HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 10 CONST SURVEYNG 06-20-83 6-20-83 JUNE 13, 1983 Intel*-Com WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROH: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING RECOMMENDATION: Ihat the lustin City Council, at their meeting of June 20, 1983, authorize the Mayor to execute the attached agreement which designates the firm Johnson-Frank and Associates, Inc. of Anaheim as consultants to perform all roadway construction surveying for the Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive Realignment and Widening Project. BACKGROUND: The Clty of Tustin is acting as the lead agency for the design and construction of the realignment and widening of Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive in the Cities of Irvine and Tustin. Each City's share of the project cost will be 86% funded by Federal Aid-Urban (FAU) monies. DISCUSSION: The roadway construction surveying for this project will extend over a two year period and require staffing that exceeds the capabilities of either the City of Tustin and/or the City of Irvine. The City of Irvine, who is performing as the construction contract administrators for Tustin, has solicited and negotiated a fee for all required roadway construction surveying with the firm of Johnson-Frank and Associates, Inc. of Anaheim. This firm is on the approved consultant list as established by the City of Irvine and has previously performed work for Tustin on other projects. The City of Tustin, as the responsible lead agency per Caltrans requirement, is obligated to execute all consultant contracts in lieu of the City of Irvine. The attached agreement provides for the firm of Johnson-Frank and Associates, Inc. to perform all required roadway construction surveying at a fee based upon the hourly rate as indicated within the agreement, but not to exceed $74,800. The City Attorney's office has reviewed and revised this agreement with respect to form. Estimated Agency costs are as follows: 86% 14% TOTAL FAU LOCAL AGENCY COST SHARE SHARE IRVINE %"l-4r~Gl~ q~ $2,094 TUSTIN 59,840 51,462 8,378 · MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING JUNE 13, 1983 PAGE TWO Tustin's share has either been budgeted or included in the current 1983-84 and upcoming 1984-85 budgets. BOlJ LEDF. NDkCKk R DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER db Attachment AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MOULTON PARKWAY/IRV INE CENTER DRIVE FAU PROJECT M-MO 32 ( 004 ) THIS AGREEIVIENT is made and entered Into this day of , 1983, by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and the firm of JOHNSON-FRANK & ASSOCIATES, INC., a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER." W I T _N E S_ S E T_ _H WHEREAS, CITY Intends to engage the services of the ENGINEER to aid the CITY in performing construction survey and layout for MOULTON PARI(WAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE FAU PROJEC'I' M-M032(004); and WHEREAS, ENGINEER has submitted a proposal dated , 1983, to CITY to perform construction engineering services for MOULTON PAREWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE FAU PROJECT M-M032(004)~ and CITY desires to aeoept said proposal~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, tile parties hereto agree as follows: I. GENERAL A~ CITY engages ENGINEER to perform tile services herein- after described in Exhibit A for the eompen, sation here- in stated, -1- II. III · IV. B. ENGINEER agrees to perform said services upon the terms and renditions hereinafter set forth. ENGINEER represents that it employs, o} will ~nploy, at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services required under this Agreement. D. ENGINEER agrees that all services required hereunder will be performed under, its direct supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under State and local law to perform such services. The ENGINEER shall not suble't or transfer any work except as otherwise provided herein. E. ENGINEER shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work, 8erviees to be performed by ENGINEER ENGINEER hereby agrees to perform all the services as out- lined in Exhibit A attaehed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Duties of CITY CITY hereby agrees to supply ENGINEER all information, data, reports, reeords, and maps as are existing and avail- able from the CITY, and neeessary for earryi.ng out the work outlined tn Exhibit A hereof, without charge by CITY and CITY shall cooperate in every way reasonable in carrying out the work without delay. ~i~ht of Termination CITY may, by written notiee to ENGINEER, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement in any of the fol- lowing oireumstanees: -2- If ENGINEBR fails to perform the services called for by this Agreement or so fails 'to make progress as to endanger performance of this Agreement tn accordance with its t'erms. Fee Schedule and Payment The basis of payment this Agreement shall attached hereto, for the services provided under be as outlined in Exhibit B VI. The ENGINEER shall submit to the CITY during each month of the term of this Agreement, a certified invoice for that portion of the work completed during that month. Promptly after the receipt of each invoice, but in no event later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of said invoice, CITY shall make a payment of the approved invoice amount. Hold Harmless ENGINEER shall indemnify and save harmless CITY, tile State of California, the ~ederal Government, and their officers and employees, from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in ENGINEER'S perfor- mance of this Agreement, or in the engineering work or ser- vices herein provided. -3- VII. Cost Accounting and Audits ENGINEER and his suboonsultants shall maintain complete and accurate records with respe.ot to costs incurred under this Agreement to include the records supporting cost proposals used to enter into a contract with CITY. All such records shall be maintained on ageneraltyaooepted accounting basis and shall be clearly identifiable, ENGINEER and his sub- consultants shall make available to the representative of CITY, CalTrans, and FHWA, or tileir appointees, during normal business hours, all such bonds and records, and tile right to examine and audit the same, and to make tran- scripts therefrom as necessary, and the BNGINBBR and his subeonsultants shall allow inspection of all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. ENGINEER and his sub- consultants shall maintain records to show actual time and allowable costs with respect to each task set forth in tile Exhibit A as required by CalTrans and FHWA. ENGINEER shall permit the authorized representative of CITY, the U.S. Department of Transportation and Comptroller General of the United States to inspect and audit all data and records of ENGINEER relating to his performance under this contract. Reviews at appropriate stages during tile work may be made by CITY, CalTrans, and FHWA. -4- VIII. Civil Rights Act Complianoe with Civil Rights Act. In connection with the execution of this contract, ENGINEER shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment beoause of uaee, religion, color, sex, or national origin. ENGINBER sllall take affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated dur|ng :their employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, d~notion or transer~ reoruitment or recruitment advertising~ layoff or termfnation~ rates of pay or other forms of compen- sationl and selection for training, including apprenticeships. The applicable provision of Executive Order 11246 relating to Equal Employment Opportunity by this reference are incorporated herein and made a part thereof. Wherever the word "contraetor" appears to said Exeeutive order, it shall mean ENGINEER. Be Nondisoriminatton Civil Rights Acts of 1964. ENGINEER, with regard to the work performed by It after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will comply with the regulations of the Department of Transporta- tion relative to nondiscrimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation (49CFRI1). Ce Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of ENGI- NEER'S noneomplianee with tile nondlserimination provi- sions of this contract, CITY shall impose such contract sanctions as CITY, CalTrans, or FHWA may determine to be appropriate including, but not limited to~ 1. Withholding of payment:~ to ENGINBBI{ under this eon- tract until BNC3lNlgEl~ complies; and?or 2. Cancel let ion, termination, or suspension of tlre eontraet, in whole or in part, In tire event that., legal action is eoameneed to enforoe or deela~e the rights e~eated unde~ this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award oi eosts ~nd reasonable attorney's iees' in an'amount to be determined by the Court. IX. Assiffnment 'Phis Agreement 'sl~all be binding on tl~e sueeessors and assigned of the panties, but it shall not be assigned by ENGINEF-AI without the p~io~ written eonsent of CITY. Xo Contraetu~al Relationship liNGIN~IIR shall be an employee of the CITY. independent eo,ltraetor, not an IN WITKB88 WI-IBRROF, said parties I~ave executed this Agree- merit as of the date and ~ea~ first above w~itten. ATTEST~ MiadtY 'El WYNN, CITY ~LERK CIT~ ~ , MW~ gvi 531-81a CITY OF TUSTIN A Municipal Corporation MAYOR JOHNSON-FRANK & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSTRUCTION E~GINEERING SERVICES MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE FAU PROJECT M-M032(004) SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed under the terms of this AGREEMENT shall involve all construction survey staking necessary for the construction of all items of work specified on the construction plans for the improuement of Moulton Parkway (STA. 13+63.96 to STA. 108+83.40), Irvine Center Drive (STA. 108+83.40 to STA. 139+18.73), Myford Road (STA 10+00.00 to STA. 21+96.42), excepting therefrom the survey work specified in the attached Exhibit C. The work to be performed shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Establish centerline survey control and tie out existing centerline monumentation. Establish centerline stationing at 50 foot intervals. Mark saw cut lines (approximately 4300 feet). P~ide one set of construction stakes for line and/or grade as follows: 1. Stake 18,300+ feet of right of way at 50 foot intervals fo~ clearing and grubbing. 2. Stake 43,000+ feet of rough grade at 50 foot intervals. TReference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) 3. Stake 900+ feet of rough grade at 25 foot intervals--at ramps. (Reference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) 4. Stake 2,600+ feetof b'ike trail at 50 foot intervals. Se Stake 200+ feet of swale at 50 foot intervals. Stake 4,700+ feet of storm drain at 25 foot intervals. 7. Stake 250+ feet of C.M.P. at 25 foot intervals. 8. stake 600~ feet of R.C.B. 9. Stake 125+ feet of sidewalk at 25 foot intervals. EXHIBIT A Scope of Work - Moulton/Irvine Ctr. ~Dr. June 3, 1983 Page 2 10. Stake 5,400~ feet of irrigation line at 100 foot intervals. 11. Stake 6,200~ feet of chainlink fence at 50 foot intervals. 12. Stake 34,100~ feet of finish grade (E.P.) at 50 foot intervals. 13. Stake 900+ feet of finish grade (E.P.) at ramps. 14. Stake 1,240+ feet of drainage ditch at 25 foot intervals. 15. Slope stake 3,400+ feet of drainage ditch at 50 foot intervals. (Reference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) 16. Stake 9,400 + feet of curb and gutter at 25 foot intervals. 17. Stake two (2) bridges as requested by contractor and approved'by the City. 18. Stake P.V.C sleeves. Calculate grades, prepare cut/fill sheet, sketches, staking calculations and check field notes as necessary to accomplish above. F. Survey research at County andCity agencies. G. Survey supervision. H. Pre-construction meeting with contractor and City Inspector. I. Meetings with City Inspector and/or City Project Manager to assure the surveying services are provided as needed in an efficient and economical manner. EXHIBIT A MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE COST ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION STAKING Establish centerline survey control and tie out existing centerline monumentation Establish centerline stationing at 50' intervals (approximately 14,000') C. Mark saw cut lines (approximately 4300') Provide one set of construction stakes for line and/or grade as follows: Stake 18,300± feet of right of way . at 50' intervals for clearing and grubbing e Stake 43,000± feet of rough grade at 50' intervals. (Reference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) Stake gO0± feet of rough grade at 25' intervals at ramps. (Reference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) Stake 2,600± feet of bike trail at 50' intervals. 5. Stake 200± feet of swale at 50' intervals 6. Stake 4,700± feet of storm drain at 25' intervals 7. Stake 250± feet of C.M.P. at 25' intervals 2 man party g $100/hr. 24 hrs. = $2400. man party ~ $100/hr. 24 hrs. = man party g $100/hr. 16 hrs. = $2400 $1600 2 man party g $100/hr. 73 hrs. = $7300 2 man party @ $100/hr. 172 hrs. - $17200 2 man party ~ $100/hr. 16 hrs. : $1600 2 man party g $100/hr. 8 hrs. = $ 800 man party g $100/hr. hr. - $ 100 2 man party g $100/hr. 45 hrs. = 2 man party g $100/hr. 2 hrs. = $4500 $ 2OO Page 2 Fo 8. Stake 600± feet of R.C.B. 9. Stake 125± feet of sidewalk at 25' intervals 10. Stake 5,400± feet of irrigation line at 100' intervals 11. Stake 6,2D0± feet of chainlink fence at 50' intervals 12. Stake 34,100± feet of finish grade (E.P.) at 50' intervals 13. Stake gOO± feet of finish grade (E.P.) at ramps 14. Stake 1,240± feet of drainage ditch at 25' intervals 15. Slope stake 3,400± feet of drainage ditch at 50' intervals. (Reference stakes will also be set with slope stakes.) 16. Stake 9,400' feet of curb and gutter at 25' intervals 17. Stake two (2) bridges as requested by contractor and approved by the City 18. Stake P.V.C. sleeves Calculate grades, prepare cut/fill sheet, sketches, staking calculations and check field notes as necessary to accomplish above Survey research at County and City agencies 2 man party e $100/hr. 10 hrs. = $1000 2 man party e $100/hr. I hr. = $ 100 2 man party e $100/hr. 10 hrs. = 2 man party e $100/hr. 16 hrs. = 2 man party e $100/hr. 136 hrs. = 2 man party @ $100/hr. 8 hrs. = $1000 $1600 $13600 $ 8O0 2 man party e $100/hr. 10 hrs. = $1000 2 man party e $100/hr. 16 hrs. : $1600 2 man party e $100/hr. 75 hrs. = $7500 2 man party e $100/hr. 34 hrs. = 2 man party e $100/hr. 6 hrs. = $3400 $ 600 Technician ~ $46/hr~ 8 hrs. = $ 368 Technician e $46/hr. 60 hrs. = $2760 Page 3 Survey supervision Pre-construction meeting with contractor and City Inspector Meetings with City Inspector and/or City Project Manager to assure the surveying services are provided as needed in an efficient and economical manner Techniciah g $46/hr. 20 hrs. = Land Surveyor ~ $57/hr. 3 hrs. = Technician e $46/hr. 6 hrs. = 920 $ 171 $ 276. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $74,795 PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES FOR MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER'DRIVE FAU PROJECT M-M032(004) Fill in all blanks below: NOTE: ALL AMOUNTS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS TOTAL/NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNTS. Attendance by at least one company representative at a pre-job conference. $ 171.00 Provide survey crew or crews for and perform all construction survey staking as detailed in R.F.P. letter dated June 3, 1983. .......................... * $74,629.00 NOTE: In the event of a change in the work to be performed (addition/deletion) as determined by the CITY, the amounts shown above shall be adjusted as mutually agreed by CITY and ENGINEER. *The amounts shown for each phase of work shall include any and all future wage rate and any other adjustments that may become applicable and no further compensation shall be made to the ENGINEER except as provided in this Agreement. Title EXHIBIT B CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES MOULTON PARKWAY/IRVINE CENTER DRIVE FAU PROJEC~ M-M032(004) SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed under the terms of this AGREEMENT shall involve the construction survey staking as indicated in the below listed Items No. 3, 4 and 5 together with the o~%er item listed hereon pertaining to the proposed bridge structure over the Peters Canyon Channel at Irvine Center Drive and over the A.T. & S.F. Railway tracks at Myford Road and shall include the following. items of work: 1. Review and approve falsework drawings, deflection calcula- tions for camber strips and settlement assumptions. Prepare finished deck "elevation grid" plan view and camber diagram. Considerations shall be given to falsework deflec- tion and settlement. g Set telltales at appropriate locations to monitor settlement during deck pours. Have a man present during deck pours to monitor telltales and advise Resident Engineer when form adjustments are necessary during concrete pour. Have a surveyor check form elevations on day prior to the deck pour. Particular attention shall be given to the finishing machine railing, or the screed elevation controls. e During the deck pour, continually check form elevations and screed support elevations at the pour locations and immediately ahead of the pour. Advise Resident Engineer of any form adjustments needed due to settlement, impacts of construction activity, or form support failure. 6. Provide copy of survey'notes and calculations to Resident Engineer. Ail plans and documents initiated as a result of this Work shall remain the property of the City and shall be delivered to City at completion of this work. 8. Review shop drawings. 9. Provide necessary field and office supervision and coordina- tion with the City's Resident Engineer. 10. Provide blueprints, cut-sheets and reproductions as neces- sary, including delivery to the Resident Engineer. EXHIBIT C