1952, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.,
J. Roy Teter, William H. Gray and William
I. Miller.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.
Minutesof the previous meeting were read and approved
after it was noted in Paragraph 3 that Mr. Gallion
and Cogan, "of the Tustin Lion's Club" represented
the Tustin Sea Scout organization in their application
to withdraw a request to sell fireworks within the City
during this July 4th season.
MR. J. B. Stocker, of 140 Lockwood Park Place, was pre-
sent and requested permission to replace the curb in
front of his property at the above address with a type
of curb that could not be a menace to the alignment of
the front wheels of his car. Councilman Miller reccom-
ended that permission be granted to put in the type of
curb required subject to the specifications of the City
Engineer. Council agreed with this recommendation.
Mr. Arthur O. Park was present and reported on his work
in connection with interviewing property owners along
the Prospect Avenue right-of-way, North of First Street,
to ascertain the possibility of annexation of the Hugh
Marshall Subdivision on Prospect Avenue North of Tustin.
He reported that the grove owners concerned were defin-
itely not in favor of granting a right-of-way.
Mr. Charles H. Gallion and Mr. Raburg were present and
submitted a plan of the Occidental Life Insurance Co.
for group Health and Accident insurance for certain
Tustin City Employees and their dependants. The matter
was discussed at length to be brought up again at a
later meeting.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Teter and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No.
86 was by title only.
ORDINANCE NO. Ordinance No. 86 was adopted on motion of Councilman
86 ADOPTED Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried.
SALARIES OF Mayor Humeston requested a report on the salary survey
SOME CITY as arranged for at a previous meeting. Councilman Teter
EMPLOYEES recommended a 5% cost of living increase to regular
RAISED employees which include three employees of the Police
Department, two employees of the Street Department,
one Crossing Guard and the appointive positions held
by the City Clerk. The City Attorney was recommended
for a flat increase in pay from $115.00 to $130.00 per
month. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Councilman Bacon and duly carried, the above pay in-
creases were granted effective as of July 1, 1952.
Mayor Humeston polled the individual members of the
Council on the above motion who voted as follows:
Ayes; Miller, Bacon, Teter. Noes; Councilman Gray who
stated that he considered that the matter lacked a
thorough investigation and analysis with resulting in-
Councilman Gray mentioned the matter of a revised Ord-
inance covering Business Licenses. Council discussed
the matter and it was agreed that a revised Ordinance
should be undertaken in the near future.
Councilman Bacon submitted a report of t he activities
of the Police Department during the month of May, 1952.
BILLS The following bills were. submitted, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Councilman Gray and carried, with the exception of a
bill from the Tustin News in the amount of $235.38 for
publishing Ordinance No. 85. This bill was ordered held
over until the following meeting.
The Tustin News $ 10.82
Console & Sisson 4.72
Seaside Oil Co. 104.13
Dan Beall 6.00
John J. Swigart Co. 10.20
Albro Fire Equipment Co. 23.45
Herbert L. Miller, Inc., 11.56
Tustin Lumber Co. 5.56
Utilities, City Hall & Fire Hall 61.90
White Stationery Co. 1.55
J.L. McBride 153.45
J. L. McBride 150.00
J. L. McBride 26.93
Orange County Blueprint Shop 9.83
Collector Internal Revenue 246.30
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 1.25
Arthur O. Park 70.00
City Clerk's Petty Cash Account 29.12
Tustin Fire Department 4.00
Daniels Service 24.92
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Mil-
ler, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk