HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 04-04-83REPORTS NO. 1 4-4"83 TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING March 28, 1983 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER at 7:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION ROLL CALL All present APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD March 14, 1983 - Amended as follows: Old Business item ~2-Motion made by Mr. White, not Mr. Ainslie. Staff Concerns item #3-Mr. White's a~endment to the motion to read: None of the parking spaces be reserved for the exclusive use of any single tenant. Amended minutes approved. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. USE PERMIT 83-1 Applicant: Location: Request: Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsey 653 South "B" Street Authorization to add 2,277 square feet of office space to an existing office structure Findings: 1. The site is near the end of a cul-de-sac street which is primarily developed with professional and industrial uses. Therefore, the site is not appropriate for retail use. 2. The requested addition is for the expansion of an existing business and the site can accommodate the added area. 3. The face-lift of the 1950 architecture to a more contemporary style will add aesthetically to this section of the original Tustin. ACTION Approval of Use Permit 83-1 by the adoption of Resolution 2081. YOTE 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Nell, White NOES: None Planning Commision Action Agenda March 28, 1983 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. GENERAL Applicant: Location: Request: Findings: Action: Vote: PLAN AMENDMENT 83-1(B) Aram Bassenian on behalf of the Louise S. Ralph Estate and by motion of the City Council 1252 Irvine Boulevard and the adjacent undeveloped lot (A.P. #103-633-26) Amend General Plan from Residential Single-Family to Professional (office) 1. At the Council meeting of March 7, 1983, the Planning Commission was directed to reconsider GPA B3-1(B) to include the easterly undeveloped lot as part of the project. 2. At the Council meeting of March 7, 1983, it was directed that another Public Hearing be noticed and that the second lot be considered as part of the a~endment. 3. The addition of the subject lot in no way alters the conclusions presented in the staff report of February 28, 1983. Adopt Resolution 2084 recommending to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 83-1(B), including the undeveloped lot imediately to the east of 1252 Irvlne Boulevard be approved with the added condition that a recmmendation be made to the Council for the Planned Cmmunity concept. 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Well, White NOES: None PUBLIC CONCERNS: None. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Use & Parking Survey of the Foster Arts Industrial Complex - 6th and "B" Street Findings: That a problem exists with street parking at the Foster Arts Industrial Cemplex. Planning Commission Action Agenda March 28, 1983 Page 3 Action: 2. That excess on-site parking is available. 3. That the problem stems from ~loyees and patrons of the businesses preferring to park on the street rather than use the spaces provided on-site. That the City Engineer be directed to evaluate the street parking and direct his response, with any recommendations, to the City Council. Vote: 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Weil, White MOES: None 2. Parking Lot Review of Tustin Heights Shopping Center The ttem was continued at the request of the City Engineer. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Amendment to Airport Land Use Plan The Cmmisston discussed the proposed amendments to the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) and noted: 'The Cowission (Airport Land Use Cmisston) may consider the adoption of criteria for protecting aircraft traffic patterns which may be more restrictive than those contained in FAR 77 (Federal Aviation Regulations)' for the lands surrounding the I~CAS(H) Tustin. Action: Vote: Staff directed to advise the Land Use Comission that the specific criteria of Federal Aviation Regulations was preferred to more restrictive criteria that could be imposed by the Commission. The Comisstonnoted Section 21678 of the California Public Utilities Code which creates immnity from liability for an operator of an airport when a public agency overrides the Land Use Con~ission's action or recommendation. 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Well, White NOES: None Action: Referred to the City Manager for evaluation of any aspect this section may have upon the City of Tustin. Vote: 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Well, White NOES: None Planning Commission Action Agenda March 28, 1983 Page 4 2. South/Central Redevelopment Project Dr. Fleagle explained that the Commission must revte~ the Redevelopment Plan and report to the City Council regarding the plan's conformity to the Seneral Plan. After s~aff and Conmission discussion concerning the provisions to provide lo~ and muderate income housing, the following action ~as taken: Action: The Cmmisslon directed st~ff to prepare a report to the City Council for consideration and adoption at the meeting scheduled for April 11, 1983. Vote: 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, I/eil, White gOES: gone STAFF CONCERNS: 1. Trash Enclosure Condition - 175 South "C" Street Findings: 1. On September 20, 1982 the Planning Agency approved