HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 04-18-83REPORTS NO. 1 4-18-83 TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING April 11, 1983 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER At 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION - Ainslie/Puckett ROLL CALL Co~m~issioner Weil absent APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD March 28, 1983 - Approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ZONE CHANGE 83-1 Applicant: Location: Request: Initiated by the Planning Commission 18112-18138 Main Street, 1031-1053 Andrews Street, 1032-34 Andrews Street and 1021 and 1033 San Juan Street To change the zone from Multiple-Family Residential (R2 and R4) to Commercial General Planned Unit (CG-PUD) Findings: 1. That because of the nature of the surrounding areas and adjoining commercial developments, the proposed zoning designations are more appropriate. 2. The CG-PUO designatio~ dictates that any change to the property requires that a use permit be considered at a public hearing before the Planning Co~ntssion. 3. This change will bring the zoning into conformance with the Tusttn Area General Plan. Action: Vote: Rec~mend approval of Zone Change 83-1 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution #o. 2087. 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Well 2. ZONE CHANGE 83-2 Applicant: Location: Request: Initiated by City Council The two properties located at 1252 Irvine Boulevard To change the zone from Single Family (R-l) to Planned Community Professional (PC-PR) Findings: 1. That because of the nature of the surrounding uses, and because the property fronts on Irvine Blvd., a professional zoning designation is justifiable and more appropriate than single-family residential. Planning Commission Action Agenda April 11, 1983 Page 2 2. That professional offices have been traditional buffers between residential and commercial uses. That a proposed development includes keeping intact an existing structure with architectural style c~atible with the area, as well as maintaining several of the mature trees on-site. The Planned Cm~mnity-Professional zoning classification dictates that any change to the property requires a public hearing and use permit. 5. This zone change will bring the zoning Into conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan. That the Commission felt the Ideal development plans would incorporate both parcels and access to any developments would be shared by one driveway. Action: Recoa~aend approval to the City Counctl of Zone Change 83-2 to change the zoning of the subject properties from R-1 to PC-PR by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2086. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Weil PUBLIC CONCERNS: None OLD BUSINESS: 1. South Central Redevelopment Project Action: Approve the report to the City Council as drafted. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, ghite NOES: None ABSENT: Weil 2. Parking Lot Review of Tustin Heights Shopping Center Findings: 1. The City Engineer has reviewed the entrance modification and found it to be coa~atible with staff's concept of i,~rovtng the entrance/ Intersection to the shopping center. Planning Commission Action Agenda April 11, 1983 Page 3 This modification will provide a clearcut signalized intersection of the shopping center entrance in lieu of the existing skewed intersection. Action: This improvement is within the Town Center project area of the Tustin Co~nity Redevelopment Agency, therefore redevelopment funds can be utilized in a cooperative effort in obtaining these improvements. Direct staff to prepare a report to the Redevelopment Agency requesting that $18,400.00 be ~located in the current fiscal year budget to reconstruct the public improvements in the Tustin Heights Shopping Center entrance modification. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Weil Findings: The center sign plans show a sheet metal pole cover which matches the existing sign cabinets for the center wa11. Action: Vote: 2. That the Commission encouraged retention of the mature eucalyptus trees on-site. Approve the parking and sign plan as submitted. 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Well NEW BUSINESS 1. General Plan Revision Dr. Fleagle explained that the General Plan required annual review and elements should be revised to reflect changing conditions. He stated the Housing Element was of greatest concern because of changes in law which mandate a revision prior to July 1, 1984. Dr. Fleagle requested that the Commission evaluate the appropriateness of the housing goals, objectives, and policies in contributing to the attainment of the State housing goals. Action: Review the goals, objectives, and policies of the Housing Element and make recommended amendments. Planning Commission Action Agenda April 11, 1983 Page 4 Direct staff to agendize the item for the first meeting in July. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Weil 2. Retail Store Expansion, 601-607 E1Camino Real Findings: 1. In conjunction with the building expansion, the proposal calls for the re-striping of the parking lot to accommodate the increased parking demand, the addition of a trash enclosure at the southeast corner of the site and the addition of planters ad&acent to driveway on Sixth Street and E1 Camino. The proposed parking count satisfies the mtntmum requirements of the Zoning Code. The center is divided into t~o parcels and some of the parking spaces designated for use by the florist and jeweler are located on the larger parcel. Therefore a reciprocal parking and access agreement should be recorded. 4. The proposal will he submitted to the Redevelopment Agency for review and approval. Action: Receive and file. Vote: 4-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Sharp, Alnslie, Puckett, White None Weil STAFF CONCERNS: 1. Report of Council Actions - April 4, 1983. Action: Receive and file. Vote: 4-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, White NOES: None ABSENT: Weil COMMISSION CONCERNS: Mr. Puckett directed staff to look into a possible violation of the ordinance regulating garage sales. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:58 p.m. to the next regular meeting.