 5Days 3 Days 3 Days 5 Days 5 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 D~ys ii 2 Days $1,600 $1,600 $2,400 $2,400 $7,200 :.. . $1,600 $2,400 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $2,400 · $1,600. $800 $8o iooo $2,400 $2,400 $4,000 $4,000 $2,400 $1,600 $2,400 $1,600 Billing Application Proposal · · Page 4 Payroll Live Support Payroll Post Live Support Position Budgeting Core Training Purchasing and Encum§rance Module Definition . - - · 2 Days $1,600 2 Days'' $1,600 2 Days $1,600 I Day $800 PurchaSing and Encumbrance Core Training Purchasing and Encumbrance Issues P.urchasing and Encumbrance Process Testing Purchasing and EncUmbrance Trainer Preparation 3 Days $2,400 2 Days $.1,600 2 Days $1,600 2 Days $1,600 Purchasing and Encumbrance Parallel Testing 2 Days $1,600 Purchasing and Encumbrance Live Support · Purchasing and Encumbrance Post. Live Consultation -. Click, Drag and Drill Financial Core Training 2 Days $1,600 3 Days $2,400 3 Days $2,400 Click, Drag and Ddll Payroll/Human Resource Core Training General Ledger Ad Hoc Report Writer Click, Drag and Drill Financial Issues Click, Drag and Ddll Payroll/Human Resource Issues · - 3 Days $2,400" 2 Days $1,600 2 Days $1,600 2 Days $1,600 Click, Drag and Drill Financial Trainer Preparation 1 Day $800 Click, Drag and Drill Financial Trainer Preparation 1 .Day $800 Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 5 Click, Drag and Ddll Payroll/Human Resource Trainer Preparation Click, Drag and Drill Financial Post Live Issues Click, Drag and Drill Payroll/Human Resource Post Live Issues I Day $800 2 Days $1,600 2 Days $1,600 CONSULTING/IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES: Level of Staff # Hours Data ROller Conversion (Est)s Programmer Project Management Add'l Consulting: Accountant/ Programmer/Manager 20 Days Cost/Hour or Day (circle l) Hour Rate Implementation Services Cost 900 18,000 15 Hour. 1,080 16,200 Hour/Day HoudDay H°udDay Hour/Day Hour/Day Hour/Day HoudDay s Data Rollover and Conversion was not addressed' in the RFP. Most of our clients choose these services. If the City does not elect these services, then these costs should not be included. This is an optional item. Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 6 COST PRoPOsAL SUMMARY: Applications One-Time Installation Costs Price per Client · - On-going Maintenance Cost/Yr. Host Hardware On:Going Maintenance Cost Info~ mix Database and Associated Produ~s6 ..... - , . On-going Maintenance CostJYr Training Consultant Implementation TOTAL COST PROPOSED: Lease/Purchase Option 155,828 N/A 23,278 73,022 7,716 48,071 8,087 102,000 34,200 452,202 8,805~ mo. 6 Database costs information (Informix product costs and maintenance) was not included in the Cost Proposal Form. BI-TECH inserted these costs here for your information. Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 7 To: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Contract Number : Quote Date : 6.4-97 Print Date : 6-4-97 Reference· ITEM QTY MODEL 1.1.1 1 70687-AE 1.1.2 1 R7347 1.1.3 1 R7363 1.1.4 1 76110R-E 1.1.5 6 79012-HC 1.1.6 2 G6885-LA 1.1.7 I 26033 1.1.8 I 7462 1.1.9 1 14001-G7 1.1.10 1 15485E010 1.1.11 1 7060-D 1.1.12 I DG/UX 1.1.13 I L047ASC1CD 1.1.14 1 LO47ASC61D 1.1.15 1 P001AFAlCD 1.1.16 I P001AQA61D Data General QUOTATION DGC Please refer to this number in all correspondence and orders . DESCRIPTION F¢om: Diane M Kipp Data.G.e?ral Corp 1500 Rosecrans Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 USA Phone: 310-643-9401 (Office) . Fax: 310-536-0954 (Office) UNIT PRICE ($) HARDWARE AV3600R 200MHZ, DUAL, 64MB, FD, CD REPLACE 8MB W/32MB HI-PERF SP MEMORY REPLACE 64MB ECC WITH 512MB ECC MEM 1 O-SLOT CLARiiON ARRAY,SMB CACHE,RACK 4GB 7200 RPM CLARIiON DISK MODULE 4GB SE SCSI 4MM INTERNAL ADD-IN ViiSION 15", NI, MPR II, SVGA MONITOR PCl SCSI ADAPTEC 294.4UW DIFF ADAPTER 60" DEEPRACK CABINET SCSI CABLE,68P HD-68P HD, 10FT Subtotal OS SOFTWARE DGAJX ENABLE KIT DG/UX OP SYSTEM DESIGNATOR EPC ANSI C SMALL SERVER LMD' EPC ANSI C SMALL SERVER SUPPORT+ DG/UX FOR INTEL L/M/D 4-USER ' DG/UX FOR INTEL S+ 32-USER EXTENDED UNIT DISC ($) (%) 22,495.00 22,495.00 20.00 1,320.00 1,320.00 23.00 8,960.00 8,960.00 20.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 25.00 2,900.00 17,400.00 25.00 1,495.00 2,990.00 25.00 603.00 603.00 40.00 795.00 795.00 20.00 2,725.00 2,725.00 20.00 130.00 130.00 20.00 66,418.00 /NC /NC /NC /NC 1,800.00 1,800.00 23.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 23.00 Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application ProPosal Page Section ITEM Q'PI' MODEL DESCRIPTION 1.1.17 I P001AQAgFN DG/UX FOR INTEL UPGRADE TO 32 USERS 1.1.18 1 R057AZA4LD DSK ARRAY MGT LIC INT. CODE SVC-INTEL 1.1.19 1 R058AZC1CD UXJRI~M PERFORMANCE MONITOR LMD SM SVR 1.1.20 I PJ358AZC40D UXJP, PM PERFORMANCE MONITOR SSS SM SVR 1.1.21 1 R058AZN7CN UX/RPM PERFORMANCE MONITOR QUICK LOOK Subtotal IMPLEMENTATION 1.1.~2 ' 1 P001~-U7AN DGAJX IMPLEMENTATION SERVICE - MEDIUM 1.1.23 1 W170AZG7FN CLARiiON SERIES 100/1000 SUPP IMPL SV Subtotal UPS 1.1.24 I 12357-A 4.5KVA UPS 208V-FOR SVC SEE 12357ASCS 1.1.25 1 12418E015 DATA GUARD CABLE DB9 TO DB25 1.1.26 1 12359 4.5/6KVA BATTERY-FOR SVC SEE 12359SCS 1.1.27 1 12357ASCS EXPRESS SWAP SERVICE FOR UPS 12357-A Subtotal 'UNIT EXTENDED UNIT DISC PRICE ($) (%) 4,750.00 4,750.00 23.00 1,195.00 1,195.00 750.00 750.00 9,745.00 7,495.00 7,495.00 1,595.00 1,595.00 9,090.00 4,349.00 4,349.00 65.00 65.00 549.00 ~ 549.00 1,050.00 11050.00 6,013.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 LIST: $91,266.00 NET: $73,022.46 SW SRVC: $5,809.00 HW MAINT YR t: $1,908.00 TAX (est): TOTAL: $80,738.46 Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing Application Proposal Page 12 Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing APplication Proposal Page City of Tustin : ,' 619197 25 Concurrent User Informix and IFAS License NlVreference: 1:34,968 BASIC IFAS (Integrated Fund Accounting System) Modules: General Ledger NUCLEUS Accounts Payable/Encumbrance .. Accounts Receivable/Cash Rec. Check. Management.. Person/Entity Database AD HOC Rprtg/Budget Models. Subtotal Basic IFAS ADDITIONAL Modules: Budget Item Detail Pumhasing . - Payroll Human Resources Position Budgeting Fixed Assets . Contract Management Insight (GUl-requires Win95) . Click, Drag, & Drill (Report Writer Sub-Total ADD'L Modules JTOTAL IFAS Modules THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS: INFORMIX, Utility Bi lng Software: UTILITY BILLING . Customer Information System Handheld Devices Menus/Shells ' _ ITotal Utility Billing IData General Hardware IAviion 3600R Server SERVICES - Sum of. Training Assistance Utility Billing Training Support Proj. Mgmt. and Add'l Consulting 24,000 4,000 7,200 7,200 4,000 4,000 4,000 54,400 Data Rollover and Conversion ...... TOTAL Services .... ISUB TOTAL I JGRAND TOTAL (Net Price plus 1st Year Support) 6,400 10,360 17,400 17,400 4,920 6,520 6,520 10,000 10,000 89,520 143,920 55,6971- 14,000 3,500 2,360 1,000 20,860 91,266t 85.200 16,800 16,200 18,000 136,2001 335,817I I 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA · 24,000 4,000 7,200 7,200 4,000 4,000 4,000 54,400 .: 5,760 9,324 15,660 15,660 4,428 5,868 5,868 9,000 9,000 80,568 134,968 48,071J 14,000 3,500 2,360 1,000 20,860 I 73,°22l 85,200 16,800.U/ 16,200 18,000 136,200 I.413,121 452,202I 11 3,360 6 560 10 1,008 11 1,008 ' 560 I 580 4 560 43 7,616 2 896 10 1,450 16 2,436 16 2,438 2 689 2 913 3 913 0 1,400 10 1,400 61 12,533 104 20,149 104 21 15 20 160 16oI I 8,o871 2,100 525 354 150 3,129 7,7161 39,0811 Page 8 City of Tustin 619197 THIRD PAR'F? PROUCTS (These costs are shown in summary on page one) INFORMIX PRODUCTS: Online Verson 7+ (OpenLine) Online Verson 7+ (Assurance) ESQL/C, Dvlp (RT is included) C-ISAM, RT 14GL, Drip 14GL, RT Total Informix MICROFOCUS PRODUCTS MF Cobol Developer Suite MF Cobol, RT (bundle of 10) Total MF Products ' 30,000 15% 7,500 15% 375 15% 375 15% - 2,700 15% 2,850 15% 43,800 2,850 1,500 4,350 NA NA 25,500 20 5,400 6,375 5 900 319 1 99 319 5 50 2,295 3 33O 2,423 10 333 37,231 7,112 2,850 6 Included · 1,500 25 Included 4,350 31 0 UTILITY SOFTWARE Openlink-ODBC Driver-Concurrent Use Cold Fusion (for if'as.net only) ' WRQ-Reflection: (R2&TCP) Total Utility Software 6,250 · 15% 499 NA 798" 15% 7,547 5,313 25 499 1 678 2 6,490 NA ' 875 100 NA 975 OPTIONAE PRODUCTS: ' ' · " Job/Project Ledger Stores Inventory (Warehouse) Grant Management Work Order Management Business & Animal Ucense Vendor Agreements ' if"as.net (Internet Reporting Tool) Image Enabler TRIAD (for separate system development) ' Supplemental TRIAD COLD Storage (Cptr Output to Laser Disk) English Languages/per PC Kiosk License (creation days extra) Adobe Acrobat Dev Version , Remote Server Value Plan (RSVP) ' AcuPdnt (Electronic Forms) - 13,000 10% 13,000 10% 6,520 10% 13,000 - 10% 10,000 10% 6,520 10% ' 6,520 10% 8,000 10% 13,760 10% 2,760 10% 10,000 10% 1,350 NA 9,900 '- NA ' sold only throUgh retail stores To Be Determined ' -' NA · -' ' 2,990 NA -' 11,700 11,700 5,868 11,700 9,000 5,868 -. 5,868 7,200 12,384 - 2,484 9,000 1,200 - 9,900 2,990 NOTE: Acupdnt pdce includes: Software and 1-Control Board $2150, Gold Security $650 and 4 forms-S190 2 9 11 -6 4 2 - 2 .5 5 2 1 1,820 1,820 913 1,820 1,400 913 913 1,120 1,926 386 1,400 189 1386 TBD 250 Page 9 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17 QUOTATION NOTES: City of Tustin 6/9/97 BI-TECH requires reimbursement for travel to the client site that may be associated with this purchase. BI-TECH Source Code is included with the license fee. Applicable sales tax will be added to this quotation. Our Conversion quote assumes the Client will provide a dean fiat file and complete the BI-TECH forms. We recommend informix Training Courses #613 ($1125) & #388 ($2000) plus travel. This is arranged with Informix. The "Days" column indicates the number of BI-TECH training days. Most training is provided at BI-TECH. A perpetual warranty on IFAS is provided as long as the client is on maintenance. Annual Support is 14% of the Undiscounted license fee adjusted each year by the CPI plus 2%. Due 30 days after installation. Work Order, Contract Mgmt, NLI will be released in early 1998. Pricing is based on Concurrent Users. As this number changes the price will change. The costs of special bonding or insurance will be passed on to the client. T'nis quotation shall remain valid for 90 days. · - . - An ANSI C compiler must be purchased from the Hardware Provider. The Informix license provided is limited to use of Informix products with BI-TECH products. Implementation costs are estimated and will be updated based on your specific needs hereafter. Subsequent to a functional software review, BI-TECH will come on site to consult with the client regarding the scope of assistance needed for client implementation. Complete implementation pricing can be provided at that time. Use of Insight obviates the need for Terminal Emulation however, it is only available on Windows 95 or NT. Informix Maintenance support requires 10 Assurance support licenses for each CPU. The following forms are included from BI-TECH: PO Form, AP Check~ PY Check, Invoice. Additional forms are $800ea. Page10 { BataGeneral 3/18/95 City of Tugtin Financial Server Inves_~'ment Summary Data G~'tal Aviion 3650 Server (4 processor capacity) Dual 200 ~ pentium pro processors : 512 MB Memory Cd. ARiiON Storage Processor (w/added ~che) w/24 GB Disk (6X 4GB) 2) 4mm Tape Drives Lan Communi~tions 15" Mortil;or, I~yboarcl, Mous~ CD/KOM, Floppy 3OOO KVA Lr/>S Modem System Software DG/UX (32 concurrent users) AV/Alert LrX,~M (eerformanc~ Mo~to0 w/Quick Look DG/I. rX System Administration Class (5 Days) EPC ANSI C Compil~ UNIX Implemeutation Servic~ List Total Net Price Yr 1 Ha.rdw~e Ma!nten~nee 4 Hr. Respor~- 9 x 5 Yr 1 Sofl~xre Maint~ane~ $79,900 16,920 1,g64 4,560 Tax & Freight as applicable ; DO I.~sing av~abl¢ for all hardw~e., software & services Estirmt_~_ YR 2 I-Iardware Main~ S2.900 (based on 3YK contraS) Estimated YR. 3 Hardware M~!~eamn~ $2,900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 · Software License and Support Agreement Bi-Tech Software Inc. 890 Fortress Avenue Chico, California 95973 ' (hereinafter referred to as "Bi-Tech") hereby grants to: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee") a. nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license for proprietary software listed in Schedule A and known as Integrated Fund Accounting System (fFAS). The IFAS Software and related documentation listed in Schedule A, described as Total IFAS Modules are referred 'to herein as "Software". The Licensee is hereby granted the right to {Jse the Software according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. No title to or ownership of the Software or any of its parts is hereby transferred to the Licensee and the Licensee's right to use the Software shall at. all ~imes be subject to the restrictions set forth in this Agreement. Both Licensee and Bi-Tech agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire contract by and between them. Any oral .agreements or written documents between the parties which are inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or are in addition to the terms of this agreement are superseded by this document and are of no further validity or force or effect. Amendments to this Agreement may only be made in writing and by a document specifically indicating.that it is intended to be an amendment to this Agreement. SOFTWARE LICENSE AND CHARGES Bi-Tech shall license to the Licensee the Software at the charges specified on the Program and Price Schedule attached as Schedule A in the form in which the Software presently exists, as more fully described in its corresponding documentation. All server-based application soak'are will be provided in both source and executable code. Bi-Tech also will provide one (1) CD-ROM-based copy of all user and technical documentation relating to the Software, which may be printed and reproduced by the Licensee for internal use, distribution and training purposes only: In addition to the license fees and other related charges noted in Schedule A and Schedule B, the Licensee shall be responsible for the payment to Bi-Tech of any federal, state, local, municipal and/or provincial sales and use taxes or excise taxes that are or may be imposed on the transactions provided for in this license agreem_ent. '~ Page 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 ~0 11 12 13 14 I5 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 29 3O 31 32 33 34 33 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 USE OF THE SOFTWARE The Licensee's right to use the Software licensed under this Agreement is restricted solely ~o its own internal use on the Licensee's computer systems, including any upgraded models or replacements. Software use is limited by the number of concurrent users named in Schedule A. Bi-Tech may perform annual system audits to verify concurrent usage and apply increases in fees as appropriate. If the Licensee violates the terms of this paragraph, Bi-Tech shall have the right, in addition to any other remedies available to them, to injunctive relief en)oining such acts as set forth in Section 2. of the Standard Terms and Conditions. The Software licensed under this Agreement is for use by .the Licensee on the Licensee's computers, provided that any Software delivered by Bi-Tech in machine readable form may be copied in whole or in part, in printed or machine readable form, solely for the Licensee's internal use for back-up and archival purposes. Licensee warrants that source code will not be removed from Licensee's office. Accompanying documentation and u~er guides may be reproduced for internal use, distribution and'training purposes only. No other party is authorized to use the Software and LiceNsee is not authorized to services using the Software to any entity not defined herein. ~rovide MANNER OF PAYMENT In consideration of the granting of this software license, the Licensee shall pay the charges provided fopherein in the following manner: The basic license fees set forth in Schedule A, plus any applicable sales Or other taxes, shall be paid to Bi-Tech in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Schedule A. Third party Software products listed in Schedule A, plus any applicable sales or other taxes, and/or freight and insurance charges, shall be paid in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Schedule A. Services, travel reimbursements and all other items listed in Schedule A, plus any applicable sales or other taxes, shall be 'paid in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Schedule A. : Should the Licensee agree to maintenance, the maintenance fees set forth in Schedule B, plus any applicable sales or other taxes, shall be paid to Bi-Tech in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Schedule B. The Software, plus any Bi-Tech created modifications, shall remain the property of Bi-Tech and, at their option, shall be returned to Bi-Tech in the event any of the charges set forth in Schedule A are not fully and timely paid as therein provided. Page 2 1 2 6 7 8 9 ~0 ~2 ~3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3~ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 4'1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 ST,~NDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. TIME AND PLACE OF DELIVERY Bi-Tech shall deliver the So~ware, and the Licensee shall accept such delivery, at the Licensee's address set forth above on mutually agreed upon delivery dates. Bi-Tech will provide installation of the Sof~ware at the Licensee's location. Training of the Licensee's personnel on the Software will be delivered both at Bi-Tech and at'the Licensee's location as shown on Schedule A. The Schedule A column entitled "Days @ Client" identifies training days to be delivered at the Licensee's location by an on-site Bi-Tech employee or remotely via video or teleconferencing. The Schedule A column entitled "Days @ Bi-Tech" identifies training days to be delivered at Bi- Tech. Training delivered at Bi-Tech may be attended by up to three students, however additional students may be added based on the rates then in effect. If the Licensee desires additional Accountant, Trainer and/or Programmer. days beyond those included in this Agreement, the charge will be based on Bi-Tech's rates then in effect. However, the Licensee may exchange unused Accountant and/or Programmer days for additional Trainer days. As travel is required away from Bi-Tech office the Licensee will be charged for air fares, meals, ground' transportation, lodging and other reasonable living expenses incurred by Bi-Tech personnel as outlined in Schedule A. 2. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Licensee, its agents, employees, independent contractors (including site managers), administrators and assigns shall be prohibited from duplicating, except for internal (on-site and off-site) backup and disaster recovery use and to the extent necessary to effect modifications of the Software, and they shall not allow any other person or entity to be permitted to duplicate, in any fashion whatsoever, any or all of the property which is the subject of this Agreement. The Software, including modifications made by Bi-Tech, constitutes valuable property and a trade secret of Bi-Tech. In this connection,' marketing rights to the system and all modifications made by Bi-Tech remain Bi-Tech's property, whether or not any portibn is or may be validly c~opywritten.. Licensee, therefore, acknowledges its obligation not to reveal, and to instruct its' employees not to reveal, any information regarding the Software t6 persons other than to Licensee's employees, computer consultants, public accountants, and attorneys without the express permission of Bi-Tech. Licensee further agrees to take such reasonable steps to ensure that these proprietary obligations will be fulfilled. Bi-Tech will not use or reveal to other persons, and will instruct its employees notto use or reveal to other persons, any information concerning Licensee, its properties, partners, business, or other affairs, which Bi-Tech may learn during the course of its performance under this A~;reement, other than such use as is necessary, in connection with such performance. 3. WARRANTY AND LIMITATION 'OF LIABILITY Bi-Tech warrants that the Software Gill operate as described in i~s accompanying reference · manuals and documentation. The Warranty Period shall be perpetual as long as the Licensee has a current maintenance and support agreement (see Schedule 13). Bi-Tech will, at its expense, Page 3 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45. 46 47 48 49 50 51 correct any errors in the Software a~ributable solely Io Bi-Tech. Bi-Tech shall be relieved of any and all obligations with respect to this warranty for those parts of the Software that are revised, changed, modified, or maintained by anyone other than Bi-Tech. The Licensee may modify the licensed Software, but Bi-Tech shall not be responsible for compatibility of such modified Software with equipment, other programs, future program releases 'or test. and verification routines. This warranty and Bi-Tech's obligations and liabilities under it are in lieu of, and the Licensee hereby waives, all other guarantees and warranties expressed or implied, arising by law or other- wise, including without limitation any implied 'warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. Notwithstanding the warranty made above, Bi-Tech shall not be liable to the Licensee for any loss of or injury to earnings, profits, or goodwill suffered by the Licensee, caused directly or indirectly by the Software pursuant to this Agreement, or any interruption or loss of use thereof, or for any incidental or consequential damages even if Bi-Tech has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 4. EXTENDED MAINTENANCE The Licensee will have the option of purchasing Bi-Tech's maintenance coverage for a pei-iod of one year and renewable ann,ually unless terminated by the Licensee, pursuant to the terms set forth in Schedule B. The charges for the Licensee's maintenance coverage shall be those set forth in' Schedule B as from time to time are in effect, and all charges are subject to change by Bi-Tech, provided that such charges cannot be increased during the term of such extended coverage. The Licensee ma),, in their sole discretion, terminate such extended maintenance coverage at any time at the end of any term. 5. ACCEPTANCE Bi-Tech shall give written notice to Licensee certifying that installation of the Software at the Initial Installation Site(s) is completed. Licensee shall be deemed to have accepted the So'rare thirty (30) days after receiving Bi-Tech's notice, unless, during that period, the Software fails to perform in accordance with the Documentation in some material respect that precludes acceptance of the Software by the Licensee, and, by the end of that 30 day period, Licensee gives written notice of non-acceptance to Bi-Tech describing the material failure in reasonable detail and explaining why the failure precludes acceptance of the Software by Licensee. If Licensee gives a proper notice of non-acceptance to Bi-Tech, then: Bi-Tec~ shall investigate the reported failure. Licensee shall provide to Bi-Tech reasonably detailed documentation and explanation, together with underlying data, to substantiate the failure and to as. sist Bi-Tech in its efforts to diagnose and correct the failure. bo If Bi-Tech determines, reasonably and in good faith, that there was no material failure to perform or that the failure to p.edorm was not attributable to a defect in the Software or an act or omission of Bi-Tech, then Bi-Tech shall give written notice to Licensee explaining that determination in reasonable detail, and Licc;nsee shall be deemed to have accepted the Software as of the date of Bi-Tech's notice unless notice of a dispute is provided to Bi- Page 4 1 7 8 9 i0 11 i2 13 14 13 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3~ 35 37 38 39 40 4i Tech in writing. Such a dispute, if persistent, shall be resolved by following the procedures of the American Arbitration Association. If Bi-Tech determines that there was a materia'l failure to perform that was attributable to a defect in the Software or an act or omission of Bi-Tech, and if Bi-Tech cannot correct the failure within thirty (30) days (or such longer period as may be reasonable under the circumstances) after receipt of Licensee's notice of non-acceptance, then Licensee shall promptly return to Bi-Tech all copies of the Software and Documentation and any other items delivered to Licensee by Bi-Tech; and Bi-Tech shall then refund Licensee the initial license fee paid by Licensee. If, within such period, Bi-Tech does correct the failure, then Bi-Tech will give written notice to Licensee certifying that the failure has been corrected, and another thirty (30) day acceptance period shall begin upon initial software installation. 6. OTHER DOCUMENTS The following documents and the agreements of Bi-Tech and the Licensee and representations and warranties of Bi-Tech contained therein are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference and/or attachment. a. IFAS/Software User Guides as listed in Schedule A of this Agreement. b. Software and module Product Descriptions for the items listed in Schedule A of this Agreement. 7, 'GOVERNING LAW This contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 8.1 LIQUIDATION OF Bi-Tech In the event that Bi-Tech (or a surviving company in the event of merger or sale of Bi-Tech) is liquidated,, dissolved, or ceases to carry on business on a regular basis, the Licensee will have.a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, license, and right to use the Software inclusive of source code and all other documentation) subject to the usage limits herein. Page 5 9. NOTICES All formal communications relating to this Agreement shall be in writing and directed to the person listed below and shall be deemed to have been received on the earlier of the date of actual receipt, the third business day after being mailed by first class certified air mail, or the first business day after being sent by a i-eputable overnight delivery service. Any notice may be given by facsimile provided that a signed original is sent by one of the fore going methods within twenty-four hours thereafter. Proper notification contacts addresses are listed below: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 45 46 47 48 -.'9 50 Bruce Langston Vice President Finance Bi-Tech Software Inc. 890 Fortress Street Chico, CA 95973 Phone Number: (916) 891-5281 'Fax Number: (916) 891-5011 Email Address: bruce@bi-tech.com Contact Name: Ms. Sofia Peterson Title: Accounting Supervisor Licensee Name: City of Tustin Street Address: 300 Centennial Way City, State, Zip Code: Tustin, CA 92680 Phone Number: (714) 573-3060 Fax Number: Email Address: 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. In the event of breach of this Agreement by either party, such breaching party agrees to pay the other all costs and expenses incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees which may be incurred, whether or not legal action is filed. b. Neither party shall be liable or deemed in default for any delay or failure in performance of this agreement resulting directly or indirectly from any cause beyond the control of the party. c. Bi-Tech' agrees to indemnify and'hold Licensee harmless from all ~emands, claims, liability or damages to third parties and all expenses incurred by Lice.nsee due to any such claims and demands including reasonable attorney's fees, whether or not legal action is filed, based on any alleged infringement or unauthorized use of any third party patent, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right as a result of the use of the So,rare under the terms and conditions of this Agreement; prov. ided Bi-Tech is promptly notified in writing of any such claim against Licensee and further provided that Licensee permits Bi-Tech to defend each such claim or to procure licenses without additional charge to Licensee, to use the Software. In the event that Licensee's use of the Software is likely to be, enjoined as a result of such a claim of infringement or unauthorized use, gi-Tech shall, at its option (i) modify the Software to render it non-infringing without adversely affecting its functionality; (ii) provide for Licensee the rights provided hereafter in respect of the Software; or (iii) refund tO Licensee Software amount paid by Licensee. d. This Agreement does not inc]'ude any interfaces or modifications. It does include writing two report definition files: one for the Balance Sheet and one for the Income Statement. This Agreement also includes the creation of special formats but is limited to the following: one Accounts Payable check, one Payroll check,, one Receipt form, one Invoice or Statement form, and one Purchase Order form. Page 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 eo Dated: Date Informix products purchased as a result of this Agreement are intended for use with Tech developed software. The use of such informix products is limited thereto. Bi-Tech Software Inc. BY: Bruce E. Langston Vice President for Finance Licensee BY: Printed Name: Title: Page 7 1 !. LICENSE FEES Module BASIC IF~ (Integrated Fund Accounting System) Module~: General Ledger NUCLEUS (train and Install) Accounts Payable/Encumbrance Accounts Receivable/Cash Rec. Check Management Person/Entity Database Subtotal Basic IFAS 25 Concurrent User Informix and IFAS License List Price % Off Net Price Client ADDITIONAL Modules: Job/Project Ledger Budget Item Detail Purchasing Payroll Human Resources Position Budgeting Fixed Assets Contract Management insight (GUI-requires Win95) Click, Drag, & Drill'(Report Writer for Sub-Total ADD'L Modules TOTAL IFAS Modules 18,750 3,125 5,625 5,625 3,125 3,125 39,375 10,156 10% 5,000 10% 8,094 10% 13,594 10% 13,594 10% 3,844 10% 5,094 1 O% 5,094 1 O% 7,813 10% 7,813 10% 80,096 I 19,471 18,750 7 3,125 3 5,625 2 5,625 2 3,125 0 3,125 0 39,375 14 9,140 1 4,500 2 7,285 2 12,2.35 10 12,235 10 3,460 2 4,585 0 4,585 2 7,032 0 7,032 4 72,089 33 ll 1~464 ' 47 THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS: INFORMIX and Utility Soflware~ 27,9711 NA 24,739 SERVICES Sum of Training, Consulting, Installation. Undefined Special Needs Consulting Data Rollover and Conversion TOTAL Services J Grand Totals 69,200 NA 16,000 NA 21,600 NA 106,800 254,242 69,200 16,000 21,600 106,800 243,003 47 20 4 71 711 Day~@ I~Tech Support 5 2 4 5 0 1 17 1 0 4 2 6 0 2 0 0 4 19 36 36 0 2O 56 561 2,625 438 788 788 438 438 5,515 1,422 700 1,133 1,903 1,903 538 713 713 1,094' 1,094 11,213 16,728 6,1591 NA NA NA 22,887[ Page 8 I. LICENSE'FEES THIRD PARTY PROUCTS Module INFORMIX PRODUC'~: Informix for Workgroups (Dev) ESQL/C, Drip (RT is included) 14GL, Drip 14GL, RT Total Informix MICROEOCU$ PRODUCTS MF Cobol Developer Suite-6 users MF Cobol, RT (initial bundle of 10) MF Cobol, RT (add'l bundles of 10) To~l MI: Pmduds UTILITY SOFrWARE. Openlink-ODBC Driver-Concurrent Use WRQ-Retlection Suite Total Utility Software jTot~l Third Party Software OPTIONAL PRODUCTS: Module Stores inventory (Warehouse) Bid Management Grant Management Work Order Management ' Business & Animal License . Vendor Agreements ' ifPs. net (requires dedicated NT server) Image Enabler OCR not incJuded) TRIAD flor.separate system development) COLD Storage (Cptr Output to Laser Disk) English Languages/per PC Kiosk License (creation days extra) Remote Server Value Plan (RSVP) Bi-Tech Electronic Forms) Cl'hese costs are shown in summary on page one) List Price % Off Net Price 10,000j 10% 9,000 375 10% 338 2,700 10% 2,430 3,000 10% 2,700 6,075 14,468 2,851 NA 2,851 844 NA 844 903 NA 903 4,598 4,598 798 0% 7,298 j 27,97,1 I 4,875 798 5,673 24,739J list Price % Off 10,156 10% 5,094 10% 5,094 10% 10,156 10% 7,813 10% 5,094 10% 5,094 10% 6,500 10% 11,180 10% 8,125 10% 1,350 NA 9,900 NA To Be De~ermir, NA 3,190 NA Net Price 9,140 4,585 4,585 9,140 7,032 4,585 4,585 5,850 10,062 7,3.13 1,200 9,900 3,190 Days Annual Support 25 4,250 1 99 3 420 10 480 5,249 6 Included 10 Included 15 included 31 0 910 NA NA 910 6,159J 5uppo~ 3 1,422 0 713 0 713 0 1,422 0 1,094 0 713 0 713 0 . 