HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1951 03 05269 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY EVENING MARCH 5, 1951 AT 7:35 P.M. AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, J. Roy Teter, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and W illiam H. Gray. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: William I. Miller. CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humestcn at 7:35 P- M. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Council discussed the present general situation re- garding Tustin Civil Defense progress and the pro- posed new Civil Defense Ordinance was discussed with City Attorney Nisson. Council Gray brought out the fact that new I. D. cards, which wlll replace the present cards, will be printed by The Tustln News free of charge as a contribution to the Civil Defense Program. LEAGUE OF CALIF Mayor Humeston read a letter from the League of Cali- ClTIES SPECIAL fornia Cities announcing a Voluntary Special Assess- DUES ASSESS- ment and requesting the payment by all members of an MENT amount equal to 15% of their regular League dues, amounting in the instance of the City of Tustin to $11.25. On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried, the 15% Special Assessment was approved, Councilman Gray read letters prepared by City At- torney Nisson, addressed to the Tustin Presbyterian Church and to Mr: George A. Broomell, regarding pro- tests received by the Council relative to the Pacific United Shows Carnival who appeared in Tustin from February 6 to 11 inclusive. After discussion Council- man Teter suggested that the letters be forwarded as originally written and Council agreed to do so, MayorHumeston read a communication from the Calif- ornia Highway Commlssion in reply to a letter from City Attorney Nisson requesting a routing of traffic around the City of Tustin at such time as the Santa Ana-Los Angeles Freeway is open to through traffic. The letter states that as indicated in Mr. P. O. Harding's letter of January 4, 1951, addressed to the Council, assurance is given that he has in mind plans which generally coincide with the thoughts ex- pressed in the council' s request, ASSESSING FOR The matter of assessing for the year 1951-52 was YEAR 1951-52 brought up by Mayor Humeston who stated that he had DISCUSSED contacted Mr. Arthur Park and he seemed willing to undertake the job. Councilman Teter moved to table the matter until the next meeting with the stipula- tion that in the meantime City Attorney Nisson was to obtain all possible data relating to the matter and that Mr. Park be requested to meet with the Council at the meeting of March 19, seconded by Councilman Gray the motlon carried unanimously, Councilman Gray called attention of the Council to the fact that the interior of the Fire Hall needed paint and mentioned that Ray E, States would be the work in his spare time for less than $100.00, ap- plying one coat of sealer and one coat of paint, cluding trim Councilman Gr~y mowed that States be au- thorized to do the work at $~,00 per hour. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion which was carried. Councilman Gray made a Minute Order requesting Street Comissioner Miller and Street Superintendent McMullen to check for dangerous tree conditions within the City and report back to the Council. Mr. J. N. Morris, of 143 North A Street, Tustin, was present and stated that he had yearst of experience as a tree surgeon and offered to assist in the tree trimming and planting program. Council authorized Councilman Gray to cooperate with Fire Chief Lindsay in-the installation of a proper rear bumper and step on the Fire Department Pickup Truck. FIVE CITY Councilman Bacon presented a letter signed by five EMPLOYEES City employees. viz: Ray E. States, Edward R. Baier. REQUEST J..A. HaskeIl, O. C. Phillips and Benjamin N. Segovia, RAISE IN requesting a $25.00 per month increase in salary. PAY Council discussed the matter at length. Councilman Bacon suggested that the employees concerned be noti- O fied by letter that the ouncil will study the matter and endeavor to provide for salary adjustments in the 1951-52 budget. Police Chief McMullen, at the request of Councilman Bacon, offered an explanation of a letter of criticism addressed to the Tustin City Council by Mr. Frederick W. Vogt of San Diego who protested the treatment he claims he recently received from Police Chief McMullen in connection with a traffic warning. Councilman Bacon requested that City Attorney Nisson draft a reply to Mr. Vogt for Mayor Humeston to sign. City Attorney Nisson requested the Council's approval of the purchase of Volume 1 and 2 Of the Deering Penal Code (Annotated) at a total cost of $25.00. On motion of Counctlman Teter, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried, the request was approved. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and or- dered paid on motion of ouncilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Teter and carried, REFUNDS ON PERMITS Thomas Shoen $ 3.00 Victor L. Slawson 5.00 William It. Bownan 7.00 G. A. Cockrell 7.00 Victor L. Slawson 2.00 John Z. Reed 2.00 Victor L. Slawson 2.00 OTHER BILLS George A. Broomell 52.00 Utilities 67.97 Orange County League of Cities 12.50 John B. Unger, M. D. 10.00 Reliable Tree Service 40.00 Auto Club of Southern California 39.55 Seaside Oil Company 95.94 G. O. Bixler 5.00 State Compensation Insurance Fund 3.97 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 C. & L. Garage 39.51 J. L. McBride 209.53 TOTAL $607.47 271. Councilman Gray moved to adjourn. Councilman Teter seconded the motion. Motion carried, MEETING ADJOURNED Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk