HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1951 02 05 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 5, 1951, AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L, Humeston, Frank E, Bacon, Jr,, J. Roy Teter and William H. Miller, COUNCILMEN ABSENT: William H, Gray. CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present, The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston at 7:30 P. M, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr, Walter Linker was present, representing the Ameri- can Legion, and requested that a Permit be granted allowing the Pacific United Shows Carnival to appear in Tustin on the lot adjoining and East of the City Hall, from Tuesday, February 6 to Sunday, February 11, inclusive. Permission was granted on motion of Council- man Teter, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried. CITY TREASURER City Treasurer Idus H. Harper was present and stated IDUS H. HARPER that he deslred to resign as Tustin City Treasurer ef- RESIGNS fective as soon as the Council could appoint someone to take over the office. CHANGE IN Mr. R. W, Scholler, of the Hugh C. Marshall Co., Mr. STREET WIDTH Davis of Markey & Davis, and Mr. P. D. MacMahon, of OF LOCKWOOD the R. J. Noble Co., were present and presented the PARK PLACE original map of Tract 1461, known as Lockwood Park Place, in which was specified a thirty-six (36) foot street, Mr. Scholler stated that due to a misinter- pretation of the surveyors stakes the concrete crew constructed the curbs using thirty-six feet from back of curb to back of curb, instead of from flow line to flow line as originally specified, resulting in an actual street width of twenty-nine inches less than shown on the original Tract Map. Mr. Scholler stated that the location of the houses and lot sizes are not affected by this error. On motion of Councilman Mil- ler the above change was accepted providing the four foot sidewalk would be moved to adjoin the property lines leaving a fifty and one-half inch Parkway be- tween curband sidewalk instead of an adjoining side- walk and curb as originally planned, Seconded by Councilman Teter the motion duly carried. Mayor Humeston read a letter from the City of San Clemente complimenting the Tustin Police Department for their cooperation on the occasion of the funeral of San Clemente's City Superintendent, James Bennett, City Attorney Nisson submitted a bid from Marjorie Vanderveldt, of South Laguna, offering to paint a head and shoulders portrait of Columbus Tustin for $50,00. Council decided to hold the mat- ter over and try to find a better picture of Mr, Tustin from which to Copy. City Engineer McBride was present with a letter and forms from the State Highway Department setting forth a list of critical materials proposed to be used during the next two years by the Street Depart- ment relatiave to maintenance and construction of 266 highways, roads, streets and bridges during the em- ergency, in which it was requested that the forms be filled out and forwarded to the State Highway Depart- ment at Sacramento. Engineer McBride submitted a plan and proflies in re- gard to paving to be done on "C" Street, from Main to First Street, viz Project 16, calling for a three inch rock base with one and three quarter inch surface, and excavation, to cost approximately $6,395.00. On motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried, Mr. McBride was instructed to submit the same to the State Department of Public Works. RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 276 en- NO. 279 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City ADOPTED of Tustin, California, authorizing the City Engineer, J. L. McBride, to prepare Plans and Specifications for a sewage collection system and authorizing the employ- ment of necessary additional skill and labor." On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried, Resolution No. 276 was adopted. AUDIT REPORT The Quarterly Audit Report of Auditor H. Louis Hanson, ACCEPTED for the period October 1st to December 31st, 1950, was presented and accepted on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried. Councilman Miller moved that a decision on the resig- nation of City Treasurer Idus H. Harper be delayed un- til Mayor Humeston has an opportunity to find someone qualified to fill the office. Seconded by Councilman Teter the motion carried. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or- dered paid on motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried· Tiernan's Office Equipment $95.02 Tustin Garage 3.00 Tustin Lumber Co. 3.96 White Stationery Co. 67.76 Seaside Oil Co 93.60 Orange Councy Stamp Co. 4.81 California Tree Service 108.00 James A. Musick, Sheriff 10.80 The Tustin News 24.05 Utilities, Fire Hall & City Hall 66.93 C.& L. Garage 19.54 Tustin Hardware Co. 6.08 George A. Broomell 44.00 Al's Sporting Goods 3.00 J. S. Redmen 10.00 H. Louis Hanson 50.00 Tustin Fire Dept 78.00 TOTAL $688.46 Council authorized Police Chief McMullen to order six new Stop Signs to be used as needed. Councilman Teter moved to adjourn. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED.. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk