3, 1951, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William I Miller,
William H. Gray, Frank E. Bacon, Jr.,
and J. Roy Teter.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at
7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and app-
roved after correction was made in Paragraph 4 whereby
Benjamin N. Sagovia, former Street Department Employee,
is to receive vacation pay for nine days rather than
for four and one half days. Paragraph 5 was ordered
completely deleted due to the fact that the subject
matter is covered by Resolution No. 300.
DOG TAX Mr. H. D. Pickering, Poundmaster of Santa Ana, was
DISCUSSED present and the matter of enforcement of Tustin City
AND TAGS Ordinance No. 5 relating to Dog Tax within the City
ORDERED was discussed at length. Mr. Pickering stated that
he cannot enter into a contract with Tustin due to
the fact that he is employed by the City of Santa
Ana. Councilman Miller recommended that Ordinance No.
5 be enforcedoat once and on Minute Order of Council-
man Miller the City Clerk was instructed to order 150
Dog Tags, numbered i to 150 inclusive. Also a Stamp
to designate the years 1952 and 1953 and that it be
made public that the licenses will be on sale at the
City Hall for the year 1952.
POLICE CHIEF On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
APPOINTED man Gray and duly carried Tustin's Police Chief was
POUNDMASTER appointed Poundmaster as authorized by Tustin City
Ordinance No. 5.
Councilman Miller suggested that Mayor Humeston talk
to Mr. Walker, of the State Highway Departmentm in
regard to placing Truck Route Signs on 101 Highway
within the City limits.
Acting Police Chief Huntsman called attention of the
Council to the condition of the two front tires of
the City Grader and stated that Carson & Golding
had informed him they were not worth recapping.
POLICE OFFICER Councilman Bacon presented a letter of resignation
O'NEILL from Police Officer William R. O'Neill. The resig-
RESIGNS nation was accepted, effective immediately, on mo-
tion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Miller and duly carried.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 300 relating to "Vacation Pay and
NO. 300 Sick Leave for City Employees" was adopted on mo-
ADOPTED tion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Gray and duly carried.
City Attorney Nisson presented and read Ordinance
No. 84 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin
Amending Ordinance No. 18 Providing for the Issuance
of Special Burning Permits by the City Council."
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Coun-
cilmanTeter and duly carried, Ordinance No. 84
was passed for t he first reading.
CHARLES E. MORRIS Councilman Gray moved that Charles E. Morris be
REAPPOINTED AS appointed, effective January l, 1952, for another
DIRECTOR MOS- term as Tustin's representative on the Board of Dir-
QUITO ABATEMENT ectors of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement Dis-
DISTRICT trict. Seconded by Councilman Miller the motion
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and
ordered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, sec-
onded by Councilman Teter and duly carried.
Harry P. Holmes $13.72
United Automotive Service 20.28
Hardy & Harper 111.00
Graham Gilmer, Jr., M. D 17.50
Rick's Service 17.64
Orange County Stamp Co. .94
Seaside Oil Co. 103.04
Roy C. Allen 9.62
Spencer R. Browning 90.00
White Stationery Co. 10.01
Herbert L. Miller, Inc. 45.20
W. T. Cox Company 17.60
Tustin LumberCo. 3.96
The Tustin News 18.96
Al's Sporting Goods 1.09
Utilities (Fire Hall) 216.25
George A. Broomell 20.00
City Court Jury 35.20
Benjamin N. Segovia 77.89
Hanson & Peterson 92.50
Tustin Fire Dept. 71.00
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. 80.00
Dr. Roy S. Horton 10.00
TOTAL $1,083.40
Councilman Teter moved to adjourn. Councilman Miller
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk