HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 3 PKG PROHIBITION 12-07-81aGENDA 0ATE: NO4EMBER 17, 1981 CONSENT CAIRNDAR No. 3 12.-.7~81 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: WILLIAM ~3STCN, CITY MAN~ER BC8 n~nENDECKER, DIRECTfR CF PUBLIC ~2~(S/CIT~ ~NGINm~ SUBJECT: R.I~UF.,ST FC~PA~K1/qG PRflqIBITI(~q (lq ~T.1S'I~NVTTIAGE ~ [ L L L L RECf~NEgtTI (N: That the Tustin City Council, at their m~eting of Deommber 7, 1981, authorize the installation of signing as indicated below on the w~sterly' side of Tustin Village Way adjacent to 15701 Tustin Village Way. It is also re~m=nded that warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after the sign installation. BACKGRO35D: Staff bas received a request (copy attad~ed) frcm Charles Dunn Co., Property .__Managers for the Tustin Arms Apartments, 15701 Tustin Village Way, to restrict ~n-street parking along the frontage of their apa~.ent ua,k31ex during the hours of strcct sweeping. Council has approved similar requests throughout the City which have been working satisfactorily. This request would consist of 430 lineal feet of curb as shown in red on the attad~ed map. The suggested signing for this area would read as follows: NO PA~KING 6:00 AM TO NOON THURSDAY STR~.RT SWEEPISI~ DIRECTCR OF P%~.IC ~ERKS/ CITY ENGINEER Attachment Charl~ Ounn 975-0200 November 11, 1981 CHARLHS DUNN COMPANY. RSALTOR$ RECEIVED City of Tustin $00 Centennial Way ru~tin, CA 92680 NOV 1~ ~T~. N PUSU~/~I~ DEm', Dear Mr. Lindecker: It is respectfully requested that the City of Tustin pos'c 'Ho Parking Signs" for the pux~pose o£ street sweeping off Thursdays, fr~m the times of 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM in'front of our complex. The location is as detailed below: TUSTIN ARMS APARTMENTS 15701Tustin Village Way Tustin, California This has been requested several times by my Resident Manager, ~rs. Mary Ann Materny, without success. If there are any problems relating to this request, please call me at the above number or Mrs. Materny at (714)$45- 4200. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, CHARLES DUNN CO. D. 0 ~ Cormor Property Supervisor DOC:nc Proper~y Management Department MAiN STREET 152~ LORELEI ~ O_N_W_E~ST , -FO ,~-: 169~2 ,o~ STREET 15601 AVE