HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 05-02-83TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS No. 1 5-2-83 ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING April 25, 1983 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER at 7:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION ROLL CALL Comissioner Puckett absent APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD with Comisstoner gel1 abstaining PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. USE PERMIT 83-4 Applicant: Location: Request: April 11, 1983 - As submitted A.W. Johnson, Jr. on behalf of Thrifty Oil Company 101N. Tustin Avenue Authorization to construct and operate a mini-mart within the area formerly used as lube bays in an existing service station. With the presentation of the staff report, Mr. Warren stated that because of on-site traffic circulation and parking considerations still to be resolved, the applicant had requested a continuance to the next regular meeting. Motion to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting carried unanimously. 2. AMENDMENT TO USE PERMIT 82-12 Edward Starnes on behalf of Ski Fever 17292 McFadden Avenue, Suite K in the Tustin Walnut Village. Authorization to increase the number of video machines from 26 to 30 Applicant: Location: 1. The proposal meets the floor area criteria established by the City Council. 2. No problems have resulted from the establishment and/or operation of the arcade. e Notice was given to surrounding property owners and to other businesses in the center and no opposition has been expressed by adjacent property owners or tenants. Request: Findings: 4. The additional machines would have no potential significant t~act on the environment. Planning Commission Action Agenda April 25, 1983 Page 2 ActtOn: Approval of the request to tncrease the number of video machtnes from 26 to 30 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2088. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Mnslie, getl, White NOES: None ABSENT: Puckett PUBLIC CONCERNS: Nofle. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW'BUSINESS: Findings: Actton: Vote: Final Tract Map 11586 The ftnal nap dtffered free the tentative because of the deletton of a traffic ctrcle and a tree on the ftnal map, and alignment of lot 11nes. The changes represented a deviation ~htch could affect the eventeal trafftc flo~ on the street and the aesthetics of the development. gtth the exception of the traffic ctrcle, tree and alignment of lots I & 10, the ftnal map ~as tn substantial conformance ~ith the tentative. e The applicant should be allo,ed to resolve the differences through staff level negotiation tn order for the map to be presented at the next City Counct1 meettng as betng In compliance wtth the tentative map at the time of presentation. Ftnd that Ftnal Tract Map 11586 ts tn substantial conformance wtth Tentative Tract Nap 11476, wtth the exceptions as noted. Therefore, recommend approval of the Ftnal Map to the City Counctl with the condition that the differences be resolved prtor to the Ctty Counctl meettng of May 2, 1983. 4-O AYES: Sharp, Atnslfe, ~etl, White NOES: None ABSENT: Puckett Planning Con~nlsslon Action Agenda April 25, 1983 Page 3 2. Extension of Use Permit 82-6 Location: 165 N. "B" Street Findings: 1. That the size of structure to be added (562 square feet) warrmnted additional on-site parking. The property does not currently provide a two-car garage as now required in the single-family di strict. m Plot plans submitted with the original did not fully indicate the property tmprove~nts to show m carport and accessory structures. Because of the the lot size, location of the existing structure, and addition of the guest .home, to require a two-car garage would present physical and aesthetic proble~ out of proportion to any possible parking problem. The addition of a cement slab, adajacent to the north side of the existing garage would relieve the Co,mission concerns regarding on-site parking and not cause the applicant undue hardship. Action: Approve extension of Use Permit 8~-6 for a period of 3 months with the condition that additional parking be provided in the form of a cement slab adjacent to the north side of the garage. Vote: 3-1 RYES: Sharp, Atnslte, Wetl gOES: White ABSENT: None STAFF CONCERNS: 1. Report of Council actions, April 18, 1983 Report received and filed. COMMISSION CONCERNS: NONE. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:24 p.m. to next regulars..ting. OATE: April 25, 1983 ~ PD~LIC HEARING NO. 1 Inter - C om TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Alan Warren, Senior Planner ~' Use Permit 83-4 Applicant: Location: Request: A.W. Johnson, Jr. on behalf of Thrifty 0il Company 101 North Tustin Avenue Authorization to construct a mini-market within the structure of an existing service station DISCUSSION The applicant has requested a continuance of this matter until the May 9, 1983 meeting. The additional time is being requested to resolve some site problems prior to bringing the design to Commission. RECOMMENDED ACTION Open the public hearing for public input and continue the open hearing to the next regularly scheduled meeting. AGW:jh THRIFTY OIL CO. April 18, 1983 City of Tustin Planning Agency 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Gentlemen: This is to request a continuance of the hearing for VP83-4 from April 25, 1983, to the next regular scheduled City Planning Agency meeting. The additional time will allow us to work with the City Planning Department toward a mutually acceptable site plan. Sincerely THRIFTY OIL CO. 10000 Lakewood Boulevard Downey California 90240 (213) 923-9876 (714) 522-3244 :)ATE: April 25, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Ed Knight, Associate Planner Amended Use Permit 82-12 Applicant: Location: Zoning: Request: Edward Starnes 17292 McFadden, Suite K C-1 To add a total of four additional video arcade games to an existing operation RECOI~IENDED ACTION Staff recon~ends that the Planning Commission grant the four additional video games, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2088. BACICGROUND On June 21, 1983, a conditional use permit to operate an arcade was granted to Edward Starnes, owner of Ski Fever and Arcade. The Planning Agency initially granted approval for twenty games, with a provision to add six more games after ninety days. Those six games were granted on October 27, 1983. The Use Permit is subject to review after one year of operation. The applicant is requesting that four additional video games be granted in order to bring his establishment in parity with Tustin Lanes and a pizza parlor in Larwin Square, both of which have thirty games. In the June 21, 1983 report to the Agency,' the staff recon~nended that because of the size and location of the shopping center, only a maximum of thirty games should be considered. DISCUSSION Staff cannot consider parity with other businesses in the City as a reasonable rationale to grant the additional games, but can review this request based on the merit of the existing operation. Staff has received no complaints concerning the operation of the arcade from either the surrounding residential areas or the adjacent businesses. An on-site inspection showed that the area surrounding the business was neat and well-kept. The applicant has supplied more bike racks than requested, and they have been installed so as to not obstruct pedestrians. From all appearances, the business seems to be unobtrusive and well-kept. Chairman & Commission April 25, 1983 Page 2 The police department did not comment on the proposed addition of video games. CONCLUSION Therefore, staff can recommend that the Commission grant the additional four video games to bring the total number of games to thirty. Staff further recommends that the maximum number of games be held at thirty. This is based on the earlier staff report (June 21, 1982) that because of size and location of the center, the number of machines be limited to thirty. EMK:jh 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 2088 A RESOLUTION OV THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING USE PERMIT 82-12 TO AUTHORIZE THE ADDITION OF FOUR VIDEO ARCADE GAMES TO AN EXISTING ARCADE AT 17292 MCFADDEN, SUITE K The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Amended Use Permit 82-12) has been filed by Edward Starnes requesting authorization to add four video arcade games to an existing arcade at 17292 McFadden, Suite K. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The proposed use is in conformance with the Tustin. Area General Plan. 2. The proposed use is in conformance with the City of Tustin Zoning Ordinance, as amended. D. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject project, nor to the general welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council; Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official; Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal; and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 28 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Resolution No. 2088 April 25, 1983 Page 2 II. The Planning Commission hereby approves amended Conditional Use Permit No. 82-12, to authorize the addition of four video games to an existing arcade at 17292 McFadden, Suite K, subject to the following conditions: A. All conditions of Resolution No. 2038 shall remain in force. B. Condition II(C) of Resolution No. 2038 is hereby amended to limit the maximum number of machines to thirty. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1983. James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary 28 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 25, 1983 NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 ! nter - C om Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner ~ Final Tract Map 11586 Applicant: Tustin Townhomes II (U.C.O.) Location: 14512 Holt Avenue BACICGROUND & DISCUSSION Subject final map consists of ten (10) numbered and three (3) lettered lots on .9+ acres which was previously known as Phase I. The zoning is R-3 3000 with an overlay of Specific Plan No. 6. Recent actions on this property were: 1. Annexation to the City on April 20, 1981, known as Holt/Hamala Annexation No. 127. 2. General Plan Amendment (80-2) from Single-Family to Multiple-Family approved on December 15, 1980. 3. Prezoned to R-3 3000 on January 19, 1981. 4. Specific Plan No. 6 approved for these properties on May 4, 1981. 5. Approval of Use Permit 81-12 and subsequently extended until May 18, 1983. This map is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and in substantial compliance with the tentative map. The plan is to ultimately develop 20 townhomes, ten in Phase I (Final Tract 11586) and ten in Phase II (Tentative Tract Map 11476). RECO~NDED ACTION Recommend approval of Final Tract 11586 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2089. MAC:ih 10 L~8 & LOT~ A,B A C PORTION OF TENT. TR. 1147I 5GALE: 1' ' 20' NEWPORT' AVE. TRACT NO 11586 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. MONUMENTATION NOTE-q BASIS OF BEARINQ8 I ' % "~' / ,,~-/,~ ~ . % .... ~ / ~' '~'"~" 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2089 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT NO. 11586 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin finds and determines as follows: That Final Tract Map No. 11586 was submitted to the Planning Commission by Jack P. Norris on behalf of Tustin Townhomes II for the purpose of creating a lO-lot subdivision for residential purposes from the north half of lot 10 of the Vanderlip and Rowan Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 5, Page 160 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County. B. That said map is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan. A negative declaration was previously approved to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. D'. That the final map is in substantial compliance with .with the tentative map (No. 11476). II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Tract No. 11586, subject to the final approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1983. James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary DATE: April 25, 1983 NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Community Development Department Use Permit 82-6 Applicant: Location: Request: Jeanne C. Aldrich-Ames 165 N. "B" Street Extension of Use Permit 82-6 for an additional three-month period BAOCGROUND & DISCUSSION In May, 1982, the Planning Agency approved Use Permit No. 82-6, authorizing the construction of a 562 square-foot guest house at 165 N. "B" Street. The use permit is due to expire on May 2, 1983 and the applicant is still working on completing the plan check drawings and deed restrictions as required by the Planning Agency. The construction plans have been processed through the initial plan check and they were just recently returned to the architect for corrections. During the plan check phase, a discrepancy was noted in the use permit proposals depiction of the existing structure. A survey of the site. indicates a garage/storage structure larger than the sixteen {16) foot stucture shown on the original exhibits. This action of reducing the size of the existing garage would constitute an increase in the degree of non-conformity. FINOINGS & CONCLUSIONS Because of the apparent discrepancy in the original plan and in the existing features the proposal should be reconsidered. RECOPlMENDED ACTION Denial of an extension of Use Permit No. 82-6. AGW:jh c. AIArich-Ames 7;4 838-cr3 6 April 18, 1983 Tusttn Planning Agency 300 Centennial Way Tust~n, CA 92680 Gentlemen: Subject: Use Permit 82-8, 165 Nor'th 'B~ Street A request ts hereby made to the Tustin City Planning Agency for a three (3) month extension o¢ Use Per'mit 82-6 authorizing the con- str-uction of an accessor~¢ building to be used as a guest room at 165 Nor-th 'B? Street, per Resolution No. 2027, dated May 3, 1982. Plans for said construction are curr`entty in Plan Check and the request:' for' extension is to allow for` time to secur'e att necessary documentation requested. Very tr`uly yours, ne C. Aldr'ich-Ames JCAA:ne DATE: May 3, 1982 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 Inter -Corn TO: FROM: S UBd ECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Agency Community Development Department Use Permit 82-6 Applicant: Location: Request: David Moftakhar 165 North "B" Street Authorization to build an accessory building of 562 square feet with no kitchen facility BACKGROUBO & DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting authorization to construct an accessory building (for guest room with no kitchen) behind an existing single family dwelling which is in an R-1 Single Family District.. Section g223b3, of the Tustin City Code states: Accessory buildings used as guest rooms, providing no cooking facility is installed or maintained subject to use permit with the following zoning standards: a. Maximum Height: 20 feet b. Maximum Lot Coverage: 30 percent of rear yard c. Minimum Front yard setback: 50 feet, unless otherwise indicated on Zoning Map d. Minimum Side yard setback: Corner lot line: 10 feet, interior lot line: 5 feet e. Minimum Rear yard setback: 5 feet The enclosed site plan and elevations meet the requirements of the zoning code section. If the use permit is approved, it is suggested that the following conditions be imposed: 1. The unit is strictly a guest house and cannot be used as a rental or leased unit. (No kitchen allowed.) Chairman & Planning Agency May 3, 1982 Page 2 2. Developer will be responsible for the construction of any missing or damaged street improvements which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c. Drive apron d. Street trees e. Street lights with underground conduit 3. A grading permit shall be submitted for review and approval. ACTION Staff recommends that the Planning Agency approve Use Permit 82-6 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2027. MAC:ih 4-26-82 1 5 The Planning fol 1 ows: I. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2027 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NUMBER U.P. 82-6 AT 165 N "B" STREET Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (U.P. 82-6) was filed on behalf of David Moftakhar for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a guest house of 562 square feet, without kitchen facilities, on property at 165 N. "B" Street. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1..That the ute applied for is in conformance with both' the Tustin Zoning Code and the Tustin General Plan. That guest house cannot be used as a rental or leasing unit and is to bo used only for family and guests. 3. No kitchen facilities may be installed. O. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject project, nor to the general welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council; Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official; Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshall; and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Director. G. That this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California. Environmental Quality Act. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Hay 3, 1982 2 Page 2 II. The Planning Agency hereby approves Use Permit No. 82-6 as appl.ied for, to allow for a guest house of 562 square feet without kitchen facilities, subject to the following conditions: Ao The unit is strictly a guest house and cannot be used as a rental or leased unit. (No kitchen allowed.) B. Developer will be responsible for the construction of any missing or damaged street improvements which shall include,but not be limited to, the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c. Drive apron d. Street trees e. Street lights with underground conduit C. A grading plan shall be submitted for review and approval. O. Prior to-issuance of any building permits a copy of a recorded deed restriction prohibiting kitchen facilities and use of the structure as a rental unit must be on file with the Community Development Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED at,anregular Agency held on the~L day of m~eting of the Tustin Planning , 1982. 22 24 Recording Secretary 25 26 MAC:ih 4-26-82 27 28 DATE: April 25, 1983 STA~ F CONCERN Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members R,K. Fleagle, Acting Community Development Director Report of Council and Redevelopment Agency Actions On April 18, 1983, the City Council took the following actions relating to Planning Commission concerns: 1. Introduced Ordinance 886 changing the zoning from R2 and R4 to CG-PUD for the properties located on Andrews and San Juan. Introduced Ordinance 887 changing the zoning from R1 to PC-PR for the properties located at 1252 Irvine Boulevard. (The Council noted the Planning Commission's recommendation that the access to these lots be aligned with the signalized intersection.) 3. Approved a sign exception for a reader board at the Barn Restaurant, 14982 Redhill, subject to design conditions. Appealed the findings of the Commission related to the Tustin Heights Shopping Center parking and sign plan and scheduled the matter for May 16, 1983 (see attached letter). 5. Rescheduled the joint meeting with the Planning Commission from May 9 to May 23, 1983 at 6:00 p.m. 6. Rescheduled the presentation of the Recreation Element of the General Plan to 4:00 p.m., May 16, 1983. 7. Approved the retail store expansion at 601-607 E1Camino Real subject to conditions related to property lines and fire code. 8. Tabled the recommendation for RDA fund contributions to Tustin Heights Shopping Center drive access pending review of parking and signing. RKF:jh April 19, 1983 Department of Community Development Mr. Robert E. Kleban, Property Manager Rosenberg Real Estate Equity 3435 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2330 Los Angeles, California 90010 Subject: Tustin Heights Shopping Center Dear Mr. Kleban: On April 18, 1983, the Tustin City Council reviewed the action of the Planning Commission as related to the parking lot design and the free-standing pole sign. The Council has reservations concerning these items and the findings of the Planning Commission. In particular, the concerns relate to the height, lighting intensity, and design features of the sign. The Council has'filed an appeal, on their own motion, tO the findings of the Planning Commission. The parking lot design and free-standing sign will be scheduled as a New Business item on the City Council meeting agenda for 7:00 p.m., May 16, 1983. You are invited to be present at that meeting to provide any testimony you may have in support of your proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si ncerel y, R. Kenneth Fleagle Acting Community Development Di rector RKF:jh cc: W. Heath And Company City Council Members Planning Commission Members City Manager City Attorney $00 Centennial Hay * Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890