HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 TILLER DAYS 08-01-83~JSTIN JAYCEES
P.O. BOX 307
July 18, 1983
No. 1
TO; City Manager -
City Council
City At~nrney
RE; Tustin Tiller Days Parade (October 15, 1983) - - Proposed August 1st
City Council Agemn~ It~n.
The Tustin Tiller Days Par~e, an Integral part of this years Tiller
Days Ce]~ation, is ouning up on October 15, 1983, and, as we have over
the past several y~s, the Tus~ Jaycees are prepared to devote their t/me
and energy to insure its success. However, there are three major Parade-
related issues which reqll~re Council consideration and approval; to w-it:
Liability insura~e, equestrian entries, and allocation of funds.
The following are th~ proposals of th~ Jaycees on these issues:
1. Liability 'Insurance - The Jaycees will procure a~equate l~ahility
insurance to cover there own involvement in the parade while the City procures
its own coverage to the extent of its involv~ent. Each party will then have
coverage to the extent it may dc~-n necessary, 'NOte: This arrangement recieved
Council approval in conjunction with the 1980,-~, and the 1982 parades.
2. Equestrian. Entries - C~ly those equestrian units with substantial
Parade experience (i.e, six parades within the last twelve months) and good
safety records will be allowed to participate. In addition, these entries,
with the exception of military units, will be re~_~red to provide evidence
of at least $1,000,000.00 of l~hility coverage and sign an agrc~.---ae~t relieving
the City and the Jaycees of any ]~hility resulting frcm their participation
in the Parade. Note; These equestrian entry re~rsments recieved Council
approval in conjunction with tb~ 1980, 1981, and 1982 Parades. Note also;
The same Equestrian Entries form and the s~re Release, Hold F~nless, and
/nd~=.~ty Ax3ree~_nt (copies attached) recf,~e~ of equestrian entries in the
1980, 1981, ar~ 1982 Parades Will be required this year as well.
3. A]locatic~ of Fur~s - The City will provide funds to run the Parade
in an ~unt not to exceed $3500.00. It is Necessary that these Funds
be disbursed to tb~ Jaycees in the reasonably near future in light of the
significant "front money" which is re~red to put on this event, particularly
for trophies and ~d judge fees. Postage, stationery, and photocopy expense
ba~ already bc=n incurred in conjunction with the initial parade entry
solicitation which we recently sent out, and that expense has been paid out of
the Jaycee general fur~ on a "loan" basis to the Parade C~,udttee. Projected
expenses include $2000.00 for trophies, $875.00 for b~d judges, and $625.00
for miscellaneous expenses (i.e, pr/n~ng, postage, celebrity signs, route
signs, etc. )
July 18, 1983
Page Two
All funds received by th Jaycees frcm the City will be a ~d~inistered out of
a special Tiller Days account which ~ already have es+~hlish_~4 to insure
that all expemd~tures can be properly and easily accounted for, NOte;
This years Parade budget request represents a sigm~cant iD~rease over last
years expenditure ($2700.00 vs. $3500.00). The rea._~on for the additioD~l request
is due to an inorea~e in the amount of the Judges fees, the number of rec.,.,ired
judges which we must provide in ora~ to insure ~nd participation in our
parade, and the number and cost of trophies which ~st be p~-uvided.
If further explanation of any of these proposals is re~lired, please do
not hesitate to contact the undersigm~d. If you desire, we will have a representative
present at the City Council Meeelng where these proposals are to be ~l~ressed
to answer any r~maining questic~s you might have.
Very truly yours,
David R: Edgar
Tiller Days Parade Co-Chairman
Office; 638-6851
Hc~e; 731-3143
]) Ac 2emac '$l,OOO,OO0 liability coverage on the entry .slid
through 'October la, 1983 Proof o£ thXa covmraje mmic be
2) S~&n~f~canC parade experience v/ch an excellent sa£et~ ~ecord~
· n the ~ast )2 months. A 1/aC~nX o~ these parades unit accom-
pany the applicaC~on. .
3) The enclosed Release, Bold Harmless, and Xndemn~CT Agreement
must be completed, s~gne~, and returned w~th the app1Acatlon.
L~ating of~ar.adea ~n the 2aat 12 uo~ChaC
~aue of Parade ~aze
insurance and the ori&lnal o% the si&ned axreenent.