HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 TRAVEL & EXPENSE 10-06-03AGENDA REPORT
Agenda l~m
City Manager
Finance Dimc~r
MEETING DATE: October 6, 2003
William A. Huston, City Manager
Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director
Travel and Expense Guidelines
Staff has completed an extensive review of the Travel and Expense Policy that was adopted
by the City Council in 1993. We are recommending changes to the policy that will maintain
compliance with existing IRS regulations, meet the needs of staff when they travel, and
provide an efficient means of administration.
That the City Council adopt the attached Travel and Expense Guidelines and authorize the
City Manager to make less than substantive changes that may be required from time to time.
There have been many operational changes since the existing Travel and Expense policy was
first adopted in 1993. We have reviewed current IRS regulations for business expenses,
compared policies from other agencies, and have made functional and administrative changes
in our policy. The most significant is the change from an overly structured meal by meal
reimbursement plan to an accountable expense reimbursement plan that complies with the
current IRS rules for business expenses as detailed in Publication 535. The rules allow a fixed
amount "per diem" for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) on a State by State and City by
City basis. The current maximum M&IE rate for California is $46.00 per day, this is slightly
less than our old policy of $50.00. Employees will still be required to substantiate the expense
by reporting the time, place and business purpose, but they will have more flexibility in how
they may use their meal money.
We have also reduced the miles requirement for an overnight stay from one hundred to fifty
miles and/or a two-hour commute. We have found that traffic has increased in all parts of
Southern California and employees who are asked to attend meetings or training programs
cannot travel for a reasonable period and arrive at the venue on time.
The remaining changes were to identify responsible parties, compensation for travel time,
accounting for expenses, and a new Travel RequestJReconciliation Form.
The revised "Travel and Expense Guidelines" is in conformance with IRS regulations, should
be easier to administer, and will expedite the processing of requests and reconciliations. It
also makes clear several ambiguities that were present in the previous policy. Staff has
reviewed the new guidelines with the City's Audit Committee, incorporated minor changes they
recommended and have brought the revised guidelines to the City Council for approval.
RAN:TravelS, nd ExpenseGuidelinesStaffReport,doc
The City of Tustin encourages attendance at conferences, seminars and meetings to
enhance employees' and officials' understanding of their duties and responsibilities.
These guidelines establish the basic policies and procedures for travel on City business
and as set forth constitute an accountable expense reimbursement plan. Everyone who
travels on City business, or supervises someone who travels, is responsible for knowing
and following these guidelines.
These guidelines are organized into the following sections:
General standards
Planning an official trip
Completing the Travel Request/Reconciliation form
Making the trip
Incurring non-travel expenses
Accounting for expenses
City employees and officials will be reimbursed for approved and necessary expenses
incurred while traveling to conduct City business. Necessary expenses can include
transportation, lodging, meals, parking, tips and other expenses such as fax, mail,
e-mail, etc., approved by the Department Head.
These guidelines are not intended to address every situation, exception or contingency
that may arise in the course of City travel. Accordingly, the basic standard that should
always prevail is to exercise good judgment in the use and stewardship of the City's
resources. Specific questions not covered here may be directed to the Finance Director.
Method of travel
When planning the transportation portion of a trip, the employee must consider all aspects
of cost to the City, such as: daily expenses, overtime and lost work time, as well as actual
transportation costs. In general, common carriers are the preferred mode of
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Whenever practical, City owned vehicles shall be used for travel. If a City vehicle is not
available, or if there is another reason why the employee should drive his/her personal car,
the City shall reimburse the employee with either the cost of the most appropriate means
of transportation or the actual mileage involved in the travel, whichever is the lesser of
the two. The reimbursed mileage rate is the Standard Federal Mileage Rate set by the
Internal Revenue Service at the time of the travel.
To drive a privately owned vehicle on City business the employee must:
Possess a valid California driver's license.
Carry liability insurance, as required by the State of California.
Realize that any damage to the employee's personal vehicle and/or service or repair
occurring on the trip will be the employee's responsibility, as these costs are included
in the City's per mile cost reimbursement.
If local transportation is needed at the destination, the use of public transit such as buses,
streetcars, taxis and subways is appropriate when safe and practical. The employee will
be reimbursed for these expenses. Receipts are required and no per diem is allowed. If a
car rental is required, the employee may request reimbursement upon return.
Compensated Time
Compensation for time spent for travel, training and conference attendance shall be in
conformance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the U.S. Department of Labor
(DOL) CFR, Title 29, Chapter V, Part 785 (Hours Worked), Subpart C.
Lodging is allowed when approved by the Department Head for attendance at
conferences, seminars or meetings that are in excess of 50 miles or two hours of travel
time from the employee's normal domicile. Reasonable lodging expense will be paid at
actual cost (including applicable fees, taxes and parking) for as many nights as necessary.
The accommodations used should be economical but practical. In general, the employee
should select the most reasonably priced accommodations available consistent with the
purpose and goals of the travel.
