HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 IRVINE LAND STDY 01-17-83AGENDA Inter-Corn DATE: dan. 12, ~983 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL BILL HUSTON, CITY MANAGER IRVINE LAND STUDY - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize staff to prepare an agreement between the City and Irvine Company concerning preparation of the Peters Canyon Area land use study. BACKGROUND: The City Council has previously given its approval of a conceptual plan wherein the City and 1trine Company would jointly participate in the preparation of a land use plan for the Peters Canyon Area. Due to the scope of the project, consultants will be used for preparation of the technical documents. The Council also conceptually approved the use of a project coordinator who would be directly responsible to the City for administration of the study. A project management approach will ensure that the City's interests are fully represented and addressed throughout the planning process. DISCUSSION: Attached is the proposed scope of work for the project coordinator and for the planning studies. The planning studies include the following components: Land use planning Environmental impact Public facilities and infrastructure Fiscal impact analysis and financing alternatives Marketing Transportation Analysis These components will result in a specific plan for development of the Irvine land. Also attached is a preliminary flow chart which indicates the proposed milestones during the plan preparation, review and approval process. It is important to realize that at this point the Council is being requested to approve the preliminary scope of work. As the final scope of work is prepared, and once the project coordinator is retained, a more precise schedule for completion of the plan and the process for involving the Planning Commission and City Council during the plan preparation phase will be identified. It should also be clarified that while the Irvine Company would have input in the selection of the project coordinator and consultants, the ultimate selection will be made by the City Council. With regard to cost, it is staff's recommendation that the $75,000 included in the lg82-83 budget for a community traffic analysis be expended in connection with the Peters Canyon planning study because of the direct relationship of present and future traffic. This approach will maximize the use of the funds and broaden the scope of the traffic analysis at the same cost to the City. Staff also recommends that the City pay the cost of the project coordinator and that all other costs (planning studies) be paid by the 1trine Company. If the Council authorizes the above approach, staff will submit the agreement to the Council for its review at a later~ date. BH: dmt ..._..,_.............,......,.. .... .............. Date Consultant Name Address City Gentlemen: The City of Tustin is seeking a qualified individual to serve as an overall project coordinator for the Peters Canyon Specific Plan project. You have been invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the following scope of work. The client team is composed of designated staff members from the City of Tustin, the City Council, Planning Commission and The Irvine Company. The project consists of six different consultant programs leading to the development and adoption of a specific plan, plus support documents. These programs, the overall project, and consultant selection process are described in the attached materials. The project coordinator would not be encouraged to submit a proposal for other phases of the consultant work as this position would be one of the unbiased, objective reviewer and coordinator. Major tasks shall include: 1. Assist in the development of the final scope of work for each consultant program. 2. Develop and maintain a master schedule organizing each sequence of the project. 3. Coordinate each consultant's activity to ensure project continuity and timely completion of tasks. 4. Schedule meetings with the client team and consultants on a regular basis. Identify issues within each program area that necessiate a decision from the client team. Present these issues in a synopsis form, outlining the impact with other program areas and identifying conflicts. 6. Coordinate with Orange County EMA and other agencies, as necessary. RFP Project Coordinator Page 2 7. Make presentation to the general public, Planning Commission and City Council. Each proposal shall contain the following: Approach: Each consultant will describe his methodology to manage the project. Consultant must submit a preliminary schedule showing major milestones and products. Experience: Consultant should show applicable experience in areas of project management for major planning projects. There should be a description of similar projects completed with en~hasis on those projects that were implemented. Cost: A not-to-exceed cost based on time, materials and expenses to complete the project. Costs should be itemized for each major task or milestone. A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., January , 1983, Room , 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. City staff and Irvine Co. any representatives will explain the purposes of the planning study, identify existing data and information sources, and answer