HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 04-04-83CO CJ'NCIL CHAMBERS 300 C~ntennial Way April 4, 1983 TO ~ The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 7:02 p.m. II. ROWEL CA~L Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: O~hers Present: Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem Frank H. Greinke Ronald B. Hoesterey Donald J. Saltarelli None William A. Huston, City ~ana!psr Daniel K. Spradlin, Deputy City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Robez~a S. Ledendmcker, Dir. of Public Works R. Kenneth Fleagle, Acting Com. Dev. Dir. Royleen ~hite, Dir. of Com. & A~m4n. Serv. Approximately 50 in =he audience ILl. R~OR~a~I- 1. m~.~TI~ C~ I~LYOR - ~ALD Bo tS)g~a*~.z Nominations for Mayor for the coming year were opened. Ronald B. Hoesterey was nominated by Ursul& E. Kennedy, seconded by Frank H. Greinke. It was moved by Grei~_ke, seconded by Kennedy, that nominations be closed. Ronald B. Hoesterey wes elected Mayor for a one-year term by a 5-0 vote. 3~ 2° Newly-elected Mayor Hoesterey presented outgoing Mayor 'Edgar with a plaque and gavel in appreciation for his service. S~L~CTI~ ~ NIL~)R PRO 'I~iPOI~ - ~u~A g. ~ Mayor Hoesterey opened nominations for Mayor Pro Tmmpore. Ursula E. Kennedy was nominated by Saltarelli, seconded by Grei~ke. It was moved by Edqar, seconded by Saltarelli, that nominations be closed. Ursula E. Kennedy was elected Mayor Pro T~pore for a one-year term by a 5-0 vote. 38 PPu. Y~'E ~ ~ - A~X~. 10--16, 19~3 Mayor Hoestermy reed and presented a proclamation designating April 10-16, 1983, as Private Property Week ~o James Loom~s, President, East Orange County Board of Real=ors. 84 At 7:06 p.m. =he Council recessed tc =he Redevelopment Agency. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 7:09 p.m. with all m~hers present. V. P~"~-~C 1. Kathy Well, 1702 S~..-~-mr~ille, representing Tustin Meadows Com- munity Association, reported ~hat wa=er lines in Tustin Meadows hsd been cu~ into by C~unicom d~ring installation of under- ground cables, and approximately $100 worth of water had been spilled. Ms. Weil requested Council permission for the Associa- tion to bill Co~municom for ~he spilled water. The City Manager suggested that the Association work through City staff for reim- bursement of same. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-4-83 1. Ms. Well also expressed concern that some of the street patching had sunk since the recent rainstorms. The Director of Public Works responded that the work is guaranteed for one year, and any proble~ areas should be reported to him and they will be taken care of. Councilman Greinke reported that his area was without service for three days because of the rainstorms and felt that Co,uni- com should adjust their billing to reflect same. The City Mana- ger reported that complaints have primarily been received on quality control and installation, not on service. However, the Public Works Department is the pr4mary contac~ on any complaint that has not been resolved by Communicom. 53 The Ac=lng Co,unity Development Director presented the staff repor~ and recommendation. The public hearing was opened at 7:17 p.m. by Mayor Hoesterey. There being no speakers on the mat=er, the .public hearing was closed. As recommended in the inter-corn dated April 4, 1983, prepared by the Community Develop~en= Department, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Greinke, that Ordinance No. 884 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading of the title of Ordinance No. 884 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by KeHnedy, that Ordinance No. 884 be in~ro- duced. Motion carried 5-0. .It was then.moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, .that Ordinance No. 884 have second reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Fol- lowing second 'reading of the title of Ordinance No. 884 by t_he City Clerk, i~ was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, t-ha= Ordinance NO. 884 be adopted as follows: O~DINANCE ~10. 884 - An. Ordinance of the Ci=y Council of the City of Tustin, California, EXTENDING INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 882 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFO~IA, ESTABLISHING A M0~ATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS DESIGNED FOR OFFICE USE IN THE C-1, C-2, CG, M AND PC-COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS FOR AN ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF EIGHT MONTHS Roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None 81 Following a brief discussion period, it was moved by Edgar, sec- onded by Hoesterey, to schedule a joint Planning Co,mission/City Council workshop for May 9, 1983, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss City policy and possible code amendments regarding office uses. Motion carried 5-0. 81 ~SQI,0'ff~(~i NO, 83-19 - G~NEP~L PLAN ~T 83-1(B) (1252 I~vz.m~ 900Z,EVAPD) The Acting Co~unity Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation. Mayor Hoesterey opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. As reco-~ended in the inter-ccm dated April 4, 1983, prepared by the Cu~unity Development Depar~en=, it was ~oved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, tD adopt the following resolution: CITY COUNCIL M/NUTES Page 3, 4-4-83 ~~ BO. 83-19- A R~solu=ion of t.he City Council of t_he City of Tustin, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LARD USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED ON A.P. NUMBERS 103-~26-26 & 103-626-27 (1252 Irvine Boulevard) Carried 5-0. 5~ VII. COBS~NT CAL~DAH It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to approve t_he entire Consent Calendar. Mo=ion carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL C~ ~ - March 21, 1983 PAF/~L in t. he amount of $108,891.83 t_he a~ou~= of $402,989.63 5O · ~,~(~X~ NO. 83--29 - A Resolution of ~he City Council of Tus=in, APPROVING THE DESIGNATION 0~ APPLICANTS AGENT (Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Adoption of Resolution No. 83-29 as recommended by t~he City Engineer. 95 ~~ NOo 83-30 - A Resolution of t_he City Council of City of T~s=in, California, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FLICT OF INTEREST CODES OF THE D~ARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RE~TI~ NO. 83-31 - A Resolution of t.he City Council of the City of T~stin, California, APPROVING AN AMENDHENT TO THE CON- FLICT OF I~REST CODE OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY R~DEVELOPM~NT AGENCY Adoption 'of Resolution Nos. 83-30 and 83731 as recommended by the City Attorney. 81 VIIIo OR~IiI~Cl~ POR A~a.~a)~.~O~r None IX. O~D~N~I~S ~R ADOPTID~ - None (~ee Public Hearing No. 1) The Director of Co~aunity & Administrative Services presented =he staff rspor~ and rscom~enda=ions as contained in her inter- cc~ ~a=ed March 29, 1983, and responded to Council questions. it was =hen moved b~ ~reinke, seconded by Kennedy, to schedule a workshop for discussion of the Columbus Tus=in Project on May 9, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. After Council/staff dis~ssion t-he mo=ion carried 5-0.' 77 BID ~ - TRAFFIC ~[~AL I~BUv~ E~ ~u ~r,.~. A~ AT WALNUT A~, ~?~a~T A~E~E AT OXFORD AFlamE, ~ AF~E AT Bids for subJec~ projec~ were received on M~ch 29 as follows: Perry Electric, Spring Valley Smith Electric Supply~ Stanton Mandoza Electric, Hunting~on Park Grissom & Johnson, Inc., Santa Ana Steiny a Company, Anaheim Baxter-Griffin & Company, Stan=on Paul Gardner Corp., Ontario $180,000.00 $187,900.00 $188,069.00 $192,600.00 $197,000.00 $209,466.00 $213,264.00 The low bid is 4.5% below the-Engineer's estimate Of $188,500. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 4-4-83 AS recommended in the inter-corn dated March 29, 1983, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved by Saltarslli, seconded by Edgar, to award the bid for subject project to Perry Electric, Spring Valley, in the amount of $180,000. Carried 5-0. 94 The Planning Co---~sion Action Agenda of March 28, 1983, was received and filed by unanimous informal consent. 80 The City Manager co---anted that the monthly report dated March 29, 1983, prepared by t_he Director of Public Works is an initial version of what will be a routine reporC as requested by Council. Councilman Edgar requested that staff include the Febr~a~-y 10, 1983, League meeting where Tustin's Position on the bullet train was supported by a majority of Orange County cities. B~T-T-~'T T~a~ - P(Tm'.TC ~ The City Manager rezLinded Council of the April 22 public hearing of the Assembly Transportation C~-mwi=tee. Following Council/ staff discussion and consideration of the inter-c~- dated March 29, 1983, prepared by the Director of Public Works, it was moved b~ Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to .appoint Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey as the designated representative to present testi- mony at the April 22 public hearing to be conducted in Santa And. Motion carried 5-0. 101 The City Manager also reminded Council of =he May 7 hearing on SB 704 in San' Juan CapiStrano a~d reporte~ on bill amendments which the City is proposing. Council/staff discussion fol- lowed. Counctlm~n Greinke indicated he would attend subject meeting. XIZI. ~x~'~ BUSINESS 1. Counc~lm~n Saltarelli stated he has been reviewing the environ- mental impact statement on the modifications to the I-5/55 Interchange and reco-~-~nded the City be prepared to take a for- mal position in support of ma~or modifications. The Director of Public Works reported that the draft is a preliminary document and suggested the City respond when the final document is avail- able in four to six weeks. Councilman Greinke stated he is a committee m~-her and requested individual Council comments on same. He stated Cal Trans has been receptive to the City's ideas, and the rough= draft preliminary EIR was provided as requested for review of the financial impact. 54 Mayor Pro Tam Kennedy acknowlpdged receipt of the repor~ on the .Voucher Program from the Director of Community & Administrative Services and requested that a copy of. s~-~ be provided to Nick Ogden, TLC Program, as a reminder of the procedure. 41 3 · CXTX ~.~K CI:~e~EX~DATI0~ The Council joined Mayor Pro Tam Kennedy in congratulating and conuaending the City Clerk on compiling the new City of Tustin information brochure. 37 CITY COUNCIL ~LINUTES Page ~, 4-4-83 CouncilmAn ~dgar reported =ha= applican=s for Proje~-~ CoorduL- ha=or fo= ~l~--~ng ~e ~e of ~e I~e l~d ~d b~n ~=~- sele~. IC ~s ~ed by Edq~, seconded by SalC~mlli, ~ hire ~e fi~ of J. L. W~b ~t~ng ~ ~e Proje~ CoorS=or for plying ~e ~e of ~e I~e l~d. C=i~ 5-0. 81 In response =o Councilman Edgar, t-he Dirmc=or of ~ublic Works report:ed =hat s=aff ex~ec~s =o reques= Council au~oriza=ion =o A~ril ~8 m~=inq. Cou~cii con~arre~ =o schedule a workshc~ on t-he Wa=er Manag~en= Plan, ~clusive of Ge new well sics s~ud¥, for May 10, 1983, a= 7:00 p.m, 107 a. Councilman Grminke =eflm~-~md on his firs= year in service as a Counc41~--k~er and. =banked form~r-~ayor Edgax for an e~cit- lng year. b. Counci!-~n Gre£nke cc.,--~nded Police Chief Thayer for c. A closed, session for dis~ussion of .leqal maC=ars was It was moved by Grsinke, seconded by lags of =he P~develo~men= Agency following ~he Cluy Council mee=ings. Carried $-0. 38 Followinq Council/sCarf ~iseussion on ~ City Park Mas=mr Plan, i~clu~q =he new I--'vine land, Council con=md Co individually ~x~ in a= =he Reynolds Group offices =o review sam~ prior =o scheduling a workshop. 77 was ~ve4 by Greinke, seconded .by Edqar, ~o adjourn at a Closed Session for discussion of legal mat=mrs, and =hence ~he hex= rog~lar meeting o~ April 18, 1983. Carried $-0.