4, 1952, AT 9:00 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: William I. Miller, Vincent L. Humeston,
Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and William H. Gray.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur disson, Jr., was present.
Due to the absence of Mayor Humeston the meeting was
called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Miller at 9:00 P.
M., immediately following adjournment of the meeting
of the Tustin Planning Commission,
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
City Engineer McBride was present and stated that he
was having some difficulty in securing the services
of a competant Assistant Engineer to assist him in the
Preliminary Sewer Survey. Mr. McBride stated that he
would contact the Council as soon as he found a suit-
able Assistant. Councilman Gray contacted Judge Allen
who stated that he had no objection to a Sewer Survey
Draftsman using a part of the Court Room as a work
Mayor Pro Tem Miller presented correspondence includ-
ing a letter from Mr. J. N. Morris in regard to a Pep-
per tree he had inspected at the S. W. Corner Main &
Streets and which he considers a hazard due to
its diseased condition. Also a letter from the Asso-
ciated Chambers of Commerce of Orange County announc-
ing a dinner meeting to be held at the Santa Ana Com-
munity Center on February 5, 1952.
BIDS OPENED Bids from California Tree Service, Western Tree Ser-
FOR TRIMMING vice and J. D. Devers for topping and trimming sev-
AND REMOVING eral Eucalyptus trees on Prospect Street, North of
TREES First Street, and adjoining Lockwood Park Place, and
for removing two Walnut trees at 183 North "C" Street
and one Pepper tree at Main and "C" Streets, were
opened by Mayor Pro Tem Miller and read to the Coun-
cil. On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Coun-
cilman Gray and duly carried. City Attorney Nisson
was instructed to prepare a contract specifying suit-
able liability insurance, the number of trees, exact
location and nature of work to be performed regarding
trees designated and to submit same to the bidders
for their approval.
REPORT ON Mayor Pro Tem Miller reported that he had investigated
REQUEST TO the recent request of Mrs. Leon C. Aerts, of 205 Tus-
PAVE SECOND tin Avenue, that Second Street, between Pasadena Street
STREET and Tustin Avenue, be paved to allay dust conditions.
He stated that there are no residences fronting on
this portion of Second Street which is half in the
City and half in the County and recommended that pav-
ing of this section of the street be tabled until a
more appropriate time.
The master of the reported business activities of
"Business Stimulators of Orange County" at 143 Yorba
Street in an R-1 Zone was discussed by the Council.
City Attorney Nisson was instrupted to follow through
on this complaint and to take whatever action may be
necessary to correct the situation.
OXYGEN BREATH- Councilman Gray stressed the need of an Oxygen Breath-
ING APPARATUS ing Apparatus, at a cost of $169.50, and a Salvage
& SALVAGE COVER Cover, at a cost of $43.79, for the use of the Fire
FOR FIRE DEPT. Department and to be carried at all times on the De-
partments Pickup Truck. On motion of Mayor Humeston
who had arrived late at the meeting and was seated
as a Councilman, seconded by Councilman Bacon and
duly carried, it was authorized that the above equip-
ment be purchased.
GLENN V. Councilman Bacon stated that Glenn V. Sissel, of
SISSEL HIRED Santa Ana, has been hired as an extra Police Officer
AS EXTRA PO- at $1.50 per hour to work on the days off of the Po-
LICE OFFICER lice Chief and the two Police Officers. This action
was approved by the Council.
FRANK DOWNEY'S Upon recommendation of Street Commissioner Miller
PAY INCREASE and on motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Coun-
TO $240.00 cilman Gray and carried, it was ordered that the pay
PER MONTH of Street Department Employee Frank Downey, whose
six month probationery period is ended, be increased
to $220.00 per month retroactive to February l.
Street Commissioner Miller stated that he had ar-
ranged with the John Blystone Co. to repair the side-
walk on "B" Street, near Second Street, at a cost of
about $85.00.
RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 302
NO. 302 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the
ADOPTED City of Tustin Calling a General Municipal Election
for April 8, 1952, Consolidating Voting Precincts,
Appointing Election Officers and Fixing Their Sal-
aries for said Election." Upon motion of Councilman
Gray, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried,
Resolution No. 302 was adopted.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid upon motion of Councilman Gray, seconded
by Councilman Bacon and carried.
White Stationary Co. $ 1.29
Division of Highways 55.44
Herbert L. Miller, Inc. 3.50
John J. Swigart Co. 4.64
State Compensation Ins Fund 77.93
George A. Broomell . 30.00
Utilities (Fire Hall & City Hall) 77.51
Ralph S. Lindsay (Dues) 13.00
Carson & Golding 7.90
Tustin Hardware Co. 5.10
Tustin Fire Dept. 53.00
Total $429.31
Councilman Bacon moved to adjourn. Councilman Gray
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk