HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 01-03-83MINUTES OF A ~uuAR OF 'x'~u~ 'K~'STIN ~ COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way January 3, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 3:53 p.m. Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Michael Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Robert Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Ron Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Community Services Director R. Kenneth Fleagle, Planning Consultant Eva Solis, Deputy City Clerk Approximately 15 in the audience III. P~BLIC CONC~S None. PROCLAMATIO~ 1. E. E. "~Ew C.~k~K, JR. - SOu'£~u~N CAT.TFOI~NIA EDISON (~H~PANY Mayor Edgar read and presented a proclamation to Gene Carter, Area Manager for Southern California Edison Company, for his services to the Tustin community since 1975. Mr. Carter thanked the Council and introduced his replacement, Ms. Joyce Bailey. Ms. Bailey was welcomed by the Council. 84 V. CONSENT CJ~?.~mlDA~ Item 5 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Greinke. It was then moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. An abstention was registered by Hoesterey on Item 1. The remainder of the Consent Calendar was car- ried 5-0. 1. ~ED~ OF Mll~r~.~ - December 20, 1982 (Hoesterey abstained.) 2e DENIAL Off CLAIM NO. 82-29; CLAIMA~ - ~%0BERT VON ZABE~; DATE OF LOSS - 11/30/82; DATE ~7,.t~n Wl'l'u CZT~ - 12--6--82 Deny Claim No. 82-29 as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 C~M~NIT~ D~FELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 (HCD) Approve contract as submitted and authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Community Development Department. 45 40 M-M023(2) (Grissom & Johnson, Inc.) Grant contractor time extension of 30 calendar days to com- plete subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department. 95 ~SOL~IO~ NO. 83-1 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING COUNCILMEMBER MONTHLY EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Adopt Resolution No. 83-1 as recommended by the City Man- ager. 38 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 1-3-83 VI. OLD BUSINESS C~smt Caleu4ar It--- No. 5 - Bid Award, Stencil Tr~k - Councilman Greinke questioned the fact that only one bid was received for sub- ject item, and suggested readvertising. The Director of Public Works responded that a total of 11 bids were sent out; that the truck is a specialized item and was bid as a complete item, which is probably why only one bid was received. Councilman Greinke indi- cated he would like more background on why only one bid was received. A question-and-answer period followed. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, that the bid from Bauer Coatings & Chemicals be rejected and the item readvertised. Discussion followed, and Councilmembers expressed concern that if the item were to be rebid, there is a risk in a higher price being submitted. The motion was withdrawn by the maker and second. It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to continue to January 17, 1983, the following: Authorize purchase of replacement stencil truck from Bauer Coatings & Chemicals, Div. of Whittaker Corp., Los Angeles, for the bid price of $31,204.03 as recon%mended by the Public Works Department. In response to Councilman Saltarelli's concern, the City Attorney stated that the intention is to continue the matter to obtain more facts to present to Council as to why other companies did not submit bids and then Council can make a decision whether to reject all bids. The motion carried 5-0. 2e VII. ~O~TS 1. 87 VIII. B~INESS 1. Mayor Edgar acknowledged the request that this item be consid- ered at the 7:30 p.m. meeting so that both participants (Feed- back Foundation, Inc., and Meals on Wheels) may be present. 29 ASSUMPTION OF ORANGE ~O~ITT~ STREET LIGHTING MA/~-r~ANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 As recommended in the inter-com dated December 28, 1982, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli, to continue subject item to January 17, 1983. Carried 5-0. 63 The City Manager reported that the local hearing of the Assembly Transportation Committee will be held on February 11, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. in the Santa Ana City Council Chambers, which a staff member will attend representing Tustin. Mr. Huston pointed out that subject committee sponsored bullet train legislation. Staff is presently trying to set up a meeting with Assemblywoman Bergeson on the matter. Mr. Huston noted that Councilman Salta- relli and Mayor Edgar had a meeting scheduled with a representa- tive of American High Speed Rail Corporation this week, but it was postponed by them to gather more technical information prior to the meeting. Staff is continuing to monitor the situation and will keep reporting on it. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested of legal matters. a Closed Session for discussion CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 1-3-83 Councilman Saltarelli extended birthday greetings to Councilman Greinke. IX. ~CESS - CLOSED SESSION; m¥~ING; ~ECONVENED At 4:08 p.m. the City Council recessed to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters, and thence to the 7:30 p.m. session by unanimous informal consent. MIBuTzS OF A ~F~u~AR ~ETING OF THE T~STIN CIT~ COUNCIL Ja~,la~y 3, 1983 I. CALL ~ OR~ER The meeting was called to order by ~yor Edgar at 7:31 p.m. Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Robert Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Ronald Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Community Services Director Earl Rowenhorst, Water Services Manager Reed Jensen, Water Services Analyst Approximately 15 in the audience I II. PUBLIC CONCEI~S None $~NDA 01~ER VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. ~EVE~UE -~AI~NG ~EQ~ESTS- ~OMEBOD~D P~?