HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 SIDEWALK REPAIR 12-07-81OATE: lnter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTCN, CITY MANAGER DALE WICK, ASSISTANT CITY ~qGINEER AUTHCRIZATICN TO ADVERTISE F~R BIDS FCR F.Y. '81-'82 SID~alALK A~D CURB REPAIR PROGRAM It is rec~,u,ended that the City Council, at their meeting of December 7, 1981, pass and adopt the attached resolution approving plans and specifications for subject project and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. Subject project encompasses repair at 119 locations of sidewalks and curbs which have ~cn uplifted by tree roots and/or have settled, and constitute a hazard or drainage problem. The Engineer's estimate for this work is $41,000.00. There is presently $45,000.00 budgeted for the project. The tentative schedule for this project is as follows: City Council Authorization to Advertise for Bids ....... Dec. 7, 1981 1st Legal Advertisement .................... Dec. 17, 1981 2nd Legal Advertisement .................... Dec. 24, 1981 Open Bids ........................... Dec. 29, 1981 City Co~cil Awards Contract ................. Jan. 4, 1982 Cu,m~nce Construction ..................... Jan. 18, 1982 Complete Construction ..................... Feb. 28, 1982 DALE A. WICK ASSISTANT CIT~ ~GINEER db Attadm~ent City Clerk Finance Director Street Maintenance Supt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RE~ nTIC~ NO. 81-128 A ~..~OLUTIC~ OF THE CIT~ C0~NCIL OF T~E CITY OF TUSTIN. CALLFO~tIA, APPROVIN3 PLANS AND ~PECIFICATI~ FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 SIDEWALK ~ C~ ~ PROGRAU WHEREAS, it is the intentlca of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California to construct cert-i- sidewalk and curb repair tmprov--,-n~s at various locations in the City of Tustin, and; W~, the City ~9~ neer h.m presented pl.-~ and specifications for the construction of said work; NOW 'I~U~0~OEE, BE IT RESOLVED that the p]--~ and sRecifications presented b~ the City Enslneer be and are hereb~ apDroved as the pl~,, and s~=~ifications for: FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 SIDEWALK A~) CURB REPAIR PROGRA~ BE IT FURTHER ~w.~N~VED th.t the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid pl..-.~ and specifications which said ad~rtisement ~h. ll be substantially in the folio*lng words and figures to-wit: ~E~T,~ P~ will be received at the office of the City Clerk, Tus~ln City Hall, 300 Centen-tal Way, Tustin, California, until 9:00 A.M. on the 29th daf of Dec., 1981, at which t~.~- they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as foll~s: CC~STRUCTI(~ OF F.Y. '81-'82 SIDEWALK AND CURB REPAIR Bids are required for the entire work described herein: 28 A-1 1 2~ 3 '~'~J~ ~0, 4 1, 5 6 3, 7 4, 8 5. 9 10 ?, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 UNIT Lin. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Ton Ton SoN~ULE OF WORK ITW~ Q~ANTITY 1,385.9 580.1 4,863.4 A07.1 293.1 77.9 26.1 DESCRIPTIQI Sawcut Asphalt or Concrete 6" Thick PCC Drive Apron 4" Thick PCC 8id~lk Type A-2 Curb & Gutter Type 'I)" Curb ~ Gutter Class 2 Aggregate Base A-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The foregoing quantities are appro~m-te only, being given as a basis for the cce~arison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by ~mplication, agree that the actual ~m~unt of work will correspond thers~ith, ~ut reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to ~ t portions of the work as .my be de~;~d necessary or adv~_~_~__ble by the Engineer. Plans, specifications and propo~_~__l forms to be used for bidding on this project can only be obtained b~ prospective bidders at the office of the City Clerk, Tus~in City Nall, 300 Centen-~al Way, Tus~in, California, 92680, upon payment of $3.00 per se~, which .-~unt ~h~ll be non-refundable. Pl~.~ and specifications will be mailed oct upon payment of $~.00 per set, which .mnunt shall be non-refundable. In confox~nce with Section 379~1 of the Gover~-~ut Code, all bids be presented under sealed cover on the proposal form provided and acceded by one of the following foam of bidder's security: a. Cash b. C-.~hter's check made payable to the City of Tustin. c. Certified check ~_de payable to the City of Tustim. d. Bidder's bond executed by an accredited surety ~-~rer, made payable to the City of Tus~in. The security .~,11 be in an ammmt equal to at leas~ ten percent (10~) of the an~unt of the bid. A bid -~h-ll not be considered unless one of the forms of bidder's security is enclceed therewith. A Security Bond for payment of labor and ,~terials will be required in the amount of fifty percent (50~) of the estt,~ted total contract price and a Faithful PerfoA~nce Bond in the amctmt of one hundred percent (100~) of the est~-~ted total contract price in the form attached to the contract do~,-~.uts. Said bonds -~h-ll be issued by a Surety Cceqm~ rated grade A or better -.-d Clase IX or better by the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide. City of Tus~in reserves the right to reject any or all bids, a-d/or waive any Informality on a bid. No bidder .~y withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The contract will be awarded to the low~st qualified bidder. Provisions of the State Contract Act are not applicable, and proepective bidders will not be required to be prequalified. All work to be done under the direct supervision of the City Engineer, City of Tustin. All work to be paid for at the ,,=t:t prices bid frcm appropriated monies. A-3 The City Council of the City of Tustin h._~_ obtained frcm the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overt~-~ work in the locality in which the work is to be per'£o~-~l for each craft or type of work ncc~ded and a copy of the .~--~, is (m file in the office of the City Clerk. 4 Not less ,h~9 said prevailing mates ~h, ll be ps.id to workers ~.ployed om this public worW~ contrac~ as required bF Labor Code Sections 1TT1 smd 1774 5 of the State of California. 6 PASSED AND ~ b~ the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this daf of , 1981. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ATTEST: Mary E. Wynn City Clerk ~_yor 15 Advertise in the Tustin Ne~s: 16 Dec. 17, 1981 Dec. 24, 1981 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A-4