910 5 1,565 1 1,138 189 1386 TBD 350 Page 9 6 7 8 9 i0 ll 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 34 35 36 37 35 _39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 II. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Upon execution of the IFAS Software License Agreement and the delivery of the user guide documentation. 30% of all applicable IFAS License Fees 100% Bundled Implementation/Training Assistance 50% of Other Services · 100% Third Party Products 33,439.00 69,200.00 18,800.00 24,739.00 If applicable, 100% of the sales/use tax due on the taxable amount for the entir, e Agreement. Upon the conclusion of the initial installation visit. 40% of all applicable IFAS License Fees · 50% of Other Services 100% Third Party Maintenance 100% IFAS Maintenance $ 44,586.00 18,800.00 6,159.00 16,728.00 Upon Bi-Tech's verification that the individual modules operate in the Licensee's environment as defined in their accompanying documentation and user guides; or, within 120 days of the initial installation visit, whichever is sooner. 30% of all applicable IFAS License Fees 33,439.00 The Licensee will be charged for airfares (coach or economy), meals, al! ground transportation, lodging (single occupancy accommodations) and other reasonable living expenses incurred by Bi-Tech personnel during the implementation, accounting, training, and rollover/conversion assistance. These costs will be invoiced as they occur. Any licensed Software module listed in Schedule A of this Agreement which may be returned after the Acceptance period provided herein, shall be due and payable in full. Licensee agrees that Bi-Tech may assess a one (1) percent per month interest charge on any Bi-Tech invoice which is 30 days past due. I!1. LICENSE FEES Upon paying the applicable Basic License Fee(s) set forth above for the licensed So,rare programs, Licensee shall have the right to use Software within the scope of its own jurisdiction up to the number of concurrent users named in Schedule A. - If additions to the concurrent user count are needed hereafter, Bi-Tech will.license additional concurrent users at the then current per concurrent user rates. The Basic Software License Fee includes a warranty (Section 3., Standard Terms and Conditions) and the option to purchase maintenance (Section 4., Standard Terms and Conditions) for any licensed Software programs by executing an appropriate instrument (see attached Schedule B) and paying in advance the applicable fees as from time to time are in effect. Page 10 7 $ 9 10 11 13 .16 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 .4.5 46 47 48 49 50 SCHEDULE B. to IFAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE !. MAINTENANCE The Licensee shall have the option of purchasing Bi-Tech's maintenance fOr the current or immediately preceding Software release from year to year renewable annually unless terminated by the Licensee, pursuant to the terms set forth herein. As long as the Licensee is paying for maintenance with respect to the Software under the terms set forth in Schedule A hereof,.Bi-Tech shall provide to the Licensee Software update services via Hassle Free SupportTM Hassle Free SupPort (HFS) is the Software update method employed by Bi- Tech for server based software. HFS means that Bi-Tech will log-on to Licensee's designated computer server system, with authorization from Licensee, and load the server-based Software update for the Licensee. HFS is strictly modem/Internet related,, therefore, the exchange of magnetic media for server-based software updates wi]] not be available. For PC client so,ware updates, disk media will be sent to Licensee to update the PC client software, including Licensee loading instructions for all PC client software. In addition, the fo]lowing shall be provided: · All User Documentation updates cr&ated by Bi-Tech which relate to the Software. Such updates shall be delivered on CD-ROM media. All program updates and additions for use with the Software which are developed by Bi-Tech, provided, however, that no such program update or addition shall materially imt~air the functionality or performance characteristics of the Software. Documentation updates which relate to particular program updates and additions will be included in electronic media via Hassle Free Support. In cases where new features are added to the Software through the incorporation or use of Third Party software or hardware, Licensee shall have the option to purchase or not to purchase such Third Party products to effect such features. Phone-in consultation service in which the Licensee may request and receive verbal information regarding the use of the Software. Normal response to client initiated requests for information will be within four hours. Licensee agrees to attempt to locate information provided in user documentation prior to use of phone-in consultation service. As Bi-Tech.provides updates to its Software, or remote support may be required via telecommunications, the Licensee agrees to install and maintain, for the duration of this Agreement, a 33,600 (minimum) bps modem. All program changes deemed necessary by the Licensee to make the Soft~,are (including any program updates and additions) perform as described in the user guides, provided, however, that no user guide update shall be effective to delete or reduce a functional, specification without the Licensee's consent. Page 11 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Maintenance services shall be provided with sufficient promptness to avoid un- reasonable down-time. This agreement specifically does not include any assistance by Bi-Tech with respect to modifications of the Software which are desired by the Licensee except as set forth in Schedule A. Any modifications not made by Bi-Tech and the results caused thereby to the Software shall be the'sole responsibility of the Licensee. For the term of this Agreement, Bi-Tech shall provide Licensee, on a timely basis, with updates necessary for the System to continue to accomplish its principal computing functions and with updates reflecting improvements made to the Soft- ware by Bi-Tech. If Licensee notifies Bi-Tech that it suspects an error in the program logic or documentation of the Software, Bi-Tech Shall, as part of such support, use its best effo~ to confirm the existence of the error and correct it. If Bi-Tech ultimately determines that no such error exists, Licensee shall pay Bi-Tech for its