questions. Each proposal will be reviewed by designated City staff and Irvine Company staff. Interviews will be held with those consultants selected for further consideration by the City staff and Irvine Company. Staff will submit recommendations for consultant selection to the City Council, who will approve final selection. ( ) copies of the proposal are to be delivered no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, , 1982 at the following location: City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 CentennialWay Tustin, CA 92680 If you have any questions regarding the content of this RFP, contact Edward Knight at 544-8890. Sincerely, Michael W. Brotemarkle Director of Community Development Date Consultant Name Address City Gentlemen: Your firm is invited to submit a proposal for planning studies regarding the City of Tustin's Peters Canyon Specific Plan Area. The client team is composed of designated staff members from the City of Tustin, the City Council, Planning Commission and The Irvine Company. A project coordinator, a consultant selected by the City and the Irvine Company, will administer consultant contracts and coordinate all efforts between the consultants and the client. He will be responsible for maintaining a comprehensive project schedule coordinating consultant activities, and maintaining project continuity and quality. The total project has been divided into six separate, but interrelated consultant programs: Land Use Planning Environmental Impact Report Public Facilities and Infrastructure Plan Fiscal Impact Analysis and Financing Alternatives Marketing Transportation Analysis In order for all firms to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire project scope, each program has been enclosed in this request for proposal. However, your firm is invited to submit proposals for only those programs for which it has appropriate qualifications. A separate proposal must be prepared for each program. The City will consider each program proposal separately and will award or reject proposals accordingly. Each proposal shall contain the following: Approach: A description of the approach the consultant will take to complete designated tasks. A consultant may elaborate on or revise tasks. Cost: A not-to-exceed fee based on time, materials and expenses to complete each major task. Personnel: Names and directly applicable experience of each employee directly involved with the proposed work; a fee schedule for each employee that will be directly involved with the proposed work. RFP Page Experience: Brief description of similar projects and relevant expertise including examples of completed and implemented projects. Qualifications and expertise of any sub-consultants must also be included. Schedule: Time needed to reach milestones, work products and decision points. A preliminary schedule has been attached. 6. Products: Content and timing of all work products including maps. For the Transportation Analysis program only, describe how the analysis done under this scope of work could be expanded or made compatible with a City-wide traffic analysis. A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., January , 1983, Room , 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. City staff and Irvine Company representatives will explain the purposes of the planning study, identify existing data and information sources, and answer questions. Each proposal will be reviewed by designated City staff and Irvine Company staff. Staff will submit recommendations for consultant selections to the City Council, who will approve final selection. In reviewing each proposal, staff will use the attached criteria. ( ) copies of the proposal are to be delivered no later than ~ p.m. on Friday, , 1982 at the following location: City of Tustin Co,m,,unity Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California g2680 If you have any questions regarding the content of this RFP, contact Edward Knight at 544-8890. Sincerely, Michael W. Brotemarkle Director of Community Development MWB:£MK:jh CRITERIA FOR CONSULTANT EVALUATION A. Experience Has the project manager prepared this kind of study before? Was client satisfied? Is the consultant familiar with major Tustin, Irvine and Orange County planning issues, plans, policies and studies applicable to the study area? B. Tasks 1. Is each RFP task addressed? 2. Does the consultant understand the goals and objectives of the study? 3. Have new, modified or creative approaches to achieve the stated goals been suggested? Is the methodology or approach to each task clear, complete and adequate? Are the contents of work products clearly and completely identified? Is the information to be compiled and the level of detail clearly stated and appropriate? C. Schedule 1. Are the tasks organized in a clear and efficient sequence? 2. Are milestones, work products, and/or decision points identified? 