MARCH 19, 1951, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William H. Gray,
William I. Miller, J. Roy Teter and
Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
proved after a change was made in Paragraph 9 which
now designates Mr. J. N. Morris, of 143 North "A"
Street, as a Tree Surgeon, also an addition to Para-
graph 12 in which it is now correctly stated that
Police Chief McMullen issued a traffic warning rather
than a citation to Mr. Frederick W. Vogt, of San
LIQUOR LICENSE Mayor Humeston presented a Notice from the State
TRANSFERRED Board of Equalization relative to the transfer of
the on Sale Beer and Wine License of the Ranch
House, 155 "D" Street, from Lewis, C. Ward and Brooks
Parola to Brooks Parola.
RESOLUTION NO. Mr. Arthur Park was present at the invitation of
278 AUTHORIZING Mayor Humeston and the matter of assessing of real
EMPLOYMENT OF and personal property within the city for the year
DEPUTY ASSESSOR 1951-52 was discussed. Mr. Park agreed to accept the
ADOPTED. position of Deputy Assessor for a period of three
months or less at a salary of $300.00 per month and
to begin his duties on April 1. On motion of council-
man Gray, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly car-
ried, Resolution No. 278 entitled "A Resolution of
the City of Tustin Authorizing Employment of a Deputy
Assessor and Prescribing the Term of Employment and
the Rate of Pay" was adopted.
On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
Miller and carried, the Assessor and Deputy Assessor
were authorized to consult with the firm of Goods &
Goods, Real Estate Appraisers, of Santa Ana, if such
action is considered necessary,
RESOLUTION NO. City Engineer J. L. McBride was present and stated
279 RELATIVE that he had a telephone call from the State Highway
TO IMPROVEMENT Department, in approval of Plans and Specifications
OF "C" STREET of the C Street paving project. Mr. McBride out-
ADOPTED. lined the wording of the specifications to the Coun-
cil. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by
Councilman Teter and duly carried, Resolution No.
279 entitled "Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Tusttn Approving Plans and Specifications
for the improvement of C Street, between Main and
First Streets (State Highway Route 2) and Authoriz-
ing and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise for
Bids" was adopted.
City Engineer McBride presented a letter of accept-
ance of the Hugh C. Marshall Sub-division, in Tract
1461, which was approved by the Council and signed
by Engineer McBride.
RESOLUTION NO. Resolution No. 280 entitled "A Resolution of the City
280 ADOPTED of Tustin Accepting the work of Improvement as a Pub-
lic Street of Lockwood Park Place" was adopted on
motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried,
RESOLUTION On motion ~.f Councilman .Bacon, seconded by Councilman
NO 281 Mflle~ and carried Resoluti~n No, 281 entitled "A
ADOPTED Resolution of the ~&i'ty of Tustfn AUthorizing the
Placing of a Boulevard[ Stop at Lockwood Park Place
Where It Intersects Prospect Avenue"was adopted·
RESOLUTION Resolution Nol,. 282 entitled "A Resolution of the City
NO. 282 of Tustin Requestin6 Allocation .c£ State Funds for
ADOPTED Plans and Specifications of Sewer Program" was adopted
on motion of Councilman Mille~, Seconded by Councilman
Teter end duly carried,
SWIGART CO'S Councilman M~ller presented three .bids .for supplyin~
BID OF $2.79 Black Top to Pepai~ the City streets~ On motion of
PER TON FOR Councilman M~ller, seconded by Councii~_-~ Teter and
BLACK TOP carried, th-e John 'J, Swagart Cobs bid of $2,79 per
ACCEPTED ton was accepted with the proviso that the total
amount of the purchase was not to exceed $1,000.00.
Councilman Miller presented three bids for the re-
moval of dead and dangerous limbs from Pepper and
Eucalyptus trees on the right-of-way of the City
Streets. Council turned the bids over to Councilman
Bacon and requested him, with the help of Mr. J. N.
Morris, to check condition of the trees and report
back at the next meeting of the Council.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 283 entitled "A Resolution of the City
NO. 283 of Tustin for Transfer of Right-of-Way or Sites Money
ADOPTED to Plans Preparation Allocations was adopted on mo-
tion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried.
Councilman Bacon Stated that he had located Chinese
Elm trees at Flippon's Nursery, priced at $2,50 each,
and suggested that the City buy at least 25 of them
to start.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and
ordered paid on motion of Councilman Teter, seconded
by Councilman Gray and carried.
McCoy Sheet Metal Works $50.00
League of California Cities 11.25
Utilities 19.72
Daniels Mobil Service 16.01
Carson & Golding 4.49
J. L. McBride 25.00
United Cement Co 14.75
United Cement Co 259.80
$ 401.02
City Attorney Nisson presented a copy of a draft of a
Civil Defense Ordinance to each member of the Council
for their study.
Councilman Gray moved to adjourn; Councilman Teter
seconded the motion. Motion carried,
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk