HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONSENT CALENDAR 12-21-81-.J., ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CAT.~DAR MAY BE PASSED BY ONE UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE COUNCIL 4e APP~]FA~ ~ H~F~ES- Decegh-.r 7, 1981. ~ ~ ~8 in ~he'amount of $758,980.64. Ra~'IFIC~.TX(~ ~ PA%~ROX,la in the amount of $100,874.67. ~S~Fi~(~ ~O. 81--135 - A Resolution of the City Council of t_he City of Tus~n OF CO~4~NDATION AND APPRECIATION TO COLONEL BENNIE H. MANN,, USMC ~option of Resolution No. 81-135. ~0X~TI011 NO. 81-136 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING '~ PEP~ONNEL ~ULES AND ~EGULATIONS TO DEFINE THE P~GHTS OF RESERVE OFFICERS Adoption of Resolution No. 81-136 as recommended by the City Attorney. ~FI~011 NO. 81-137 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tus~in ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (Irrigation, Landscape and Related Improve- ~ts at Col,~hus Tustin Parksite Parking Lot - Allied Sprinkler Co., Inc.) Adoption of Resolution No. 81-137 and if no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days of the date of recordation of the Notice of c~pletion, authorize payment of the final 10% retention amount at t,hat ~ime, as recommended by the Engineering Division. ~TI~I NO. 81-138 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tns~in ACCEI~TNG WORKS OF LMPR0¥m~ENT AND ~9~O~Z~G ~CO~ATION OF N~I~ 0F ~ON (F.X. '81-'82 S~e~ ~in=e~ce Pro~ - R. J. Noble Co., ~c.) ~p~ion of ~lu~ion No. 81-138 ~d if no cla~ or s~op paten= no,ices ~e filed wi~ 30 days of ~e ~e of recorda=io~ of ~e No~ice of ~pl~on, au~orize ~en= of =he final 10% re=mn=ion ~o~ a= ~a= ~e, ~ ~co~ded by ~e Eng~eer~g Division. ~0X~TION NO. 81-139- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BU~T.D-- ING M~DDIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING FINANCE DEPArtMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT Adoption of Resolution No. 81- 139 as recommended by the City Manager. ~---01 NO. 81-,,140- A Resolution of the Council of the City of ~astin REQu~.STING THE COUNTY OF OBANGE TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM T-~ DEVELOPMENT OF VALENCIA AVENUE F~0M RED HILL AVENUE TO THE NEWPOR~ F~EEWAY Adoption of Resolution No. 81-140 as recommended by the Engineer- ing Division. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. BE~Q~TIQ~ NO. 81--141 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AppROVING PLANS AND S~ECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIAN MODIFICATION-IRV!NE BLVD. - YORBA ST. TO "A" ST. Adoption of Resolution No. 81-141 as rmcommended by the Engineer- ing Division. ~QZ~]TIO~ NO. 81--142 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE ~0LDING OF A GENERAL M~NZCIPAL ~.m. CTION TO BE ~.n IN SA~D CITY ON. '~-SDAY, ApRIL 13, 1982, FOR ~ ~.~-CTION OF CE~AIN 0FFICEBS OF SA~D CITY AS 2EQUI~ED ~Y 'c~ PROVISIONS OF T~ LAWS OF TH~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~.~TING TO G~NERAL LAW CITIES / Adoption of Resolution No. 81- 142. · ~SQI~F~ION NO. 81-143 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, .~QUESTING T~E BOARD OF ~ERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO SAID CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL ~NZCIPAL ~.~-CTION TO BE ~.~ IN SA~D CITY ON '.'u~SDAY, APP~IL 13, 1982 Adoption of Resolution No. 81-143. Receive Annual Rapoz~ of Redevelopment Agency for FY 1980-81 and agendiza for action on January 18, 1982, as racot~aanded by the City Manager. P~B0-~SZCA~ ~- 1982 ~ Authorize s~aff ~o execu=e la=tar of intent wi=h Pyro-Spectaculars for 1982 pyro-musical show (budgeted item), as recommended by t-he Director of C....~.~unity Se~lces. STO~ ~ ~~ - TRACT 10707 (Bell Avenue, between Red Hill Avenue and the freeway - Far West Savings a Loan Assoc.) Authorize the Mayor to execute agreement for reimbursement of off-site storm drain construction related to Tract No. 10707 as recommended by the Director of Public Works. ~ T~AN~POHTATION I)u~~ P~0G~A~ (S.T.I.P.) Confirm Staff's prigrities for the State Highway project sub- mit=als and direct staff to submit both projects to the Orange County Transportation Commission for consideration for inclusion to the 1982 State Transportation Improvement Program, as recom- mended by the Director of Public Works. ~SZON ~ ~ T~ACT ~&P 11370 (S terminus of Newpor~ Avenue - Robert P. Warmington Co.) Approve six-month extension of Tentative Tract Map No. 1370, con- tingent upon Planning Agency approval of Use Permit 81-2.