HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONT PH 1 USE PER 83-12 8-15-83BATE: TO: FROH: SUBJECT: August 15, 1983 8-15-83 No. ~. Inter-Corn CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Honorable Mayor & City Council Members Community Development Department Continued Consideration of Appeal of Use Permit 83-12 Home Federal Savings and Loan Larwin Square DISI~USSION The City Council, at its meeting on August 1, 1983, continued consideration of the subject .use permit appeal hearing and directed the applicant to meet with staff and present solutions to the existing center circulation problems. Council further suggested that existing landscaping be trimmed or removed to improve vehicular visibility. Questions were also raised regarding removal of the drive aisle median island adjacent to the trellis theme structure. On August 8, 1983, a meeting was conducted at City Hall and attended by Doug Danielson, architect for the property owner; Morrey Friedman, shopping center manager; Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer; Alan Warren, Senior Planner and Don Lamm, Director of Community Development. While several ideas were discussed, only minor parking area modifications resulted from the meeting. These special changes will be presented at the August 15th meeting by Doug Danielson. Unfortunately, the success of Larwin Square has generated its own internal circulation problems. The applicant has attempted to mitigate these problems through re-striping of parking area aisles from full size to compact size spaces and installation of appropriate signing to reduce vehicular hazards. As directed by Council, staff reviewed the site plan changes proposed by the applicant but can not contribute significant suggestions to improve the situation. The applicant was requested by staff to prepare two site plans for presentation at the Council meeting; one being the present plan and the second highlighted with changes proposed by the applicant and required by the Commission and/or staff. Furthermore, Mr. Danielson has forwarded the attached letter to best answer questions raised by the Council and will be prepared at the next meeting'to further address your concerns. Director of Community Development BATE: TO: PROfl: S UBJ ECT: August 1, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING No. 4  871_83 Inter-Corn ?-I. Honorable Mayor & City Council Members Community Development Department Appeal of Use Permit 83-12 Home Federal Savings And Loan, Larwin Square DISCUSSION The City Council, at its meeting on July 18, 1983, unanimously voted to appeal the subject Use Permit. Furthermore, the Director of Community Development was requested to present the project at the Council's next regularly scheduled meeting. Attached to this transmittal for Council's review are copies of staff reports and building plans submitted to the Planning Commission during their consideration of the project. The Commission voted to approve Use Permit 83-12, thereby allowing construction of a new free-standing building for Home Federal Savings and Loan Association to replace the existing play area and theme structure in Larwin Square. The applicant has been informed of the Council's appeal and met with staff in an attempt to mitigate Council's concerns. Both the applicant and staff will be prepared to answer Council's questions. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Attachment: Staff Reports Letters Plans DATE: June 27, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 Inter -Corn TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Community Development Department Use Permit 83-12 Home Federal Savings and Loan - Larwin Square APPLICATION This application is a request for approval of a use permit to allow construction of a free-standing, 2,409 square-foot Home Federal Savings and Loan within the Larwin Square Shopping Center. The applicant, Larwin Square, Ltd., was previously granted Use Permit 76-25 which permitted remodeling of the subject shopping center in December, 1976. At that time the arbor theme structure, tot lot and restroom building were constructed, which is now proposed to be partially eliminated by placement of this new structure. Also included is a request to provide an automated teller structure at the site of the existing key shop which was approved by Use Permit 77-23. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, this project has been determined categorically exempt from environmental consideration. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The plot plan submitted proposes the savings and loan building to be located adjacent to Kresges department store thereby replacing the public play area. The existing planter area would be enlarged easterly into the drive aisle to accommodate the building footprint. Additionally, a planter median island in the adjacent drive aisle would be removed to facilitate traffic circulation. In accordance with Use Permit 76-26 which required a parking ratio of one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, additional parking spaces would be provided to accommodate the subject .building. The new spaces will result from restriping two parking aisles for compact cars as indicated on the plot plan. Elevations submitted by the architect, Danielson Design Group, propose an attractive mission tile-roofed structure which should be architecturally compatible with the existing center. However, should the Commission approve this application, final architectural elevations indicating