Variance 82-4, authorizing the development of an office building at 175 "C" Street. One of the conditions of approval required the location of the trash area in the front setback to facilitate trash pick up. 2. The developer has worked out an agreement, at his cost, with the refuse service to pick up the trash receptacle at the rear of the site and therefore the need for locating the trash enclosure in the front area is no longer evident. Action: Adoption of Resolution go. 2085, approving the revised trash location with the condition that the agreement to provide ptck-up service to the rear of the site remains in effect with the City's franchise refuse service. Vote: 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Atnslie, Puckett, Weil, White NOES: gone 2. Use Permit 83-2 Findings: 1. At the February 28, 1983 meeting, the Planning Cmmission approved the subject application. As a condition of approval, a t~o-foot-high brick wall was to be placed at the base of the perimeter fence as a security measure for the boat display yard at 676 E1 Camino Real. Planning Commission Action Agenda March 28, lg83 Page 5 2. This condition presents a draingage problem to the site. 3. The alternative proposed by the applicant is to construct a 1-5/8" metal rail along the outside of the fence, 2' feet above grade level. 4. The alternative has been approved by the Police and Building Departments. Action: Approval of the revised fence design as a condition of the use pemit in lieu of the wall requirement with the condition that the rail be painted and maintained. Vote: 5-0 AYES: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Well, White NOES: None COMMISSION CONCERNS: Request for Workshop - Dr. Fqeagle informed the Cou~ission that a request had been made to the Mayor for a Comission/Council workshop. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:30 p.m. to next rt~ular meeting. DATE: March 28, 1983 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & PlanninglCommission Members Alan Warren, Senior Planner, Community Development Department Use Permit 83-1 Applicant: Location: Request: Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsey 653 S "B" Street (C-2 District) Authorization to add 2,277 square feet of office space to an existing professional office building RECOI~ENDED AC'rIO# Approval of Use Permit 83-1, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2081 per recommendations contained in this report and in the staff report of February 28, 1983. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION This item was scheduled to be heard on February 28, 1983. At the request of the applicant, the matter was continued to the present meeting. The hearing was opened on February 28, 1983, continued through the March 14 meeting and at each meeting, no one spoke in favor or opposition. Since the initial submittal the designer has been working to revise the proposal to bring down anticipated construction costs. The only change proposed is the use of painted exterior stucco walls with plant-on architectural features in lieu of the originally planned brick facade. While staff would have preferred the brick design, the alternative being proposed still represents a vast improvement to the existing structure and should therefore be approved. Staff would only recommend that a two-tone paint scheme be employed to highlight the architectural features. The staff conclusions contained in the report of February 29 remain the s am e. AGW:jh DATE: TO: F ROM: S UBJ ECT: February 28, 1983 Inter-Corn Honorable Chairman & Commission Members Community Development Department Use Permit No. 83-1 Applicant: Location: Request: Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsey 653 S. "B" Street (C-2 District) Authorization to add 2,277 square feet of office space to an existing professional office. RECOI~dIDED Approval of Use Permit 83-1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2081 substantially as drafted. BACKGROUND O~ November 15, 1982, the Tustin City Council ~enacted an interim urgency ordinance (No. 882) which requires use permit approval for all development projects designed for office uses in the C-1, C-2 (Central Commercial), CG and PC-Commercial Districts. A copy of this ordinance is included with ·his report. The applicant has submitted this proposal for Planning Commission review pursuant to City requlations governing use permits. The application calls for the development of a 2,277 square foot office addition to an existing 3,856 square foot office building located near the South "B" Street cul-de-sac. In conjunction with the floor area addition, the applicant is proposing a major revision to the site features (parking, landscaping) and considerable face-lift for the architectural elevations. The building is to have building walls of tan-colored brick and an employee "picnic area" is planned for a rear corner of the site. The building has been used as an office since 1957 and is currently being used by California Dental Health Plan, Inc. Mr. Lindsey is'the owner of this firm and the expansion is intended for use by the company. The land uses in the immediate area are as follows: North: East: South: West: Tustin News facility (C-2) E1Camino Plaza Shopping Center (C-2) Offices for clothing store chain (C-2) Multiple tenant industrial complex (PM) Chairman & Commission Members February 28, 1983 Page 2 The site plan satisfies all of the zoning and the intent of the development guidelines. The City Engineer has recommended a twenty-seven (27) foot driveway in lieu of the proposed twenty-five (25) feet. This alteration could be accomplished by a slight reduction in the landscaped areas. Standard conditions are contained in the attached draft resolution. CONCLUSIONS The site is near the end of a cul-de-sac street which is developed primarily with professional and industrial related uses. The site therefore is not appropriate for retail use. 2. The building addition is requested for the expansion of an existing business and the site can accommodate the added building area. 3. The face-lift of the 1950 architecture to a more contemporary style will add aesthetically to this section of the original Tustin town. AGW:Jh I)EYELOP~[#T RE~/IEW Project: ~ ~ ~-FF.F~'I Location/District: Action: {)~ F~_J(2A41~ District Requirement Proposed Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage Height Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: ):~"PA~L t ~_ teMPI. C~-l:~c~_ Number of Public Notifications (Owners): I~z- (-~1 ~ * No Standard R 3 .C2P " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2081 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZNG THE ADDITION OF 2,277 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE AREA TO THE EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING AT 653 SOUTH "B" STREET The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Use Permit 83-1), has been filed by Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsey to authorize the addition of 2,277 square feet of office area to the building at 654 South "B" Street pursuant to the regulations of Ordinance No. 882. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: The proposed use is in conformance wi~h the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan and. the. Central Commercial District of the Zoning Code. That the site is near the end of a cul-de-sac street which is developed primarily for industrial and professional use and the site therefore is not appropriate for retail use. D. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject project, nor to the general welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council; Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official; Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal; and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution N~. 2081 March 28, 1983 Page 2 II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 83-1, to authorize the expansion of the office building at 653 South "B" Street, as submitted, subject to the following conditions: The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all apropriate City standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tustin "Minimum Design Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to: curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive aprons, and street pavement. The site plan shall provide a minimum of twenty (20) parking spaces for a total office building area of 6,133 square feet. C. Handicapped parking stalls shall be posted in accordance with City Standards. D. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view. Planting and irrigation Plans shall be submitted to the City and all landscap work completed prior to final release of the improvements. Fe The building elevations shall be improved as presented in the application. "Exhibit A" and a two-tone color scheme shall be presented to the Community Development Director for review and approval. Installation of marbelite street lights and underground conduit shall be provided by the developer if required by the Master Lighting Plan of Southern California Edison Company. H. A grading plan shall.be submitted to the Building Divsion for review and approved. Additional County Sanitation District No. ? sewer connection fees will be required based upon the additional square footage of the floor area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution N.. 2081 March 28, 1983 Page 3 J. Pa3~nent of East Orange County Water District fees will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. K. Overhead electrical utilities shall be undergrounded as required by City Ordinance. L. An automatic fire detection system and fire hydrant shall be provided by the applicant as required by the Orange County Fire Marshal's office. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1983. James B. Sharp, Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary DATE: March 28, 1983  PUB~..C HEARING NO. 1 ! nter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Chairman & Commission Members Community Development Department General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) Applicant: Location: Request: Aram Bassenian on behalf of the Louise S. Ralph Estate and by motion of the City Council 1252 Irvine Boulevard (A.P.#103-626-26 and 27) Amend the Tustin Area General Plan to change the land use designation from Residential (Single-Family) to Professional (Office) RECOI~I~ENDED ACTION Adopt Resolution 2084 recommending to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 83-1(B), including the undeveloped lot immediately to the east of 1252 Irvine Boulevard, be approved. BACKGROUND ' On October 4, 1982, the City Council 'adopted Resolution 82-81 ordering the annexation, of certain properties within Tustin's sphere of influence including the subject property (Annexation 130). On October 14, 1982, the certificate of completion was filed by the Local Agency Formation Commission finalizing the annexation. The zone designation for the property, while under County jurisdiction, was Single-Family (R-l) in compliance with the Tustin General Plan. Therefore, no pre-zone proceedings were necessary. At the Council meeting of March 7, 1983, the Planning Commission was directed to reconsider GPA 83-1(B) to include the easterly undeveloped lot as part of the project. At the Council meeting of March 7, 1983, it was directed that another' Public Hearing be noticed and that the second lot be considered as part of the amendment. DISCUSSION At the time of the original public hearing, the inclusion of the undeveloped lot was discussed. However, because of notice requirements, the additional parcel could not be considered and approval of GPA 83-1(B) as submitted was recommended to Council. This was done with the consensus that when consideration was next given to a General Plan Amendment, the second parcel be included. The Council action of March 7 has eliminated the delay and the matter may be considered at this time. Chairman & Commission Members March 28, 1983 Page 2 The addition of the subject lot in no way alters the conclusions presented in the staff report of February 28, 1983 and approval is,recommended. Since additional homes will now abutt the reclassified area, at the time of the implementing zone change, it is recommended that the Planned Community concept be utilized to ensure development compatible with the neighboring residences. JSD:jh DATE: TO: FROM: S UBJ ECT: March 7, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING No. 2 3-7-83 inter-Corn Honorable Mayor & City Council Members Community Development Department General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) Applicant: Location: Request: Aram Bassenian on behalf of the Louise S. Ralph Estate 1252 1trine Boulevard Amend the Tustin Area General Plan to change the land use designation from Residential (Single-Family) to Professional (Office) RECOI~tEIIDED ACTION Adopt Resolution 83-19 approving General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) BACKGROUND 'on October 4, 1982, the City Council ~dopted'Resolut{on.82-81 ordering the annexation of certain properties within Tustin's sphere of influence .. ' including the subject ~roperty (Annexation 130). On October 14, 1982, the certificate of completion was filed by the Local Agency Formation Comission finalizing the annexation. The zone designation for the property, while under County jurisdiction, was Single-Family (R-l) in compliance with the Tustin General Plan. Therefore, no pre-zone proceedings were necessary. On February 28, 1983 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the subject general plan amendment and adopted Resolution No. 2079 recommending to the City Council that GPA 83-1(B) be approved. At that meeting the property owner(Stephanie Martin) of the parcel immediately to the east of subject lot requested that her lot be included in the general plan amendment. However, because of hearing notice requirements the second property could not be considered as a part of GPA 83-1(B). The Commission did however feel that at such time in the future when another general plan amendment is considered, Ms. Martin's property should be incorporated. DISCUSSION An application has been filed by Aram Bessenian with the authorization of the property owner requesting that the property located at 1252 Irvine be reclassified from a Single-Family to a Professional land use designation. Prior to the use of 'this property for professional offices, a zone change will also be required. Chairman & Commissioners February 28, [983 Page 2 While staff has not received any formal development plans, the applicant has indicated his desire to purchase the property, improve and convert the existing home into an architect's office for his own use, pending General Plan Amendment and zone change approval. It is felt that the applicant's request is justifiable considering the surrounding uses that front on Irvine Boulevard. Additionally, a professional use has been a traditional buffer between single-family dwellings and commercial uses. The professional zone will maintain this buffer even if the existing structure is replaced. To further ensure that adjacent homeowners are not adversely impacted by potential office development, it is recommended that consideration be given to a Planned Community-Professional zone designation at the time the zone change application is filed. CO#CLUSIOBS 1. That because of the nature of the surrounding uses, and because the property.fronts on 1trine Boulevard, a professional, l~nd use designation · is justifiable and more appropriate than single-family residential. 2. That' professional offices· have been traditional buffers betWeen residential and commercial uses. That the current proposal includes keeping intact an existing structure with architectural style condusive to the area, as well as maintaining several of the mature trees on-site. That with a Planned Com,,~nity-Professional zoning classification, neighboring residents will be protected from adverse impacts of potential new development. That approval of General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) has been recommended to the City Council by the Planning Commission by the adoption of Resolution No. 2079. 6. That approval of General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) should be granted by the adoption of Resolution No. 83-19 as submitted. That at such time in the future when any other general plan amendment(s) are considered immediately to the east of the subject parcel lot should be included. JSD:jk OATE: TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: February 28, 1983  P% ~IC HEARING NO. 1 Inter-Corn Honorable Chairman & Commission Members Community Development Department General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) Applicant: Location: Request: Aram Bassenian on behalf of the Louise S. Ralph Estate 1252 Irvine Boulevard Amend the Tustin Area General Plan to change the land use designation from Residential (Single-Family) to Professional (Office) RECOIdllENDED ACTION Adopt Resolution No. 2079, recommending to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) be approved. BACKGROUND On October 4, 1982, the City Council adopted Resolution 82-81 ordering the annexation of certain properties within Tustin's sphere of influence including the subject property (Annexation 130). On October 14, 1982, the. certificate of completion was .filed by the Local Agency Formation Commission finalizing the annexation. The zone designation for the property, v/nile under County jurisdiction, was Single-Family (R-l) in compliance with the Tustin General Plan. Therefore, no pre-zone proceedings were necessary. DISCUSSION An application has been filed by Aram Bessenian with the authorization of the property owner requesting that the property located at 1252 Irvine be reclassified from a Single-Family to a Professional land use designation. Prior to the use of this property for professional offices, a zone change will also be required. While staff has' not received any formal development plans, the applicant has indicated his desire to purchase the property, improve and convert the existing home into an architect's office for his own use, pending General Plan Amendment and zone change approval. It is felt that the applicant's request is justifiable considering the surrounding uses that front on Irvine Boulevard. Additionally, a professional use has been a traditional buffer between single-family dwellings and commercial uses. The professional zone will maintain this buffer even if the existing structure is replaced. To further ensure that adjacent homeowners are not adversely impacted by potoential office Chairman & Commissioners February 28, lg83 Page 2 development, it is recommended that consideration be given to a Planned Community-Professional zone designation at the time the zone change application is filed. COI~LUSIONS That because of the nature of the surrounding uses, and because the property fronts on Irvine Boulevard, a professional land use designation is justifiable and more appropriate than single-family residential. 2. That professional offices have been traditional buffers between residential and commercial uses. e That the current proposal includes keeping intact an existing structure with architectural style condusive to the area, as well as maintaining several of the mature trees on-site. 4. That with a Planned Community-Professional zoning classification, neighboring residents will be protected from adverse impacts of potential new development. 5. That approval of Genenal Plan Amendment'83-1(B) be recommended to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2079. JSD:jh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 2084 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 1252 IRVINE BOULEVARD (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 103-626-26 & 103-626-27) The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That in accordance with Section 65356 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing was duly advertised and held on February 28, 1983 to consider General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) to reclassify the parcel of land at 1252 Irvine Boulevard from the Single-Family classification to the Professional (office) classification. C. That the Planning Commission did by the adoption of Resolution No. 2079 recommend to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) be approved. D. That the City Counci'l, at a duly advertised public hearing, ~eferred the matter back to the Planning Commission to consider the addition of the undeveloped parcel immediately east of the lot that was considered in Resolution No. 207g. E. That a second public hearing before the Planning Commission was duly advertised and held on March 28, lg83 to reconsider General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) to include both parcels of land located at what is commonly known at 1252 Irvine Boulevard. F. That a Negative Declaration has been applied for to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act. G. That the change in classification of the additional lot would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners based on the following findings: 1. That because of the nature of the surrounding uses, and because the property fronts along Irvine Boulevard, a professional land use designation is justifiable and more appropriate than single-family residential. 28 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution N 2084 March 28, 1983 Page 2 2. That the Professional classification will minimize the impacts of potential future development as it would affect residents of the adjacent single-family homes. H. That the adoption of this resolution supercedes and replaces Resolution No. 2079. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 83-1(B) to reclassify subject parcels (A.P. #103-626-26 & #103-626-27) from the Single-Family Residential to the Professional (office) Classification. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1983. Janet Hester Recording Secretary James B. Sharp, Chairman DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: March 28, 1983 OLD BUSINESS NO, 1 Inter-Corn Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner, Community Development Department Use & Parking Survey/Industrial Area at 6th and "B" Streets DISCUSSION At the March 14, 1983 meeting, the Commission was presented with a brief staff report outlining the business located in the Planned Industrial complex at 6th & "B" Streets. The following is a more complete analysis of the site, particularly in terms of on-site parking. With information provided by Foster Art Service, it has been determined that the complex consists of 179,301 square feet of building area and there are 208 on-site parking spaces available (including 32 underground). Per the Planned Industrial District this complex would have only had to provide 89 spaces at a ratio of I space for every 2,000 square feet. However, it was realized at the time of development that for the project considered, 89 spaces were unrealistic and the 208 spaces were provided. Of the 179,301 square feet, 53,255 have been identified as office space. Based on this figure, if required parking were to be calculated with the standard 1:300 ratio for office and 1:2000 for the remaining square footage, the on-site parking requirement would be 239 spaces, 31 more than currently provided. As a result of random spot counts of vacant spaces, staff is of the opinion that even though the 1:300 standard for office was not used, the actual demand of the-complex (all but 1,700 square feet is currently being leased), is below the 239 space figure. The attached survey indicates that on each inspection there were at least 50 vacant spaces on-site. Even with this number of open spaces, there was very little street parking available on either 6th or "B" Streets. It is apparent that any complaints regarding on-street parking may be valid; however, the "problem" is not a result of an excessive parking demand. Instead it seems that employees or customers of the complex prefer to park on the street, closer to business entrances. This assumption is further supported by the fact that even though the underground parking area is available to tenants wishing to use it, only six (6) spaces are utilized. Chairman & Planning Commission March 28, 1983 Page 2 As far as proper land use is concerned, all current uses in the complex are permissible; however, there is the possibility that some of the businesses should have obtained use permits prior to commencing business. The next step is for staff to evaluate each of the borderline businesses and determine if a use permit is in fact required. Even with the use permit process, it is presumed that all current uses in the complex would receive approval. The advantage of the use permit would be the inclusion of conditions that could perhaps require all employees of the affected businesses to park on-site,, or limit hours of operation so as to eliminate any potential parking problems. The Commission will be brought up to date as soon as the individual business evaluations are complete, when the need, or lack thereof, for use permits is demonstrated. JSD:jh Parking Survey Foster Arts Total available spaces 208 March 21, 1983 - 2:45 p.m. 26 vacant underground spaces 25 vacant open spaces 6 vehicles not parked in designated stalls March 21, 1983 - 7:30 p.m. 59 cars parked on entire site March 22, 1983 - 4:30 p.m. 26 vacant underground spaces 65 vacant open spaces 7 vehicles not parked in designated stalls March 23, 1983 - 11:30 p.m. 26 vacant underground spaces 30 vacant open spaces 3 vehicles not parked in designated stalls CFoste 'e. rt ervice, q Lc. 430 WEST SIXTH STREET, TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA February 2~, 19S~ Dear Tenant$ I wanted to bring to your attention that we do have under~-ound parking spaces available for you and you~ employees. ~ using the tmder- ground parking area, more spaces are available for visitors smxd customers. Youx' car will also be protected from the weather and will stay clever. You can obtain cards for the underground parking gate by contacting me at 5~-?~10 or dropping by the office. Please feel free to t~ke advantage of this opportunity. Sincerely, FOSTER ART SERVICE Property N-nager Phone 714-544-75.10 Telex 277731 FSTR UR / OLD BUSINESS NO. 2 Parking Lot Review for Tustin Heights Shopping Center The report will be presented at the meeting Monday Evening. DATE: TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: March 17, 1983 COMMISSION CONCERN Inter-Corn Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Planning Commission Request for Workshop Session On March 14, 1983, the Planning Commission directed that a request be made for a joint Council'Commission workshop at the convenience of the City Council. The purpose of the workshop would be to discuss the moratorium on professional office development, planning and zoning philosophies and critique Planning Comission activities. In the past, workshop sessions have been held on the 5th Monday of the month when no other meetings are scheduled; however, the next 5th Monday is May 30th, which is a holiday. R.K. Fleagle, D.d.A. Acting Co,,,,i~unity Development Director