-q FOR ',~ ~EP~Y Helen Edgar, 13662 Loretta Drive, Bartlett Center (Meals on Wheels) Board of Directors member, requested Revenue Sharing funds from the City Council. At present they are serving seven senior citizens from Tustin, but the number varies from week to week. They provide two meals a day, a hot meal at noon and sandwiches at night. Roberta Button, 124 N. Sullivan, %E, Santa Aha, representative from Feedback Foundation, Inc. (Project TLC), also requested Revenue Sharing funds from the Council. They presently are serving 14 senior citizens from Tustin. They do not charge but receive donations. Councilman Greinke felt that both organizations are worthwhile. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Edgar, to appropriate not more than $2,700 to Feedback Foundation, Inc., and not more than $1,300 to Bartlett Center, based on the number of people served for the Tustin area. Councilman Saltarelli was in favor of an equal amount to each organization because the number of people served varies. Councilman Hoesterey was in favor of $4,000 to Feedback and $1,000 to Meals on Wheels. After further discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 29 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 1-3-83 IV. PUBLIC HEARING B~SINESS The City Manager reported that the Council has held three prior public meetings on water rates and on that basis, staff has sub- mitted a final report. The Council has moved in the direction of looking at the rate structure in terms of a surcharge system where you recover the cost to retire assumed debt and the acqui- sition price through a surcharge system. The consultant' s report indicates the cost of doing that and the methodology of establishing a surcharge which we should stress would be a sepa- rate fund within the water system so that you could account at any time for funds relative to debt retirement. We are looking at three variables in the rate structure. The first would be the consumption rate which would cover the operating costs for the water system. The second would be the fixed charge or meter charge which would cover the costs of reading the meters, of handling the paperwork, the computer time, and the staff effort required to post the revenue of the system. The third would be the surcharge which would cover the debt service which we have in two forms. The first is the assumed bonds from the former private company which today is 2.3 million dollars and the acquisition price of' approximately 3.5 million dollars. The whole thrust behind the surcharge is to generate income through a user fee and avoid the cost of refinancing. The public hearing was opened at 7:51 p.m. The City Manager reported that a phone call was received from Marie Dorler and staff will handle her problems. Speaking in opposition to the proposed rate increases were: Stephen B. Johnson, attorney for non-City residents in the Tustin Water Works hearings before the PUC and also a land and Orange Grove owner in North Tustin. Bruce Oston, 1972 Yolanda Way, Tustin Marie Dorler, 1981 Yolanda Way, Tustin Matt Nisson, 14462 Red Hill, Tustin Speaking in agreement with the report and urging the Council to use the pass through system in the future of passing on increases of water and energy costs but not labor costs was: Jerry Well, 1702 Suaunerville, Tustin The public hearing was closed at 8:37 p.m. In order to avoid high interest costs and to pay off the debt on the water system as soon as possible, it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, based on Plan "B" to establish a service charge of $2.50 per month and a debt service surcharge of $2.50 per month in lieu of $3.25 per month per single family household and a service charge of $1.00 per month and a debt service sur- charge of $2.00 per month per multiple unit with a $2.53 bi- monthly charge per meter, that the rates be structured so that the first 600 cu. ft. would be set at 33~ per 100 cu. ft. and each additional 100 cu. ft. be set at 57~, and that there be a two-year review of these rates. Mr. Huston said that a resolution would be presented at a later meeting to establish these rates. Motion carried 5-0. 107 Councilman Saltarelli asked if anyone had contacted SMAC regard- ing the Bullet Train. Stephen Johnson responded that he did not know. Councilman Greinke emphasized that the City and SMAC need to have a better relationship. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 1-3-83 VI. 2. VAI~.ANCE (H~ ~STIN ~%T COMPANY Councilwoman Kennedy asked to see the Variance history for the property of the Tustin Meat Company. REVerIE SHARING I~QOESTS ~ F~u~DBACK FOUNDATION AND BARTL~-~' CEh'£sR Councilman Hoesterey asked that the subject matter be discussed again. He was in favor of in the future setting a deadline for applications and then handle all applications at one time. Because the Feedback Foundation asked for $4,000 in their letter, he did not feel we should split that amount and give part to Bartlett Center. It was moved by Hoesterey to give $4,000 to the Feedback Foundation and $1,300 to the Bartlett Center. The motion died for lack of a second. 29 4. BUSINESS LIC~SE ~u~S Councilman Greinke asked staff to take into consideration on new business license fees of having a larger fee for large indus- trial plants that do not generate any sales tax and a lower fee for those companies that do generate sales tax. ADJOUrnmENT At 9:26 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli, to adjourn to a workshop for implementation of tax allocation bond pro- gram on January 10, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., and thence to the next regu- lar meeting and Joint Council/Planning Commission Workshop on January 17, 1983. Carried 5-0.