When making lodging reservations, be sure to ask if a "government rate" is available.
Some cities exempt travelers on government business from the local transient occupancy
tax (TOT). This can be as high as 12-15% savings on lodging costs depending on the
local TOT rate.
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Prior to travel, employees must prepare a Travel Request/Reconciliation form and attach a
copy of the flyer or brochure announcing the event, as well as any other appropriate
supporting documentation. All requests must be approved by a Department Head and, to
obtain either direct vendor payments or a cash advance, should be submitted to the
Finance Department at least ~vo weeks prior to travel.
Requests for payments to vendors and/or cash in advance
There are three ways to pay for travel expenses: "direct vendor payment", "cash
advance", and "employee reimbursement". Direct vendor payments are made by the City
to an organization to pay for specific costs related to a trip. These are usually registration
fees, lodging, and airfare and can be paid through Accounts Payable. Cash advances are
lump sum payments made to the employee prior to the event to cover expenses as they
arise on the trip. The third method of payment occurs when the employee elects to pay for
all travel related expenses first, and is reimbursed upon completion of the travel.
Upon return from the event, the employee must account for all expenses incurred, and
return any unused portion of an advance. The employee will be reimbursed the difference
if the actual, authorized expenses incurred exceed the amount advanced. The completed
Travel Request/Reconciliation form is to be submitted to the Finance Department,
itemizing all expenses associated with the event, and approved by the Department
Head. All required receipts must be attached.
The Travel Request/Reconciliation form is due to the Finance Department within 10
working days of the employee's return. If it is not received in the Finance Department
within 30 days, the advance must be considered "unsubstantiated". At that point, the
amount of the travel advance will be deducted from the employee's next paycheck.
Keeping records for all reimbursable expenses
As discussed below under "Accounting for Expenses", you must maintain a detailed record
of all reimbursable expenses incurred during your travel: meals, transportation, lodging,
baggage handling, parking fees, registration fees, telephone, and any other reasonable
and necessary expenses.
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Meal allowances
Employees will receive a daily allowance ("per diem") for meals and incidental expenses
(M&IE) relating to business travel. The per diem limit will be updated periodically in
accordance with changes to IRS Publication 1542, Per Diem Rates (for travel within the
continental United States). The current allowable per diem rate for M&IE is $46.00.
Using the Per Diem rate allows for less paperwork for both the employee and the City
(since receipts are not required), as well as provides for the employee to eat well while
traveling on City business.
· Per Diem does not include meals eaten prior to or after the trip. During partial days of
travel, per diem reimbursement shall be reduced for such items.
If meals are provided as part of a program or while in transit (meals served on a plane, for
example), the following amounts are to be used to reduce the daily allowance.
Breakfast - $10 Lunch - $12
Meal expenses incurred while conducting routine daily work assignments will not be
considered reimbursable (e.g., employee evaluations, project discussions, etc.)
The City will not reimburse for the cost of any alcoholic beverages.
Miscellaneous expenses related to the conference, seminar or meeting that are not
specifically covered in other sections may be reimbursed. Examples of such items
include parking fees, fax, mail and e-mail charges. Receipts are required - these items
are reimbursed as separate expenses and no per diem amount is allowed.
An "Accountable Expense Reimbursement Plan" must meet the following requirements
in order to be considered a tax-exempt payment to the employee by the Internal
Revenue Service.
· The employee must substantiate the expense incurred.
· The employee must refund any reimbursement in excess of substantiated expenses.
· The reimbursement must have a business connection.
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If the above requirements are not met, the payment to the employee becomes taxable
as wages and is reported as such on their W-2.
If an employee has lost a receipt for a travel-related item, a notation is required. The
notation must include the following:
Include all receipt information such as place of business, amount, date, description
of item.
· The employee must initial it.
· The Department Head must initial it.
Department heads approving expense reports are responsible for ensuring that:
· All expenses are reasonable, necessary, and consistent with these guidelines.
· Required receipts are attached.
· The final disposition is correct (e.g., balance due employee, balance due City).
· Any amounts due to the City are reimbursed.
· Final accounting of all expenses is submitted to Finance.
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TO: Finance
Estimated Expenses:
Registration fees:
Meals: (not to exceed
current per diem)
Other: (explain)
Actual Expenses Incurred:
Registration fees:
Meals: (not to exceed
current per diem)
Other: (explain)
Amount Requested to be
Advanced to Employee
Budgeted in
Account Numbers
(01 000 1260)
Less Amount Paid
Directly by City
Less Amount Advanced
To Employee
Balance Due
City / Employee
(Credit) / Debit
Account Numbers
Employee Signature
Date Employee Signature Date
Department Head Date Department Head Date
Retain a copy of Request Form for your records. Submit to Finance with Reconciliation completed within
ten working days after you have returned to work from the travel. Amounts due the City should be attached
to form. Amounts due the employee will be paid the next available warrant run. Thank you.