HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA CONS SELECTION 12-21-81'-ND OATE: DEC .R t981 Inter-Corn REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: FROM: WILLIAM HI3STCN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR %~3STIN CC~9~3NITY RfDEVELCP~gT ;~ENCY BCB L~E~N~)ECKER, DIRECTCR CF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY f~GINEER SUBJECT: CCNSULTANT SELECTICN EL CAMINO REAL/MAIN STREET IMPR~ PROJECT RECC~DATICN: That the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, at their meeting of De~ember 21, 1981, select the consultant firm of Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. of Anaheim to provide the engineering and landscape arc~hitecture services for the preparation of improvement plans for E1 Camino Real/Main Street within the Tustin C~,u,~lnity Redevelopment Agency. BACKGR~35~D: On November 5, 1981, the Redevelopment Agency (RI)A) solicited proposals frcm six (6) consultant civil engineer/landscape ard~itect firms for the preparation of street improvement plans and specifications for E1 C~ino Real and Main Street within the RDA area. Responses were recei~=d frcm ail six firms and were evaluated by two members of the Cc~m,~nity Development staff and two m~mbers of the Engineering staff. Ead~ of the proposals were evaluated in five specific areas as follows: 1. Scc~e of work comprehension - 20% 2. Engineering design concepts - 30% 3. Landscape design concepts - - 30% 4. Revelant experience 12.5% 5. Fee structure 7.5% 100% As noted above, each of the areas of evaluation were assigned a weighted percentage that was multiplied by the evaluation score. Major emphasis was related to the first three areas, with only minor emphasis being placed upon the fee structure. The fees as submitted are for the basic plans, specification and cost estimates. Any public meetings, presentations, or extraordinary design features will be billed as an extra work item on a time and meterial basis at the stated hourly rates. The ~<~,bined staff evaluations for the six consultants are ranked in a prioritized listing as follows: RANKING CClgSULTANT FI~gM 1. Ber~-yman and Stephenson, Inc., Anaheim, CA FEE ~7~,800.00 2. Van Dell and Associates, Irvine, CA 79,000.00 CCN~JLTANT SELECTICN EL CAMINO REAL/MAIN STREET IMPRC~;EMf~T PROJECT DECEMBER 14, 1981 PAGE TWO 3. OlsonandAssociates, Irvine, CA 81,500.00 4. R.G.B. Engineering, Inc. Costa Mesa, CA 62,000.00 4. Genge Consultants, Irvine, CA 73,392.00 5. Governmental Professional Svcs., Santa Ana, CA 70,350.00 Each of the consultants has indicated that they are capable of .m~cting the tentative project schedule as outlined belch: Initiate Final Design and SpecificationPreparation ..... Dec., 1981 Ccmpletion of Plans and Specifications ........... April, 1982 Council Authorization to Advertise Bids ........... May 17, 1982 Council Award of Bid .................... June 21, 1982 DIRECi~R OF PU~.IC WORKS/ CITY ~gGINEER db