3. Is the schedule realistic? D. Costs 1. Are costs of each task as well as total costs identified? PETERS CANYON SPECIFIC PLAN SCOPE OF WORK I. I#TRODUCTION A. Background The City of Tustin and The Irvine Company have initiated a comprehensive planning effort for approximately 2,000 acres of land on the eastern boundary of the City. Annexed to the City in 1979-80, this property represents the major growth area in the community in years to come (map attached). The area within the project limits is uninhabited and in both a natural and cultivated state; it has no capital improvements and provides no community services. The northern portion of the project area consists of rolling hills, range land and eucalyptus groves with trails and drainage ways. The eastern portion contains avocado groves. The southern portion is used for irrigated row crops. This planning effort is needed in order to design a balanced development program compatible with community goals, to insure that the City has funding to provide capital improvements and community services, to assure reasonable environmental protection, and to insure economic feasibility for the developer. A Myford Helicopter Overflight Corridor agreement, in progress with the USMC, will be incorporated into the planning study. B. Issues The planning area is subject to a wide range of regional as well as community issues. The following is a partial listing of specific issues which must be addressed by the study. 1. Flood control and drainage (including consideration of erosion siltation of Upper Newport Bay) and the alignment and sizing of serving channels 2. Hillside grading and development 3. Public facilities conceptual plans and funding 4. Golf course feasibility in the project area 5. Conceptual alignment of Myford Road/Eastern Corridor based on available County data 6. Conceptual design of Myford/I-5 interchange 7. Need for and conceptual design of Browning Road/I-5 crossing 8. Conceptual design of Jamboree Road 9. Compatibility with existing development 10. Opportunities for flood control retention in large, open spaces 11. Need to extend Harvard trunk sewer line and need for interim measures Peters Canyon Page 2 12. Intensity of residential development 13. Amount and location of commercial, industrial or office development Some of these and other issues are shown on the maps in Attachment A. (These maps are intended to show the type of information available.) C. Products This study will result in an array of different products. the discretion of the City, the Products may be formally adopted or consolidated with other documents. At Required amendments to certain elements of the General Plan. Master [ir for the entire planning area suitable for general plan amendment approvals. Specific Plan in conformance with Government Code Section 65450 et. seq. covering the entire planning area. The Specific Plan will function as a general planning document. In addition, to the requirements of Section 65450, the Specific Plan will include the following: a. Performance criteria for hillside development b. Arterial highway standards and landscaping criteria c. Street standards A model grading ordinance for the City of Tustin. Public Improvements Program including phasing criteria and identification of potential funding mechanisms. 6. Cost/Revenue Analysis and Model. 7 Marketing Study. LAND USE PLANNING Tasks A. Compile Existing Background Data Existing information from previous EIR's, the City, The Irvine Company and the County will, in most cases, be adequate for purposes of the study and will be compiled selectively by the consultant. A listing of background documents is contained in Attachment B. All graphics will be placed on a 500 scale base map provided by the City. City staff will review the General Plan and provide consultant with a report on policies and issues applicable to the study area. Compilations and original studies of particular importance are listed below: 1. Compile hydrology, and environmental data from OC£MA and the Irvine Company. Compile existing and proposed road and flood control requirements from OCEMA. Compile existing and proposed water, sewer, phone, gas, electric, etc., improvements from appropriate agencies and the Irvine Company. Compile from the Irvine Company information regarding slope analysis, elevation gradiet and soil analysis. Conduct a geological reconnaissance and a visual analysis for the entire project area. Illustrate circulation information provided by transportation consultant. Land Use Planning -Page 2- Products: 1) An environmental setting/planning opportunities and constraints report suitable for incorporation into the Master EIR; 2) A report defining planning objectives and opportunities in hillside areas, an opportunities and constraints map; 4) Each report will contain an executive summary discernable by the layman. B. Model Grading Ordinance 1. Review grading ordinances in other jurisdictions; 2. Develop a grading ordinance suitable for adoption by the City of Tustin. 3. Make two presentations before the Planning Commission and/or City Council. Products: 1) A report outlining the purposes of grading controls and the benefits of the proposed ordinance; 2) A grading ordinance document. C. Development and Review of Alternative Land Use Plans Consultant will prepare alternative land use concepts in consultation with City staff~ The Irvine Company, affected agencies and other program consultants. Each alternative plan will be an illustrative drawing depicting land uses, residential densities and urban circulation, along with support data stating design concepts, basic assumptions, estimated ultimate population, phasing implications, parks/open space concept, and flood control concept. Organize community meetings, as necessary, to introduce alternative plans and obtain public comment. Refine alternatives considering agency and public review and comments. Land Use Planning -Page 3- Consultant will submit alternative plans to the Council and Commission with recommendations. A preferred alternative will be identified or developed as a result of these presentations. Product: Graphics and reports as necessary to present refined alternative land use concepts. D. Specific Plan Consultant will develop a specific plan in accordance with the provisions of Section 65450 et. seq. of the Goverment Code for the preferred alternative. The land use consultant shall be responsible for developing the following objects of the specific plan: ae A land use plan that identifies development areas for all uses, along with urban design concepts, specific building densities, major open space areas, non-vehicular circulation systems, and a definitive summary of land uses and phasing implications. Design guidelines which address specific issues including, but not limited to; open space, local parks and schools, arterial landscaping, development character, development edge treatment and passive energy conservation. Design guidelines for hillside development will also be incorporated into the specific plan. c. Affordable housing program. Other consultant tasks will be graphically incorporated as directed by the Project Coordinator. These may include, but are not limited to: me A circulation plan which identifies arterial street alignments and classifications and establishes street section and design standards. Land Use Planning -Page 4- b. Conceptual drainage, water and sewer plans which indicate the serving agency the location and sizes of major facilities. Products: 1) A specific plan suitable for adoption as a general plan document. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT A. Consultant will prepare a final EIR in conformance with CEQA guidelines for the project area covering the adoption of a general plan amendment and specific plan. As a 1. part of this process, the consultant will include: A review of the land use consultant's summary reports, environmental setting, hillside objectives reports, along with the opportunities and constraints reports and maps. Consultant will review to ensure that material is in conformance with the CEQA guidelines and to be familiar with the environmental framework of the project area. A cursory review of the alternative plans, comparing the goals and objectives of previous planning efforts. Compilation and/or new studies of environmental data necessary and appropriate for preparation of the EIR and not otherwise provided by another consultant program. The consultant will review the specific plan as part of the documentation for the EIR. The consultant will coordinate with other project consultants, compile information from other tasks, attend public meetings, provide responses to all comments, etc. Products: 1. Summary reports from review; 2. Ten (10) copies of a "screencheck" EIR 3. Seventy-five (75) copies of a draft EIR; 4. Twenty-five (25) copies of the final EIR. TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS I. Compile Existing Background Data II. A. Define existing circulation system in the planning area B. Compile existing traffic volumes on the key arterials in the planning area C. Review currently adopted jurisdictional Capital Improvement Programs De Review on-going County transportation studies and coordinate with County staff on issues affecting the study area (Santa Aha, Foothill and Eastern Corridors, etc) and document their relationship to the Specific Plan Area and land use alternatives proposed by the study. E. Define a list of transportation issues affecting the planning area Determine Net Traffic Generation Impacts of Alternative Land Use Concepts A. Compile AM and PM peak hour as well as A.D.T. traffic projections for the specific Plan Area in each of the following cases: 1. For land uses shown in the existing City General Plan 2. County traffic analysis (SOCCS) assumptions 3. City of Irvine traffic analysis (TAP) assumptions Transportation ~,~alysis -Page 2- Generate AM and PM peak hour as well as ADT traffic volumes for each of the alternative land use concepts in the Specific Plan Area Determine the net traffic generation difference (peak hours and ADT) between the alternative land use concepts and the "existing" traffic projections as defined in IIA. Identify revised ultimate traffic projections (peak hours and ADT} within the Specific Plan area for the alternative land use concepts. Identify capacity deficiencies and recommend any resulting changes proposed in the Orange County Master Plan or Arterial Highways. Discuss the general impact of the alternative land use concepts on the timing of roadway improvement projects (including interchanges) and relate those needs to their origins (regional, local or project generated) 1. Utilize regional growth rates/impacts currently in use by Orange County EMA Utilize the phasing plan currently available for the Specific Plan Area 3. Develop a list of the circulation improvements required and the capacity deficiencies that "trigger" them III. Develop Criteria for Phasing Arterial Highway and Interchange Improvements Transportation Analysis -Page 3- IV. Ae Utilizing the findings of IIF-3, develop a generalized criteria (or set of "triggers") that relates the timing of circulation improvement projects to development of the Specific Plan Area through the identification of capacity deficiencies. The criteria developed must be flexible enough to reflect the impact of changes in base assumptions such as local development phasing, regional development phasing or modifications to the basic transportation system. Provide Necessary Baseline Traffic Data for Environmental Analysis of Alternative Land Use Concepts A. Ultimate peak hour and ADT projections B. Average trip lengths C. Projected total Vehicle Miles Traveled COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN A. The tasks involve identifying the needed infrastructure and community facilities for the project area. Each alternative will be tentatively examined for impact and cost of improvements. The intent is to identify the appropriate infrastructure systems and to evaluate the financial feasibility of each alternative plan. Identify all public improvements, responsible agencies, facilities and services, and yearly maintenance requirements. a. Prepare conceptual water and sewer service plans identifying servicing agencies, location and sizing of the backbone facilities and, in the case of the sewer system, incorporation of the need for the "Harvard trunk sewer line: and recognition of its phasing needs. b. Prepare a conceptual drainage plan for addressing the location, sizing and type of facilities serving the planning area considering the impacts on land use and cost implications of implementation in either a phased manner or in a single step. Development of the plan should also consider and quantify the estimated siltation and erosion impacts as well as exploring the opportunity for retarding basins. c. Prepare conceptual alignments for the arterial roadways within the planning area including the Eastern Corridor, Jamboree Road, the Myford/I-5 interchange, the Jamboree/I-5 interchange and the Browning/I-5 overcrossing. Development of the conceptual alignment for the Eastern Corridor should be based on data currently available from the OCEMA. d. Evaluate development phasing opportunities and constraints within the context of infrastructure. e. Evaluate opportunities for incorporating a retarding basin in open space/golf course. Preliminary cost estimates for each improvement or facility. B. Community facilities and improvements data will be refined for the preferred land use alternative plan. Recommendations will be made to provide the needed facilities with the optimum level of design efficiency. Facilities -Page 2- Further refinement of public improvements and facilities based on the preferred alternative, including conceptual circulation, drainage, water and sewer plans which indicate the location and size of major facilities. Cost estimates for each improvement or facility. Develop phasing criteria to ensure a balance between development and public improvements. C. Attendance at a minimum of two public meetings/hearings is required. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS & FINANCING ALTERNATIVES Re The first task is to project potential costs and revenues for each alternative. Consultant will identify each potential revenue and cost for projected land uses and evaluate the effectiveness of land use mix with regard to the City's short- term and long-term fiscal responsibilities. Develop methodoloy to estimate revenue and cost for land uses. 2. Develop fiscal impact model. e Test alternatives for cost effectiveness of land use mix, breaking down each land use and overall project area. Product: 1. methodology for estimation 2. fiscal impact model 3. report evaluating each alternative B. Consultant will test the specific plan utilizing tools developed in first task. Product: Report evaluating the specific plan for fiscal impact Ce Consultant will review infrastructure and community facilities cost data for the Preferred plan. Consultant will evaluate methods of financing the construction of needed capital improvements. Methods to be evaluated include, but are not limited to; benefit assessment districts, community service districts, a Mello-Roos Community Facilities Financing District, development fees and exaction, external funding sources such as FAU and AHFP, and use of a redevelopment authority or agency. Specific recommendations will be made regarding those funding means to accomplish the capital improvements. 2. Methodology to set-up assessment district or funding sources, including phasing criteria shall be provided. Product: Comprehensive study that will serve as a guide to implement a fiscal program to accomplish the installation of required capital improvements and phasing of those improvements. D. Attendance at two public meetings/hearings is required. MARKETING ANALYSIS Collect and summarize marketing data Prepare conclusions and recommendations as follows: residential demand by price and product; characteristics of competitive projects; definition of primary and secondary market segments; product mix and densities; forecast absorption by product type. Evaluate and recommend potential demand for commercial, office, industrial and other employement opportunities; estimate potential land values. 4. Attend two public meetings/hearings. End Product: Ten (10) Copies of Marketing Analysis Report