HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 O.C. HSNG AUTH 06-20-83DATE: June 20, 1983 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 8 6-20-83 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor & City Council Community Development Department Appointment of a Representative and Alternate to Serve on the Advisory Committee of the Orange County Housing Authority DISCUSSION On an annual basis, the City is required by the Orange County Housing Authority to appoint a representative and alternate to serve on the Housing Authority Advisory Committee. The City's present representative is Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner, who would again be the most appropriate representative. It would also be appropriate for the City to appoint an alternative representative for those occasions when Mary Ann Chamberlain is unable to attend. It is recommended that an employee from the Community Development Department be appointed as the alternate. Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner, would be a suitable staff member to serve as the City's alternative Committee member. RECOII4E#OATION That the City Council formally re-appoint Mary Ann Chamberlain as the City's representative to the Orange County Housing Authority Advisory Committee and Jeff Davis to serve as the alternative on the Advisory Committee. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DDL:jmh Attachments ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 2043 North Broadway · Santa Ana. California 92706 · North Orange County No, (213) 694-1423 Central Orange County No. (714) 547-9133 · South Orange County No. (714) 768-0811 June 3, 1983 Mr. William A. Huston, City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 C' 'I Subject: Request to Reappoint or Newly Appoint One Representative end One Alternate to Serve on the Advisory Committee of the Orange County Housing Con=nission. The Orange County Housing Authority (0CHA) serves the Unincorporated Areas of the County and all cities in the County, except Anaheim, Brea, Garden Grove, and Santa Ana. The Authority is governed by the Board of Supervisors acting as the Board of Commissioners of the Authority. Purmmut to Health and Safety Code Section 34291, a seven-member Housing Commission advises on matters, as required, before they come to the Board, and is also delegated policy-making authority for the Housing Assistance Payments Program serving your locality. On May 3, 1982, the Housing Comnission adopted Resolution No. 4-82 to reestablish the Advisory Committee of the Orange County Housing Commission. Each participating jurisdiction is invited to have one voting representative and an alternate to serve as a direct link between the twenty-three participating jurisdictions and the Housing Commission. The Advisory Committee considers and recommends on such matters as applications for Section 8 Existing units, suballocations of rental assistance to meet local Housing Assistance Plen goals, and proposals for new or expanded program- to meet needs of lower income households in the County. Terms and c~] ifications of Advisory Committee members are addressed in the attached Rules of Procedure (see Attachment). The governing body of your locality is bering requested by the Housing Cowm~ssion to formally reappoint or newly appoint one representative and an alternate, and to notify our office in writing by Jmly 18, 1983. This will allow time to contact the appointed representative and alternate prior to the meeting on Monday, July 25, 1983. The usual meeting dates will be the last Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Advisory Committee Appointment June 3, 1983 Page Two The Housing Commission would like to thauk your jurisdiction for the support we have received in the past. Since October, 1972, the Commissioners of the Authority have relied upon an Advisory Committee to serve ss a liaison between the Authority and each participating jurisdiction. Most recently, your locality has been represented by Mary Ann C~berlain (544-8890). Please notify our office whether or not there will be a change iu representation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Linda M. Nelson, Housing Manager, at (714) 547-1573. Please send letters of appointment to the return address shown on the first page of this letter, Attention: Ms. Vivian Heintz. Sincerely, Art Luna ....... ~-'~ ~ ~' Executive Director LMN:VH Attachment Note: At this time, your City does not have an Alternate appointed to the Advisory Committee. RULES OF PROCEDURE For the Advisory Committee of the Orange County Housing Commission ARTICLE I - THE COMMITTEE Section 1. Name of the Committee The name of the Committee shall be the Advisory Committee of the Orange County Housing Commission. Section 2. Purpose of the Co,~,~,ittee The purpose of the Committee shaI1 be to act as liaison between the respective participating jurisdictions and the Orange County Housing Authority and to act in. an advisory capacity to the Housing Authority Commission in matters of policy pertaining to Housing Programs and long range Housing Goals. ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP SectioD 1. Participating Jurisdictions The governing body of each participating jurisdiction which has executed an Agreement with the Orange County Housing Authority shall appoint one permaneht member to the Committee. A jurisdiction may appoint one alternate member to the Committee who may vote in the absence of the permanent member. Section 2. Members-At-Large A total of five members-at-large may be appointed by a majority vote of.the Committee and with the approval of the Orange County z Housing Commission. These members, to the extent possible, shall represent the interests of the housing consumer and housing production groups. These members-at-large shall be voting members. Section 3. Qualifications of Members Each jurisdiction member may be an elected or appointed official~ a jurisdiction employee; or any other person chosen by said jurisdiction who is knowledgeable of local housing needs and goals as expressed in official jurisdiction policies and programs.' ~ection 4o Terms of Members/Members-At-Large The terms of committee members and their alternates shall be for two years; except initially the names of eleven participating jurisdictions shall be drawn by lot and their representatives shall serve one year through June 30, 1983. Subsequent appointments from ~u±es or ~roceoure page 2 each jurisdiction shall gontinue the initial pattern of staggered terms and Shall end as of June 30 of the appropriate odd or even year. The terms of the members-at-~arge shall be for two years; except' initially the names of two members-at-large shall be drawn by lot and they shall serve one year through June 30, 1983. Subsequent appointments of members-a-large shall continue the initial pattern of staggered terms and shall end as of June 30 of the' appropriate odd or even year.'' There are no alternate members-at-large. A list of the staggered terms of the Members and Members-At-Large by date of initial appointment shall be kept on file with the Rules of Procedure. Section 5. Absence ............... if'al member is abSen~f~t~r~e~0nsecu~i'~e '~-e~ngs the · office 0.f.~? jU~%~d~c~iog.s~a!~be, notified. If the juri.sd%~tion.~= juriSdictiOn shOuld appoint a new representative. The jurisdiction will be requested to respond tO the notification within 30 days. If a member-at-large is absent for three consecutive meetings the Advisory Committee shall be notified. If the Advisory Committee finds the member-at-large has been absent without good cause the Advisory Committee may appoint a new member-at-large.with the approval of the Orange County Housing Commission. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS Section 1. Officers The officers of the Committee shall be a chairperson, a Vice Chair- person, a COrresponding Secretary and a Recording Secretary. Section 2? Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. At each meeting, the Chairperson shall submit such recommendations information as may be considered proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of the Committee. Section 3. Vice Chairperson The Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson. Section 4. Corresponding Secretary The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Committee as directed by the Chairperson. The Corresponding Secretary shall also be responsible for notification of participating jurisdictions when'absences occur. Rule~ of Procedures ~ection 5. Recording Secretary page 3 The Executive Director of the Housing Authority shall appoint a Recording Secretary who Shall not be a voting member. The Recording Secretary shall keep the records of the Committee, shall act as secretary of the meetings of tl%e~C~it~=e, shall record all votes, shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Committee and shall inform the Corresponding Secretary when any member or member-at-large has been absent for three consecutive meetings. Section 6. Election ::'Th~-ChairperS0~,~vic~ ~c~a~:rper~n-a~ Corresponding Secretary shall be elected at the September meeting of each year from among the members of - ~:~he.~`C~m~"..~teea~d.sha~.~d~fficef~r.~ne~e~r~runti1-theirs~c~ess~rs~~ are elected. Should the offices of Chairperson, Vi~e Chairperson or'Corresponding Secretary become vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meeting Meetings will be held on the last Monday of each'month or at such time and place as may from time to time be determined. ~All of the meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. Section 2. Quorum Forty percent of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. Joint Meeting with the Orange County Housing Commission. The Committee shall have at least one joint meeting annually with the Orange County Housing Commission at date mutually agreed upon. ARTICLE V - )~LNIENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to Rules of Procedure The Rules of Procedure of the Committee shall be amended only by vote of membership when there is a quorum. Adopted: July 1, 1974 . Revised: Jan. 27, 1975 Revised: April 5, 1976 Revised: September 7, 1982