travel, meals, lodging, and services performed at the Licensee's Site at Bi-Tech's then current hourly rates. Bi-Tech shall provide Licensee with such modifications to the Software as Licensee may reasonably require to maintain the compatibility of the Software with new releases of the operating system under which the Software is to be functional. The Licensee will have the option, at the end of the first ),ear's maintenance under this Agreement to extend such maintenance on a year to ),ear basis. The charges for the Licensee's maintenance coverage shall be based on a rate of 14% of the undiscounted price of the Software ($119,471.00), as set forth in Schedule A. All maintenance charges are subject to annual increases by Bi-Tech, provided that such increases cannot be assessed during the term of such extended coverage. Increases in Software Maintenance coverage are based on: The previous year's maintenance cost increased by a factor of two (2) percent over the last annual adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Urban Wages Ear'ers (all items) - Western Region. 33 Sh'ould the Licensee not exercise the option to extend maintenance beyond the warranty period 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 under this Agreement, the Licensee retains the right to purchase at cost from Bi:Tech any future releases and/or enhancements to the Software, including modifications to the Software to maintain its compatibilitywith new releases of the operating system. II. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment of maintenance charges shall be as follow~:- 100% of the quoted maintenance charges, plus applicable taxes, due upon the Initial Software Installation. Twelve months following this initial due date shall be the annual renewal date. Licensee accepts responsibility to remain current with maintenance on all third party products that are required for use with IFAS. The first year's maintenance for third party products is estimated to be $6,159.00. MicroFocus p~'oducts include the first year of maintenance. The second maintenance year cost direct to MicroFocus is expected to be $740. Page 12 Data General 10 KEY REASONS TO BUY DATA GENERAL ENTERPRISE SERVERS 1. Operating System Performance. A+ rating for DG/UX by Illuminata Consulting, Scorecard Update 11/96 "Multiprocessing, storage management, availability clustering, and a price-performance are high points...." 2. Enterprise Expertise With No Platform Technology Indifference. AViiON 3650 server use NT or UNIX, offedng flexibility in hardware system choice and design. 3. Strong Partnership and System Compatibility with Bi-Tech Software. Bi-Tech uses DG AViiON servers and CLARiiON storage systems to run their organization and support Remote Services customers. Excellent performance running Informix. 4. AViiON Servers Based On Intel' Processors. Intel provides technology & performance leadership for open systems. This offers the lowest price, highest reliability, and best performance. AViiON 3(~50 provides large expansion capacity for future growth requirements (processor can grow to 4 processors) 5. Award Winning CLARiiON Disk Systems. Data General manufactures and supports CLARiiON disk storage subs-systems with optimum fail-over features for AViiON servers. 6. Top Customer Support. Aberdeen Group, 5/96. "More than anything tangible, what has impressed the customers - -and Aberdeen as well-is the quality of Data General's treatment of customers both the speed and accuracy of the response., DG chosen #1 in Customer satisfaction for many years in a row by Computerwofld. 7. AY/Alert Automated Notification Service. Detect and report existing or impending hardware and software problems automatically. Remote support maximizing high availability and minimizing disruptions in computer operations. ~ 8. Implementation Continuity with Network and Enterprise. A complete line of professional services. DG technical professionals provide NT, Novell, & UNIX installation expertise for enterprise network and server set up and integration. 9. Strong Customer References. Worldwide installed base of AViiON and CLARiiON in pdvate and public sector market place. 10. Flexible Data General Leasing.' Combined leasing for hardware, software applications (including third party) and services available at lowest industry rates. Custom leasing options available. The DG/UX implementation Service is a comprehensive service that combines AViiON ~hardware installation with a full-scale DGIUX software installation and implementation service. In addition, DG/UX implementation Plus Service and DG/UX Implementation Plus On-Site Service adds performance analysis, tuning, and consulting services. Delivered by high-level Data General UNIX technical consultants, these services address a full set of operational and system management requirements, including DG/UX naming conventions, disk usage, file system management, user account management, and system security issues. These services provide everything required to being an DG/UX-based AViiON system to an operational level so customers can dedicate their time to business-critical issues. With the performance tuning provided early in the installation cycle by the DG/UX Implementation Plus Services, Data General can help ensure effective system usage from the outset and enable customers to plan resource utilization effectively. Scope of Service The DG/UX implementation Services are tailored to the customer's environment and user community, and includes the following, as required: Hardware Installation · Review installation checklist · Install all hardware products in the AViiON CPU cabinet · Verify hardware functionality · Install and verify AV/Alert, Data General's remote diagnostic support tool Software Implementation · Verify that both the DG/UX software media and license token are at the customer facility prior to site visit · Verify/load the DG/UX operating system and format the system disk · Load the latest DG/UX maintenance update · Review and establish DG/UX naming conventions for hosts, releases, logical disks, packages, root directories, local software, users and groups · Review and plan disk usage, including servers for diskless clients · Setup required file systems, swap space, root and home directories · Setup and load Application Capture Option (ACO) if required (intel only) · Setup and load Software Developers Kit (SDK) if required · Set proper NVRAM settings on primary disk (Intel only) · Determine impact of implementing thirdq:xarty hardware and software products · Configure/t~"~the UNIX kernel and review *'"--' customized kernel generated dL~_.g installation · Set default boot device and log on at init level 3 · Review operating systems releases for server and clients and how to add secondary releases, build kernels for diskless clients, set operating system client defaults, add clients, and test booting of clients. · Review user account management, including how t° name and group users, maintain a secure system, review and set up profiles. · Configure/test local terminal pods, and discuss terminal and printer setup · Review/customize system startup/shutdown and how to respond to system failures · Review and customize disk management, file system management, and backup and recovery procedures · Setup Intemet addressing, TCP/IP and ONC/NFS · Install manual pages .. · Review how to load a new DG/UX update or release · Backup the root file system and data required to restore the system. · Install the UX/RPM (real-time performance monitor), a comprehensive software package that provides system administrators with the tools required to pinpoint performance bottlenecks on the system in real time. DG/UX Implementation Service includes an evaluation copy of this software only. · Install CD-ROM documentation browser if there is an X-Windows/Motif device, or if there is a PC available running Windows or Windows NT · Provide a hard copy of the kemel parameters and the configuration file. DG/UX Implementation Plus Service also provides: · A perpetual license for UX/RPM and one year of Software Subscription Service (SSS) · Statistics Package - a repor~ consisting of a set of graphs and reports that provide a "baseline" of system resource utilization for comparing future system usage to determine trends in usage growth. This will be provided 1-3 months after system installation. Capacity Analysis Report - an additional Statistics Package, an analysis by a Performance Consultant, arid a written report with an evaluation of system capacity available for growth, as well as a comparison of system usage with data from the initial Statistics Package to show growth trends. This will be provided 3-12 months following system installation. Quick Look Analysis - a Data General Performance consultant dials into the customer's System and analyzes system performance. A brief written report is provided on this analysis including performance tuning recommendations. This service will be provided upon customer request anytime within 12 months of system installation. A two-hour telephone, consultation with a Performance Consultant to discuss any aspects of system performance. This will be 'scheduled at customer request during regular business hours. DG/UX Implementation Plus On-Site Service includes all of the above 'DG/UX Implementation and Implementation Plus Services, plus on-site performance tuning by a Data General Performance Consultant who will: · Fine tune ~'~ system and make recommendations about ongoing system ma, Cment. This will occur after the/ em is in production, the training of users, and the stabilization of Sy~t~ load. · Use the recently generated performance statistics and UX/RPM to evaluate system performance · Recommend how to reduce resource saturation and how to improve overall performance by changing disk configuration and layout, file placement, job scheduling, program architecture, and user priorities. Services Pre-Requisites · None Related Training · S181 -Advanced Shell Programming · S188 - DG/UX System Operations · S205 - UNIX User , · S244 - Using and Administering a Basic DG/UX System · S288 - DGIUX System Administration {provided with system quote) · S388 - Advanced DG/UX System Administration · SM611 - Analyzing DG/UX Performance Using UX/RPM · SM615 - Open Systems Troubleshooting · DC260UX- Installing and Managing TCP/IP on DG/UX The CLARiiON Implementation Services' incorporate the hardware installation and system configuration of Data General's high-availability, CLARiiON RAID-based disk array subsystems to ensure optimal performance. These services help familiarize customers with CLARiiON operations and ensure optimum installation on AViiON systems running DG/UX and Windows NT Server, as well as ECLIPSE systems running AOSNS and AOSNS II. It includes array planning and configuration, disk formatting, establishing system parameters, and data installation assistance and administrative training. Data General consultants set up and tailor CLARiiON subsystems at the customer's site according to customer configuration requirements. CLARiiON Series 100/1000 Implementation Service is intended for customers who have purchased either a 7 or 10 slot CLARiiON chassis for an existing AViiON or Eclipse system. CLARiiON Series 2000 Implementation Service is intended for the 20 slot CLARiiON chassis, while the CLARiiON Series 3000 Implementation Service is offered for the 30 slot CLARiiON chassis. The CLARiiON Series 100/1000, Series 2000, and Series 3000 Supplemental Implementation Services provide these same services for AViiON systems when co-delivered with either a' platform service for DG/UX, DG/UX Clusters, or Windows NT Server, and/or an initial CLARiiON service. Statement of Work The CLARiiON Implementation Services are tailored to the customer's environment, and include the following, as required: · Hardware installation and review of power-up/power-down procedures. · Review the features and benefits of the various RAID options, including mirrors, individual disks, and hot spares, selecting the best combination for anticipated needs including read vs. write activity, redundancy and security. · Review filesystem stripe alignment for performance considerations, select alignment boundaries based upon projected use. · Plan and design the configuration to take full advantage of redundant I/O paths and high availability features. · Bind disk modules into physical disks: · Generate operating system support for physical disks. · Format physical disks and create filesystems/virtual disks. · Align filesystem stripes in an optimal configuration for expected application environment. · Test CLARiiON Operation, including on-line disk failure testing. · Advise on installation of user data. · Provide system administration orientation including the replacement and addition of disk modules, use of GridMgr, and use of tools to monitor disk performance. · Provide documentation of configuration and overall disk layout.