HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 INTERIM ACC RD 12-07-81 NEW BUSINESS DATE: NC~E~BER 18, 1981 TO: SUBJECT: WILLIAM ~3STfN, CITY MANAGER BfB LED~EC~ER, DIRECTCR CF PUBLIC ~C~KS/CITY ENG~ I~r~mrM ACCESS Rfl%D - TRACT NO. 8763 (IRVINE ~ COMPLEX) RIBC~Ctq: That the Tustin City Co~cil, at their m~_cting of Dece~er 7, 1981, pass a minute order authorizing the following: 1. Relinquish any rights to the 60 foot wide easement that was reserved for an interim access road between Dow Ave. and Moulton Parkway. 2. Cancellation of an agreement between the. Irvine Industrial Cc~lex and the City of Tustin for the construction of street improvements along the interim access road between Dow Ave. and Mculton Parkway. 3. Exoneration of Surety Bond No. 2620790 in the amount of $150,000.00. During the initial development period of the Irvine Industrial area, the City imsosed a condition of approval for Zone Change 73-6, in that no building permits shall be issued for the area southerly of Walnut Ave. until such t/me Jamboree Blvd. or Myford Road are interconnected to Mculton Parkway. These requirements were c<~-~ditions of approval 2b(3)a and 2b(3)b respectively of Ordinance No. 611, dated February 4, 1974. These conditions were amended on February 17, 1976 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 674. These amendments are as follows: In lieu of the construction of both Jamboree Blvd. and Myford Road and their connection to Moulton Parkway, the Irvine Industrial Ccmplex shall construct an interim connector road between Dow Avenue and Mculton Parkway with an at grade crossing over the A.T. & S.F. Railroad trades or, in lieu thereof, an agreement betm~en the Irvine Industrial Cu,~lex and the City shall be exe(~/ted to guarantee such construction. In addition to the agreement, the Irvine Industrial Cu,~lex was required to post a surety bond in the amount of $150,000.00. Copies of Ordinances No. 611 and 674 are attached for your information. Along with the execution of this ag-~-eement and the posting of the surety bond, the Irvine Industrial C~,k~lex reserved a 60 foot wide easement extending frcm Dow Avenue southerly to the northerly right-of-way line of the Santa Fe (F-10) flood control channel. INterIM ACCESS RfI%D - TRACT NO. 8763 N(~7~mm.R 18, 1981 PAGE 2 The reason for this interim access road was to allow the issuance of building permits within the industrial cc~plex area southerly of Walnut Avenue in the event traffic counts generated by the Irvine Industrial C~,-~lex exceeded 90% of the original EIR A.D.T. estimates for westbound Walnut Avenue traffic. Routine d~ecks on the Walnut Avenue A.D.T. 's generated by the Industrial Complex have indicated that these counts had not approached the 1/mits as outlined in the EIR. The Irvine Industrial c~lex is about 85-90% built cut at this time and the present day traffic counts generated by the Industrial C~lex have stayed within the limits as outlined in the original EIR. The following is a recap of the 1980 A.D.T. along Walnut Avenue: Westerly of Browning Ave. - - - 12,500 Easterly of Browning Ave. - - - 17,350 Westerly of Franklin Ave. - - - 12,550 Easterly of Franklin Ave. - - - 6,650 ANALYSIS: Staff feels that the interim access road between Dow Avenue and Moulton Parkway would provide little or no benefit to the traffic within the area because any access across the A.T. & S.F. Railroad tracks, if obtainable, would be for a limited time of 3-5 years ar~ this roadway would be limited to only two travel lanes. The est/mated A.D.T. 's within the original EIR have not been exceeded by traffic generated by the Industrial C~,~lex which elimiD~tes the nccd for the interim access road. Walnut Avenue has been extended easterly to Harvard Avenue within the City of Irvine, which provides for an additional road to the south; however, at this tim~ these roadways are limited to two travel lanes. Staff is currently working with the City of Irvine and the Irvine C~,~oany to provide for a roadway c~,m~=ncing frcm the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) at Myford Road and extending southerly to the proposed realignment of Moulton Parkway. This roadway would replace Harvard Ave. in the City of Irvine and Myford Road within Tustin and would serve as a major arterial for the north-south traffic nccds. db AttadmT~nts 1 2 4 5 ? $ 9 ~0 L! ~4 16 L9 22 23 24 25~ 26 27 2~ 29 3O 32 ORDInAnCE NO. 611 AN ORDINANC~ OF '~'""~- CIT~ OF TUSTIN, CALIFOP-NIA, REZONING P~OPERTY ON A~PL~CATION NO. ZC 73-6 OF TH~ IRVIN~ COMPANY The City of Tustin, California, 4ocs he~y follows: 1. The City Council here~y finds and 4etezmines: a) That a rezoninq 9rooee(htng was duly init_tared By the Planning Co-~(ssion on ag~lica~ion of the Irvine District to Che Planne~ C_~-unity (Indns~-rial) Dis~ic= for the 9roger~Y boun~ed ~y the Santa Ana Freeway, Myfor~ Road, San~a Fe ~ailroa~, and progose~ Jamboree ~a~, he~ ~y ~is ~fe~n~ ~ ~ough se= ~o~ b) ~at p~li= heE~gs were ~uly calle~, notice~ ~ held on s~d ~p~ca~ by ~e Pl~g C-4 ~si~ ~ by ~e City Co.oil o~ ~e City of. c) ~at a ~t ~~=~ ~ac= =ego..was filed for s~ec= pr~e~, he~gs duly called, no=i~d ~d held on s~d ~aft =epo~ ~d ~e ~vir~=al ~ac~ d) That ~e propos~ zon~g is in c~fo~ce ~d Use EI~= of ~e ~neral PI~ ~d ~y ~ all 91~ ei~ ~ c~fli~ a~ herewi~ ~nded in accord~ce wi~ ~e p~cise ~esi~a~ons as us=ri~) ~gulations, refe~e~ her~y ~d a hereof as ~o~h se= fo~ here~ ~ 2. ~e City Co.oil d~s her~y rez~e ~e. s~ject to ~e plannea C~=y (~d~trial) District, s~je~ to a) Develops= criteria, processes ~d uses shall accor~ wi~ ~e Plied C~ity Dis=rio= ~la~ons, as ~ed, to include ~e diagr~, rep~s~ta=ions, c~nts as =on=a~ed in ~e report of ~e I~ne C~y dated ~c~er 5, 1973, en~tl~, Ind~ial C~lex, Tus=~ C~=y b) ~e ~oll~ing ad~onal conditions, criteria s=ipula~ons as receded by ~e Plying C~s~on ~e hereby agp~ed, =o be ~l~ted a= ~e ~s~e~on of ~e City Co. oil in conj~c=ion wi~ ~e approval of Tract Maps ~d incr~en=al plus for ~e s~jec= ~ea: 1) Wa~u= Avenue shall be posted a= ~d Hill Argue to reed as follows: C~ercial Vehicles Over 6,000 ~s. Gross ~ROHIBI~D 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 26 2) No buil~t-g permits shall be issued for area northerly of Walnu= Avenue un,il ~he following s=ree= improve--sCs have been made by ~he proper=y owner, as sho~n on illus~ra=ion "A" of ~he F~R Addendum. a. The cons=rue=ion of ~he Myford In=erchange acc~se road to ~he indue=rial ¢~lex, wi~h fou~ lane access from off-ramp radiue. b. The construe=ion o~ Walnut: Avenue from t/Is proposed js-~or~e Blvd. 2o in~rconnecl: wi=h My~ord Road. o. The ¢ons~ruc=ion of My~ord Road between "D' S~ree= and walnu= Avenue. 3) No building pe~±=s shall be issued for ~e are& sou~.herly of Wa~uC A~n~, wi~ ~e exc~ of ~e p~cel ~si~a~d ~or neigh- a. J~or~e Blvd. is cons~c=ed sou~ of Argue =o in=erco~ec= wi~ ~e Moul~ b. My~ord ~ad is cons=~c~d sou~ of c. The cons=~c~on of fled c~rol =o ~e sa=isfac=ion of ~e Ci~ ~g~r ~ga~ ages= ~e adve~e i~ac= of ~=e~edia=e r~i~al flood. 4) ~e J~oree ~=er~ge wi~ ~e S~=a ~a Preeway be ~ns=~c=ed prior ~o ~e eli~iua~on of ~e presen= My~ord Pre~ay 5) ~a= new b~l~g 9e~i~ shall no= be issued when =raffle co,ts rea~ n~e~ (90%) of ~e pro~ec=i~ sh~ on illus=ra=ion 'A' of ~e EIR ad,nde, ~=il ~e J~m~o~e in=e~ ~ge is cons~ed a= ~e S~=a ~a Fre~ay. 6) ~e ho~ of rail .swirling opera~ons for rail se~ice =o ~e ind,=rial c~lex be =o ~e ho~s of 9:00 a.m =o 4:00 p.m. 7) ~y on-sire noise generation wi~in ~e c~lex be limi=ed =o 70 ~A d~ing day=~ hours 65 ~ d~g nigh=~e hours, as ~as~ed ~e per~eCer of ~y loc wi~ ~e co, lex. 8) ~e Ci~ resets ~e righ= ~o re, re ~ro~- men= of ~e J~oree 51vd. righ=-of-~ay .by ~e I~ine C~p~y or irs successors. a. Those areas ~si~aced by ~e sire devel~ pl~ or =rac= ~ps for co~on open space, hike ~ails, and/or park areas shall be ~roved by ~e I~ine C~y or its successors. 2 3 4 $ 7 8 9 9) lo) axcep~ ~: the intersect, ion o~ ~&~nu~: Avenue. C~s~uc~ion o~ an ai~h~ (8) ~oo~ ~igh bez~ include a 46' builchtnq se~ack area. Council of 'c.~e Ci=y of Tush. in h~lc~ on =he ,~7~-., ~a¥ of ~.h.,.n~--~ 1974. J ATTEST: EXHIBIT "A" QRDINANC~ NO. 611 That pot=ion of Blocks 45 and 63 of Irvine's Subd~vision in ~he City of Tus~in, Co~n=¥ of Orange, State of California, per map recorded ~n Book 1, Page 88 of ~is=ellanmous Record Haps in ~he office of ~he County Recorder of said County, desorib~ as follows: Beg/~u~ing a= ~he mostSou~_herly corner of Tract No. 8034 per map r~ord~ in ~ook 324, Pages 40 to 43 inclusivm of Miscallanmous Maps, records of said County; ~hence Nor~ 44~ 34' 35" East 3?5.07 fee~: along t. he Southeasterly of said =act ~o t.~.e begs-wing of a ~angent cux~m concave ~or=hweeterly and having a radius of 1954.00 fea=~ Nor~:heas~erly 693.10 feet along said cux~e, sai~ Sou~h- eas~mrly line and %he con~_tnua~ion thereof ~h~ugh a cmn~ral angle of 20° 32' 00#; thence tangent =O said c%trve Nor~-h 24° 02' 35" East 645.73 feet =o the begt--~ng of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a red/ua of 2066.00 fee== thence Nor=heasterly 595.10 feet along said cur~a through a ten, al angle of 16~ 35( 53"~ ~hence tangent to said c%%rve Nor~-h 4O~ 39' 28" East 74.31 feet; ~hsn=e Sou~--k 49~ 20' ~2" East 116.00 feet: thence North 68~ 02' i0" East 313.05 feet; =hence South ~9" 0!' 20" East 305.37 feat; $out2~ 68~ 59' 26" East 14~.~6 feet; thence South 51~ 28' 25" East $70.47 feet to a l~ne parallel with and Southwesterly 107.80 feet from the Nore-heasterly line of said Block 45; thence South 49~ 20' 32" East 1018.01 feet along said parallel line to =he Southeasterly 1/~.e of the existing rcs=in City bo~ndar~ as described ~n U. S. ~=arine Corps - Lrvine A-n~xation ~c. 7!-A =o the City o= Tustin, California, as certified by th~ Sacra'aery. of Staue on December 14, L371 as Resolution ~o. 71-79; Chance alon~ &aid Southea~=~riy line the courses: South 40~ 39' 2~" ~est 1441.20 fast, Southwesterly i&!4.46 fset along a tangent cu=~e concave Southeasterly, hating a radius of 2550.00 feet and a central angle o~ 3L: 46' 53", tangent =o ~aid cu~e South ~ $2~ 35" West 1949.64 fee= and Sou~%weete~ly 720.11 feet along a tangent cu~?e concave ~orthwes=erly, having a radius of 1400.00 f~e= and a central angle of 29~ 2S~ 17" =o =he NorT.heas=erly ILne Of the right of way !00.00 feet wide of =he Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as described in the dead recorded in Book 245, Page 223 of Deeds, records o~ Los Angeles County, California; thence North 49~ 20' 40" Wes= 1377.37 feet along said Northeasterly line to the Sou-~herly corner of the land described as Parcel F10-102 in the deed to Orange County Flood Control 0istrict recorded in Book 6808, Page 992 of Official Records, r~cords of said Orange County~ thence North 40" 39' 20" East 65.00 feet and Morth 49? 20' 40" ~;es= 2~66.67 feet along the boundaL~/ of said land; thence North 30~ 19' 35" East 1135.57 feet =o the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 2066.00 feet; thence Northeasterly 513.83 feet along said curve through a central anglm of 14~ 15' 00" to i~s 9oint of tangency with the Southwesterly prolonga=icn of that certain course in said Southeasterly line of said Tract No. ~034 shown on said map as North 44~ 34' 35" EaSt 375.07 feet; thence North 44° 34' 35" East 539.93 feet along said prolongation ~o the point of beginning. COn=dining an area of 300.674 acres, more or less. 9 ~0 31l 15 su~jec~ to ~he approval of ~he City 19 gl 24 26 ~? 28 29 ~2 ORD~NANCW. NO. 674 AN ORDI.NANC~ OF THE CI%~Z COUNCIL, CI%~Z OF TUSTI~, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 611 (IRVINE~TUSTIN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX) ON A~PL~CATION OF TH~ IRVINE INDUSTRiAl% COMPLEX. The City Council, of ~he City of T~stin, Califor~ia, does hereby ordain as follows;. 1. Paragraph 2.b)3) of Ordinance _N_o.,-611 of ~he City of Tus=in, California, is hereby amended =o read as follows: [ ~ expense of the pro. pez~y owner an at-grade crossing from Dow Avenue to Moul=on Parkway to the specifica=ions as approved by ~ne City Engineer as an ~erim access road, or in lieu ~hereof, an agreement entered £nto secured by a bond in ~he an~un= of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) for an eib=aah (18) month t. ime period from ~he date of adoption of =his Ordinance to guarantee suc'{ b) A= such ~ as City finds and detez~nines that traf- fic conditions so require, Walnut A~nue shall be ex~ended easterly be=ween Myford Road and Harvard Avenue at cos= of o~her than the City of Tustin, and from an~ after such de- te.-mina=ion and until completion of such ex~ension, no fur- =her building pezunits shall be iSsUed for construction on that portion of the property rezoned by ~his Ordinance lying southerly of Walnu= Avenue. c) At such time as City finds and de=ermines that traf- fic conditions so require, the ltv!ne Industrial Complex or subsequent owner of subject right-of-way shall cause an in- terconnec=ion of Myford Road and Jan~oree Road =o Moulton Parkway as n~w or hereafter aligned on the Orange County $ $ master Plan of Arterial Highways =o be cuns=ruc~ed, and from and after such determination and ~ntil completion of s~h ~ns=ru~i~n no s~d on =ha= potion of ~e prope~y rezoned by ~is Ordi- nate lying Sou~erly of W~nu= A~n~. d). All i~=s wi~in s~d ~ea s~Je~ regional fled shall be cons2ru~ed 2o ~e =~re~n=s of ~e City B~i~q Offi~, shall be ~ns=r~ed neet. P~SED ~ ~P~D a= a re~ ~e=~g of =~e Ci=y Co.c!1, City of T~=i~, C~ifo~ia, held on ~e /f F~day 'of ~,~ 1976. A~EST