colors and building materials will be required by staff prior to issuance of any building permits. Honorable Chairman & Commission Members June 27, 1983 Page 2 AJ(ALYSIS The applicant's representative, Mr. Doug Danielson, previously met on several occasions with staff and most recently with the department Director. Subsequent to meetings with department staff, the plans and elevations, as being presented to the Commission, conform with Zoning Ordinance regulations and meet our expectations concerning architectural design and landscape treatment. The remaining major concern is that of the proposed building location. The Director of Community Development expressed his concern to the applicant that the proposed location may not be appropriate due to reducing retail store exposure and possible adverse impacts upon traffic circulation. The Director of Public Works/City Engineer also voiced concern regarding the proposed building adjacent to a busy on-site intersection. However, after discussing these concerns with center manager Morrey Friedman and architect Doug Daniel son, there is apparently no other suitable location on site for the Home Federal building. Therefore, the Commission should determine, after considering staff's proposed findings and conclusions, whether an additional building structure should be permitted in the-center. Proposed Findings & Conclusions 1. The structure may limit visibility of retail tenant exposure for those shops directly adjacent to the Kresges department store. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the potential of retail use in the impacted area may be lessened after construction of the building. 2. The proposed use will eliminate a previously approved landscaped and open public recreation area which will not be relocated or reconstructed within the shopping center. 3. The impact of additional building area, adjacent to a four-directional parking lot intersection could create a hazard for pedestrian traffic. RECOI~4ENDATION Should the Planning Commission concur with staff's concern over the appropriateness of the building location, this application should be amended or denied if a more suitable location cannot be agreed upon. However, should the Commission wish to approve this project as submitted, staff recommends that the following conditions be imposed: Honorable Chairman & Commission Members June 27, 1983 Page 3 That a total of 811 spaces shall be provided on site, as proposed, with no more than 63 spaces being of compact stall size. A complete landscape and irrigation plan shall be provided for review and approval by staff for the site of the new structure. Plant material which might present a visual barrier for drivers and pedestrians shall not be planted adjacent to the intersection. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view· Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters and parking spaces and drive aisles. Compact parking spaces shall be clearly marked for quick identification by drivers. The signs for the business shall conform to Article VIII, Section 9 of the Sign Code and with the approved master sign plan. The building architecture shall be constructed as proposed with final materials and colors to be approved by City staff. The automated teller shall be provided with area lighting completely around the structure and no high, view-obscuring plant material shall be located near the facility. DONALD D. LA~ ~ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DDL:jh Attachments: Letter Site Plan Architectural Elevations P.O. BOX 8221 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92806 (714) 731-1093 (714) 533.1192 Evenings June 17, 1983 RECEIVED JuN 1 ?'1983 COM M. )N I TJ_ DEVELOPMENT Mr. Donald D. Lamm Director of Community Development City of Tustin Tustin, California 92680 Re: New Buildin~ for Nome Federal Savings & Loan Larwin Square-Tustin Dear Mr. Lamm: Thank you for taking time to meet with Doug Danielson and myself, to review our current building project for a new home for Nome Federal Savings & Loan. This new building is important to us as it will free up a precious space for Lease to a retail type busniess and will certainly upgrade the area. During numerous meetings with the Larwin Square Merchants Association, we have kept them informed of this project and we have assured them that we intend to resurface the parking lot, restriping to include their requested compact spaces. Mr. Danielson has been instructed to work out such a plan. Pet Mart, the present Tenant behind this_new building is well aware of our plans and this project. In fact they have acknowledged their full under- standing and agreement within their Lease that the Landlord reserves the right to build this building. We do not expect any problem in releasing the present space occupied by Nome Federal Savings once theymove out and into their new building. We have nothing for Lease within Larwin Square-Tustin at this'time, being that all spaces are committed. We are a major center within the City of Tustin, with numerous requests for space to lease within our Center and it is with regret that we have to ~urn them down due to the lack of leaseable area. My Principal intends to be very selective in what will be allowed within our Center, our desire is to build a good tenant mix and develope a Center that we, the City of Tustin, and the surrounding area will be proud of. Your favorable consideration will be appreciated. Manager "' CC/ Arthur Bartlett Larwin Square Ltd. Doug Danielson