1952, AT 8:15 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT : Vincent L. Humeston, J. Roy Teter, William
H. Gray, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and William
I. Miller.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
At 8:15 P. M. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to
order, immediately following the meeting of the Tus-
tin Planning Commission.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a
Bulletin from the Associated Chambers of Commerce of
Orange County, Inc., in regard to their annual ban-
quet and installation of officers to be held on Tues-
day evening, June 24, at the Newport Harbor Yacht
Club. Also a letter from Mae Rose Borum requesting
permission for the Community Stock Company to hold
a series of performances in the Grammar School Audi-
torium this summer. Councilman Miller proposed to
table this request until later in the meeting.
Councilman Gray brought up the matter of the possible
participation of Carolyn Squires in the National A.
A. U. Womens Championship Olympic Trials and suggest-
ed that the City set aside $50.00 from the Parks and
Playgrounds Fund to help defray her expenses at the
trials. On motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by
Councilman Gray and duly carried, the sum of $50.00
was granted for this purpose, subject to the approval
of the City Attorney as to its legality.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mayor Humeston requested and was granted permission
FOR MAYOR to be absent from the State from July 26 to August
HUMESTON 1, 1952, on motion of Councilmen Bacon, seconded by
Councilman Teter and carried.
BIDS RECEIVED Councilman Bacon submitted four price estimates in
ON PURCHASE OF regard to the purchase of a new Police Car as follows:-
NEW POLICE CAR Guaranty Chevrolet Co., of Santa Ana, $890.58; Barton
Chevrolet, of Yorba Linda, $1022.77 net; George Dunton,
Santa Ana Ford Dealer, $1212.81 net, and McCoy Motors,
Anaheim, $745.35 net. On motion of Councilman Teter,
seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried, Council
agreed to purchase two new 1952 Regular V-8 Mainline
Ford Sedans from the low bidder, McCoy Motors, of
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by
Councilman Miller and duly carried, with the exception
of a bill from the Tustin Garage in the amount of
$129.47 which was ordered held over for investigation.
Santa Ana Register $ 7.50
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Orange County Highway Dept. 74.68
Carson & Golding 19.66
Utilities, Fire Hall 6.84
White Stationery Co. 6.60
Radio & Television Equipment Co. 6.96
George A. Broomell $ 38.00
Kleen-Line Corporation 5.77
Hardy & Harper 82.59
Hanson & Peterson 50.00
Graves & Howley 197.02
Connelly Machine Works 553.92
Tustin Hardware Co. 26.52
C. Arthur Nisson, J r. 10.35
The Tustin News 235.38
Tustin A.A.U. Olympic Trials Fd. 50.00
City Attorney Nisson presented the first draft of Ord- ,
inance No. 87 entitled "An Ordiance of the City of
Tustin, California, Imposing a License Tax for the
Privilege of Commencing, Transacting or Carrying On
Business, Shows, Exhibitions or Lawful Games in the
City of Tustin, California; Providing a Permit There-
for; Providing for the Collection Thereof; and Re-
pealing Ordinances Nos. 4,52, 66 and 69, and all Ord-
inances in Conflict Herewith. Council discussed the
provisions of this proposed Ordinance in detail, mak-
ing several changes, and agreed to again discuss the
matter at a special meeting of the Council to be held
on Monday evening, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 P. M.
City Engineer McBride was present and presented copies
of old maps of Tustin as early as 1874 which were ex-
amined by the Council members.
MCBRIDE REPORTS Mr. McBride reported on the Prospect Avenue Paving
ON STREET PAV- Project at an estimated cost of approximately $5,000.
ING PROJECTS He also stated that he had a quotation from the County
Road Department as to the cost of oiling Pasadena
Avenue, from Main to Second Street, of $152.22, for
resurfacing Third Street, from Pacific to "A" Streets,
with one inch thick Plant Mix, at a cost of $752.51;
for resurfacing Second Street, from Pacific to "A"
Streets, at a cost of $821.47. All the, above work to
be done by County employees and County equipment.
Councilman Teter moved, seconded by Councilman Miller
and duly carried, to oil Pasadena Avenue and resurface
Second and Third Streets as above specified by Engineer
McBride, and the City Clerk was authorized to issue a
City Warrant payable to the County Road Department as
an advance deposit on the above Street Oiling and Re-
surfacing if the County so desires.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Teter and duly carried, the first reading of Ordinance
No. 87 was approved.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Teter and duly carried, this meeting was adjourned un-
til Monday evening, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 P- M.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk