5, 1951, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, J. Roy Teter, Frank
E. Bacon, Jr., William M. Gray and William
I. Miller.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at
7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented correspondence including a
letter from the publication entitled "Tel-N-It To The
Marines" inviting the City of Tustin to extend Christ-
mas Greetings to members of the Marine Corps at home
bases and overseas. The City Clerk was instructed to
ascertain whether there would be any charge for the
holiday greetings as suggested in the letter.
The matter of moving the 35 Mile Speed Zone Signs
was brought up and City Attorney Nisson stated that
he would look into the matter further.
Councilman Gray mentioned the possible advisability
of Group Insurance coverage for City employees with
an Independent Insurance Company. City Attorney Nis-
son stated that under the law the City is compelled
to carry this type of insurance with the State Com-
pensation Insurance Fund.
PETITION PRE- Mr. J. N. Morris was present and presented a peti-
SENTED FOR tion requesting reinstatement of Thomas McMullen as
McMULLEN,S Police Chief. The City Clerk read the petition to
REINSTATEMENT the Council, and a letter from Mr. Morris accompany-
AS POLICE ing same, also Mr. McMullen's letter of resignation
CHIEF and the City's letter of acceptance was read. Mr.
Morris, Mr. Hardy, of Hardy & Harper, and Mr. Harper
all spoke briefly in favor of Mr. McMullen's rein-
statement. Councilman Teter moved that the petition
be filed, Councilman Gray seconded the motion which
was duly carried.
Councilman Gray stated that all matters pertaining
to local Civil Defense were completely under control
at this time.
Acting Police Chief Huntsman called. attention to the
fact that certain members of the Auxiliary Police
were inquiring about Civil Defense matters and that
it would not be desirable that they lose interest.
Councilman Gray stated that he would work something
out in this connection in conjunction with Acting
Chief Huntsman.
Upon inquiry by Councilman Gray the City Clerk
stated that Mr. Arthur O. Park had completed his
work at the Court House in obtaining the Parcel
Numbers assigned to Tustin real property under the
new County system and would enter these numbers on
the City Tax Rolls in the near future.
Acting Police Chief Huntsman was authorized by the
Council to attend a meeting of law enforcement of-
ficers to be held at San Bernardino, on Thursday,
November 8th.
Councilman Miller called attention to a depression
on Second Street, near "D" Street, and suggested that
the same be repaired before wet weather. Mr. Miller
stated that the matter can be taken care of by the
City's Street Department employees.
SIGN PLACED At the suggestion of Councilman Miller a "Not A
AT LOCKWOOD Through Street sign was ordered placed at the en-
PARK PLACE trance to Lockwood Park Place.
The matter of vacation pay for Benjamin N. Segovia,
formerly employed by the Street Department for nine
months, was brought up by Councilman Miller and held
over for further consideration by request of Council-
man Gray.
Councilman Bacon reported that he had checked the
young trees planted in Lockwood Park Place and found
no bugs but that he did find buds.
City Attorney Nisson presented a draft of Ordinance .
No. 83 relating to Truck Loads on Certain City Streets
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Gray and duly carried the first reading was by title
ORDINANCE NO. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
83 PASSED Gray and duly carried, Ordinance No. 83 was passed for
FOR ITS its first reading.
The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded
by Councilman Gray and carried.
J. Arthur Whitney $12.55
James A. Musick, Sheriff 6.80
Folkner's Garage 17.20
Tustin Lumber Co. 12.61
Walt's Garage 6.00
Herbert L. Miller, Inc. 60.81
Graham Gilmer, Jr., M. D. 15.00
Auto Club of Southern Calif 19.78
Seaside Oil Co. 78.38
United Automotive Service 2.56
Division of Highways 55.44
A. F. Thorman 12.00
White Stationery Co. 5.82
Utilities (City Hall & Fire Hall) 66.13
Clerk's Petty Cash Account 37.01
C. & L. Garage 115.81
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Carson & Gelding 9.23
Tustin Automotive Parts 34.82
TOTAL $604.31
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman
Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and duly car-
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk