HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 02-07-83II. III. 300 Ce~teunial Way Feb~y 7, 1983 7:30 P.M. C,~T.T. ~ O~DER PU~.?C CONCENNS (For City of Tustin Residents and Businesspersons on any matter, and for Water Service Customers having a concern unresolved by Administrative procedures. ) PUBLIC ~GS - None CO~A~T C21T.I~mIDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless m~mbers of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 3e 4e APP~O~i%L~L~MINUTES - January 17, 1983 ~TIFICATIOH OF PAY~OnT- in the amount of $206,181.23 APPROVAL 0~ DEMANDS in the amount of $773,049.85 ~rANCE OF muRrJc ]~P~Ov~M~TS .AND ~.R%SE OF BO~DS (Tract No. 11291, 1431 Warner Avenue) Accept the public, improvements within Tract No. 11291 and authorize the release of all pertinent bonds as recommended by the City Engineer. ~SOLUTIO~ NO. 83-9 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adoption of Resolution No. 83-9 as recommended by the Engineering Department. ~Q~EST FOR TIME ~'r~SION -'IK~E ~Z.VD. FAU P~OJECT M-~023(2) Grant to Grissom & Johnson Inc. a 15 calendar day time extension to complete subject project as recommended by the Engineering Department. eX~0~SICAL ffi K)R 1983 FOUE~ OF ud~ ~.m~ATION Authorize staff to execute a contract with Pyro Spectaculars, Inc., for the 1983 pyromusical show as recommended by the Director of Community services. ~ESOI~'£10N NO. 83-3 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 11746 (14351 Redhill Avenue) Uphold the findings of the Planning Commission by adoption of Resolution No. 83-3 as recommended by the Community Develop- ment Department. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 2-7-83 PROPO~u ~'k~ACT FOR ~0USING ~BILITATION, ~O~SING AND COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMenT ACT ~ 1974 (HCD) Approve the contract and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute it as recommended by the Community Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 83--11 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 SIDEWALK AND CURB REPAIR PROGRAM Adoption of Resolution No. 83-11 as recom~tended by the Engi- neering Department. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 83-10 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, INITIATING REORGANIZATION PROCEDURES AND SCHED- ULING A HEARING FOR THE ANNEXATION AND DETACHMENT OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY IN THE CITY OF IRVINE AND THE CITY OF TUSITN DESIGNATED AS REORGANIZATION NO. 53 Adoption of Resolution No. 83-10 initiating reorganization procedures and scheduling a protest hearing for March 21, 1983, for the territory easterly and westerly of the new Myford ~mad known as Reorganization No. 53 as recommended by the Planning Consultant. VI. ORDINANCES FOR I~'r~ODUCTION - None VII. OI~)INA~CES FOR ADOPTION - None VIII. ~ ~USIN~S$ - None IX. NE~ BUSINESS ~O~EOg~N~RS 1~ FOR PAItKk-AY 'r~ ~OVAL (14262 Heatherfield Drive) Recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent to deny Mr. Ettleman's request for the tree to be removed and not be replaced. COLUI~US TUb'TIN DESIGN u~v~,a,OPMENT REPORT Recommended: l) To authorize preparation of plans and speci- fications for construction of a multipurpose gymnasium/locker facility at Columbus Tustin Park; 2) To proceed with the design of acoustical treatment, a new storage addition, improved lighting, and restrooms for the Clifton C. Miller Community Center; and 3) To investigate and continue to monitor the availability of closed public school facilities that are capable of meeting public recreation needs, with the goal to purchase or negotiate a long-term lease to assure continued availability for public purposes. City Council Agenda Page 2 2-7-83 Xe ~ION NO. 83-8 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 82-1 DESIGNATING REPRE- SENTATION TO THE SOUTH/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT COMMITTEE Recommended: 1 ) Adopt Resolution No. 83-8; and 2) Adopt a Minute Order reconfirming the appointment of the following named individuals to the Project Area Committee and adding such other representation as the City Council deems desir- able: Chamber of Commerce - Jeff McElderry, Tustin Unified School District - Larry Sutherland, Property Owners (Adja- cent to Area) - Betty Truitt and John Harrison, and Residen- tial Tenants - Elmo Anderson and Ann Durkee. TWO ~0~RPARK~NG ~STRICTION - SANTA FE DR_r~E Deny the request for the removal of the "2 Hour Parking Any- time" restriction along Santa Fe Drive Between Red Hill Ave. and Woodland Ave. as recommended by the City Engineer. PIJ~RNING~ON~IS~IO~ ~CTION ~J~DA Actions of the Planning Commission are final unless appealed. L~Fr '~ ~V~TS - EASTBO[F~D FIP~T ST. TO NO~[BOUND NEWPO~ A~E. IP/~IGATION SC~-~E FOR I~ND~CAP~D ~DIAN ISLANDS Recommended by the City Engineer that the intersection remain as it exists, with no action by the City Council. 40 A verbal presentation will be made at the meeting by the ~ity Manager. WATER SEI~ICE MANAGemENT PLAN Recommended to continue to February 21, 1983, or as an alter- native set a date for a workshop to consider the water ser- vice management plan as recormnended by the City Manager. 5. MID YEARBI~GET ~v~EW Recommended to continue to February 21, 1983 meeting. XI. ~r~K~SINESS XII. 2. CIT~ ATTOrnEY 3. CIT~ ~O~NCIL To a refreshment period preceding the League of Cities meeting on February 10, 1983, at 5:30 p.m., and thence to the next regular meeting on February 21, 1983. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 3 2-7-83